I drop in and out of watching Agents of SHIELD. It seems to be one of those shows that backs up on my DVR. Excited for Agent Carter, though.
Also saw today that Jack Kirby has finally been given creator credit in many of Marvel's most iconic comics. So glad to see it, wish it happened when he was still alive.
That was a huge problem with Origins: Wolverine. Why oh why did they stuff it full of characters, especially ones who shouldn't have been there....sigh.
Yeah, I have thought the Wolverine solo movies have been OK. As I mentioned before, I really want to see a darker version of Wolverine, but probably won't happen because of his marketability to kids. I would have to go back through my old comics, but I remember some very dark story lines. The Gehenna Stone Affair, amongst others, pops into my head.
PJ: 2003 Mansfield: July 2 2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29 2005 Montreal: Sept 15 2006 Boston: May 24 & 25 2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28, 2010 Boston: May 17 2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25, 2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
EV Solo: Boston 8/2/08, Boston 6/16/11
everybody knows this is nowhere Posts: 7,640
There's been rumours of Marvel getting Spidey back for a while now, and it reared it's head again with the Civil War announcement (and the poor reviews for the new Spidey film). It would be interesting to see how they'd fit him in.
I love the way that the MCU movies are all connected, I just hope they can keep the continuity going with all of the extra characters coming out. The continuity with the X-Men movies is completely fucked now but the films are still a lot of fun.
“Do not postpone happiness”
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
Full disclosure: I've never read a comic book in my life. I don't know why, there was a comic book store 6-7 blocks from my house. In fact I even collected baseball cards for a very short time and that's where I got them. I was a "real book" girl, which made less sense since there ain't never been a book store anywhere NEAR here.
I've been permanently mad at Spidey since he was in my way when they were filming way back when. I think I only watched the first two, and then I never watched the reboot either. I don't even remember what they made me late for, but I was very pissed off.
I would recommend watching Agents of Shield but you gotta give them a break for the first half of the first season. I think ABC kind of fucked with them in the beginning, and when Thor: The Dark World came out they did a LOT of advertising that SHIELD was gonna pick up where that left off, which was bull, so pissed off a lot of people (including me). I agree that Season 2 has been exceptional, but you need to sit through season 1 to be able to "get" a lot of the interpersonal relationships. After Winter Soldier SHIELD really took off.
I can't wait for the new Captain America movie. I need more Bucky in my life.
There's been rumours of Marvel getting Spidey back for a while now, and it reared it's head again with the Civil War announcement (and the poor reviews for the new Spidey film). It would be interesting to see how they'd fit him in.
I love the way that the MCU movies are all connected, I just hope they can keep the continuity going with all of the extra characters coming out. The continuity with the X-Men movies is completely fucked now but the films are still a lot of fun.
I think they're just going to go back to X-Men 1 continuity as far as movies go, and forget about X2 and 3. But we'll see. Apocalypse will come out and none of it will be addressed
I think it will be good, based on how they're doing with all the other movies. Like any movie I know I'm going to see, I avoid any trailers or spoilers as much as I can before the movie
I think it will be good, based on how they're doing with all the other movies. Like any movie I know I'm going to see, I avoid any trailers or spoilers as much as I can before the movie
The worst part is when you have to stay off social media entirely cuz you didn't get to watch something yet. Lately some of my shows have been 'live instagramming' which I tend to forget about so i have scroll away really really fast! lol
Haha, I will avoid it until after I see the movie! I did see the Guardians trailers beforehand, but I was on the fence about seeing it (until I saw the trailers).
So what's everyone's thoughts on Age of Ultron? I for one am stoked beyond belief!
I'm pumped for it. The first Avengers was a great action movie. Personally I enjoy some of the solo movies more, but can't deny the additions of Ultron, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, and maybe more will be pretty unbelievable!
PJ: 2003 Mansfield: July 2 2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29 2005 Montreal: Sept 15 2006 Boston: May 24 & 25 2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28, 2010 Boston: May 17 2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25, 2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
EV Solo: Boston 8/2/08, Boston 6/16/11
everybody knows this is nowhere Posts: 7,640
Quick question - did Agents of SHIELD ever get any better? I thought the first episode was ok but it really went downhill fast from there. I got as far as 10 minutes in to episode 4 before I turned off and didn't go back to it. I know it's only a TV tie-in but the acting is piss poor and Fitz, Simmons, Skye and Ward are awful characters.
Part of me wants to know that it did get better (and may be worth watching) because I'm a sucker for the Marvel stuff, but on the other hand I don't want to suffer through any more of it if it's still just as crap as the first few shows.
