All this talk of what could go wrong seems a little nitpicky to me. There's a person with an assault rifle gunning down everyone in sight, trying to kill as many people as possible...and y'all are shitting your pants over the idea that a teacher trying to stop them might miss the psychopathic menace and hit a student? Some risks are worth taking.
I wouldn't even be entertaining these thoughts if I thought anything meaningful would happen in gun control efforts. IT WON'T.
Nothing is going to happen. If you think it is, your head is in your ass.
Really? Nitpicky?
Guess some of us are not willing to give up like you.
Don't mind me while I take in the view from up my ass.
I haven't given up efforts, I've given up hope. I'm an atheist, i don't believe in ghosts or UFO's, I'm not the type to buy into fairytales and the idea that any of our solutions will be put into effect within the next few years is a fairytale. Meanwhile, our kids are standing exposed and helpless, and from my perspective it's you who is doing nothing to protect them. We've reached desperate times and desperate measures are called for.
And from my perspective it is you and others here who are advocating for kids to be put into more danger.
Do nothing then, that's your choice to make. The battle lines are drawn and I don't see any ground being given.
Hey man, we agree on most things, but we were bound to find some separation somewhere.
You are right though, I can pretty much do nothing from where I'm at. I don't even have a vote. I can just do my best to make sure this clusterfuck doesn't spread North.
And my vote is already cast and I'm in a state of desperation on this. I'm afraid to send my son to school in a few years, I'm afraid of the world he will grow up in. I still go and enjoy concerts, but not like before. Any crowded place feels like a dangerous situation to me now. I'm not letting it stop me, but fear for my son has changed things.
Sooo... ultimately... the US is deciding the answer to the gun problem is the proverbial 'more guns'. Gun industry rejoice... you got 'em right were you need them!
For the love of Gawd... seriously? Arming teachers with guns to fight the inevitable armed intruders? Anything but actually addressing the root of the problem, eh?
The second amendment arguments and the 'let's just deal with reality' arguments are weak. There is no legitimate debate regarding the need for gun reform in the US. The tail is wagging the dog.
It's disgusting... the gun lobby wins again... has distracted a nation full of gun addicts to actually consider arming teachers and made it the main debate somehow
I hope this moron wins again in 2020, we deserve it
Every single educator I know, and there are lots from pre-school up through college professors, think arming teachers is stupid.
Many of us think banning guns is stupid.
Banning all guns could never happen. Most are talking about assault weapons . Do you think that's stupid and please explain why, if yes.
I don’t think banning the AR15 would change anything. There are many similar guns. Also, a valid argument from friends is that they want to own a gun similar to what the government has possession of. Many people don’t like that argument, but many people don’t want to end up like Rome, Cuba, China, German/Poland, ect. I think it’s a valid argument personally, but purely my opinion.
I didn't say AR. I said all assault style weapons.
The "fight the government" argument is outrageously silly. If you want to fight them, you'll need far more more than that. Might as well legalize SAMs, bunker busters, fully automatics , etc. I'm hardly sympathetic to the militia man.
That’s your opinion, but I am sticking to mine. Governments are responsible for more mass murder than anything in history. Some protection is better than none.
All this talk of what could go wrong seems a little nitpicky to me. There's a person with an assault rifle gunning down everyone in sight, trying to kill as many people as possible...and y'all are shitting your pants over the idea that a teacher trying to stop them might miss the psychopathic menace and hit a student? Some risks are worth taking.
I wouldn't even be entertaining these thoughts if I thought anything meaningful would happen in gun control efforts. IT WON'T.
Nothing is going to happen. If you think it is, your head is in your ass.
Really? Nitpicky?
Guess some of us are not willing to give up like you.
Don't mind me while I take in the view from up my ass.
I haven't given up efforts, I've given up hope. I'm an atheist, i don't believe in ghosts or UFO's, I'm not the type to buy into fairytales and the idea that any of our solutions will be put into effect within the next few years is a fairytale. Meanwhile, our kids are standing exposed and helpless, and from my perspective it's you who is doing nothing to protect them. We've reached desperate times and desperate measures are called for.
