How about arming teachers with the things they really need. Like new books, working equipment, modern school supplies, etc
It is a little misleading, as they are not “arming teachers”, but “allowing teachers to be armed” if they volunteer instead. Wonder how many volunteers they will have.
How about arming teachers with the things they really need. Like new books, working equipment, modern school supplies, etc
It is a little misleading, as they are not “arming teachers”, but “allowing teachers to be armed” if they volunteer instead. Wonder how many volunteers they will have.
Who is making sure the "volunteers" have gone through the proper training and are mentally stable enough to handle the responsibility of a weapon around children? Are these "volunteers" educating and training other teachers, administrators, & staff on the risks & safety protocols of carrying weapons around innocent and unarmed children? Are they educating the students about it? And are they doing it on their own time with their own money? You elect to carry, fine (not really, but it seems there is no getting over this fucking hard-on Americans have for guns).. But definitely don't make it the burden of tax payers. Public funding should go to education, not armament.
Fuck these assholes. The apocalypse is upon us folks... 13-1 vote??? This pisses me off.
Did anybody ask the fucking kids what they think???
The kids opinions have been voiced with the many protests they've assembled. Parents and administrators basically just said "we don't give a fuck what you kids think" with this ruling. Pathetic and sad.
How about arming teachers with the things they really need. Like new books, working equipment, modern school supplies, etc
It is a little misleading, as they are not “arming teachers”, but “allowing teachers to be armed” if they volunteer instead. Wonder how many volunteers they will have.
Why would a country let it find itself in a position to having to have firearms in schools.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
How about arming teachers with the things they really need. Like new books, working equipment, modern school supplies, etc
It is a little misleading, as they are not “arming teachers”, but “allowing teachers to be armed” if they volunteer instead. Wonder how many volunteers they will have.
Who is making sure the "volunteers" have gone through the proper training and are mentally stable enough to handle the responsibility of a weapon around children? Are these "volunteers" educating and training other teachers, administrators, & staff on the risks & safety protocols of carrying weapons around innocent and unarmed children? Are they educating the students about it? And are they doing it on their own time with their own money? You elect to carry, fine (not really, but it seems there is no getting over this fucking hard-on Americans have for guns).. But definitely don't make it the burden of tax payers. Public funding should go to education, not armament.
I don’t know the answers to all of these questions, but they are legit questions that were hopefully addressed. The article did mention a training program, but that is all I’ve seen so far. I’m sure there will be more details to come.
Fuck these assholes. The apocalypse is upon us folks... 13-1 vote??? This pisses me off.
Did anybody ask the fucking kids what they think???
The kids opinions have been voiced with the many protests they've assembled. Parents and administrators basically just said "we don't give a fuck what you kids think" with this ruling. Pathetic and sad.
There were several kids asking for teachers to be armed too, but they weren’t in the spotlight as much as the other crew. It is the administration’s job to make these decisions regardless of what the kids or you think would be the best solution. I’m sure they heard all kinds of arguments as to what differences people think they should do and hopefully communicated with professionals in this area.
How about arming teachers with the things they really need. Like new books, working equipment, modern school supplies, etc
It is a little misleading, as they are not “arming teachers”, but “allowing teachers to be armed” if they volunteer instead. Wonder how many volunteers they will have.
Why would a country let it find itself in a position to having to have firearms in schools.
The comical thing (if it wasn't so saddening) is the fact that the problem is not getting better- it's getting worse. The US seems to be a sucker for punishment. I mean, if they aren't electing a complete moron as their president... they're enacting laws that defy logic and common sense.
The gun epidemic is screaming for remedies (as are the country's concerned citizens) and instead, the problem is worsened. I could almost guarantee that- over the next ten years of any country arming their teachers- the lives saved by a Rambo teacher taking down an armed intruder will not come close to the innocent lives taken with the guns intended for 'good' use.
Teachers can be irrational and emotional as well. There are countless teacher-student, teacher-teacher, teacher-parent, and teacher-administrator interactions which could have the potential to evoke an emotional and irrational response leading to violence.
There are countless scenarios far more probable than an armed intruder incident. Off the top of my head, what if some student steals it and uses it on some other students or staff members?
I would never send my kids to a school where its teachers are armed. There is already a high degree of trust given to the school system with our children. No two or three week training course is going to steady the nerves of some poindexter trained in history, mathematics, art, language, or whatever. Get serious.
How about arming teachers with the things they really need. Like new books, working equipment, modern school supplies, etc
It is a little misleading, as they are not “arming teachers”, but “allowing teachers to be armed” if they volunteer instead. Wonder how many volunteers they will have.