I'm looking forward to Agent Carter though, that should be pretty interesting
“Do not postpone happiness”
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
Quick question - did Agents of SHIELD ever get any better? I thought the first episode was ok but it really went downhill fast from there. I got as far as 10 minutes in to episode 4 before I turned off and didn't go back to it. I know it's only a TV tie-in but the acting is piss poor and Fitz, Simmons, Skye and Ward are awful characters.
Part of me wants to know that it did get better (and may be worth watching) because I'm a sucker for the Marvel stuff, but on the other hand I don't want to suffer through any more of it if it's still just as crap as the first few shows.
I'm looking forward to Agent Carter though, that should be pretty interesting
Literally a million times better, it picks up slightly somewhere around episode 12 and then after the Winter Soldier (somewhere around episode 16 or so?) it picks up BIG TIME. Season 2 has been 100% awesome so far.
everybody knows this is nowhere Posts: 7,640
Thanks. It looks like I've got some catching up to do then!
“Do not postpone happiness”
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
PJ: 2003 Mansfield: July 2 2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29 2005 Montreal: Sept 15 2006 Boston: May 24 & 25 2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28, 2010 Boston: May 17 2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25, 2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
I've actually heard rumors that they're purposely trying to make that movie suck. Even though I'm a huge Spidey fan I honestly think that the best property for the MCU that they don't currently have is the FF, so honestly I'm hoping it bombs and marvel gets the rights back at some point.
I literally can not even begin to describe how excited I am for this news! One thing I'm kinda confused on though, so Sony is make a spider-man movie in 2017 with Kevin producing so is it going to be in the MCU or are we having 2 different Spideys swinging around in 2 different universes? Neither situation sounds ideal though, but I'll take what I can get for now.
Also saw today that Jack Kirby has finally been given creator credit in many of Marvel's most iconic comics. So glad to see it, wish it happened when he was still alive.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
2003 Mansfield: July 2
2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29
2005 Montreal: Sept 15
2006 Boston: May 24 & 25
2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28,
2010 Boston: May 17
2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25,
2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
EV Solo: Boston 8/2/08, Boston 6/16/11
I love the way that the MCU movies are all connected, I just hope they can keep the continuity going with all of the extra characters coming out. The continuity with the X-Men movies is completely fucked now but the films are still a lot of fun.
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
I've been permanently mad at Spidey since he was in my way when they were filming way back when. I think I only watched the first two, and then I never watched the reboot either. I don't even remember what they made me late for, but I was very pissed off.
I would recommend watching Agents of Shield but you gotta give them a break for the first half of the first season. I think ABC kind of fucked with them in the beginning, and when Thor: The Dark World came out they did a LOT of advertising that SHIELD was gonna pick up where that left off, which was bull, so pissed off a lot of people (including me). I agree that Season 2 has been exceptional, but you need to sit through season 1 to be able to "get" a lot of the interpersonal relationships. After Winter Soldier SHIELD really took off.
I can't wait for the new Captain America movie. I need more Bucky in my life.
I want to post this here, it's a picture but it's quite large so I didn't want to embed it and take up too much space: http://i.imgur.com/c9umXL4.jpg and this is an alternate version with less scrolling: http://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/218gvc/updated_mcu_watch_order/
But we'll see. Apocalypse will come out and none of it will be addressed
The worst part is when you have to stay off social media entirely cuz you didn't get to watch something yet. Lately some of my shows have been 'live instagramming' which I tend to forget about so i have scroll away really really fast! lol
I did see the Guardians trailers beforehand, but I was on the fence about seeing it (until I saw the trailers).
2003 Mansfield: July 2
2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29
2005 Montreal: Sept 15
2006 Boston: May 24 & 25
2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28,
2010 Boston: May 17
2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25,
2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
EV Solo: Boston 8/2/08, Boston 6/16/11
Part of me wants to know that it did get better (and may be worth watching) because I'm a sucker for the Marvel stuff, but on the other hand I don't want to suffer through any more of it if it's still just as crap as the first few shows.
I'm looking forward to Agent Carter though, that should be pretty interesting
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
2003 Mansfield: July 2
2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29
2005 Montreal: Sept 15
2006 Boston: May 24 & 25
2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28,
2010 Boston: May 17
2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25,
2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
EV Solo: Boston 8/2/08, Boston 6/16/11
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
Daredevil looks awesome
I love going to the movies, I'd go every weekend if I could.