And from my perspective it is you and others here who are advocating for kids to be put into more danger.
Do nothing then, that's your choice to make. The battle lines are drawn and I don't see any ground being given.
Hey man, we agree on most things, but we were bound to find some separation somewhere.
You are right though, I can pretty much do nothing from where I'm at. I don't even have a vote. I can just do my best to make sure this clusterfuck doesn't spread North.
And my vote is already cast and I'm in a state of desperation on this. I'm afraid to send my son to school in a few years, I'm afraid of the world he will grow up in. I still go and enjoy concerts, but not like before. Any crowded place feels like a dangerous situation to me now. I'm not letting it stop me, but fear for my son has changed things.
Yeah, I can understand that. I have a son who is 3 years and another who is almost 5 months. Thankfully I don't have to be very concerned with a kid carrying semi-automatics into their schools in the near future.
Every single educator I know, and there are lots from pre-school up through college professors, think arming teachers is stupid.
Many of us think banning guns is stupid.
Banning all guns could never happen. Most are talking about assault weapons . Do you think that's stupid and please explain why, if yes.
I don’t think banning the AR15 would change anything. There are many similar guns. Also, a valid argument from friends is that they want to own a gun similar to what the government has possession of. Many people don’t like that argument, but many people don’t want to end up like Rome, Cuba, China, German/Poland, ect. I think it’s a valid argument personally, but purely my opinion.
I didn't say AR. I said all assault style weapons.
The "fight the government" argument is outrageously silly. If you want to fight them, you'll need far more more than that. Might as well legalize SAMs, bunker busters, fully automatics , etc. I'm hardly sympathetic to the militia man.
That’s your opinion, but I am sticking to mine. Governments are responsible for more mass murder than anything in history. Some protection is better than none.
The 2nd amendment is NOT BEING REPEALED. Tell your friends to be man up and stop living in fear.
Simon is 3 and I was already lightly entertaining the notion of home schooling. School can ruin the best parts of kids and squash good qualities that should remain for life, even without school shootings. All the patients my wife has had who were home schooled are way ahead of their peers in every respect aside from maybe peer socialization.
Every single educator I know, and there are lots from pre-school up through college professors, think arming teachers is stupid.
Many of us think banning guns is stupid.
Banning all guns could never happen. Most are talking about assault weapons . Do you think that's stupid and please explain why, if yes.
I don’t think banning the AR15 would change anything. There are many similar guns. Also, a valid argument from friends is that they want to own a gun similar to what the government has possession of. Many people don’t like that argument, but many people don’t want to end up like Rome, Cuba, China, German/Poland, ect. I think it’s a valid argument personally, but purely my opinion.
I didn't say AR. I said all assault style weapons.
The "fight the government" argument is outrageously silly. If you want to fight them, you'll need far more more than that. Might as well legalize SAMs, bunker busters, fully automatics , etc. I'm hardly sympathetic to the militia man.
That’s your opinion, but I am sticking to mine. Governments are responsible for more mass murder than anything in history. Some protection is better than none.
The 2nd amendment is NOT BEING REPEALED. Tell your friends to be man up and stop living in fear.
They don’t live in fear. The can protect themselves!
Every single educator I know, and there are lots from pre-school up through college professors, think arming teachers is stupid.
Many of us think banning guns is stupid.
Banning all guns could never happen. Most are talking about assault weapons . Do you think that's stupid and please explain why, if yes.
I don’t think banning the AR15 would change anything. There are many similar guns. Also, a valid argument from friends is that they want to own a gun similar to what the government has possession of. Many people don’t like that argument, but many people don’t want to end up like Rome, Cuba, China, German/Poland, ect. I think it’s a valid argument personally, but purely my opinion.
I didn't say AR. I said all assault style weapons.
The "fight the government" argument is outrageously silly. If you want to fight them, you'll need far more more than that. Might as well legalize SAMs, bunker busters, fully automatics , etc. I'm hardly sympathetic to the militia man.