Why would a country let it find itself in a position to having to have firearms in schools.
The comical thing (if it wasn't so saddening) is the fact that the problem is not getting better- it's getting worse. The US seems to be a sucker for punishment. I mean, if they aren't electing a complete moron as their president... they're enacting laws that defy logic and common sense.
The gun epidemic is screaming for remedies (as are the country's concerned citizens) and instead, the problem is worsened. I could almost guarantee that- over the next ten years of any country arming their teachers- the lives saved by a Rambo teacher taking down an armed intruder will not come close to the innocent lives taken with the guns intended for 'good' use.
Teachers can be irrational and emotional as well. There are countless teacher-student, teacher-teacher, teacher-parent, and teacher-administrator interactions which could have the potential to evoke an emotional and irrational response leading to violence.
There are countless scenarios far more probable than an armed intruder incident. Off the top of my head, what if some student steals it and uses it on some other students or staff members?
I would never send my kids to a school where its teachers are armed. There is already a high degree of trust given to the school system with our children. No two or three week training course is going to steady the nerves of some poindexter trained in history, mathematics, art, language, or whatever. Get serious.
I agree, let also no forget some teachers have nervous breakdowns. Do you want a teacher on the brink of a breakdown with a gun...yikes?
I worked 25 years in schools and come across a few teachers that ended in the board office because they could no longer deal with kids. And I'm sure I do not have to you this, even teachers with the most patients can get upset as well.
Well...duh. The fact that we are not properly enforcing laws that are already on the books is well known and a topic of much frustration amongst gun owners that do follow the rules. In other news, grass is green.
You know how people are always saying "We need to enforce existing gun laws."?
This is a good example.
As the article states, it’s very difficult to prove intent. There’s nothing illegal about being wrong on the form. But it is illegal to intentionally lie. How do you prove someone lied when they claim “I just forgot?” Bit why even ask and rely on the individual to begin with, have a better system for a background check if we need to rely on felons being honest for it to work.
Having a gun in your house exponentially increases the occupants' odds of getting hurt or killed by a gun.
When 34 injury prevention experts were asked to prioritize home injury hazards for young children, based on frequency, severity, and preventability of the injury, the experts rated access to firearms in the home as the most significant hazard. (Harvard gun expert David Hemenway)
Also cue: that was suggested by some loser from Harvard... I live in the real world and in the real world- where I routinely spit tobacco down my shirt when I try to hit the dust- I know best 'cuz I'm a real smart feller.
The comical thing (if it wasn't so saddening) is the fact that the problem is not getting better- it's getting worse. The US seems to be a sucker for punishment. I mean, if they aren't electing a complete moron as their president... they're enacting laws that defy logic and common sense.
The gun epidemic is screaming for remedies (as are the country's concerned citizens) and instead, the problem is worsened. I could almost guarantee that- over the next ten years of any country arming their teachers- the lives saved by a Rambo teacher taking down an armed intruder will not come close to the innocent lives taken with the guns intended for 'good' use.
Teachers can be irrational and emotional as well. There are countless teacher-student, teacher-teacher, teacher-parent, and teacher-administrator interactions which could have the potential to evoke an emotional and irrational response leading to violence.
There are countless scenarios far more probable than an armed intruder incident. Off the top of my head, what if some student steals it and uses it on some other students or staff members?
I would never send my kids to a school where its teachers are armed. There is already a high degree of trust given to the school system with our children. No two or three week training course is going to steady the nerves of some poindexter trained in history, mathematics, art, language, or whatever. Get serious.
I worked 25 years in schools and come across a few teachers that ended in the board office because they could no longer deal with kids. And I'm sure I do not have to you this, even teachers with the most patients can get upset as well.
Anyone hear from the NRA recently? Seems weally, weally quiet since Butina copped a plea. Wonder why? Traitorous?
This is a good example.
There’s nothing illegal about being wrong on the form. But it is illegal to intentionally lie. How do you prove someone lied when they claim “I just forgot?”
Bit why even ask and rely on the individual to begin with, have a better system for a background check if we need to rely on felons being honest for it to work.
The children of gun owners kill other children
Guns don't kill people
The children of gun owners kill people and themselves.....
Having a gun in your house exponentially increases the occupants' odds of getting hurt or killed by a gun.
When 34 injury prevention experts were asked to prioritize home injury hazards for young children, based on frequency, severity, and preventability of the injury, the experts rated access to firearms in the home as the most significant hazard.
(Harvard gun expert David Hemenway)
Cue: what about scotch mints? forks? icy driveways? clothing donation drop boxes?
for perspective