That’s your opinion, but I am sticking to mine. Governments are responsible for more mass murder than anything in history. Some protection is better than none.
The 2nd amendment is NOT BEING REPEALED. Tell your friends to be man up and stop living in fear.
They don’t live in fear. The can protect themselves!
From an F-16 or barrage of missiles raining down from an aircraft carrier off the coast? Need to soften you up before the armored division rolls through for mop up duty
Every single educator I know, and there are lots from pre-school up through college professors, think arming teachers is stupid.
Many of us think banning guns is stupid.
Banning all guns could never happen. Most are talking about assault weapons . Do you think that's stupid and please explain why, if yes.
I don’t think banning the AR15 would change anything. There are many similar guns. Also, a valid argument from friends is that they want to own a gun similar to what the government has possession of. Many people don’t like that argument, but many people don’t want to end up like Rome, Cuba, China, German/Poland, ect. I think it’s a valid argument personally, but purely my opinion.
I didn't say AR. I said all assault style weapons.
The "fight the government" argument is outrageously silly. If you want to fight them, you'll need far more more than that. Might as well legalize SAMs, bunker busters, fully automatics , etc. I'm hardly sympathetic to the militia man.
That’s your opinion, but I am sticking to mine. Governments are responsible for more mass murder than anything in history. Some protection is better than none.
The 2nd amendment is NOT BEING REPEALED. Tell your friends to be man up and stop living in fear.
They don’t live in fear. The can protect themselves!
I can protect myself too. I have a cabinet full of weapons. But none of them are assault. If the government comes for me, or whatever crazy scenario sticks in people's head, a team of full armed soldiers will take me out whether I have an assault rifle or not. Maybe I take one with me, maybe not. But the story ends the same.
Your fantasy scenario of what possibly could happen doesn't morally outweigh what is ACTUALLY happening in America today.
Every single educator I know, and there are lots from pre-school up through college professors, think arming teachers is stupid.
Many of us think banning guns is stupid.
Banning all guns could never happen. Most are talking about assault weapons . Do you think that's stupid and please explain why, if yes.
I don’t think banning the AR15 would change anything. There are many similar guns. Also, a valid argument from friends is that they want to own a gun similar to what the government has possession of. Many people don’t like that argument, but many people don’t want to end up like Rome, Cuba, China, German/Poland, ect. I think it’s a valid argument personally, but purely my opinion.
I didn't say AR. I said all assault style weapons.
The "fight the government" argument is outrageously silly. If you want to fight them, you'll need far more more than that. Might as well legalize SAMs, bunker busters, fully automatics , etc. I'm hardly sympathetic to the militia man.
That’s your opinion, but I am sticking to mine. Governments are responsible for more mass murder than anything in history. Some protection is better than none.
The 2nd amendment is NOT BEING REPEALED. Tell your friends to be man up and stop living in fear.
They don’t live in fear. The can protect themselves!
Depends on how you look at it. I think they're afraid of something. That's why they're stockpiling weapons. Were they freaking out about y2k too? Do they have their basements stockpiled with canned food in anticipation of Armageddon or something?
They're scared. That's why they think they need to arm themselves with mass killing machines. They need to have their head's examined.
Is anyone opposed to armed guards or police patrolling our schools?
Most schools already have one. My son's HS has one. The school in FL had one. I'm very much for them, but it's not a tradeoff for assault weapons in my book.
Is anyone opposed to armed guards or police patrolling our schools?
Most schools already have one. My son's HS has one. The school in FL had one. I'm very much for them, but it's not a tradeoff for assault weapons in my book.
Who s talking about assault weapons? The cop in my school carries a .40 caliber glock.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with people looking at history, saying “that was aweful. I don’t want that to happen”. So they take necessary caution just Incase. These guns are stowed, hidden, just Incase something happens.
Also, what’s wrong with storing canned foods Incase of natural disaster? I always buy extra canned foods when on sale to store in the pantry.
I promise that rhe responsible fire fire arm owners that I know will not murder your kids at school.
Did anyone else watch the Town Hall last night and catch when the NRA representative tried to argue that the fact the 2nd Amendment was written over 225 years ago had no bearing because Puckle guns existed back then? Fucking hilarious. What a delusional organization.
Did anyone else watch the Town Hall last night and catch when the NRA representative tried to argue that the fact the 2nd Amendment was written over 225 years ago had no bearing because Puckle guns existed back then? Fucking hilarious. What a delusional organization.
Did anyone else watch the Town Hall last night and catch when the NRA representative tried to argue that the fact the 2nd Amendment was written over 225 years ago had no bearing because Puckle guns existed back then? Fucking hilarious. What a delusional organization.
Did anyone else watch the Town Hall last night and catch when the NRA representative tried to argue that the fact the 2nd Amendment was written over 225 years ago had no bearing because Puckle guns existed back then? Fucking hilarious. What a delusional organization.
Is anyone opposed to armed guards or police patrolling our schools?
Most schools already have one. My son's HS has one. The school in FL had one. I'm very much for them, but it's not a tradeoff for assault weapons in my book.
Who s talking about assault weapons? The cop in my school carries a .40 caliber glock.
That's not what I'm saying. Armed guards in school already exists today in many schools. For my son, it's local police that is assigned to the school. Regardless of that situation, I believe fervently in an assault rifle ban, just like we had in the 90's.
Did anyone else watch the Town Hall last night and catch when the NRA representative tried to argue that the fact the 2nd Amendment was written over 225 years ago had no bearing because Puckle guns existed back then? Fucking hilarious. What a delusional organization.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with people looking at history, saying “that was aweful. I don’t want that to happen”. So they take necessary caution just Incase. These guns are stowed, hidden, just Incase something happens.
Also, what’s wrong with storing canned foods Incase of natural disaster? I always buy extra canned foods when on sale to store in the pantry.
I promise that rhe responsible fire fire arm owners that I know will not murder your kids at school.
How about people looking at recent history and saying “that was awful. We don’t want that to happen again”? Recent as in last week? A repeat of that is far more likely than the scenario your friends fear.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Is anyone opposed to armed guards or police patrolling our schools?
Most schools already have one. My son's HS has one. The school in FL had one. I'm very much for them, but it's not a tradeoff for assault weapons in my book.
Who s talking about assault weapons? The cop in my school carries a .40 caliber glock.
That's not what I'm saying. Armed guards in school already exists today in many schools. For my son, it's local police that is assigned to the school. Regardless of that situation, I believe fervently in an assault rifle ban, just like we had in the 90's.
I got ya and respect your opinion. what state are you from?
Is anyone opposed to armed guards or police patrolling our schools?
Most schools already have one. My son's HS has one. The school in FL had one. I'm very much for them, but it's not a tradeoff for assault weapons in my book.
Who s talking about assault weapons? The cop in my school carries a .40 caliber glock.
That's not what I'm saying. Armed guards in school already exists today in many schools. For my son, it's local police that is assigned to the school. Regardless of that situation, I believe fervently in an assault rifle ban, just like we had in the 90's.
I got ya and respect your opinion. what state are you from?
Virginia.. a very moderate state. It fits my personality perfectly.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with people looking at history, saying “that was aweful. I don’t want that to happen”. So they take necessary caution just Incase. These guns are stowed, hidden, just Incase something happens.
Also, what’s wrong with storing canned foods Incase of natural disaster? I always buy extra canned foods when on sale to store in the pantry.
I promise that rhe responsible fire fire arm owners that I know will not murder your kids at school.
How about people looking at recent history and saying “that was awful. We don’t want that to happen again”? Recent as in last week? A repeat of that is far more likely than the scenario your friends fear.
When the zombie apocalypse hits you will wish you were on the Bellingham militia compound.
Is anyone opposed to armed guards or police patrolling our schools?
Most schools already have one. My son's HS has one. The school in FL had one. I'm very much for them, but it's not a tradeoff for assault weapons in my book.
Who s talking about assault weapons? The cop in my school carries a .40 caliber glock.
That's not what I'm saying. Armed guards in school already exists today in many schools. For my son, it's local police that is assigned to the school. Regardless of that situation, I believe fervently in an assault rifle ban, just like we had in the 90's.
I got ya and respect your opinion. what state are you from?
Virginia.. a very moderate state. It fits my personality perfectly.
definitely more moderate than ever before! Would I be correct in saying the further away from d.c., the redder it gets (with richmond being the exception)?
Is anyone opposed to armed guards or police patrolling our schools?
Most schools already have one. My son's HS has one. The school in FL had one. I'm very much for them, but it's not a tradeoff for assault weapons in my book.
Who s talking about assault weapons? The cop in my school carries a .40 caliber glock.
That's not what I'm saying. Armed guards in school already exists today in many schools. For my son, it's local police that is assigned to the school. Regardless of that situation, I believe fervently in an assault rifle ban, just like we had in the 90's.
I got ya and respect your opinion. what state are you from?
Virginia.. a very moderate state. It fits my personality perfectly.
definitely more moderate than ever before! Would I be correct in saying the further away from d.c., the redder it gets (with richmond being the exception)?
No, it's like anything else. Urban areas are blue, rural are red. Even Hampton Roads and the Tidewater went for Northam. Charlottesville is very blue. I'm in one of the main counties outside of Richmond. We are purple, trending blue. Went 5 points for Clinton but a wipeout for Northam due to the huge turnout.
As I opened the CT scan last week to read the next case, I was baffled. The history simply read “gunshot wound.” I have been a radiologist in one of the busiest trauma centers in the nation for 13 years, and have diagnosed thousands of handgun injuries to the brain, lung, liver, spleen, bowel, and other vital organs. I thought that I knew all that I needed to know about gunshot wounds, but the specific pattern of injury on my computer screen was one that I had seen only once before.
In a typical handgun injury that I diagnose almost daily, a bullet leaves a laceration through an organ like the liver. To a radiologist, it appears as a linear, thin, grey bullet track through the organ. There may be bleeding and some bullet fragments.
I was looking at a CT scan of one of the victims of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who had been brought to the trauma center during my call shift. The organ looked like an overripe melon smashed by a sledgehammer, with extensive bleeding. How could a gunshot wound have caused this much damage?
The deadliest bullet in the world is a .22 bullet. When you see it up close it doesn't look like much but it's a killer. Most people don't know or don't really care.
Add .003 to that bullet and you have the .223 bullet. The same bullet that is used in an AR-15. Now everyone seems to care.
I don’t think that is accurate. And you can’t compare a .22 to .223, the .223 has far more power behind it, which makes it deadly. while .22 can easily be deadly, they don’t compare to many other calibers. id take my chances against a .22 over a .357 any day.
I'm afraid to send my son to school in a few years, I'm afraid of the world he will grow up in.
I still go and enjoy concerts, but not like before. Any crowded place feels like a dangerous situation to me now.
I'm not letting it stop me, but fear for my son has changed things.
I hope this moron wins again in 2020, we deserve it
Fuck my country
School can ruin the best parts of kids and squash good qualities that should remain for life, even without school shootings.
All the patients my wife has had who were home schooled are way ahead of their peers in every respect aside from maybe peer socialization.
Fucking laughable, it's paranoid horse shit
Your fantasy scenario of what possibly could happen doesn't morally outweigh what is ACTUALLY happening in America today.
Depends on how you look at it. I think they're afraid of something. That's why they're stockpiling weapons. Were they freaking out about y2k too? Do they have their basements stockpiled with canned food in anticipation of Armageddon or something?
They're scared. That's why they think they need to arm themselves with mass killing machines. They need to have their head's examined.
Also, what’s wrong with storing canned foods Incase of natural disaster? I always buy extra canned foods when on sale to store in the pantry.
I promise that rhe responsible fire fire arm owners that I know will not murder your kids at school.
She basically insinuated that because this existed, of course they could foresee the weaponry of today
And you can’t compare a .22 to .223, the .223 has far more power behind it, which makes it deadly.
while .22 can easily be deadly, they don’t compare to many other calibers.
id take my chances against a .22 over a .357 any day.