I don’t mind hunters. I don’t want to hunt though. I feel there is probably some middle ground to no guns vs unlimited ammo and guns.
what I can’t stand, besides kids getting killed with guns, are hunters that are ok with gun killings and mass murder with firearms so long as they can still enjoy owning and firing whatever gun they want.
It’s very clear there is a very big problem here. And it seems that instead of responsible gun owners leading the way and helping find the right solution, they impede any progress. It makes no sense to me.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
and this is why you can't have a reasonable conversation with a gun nut....
you went from 0mph to OMG YOU WANT TO BAN ALL GUNS in 3 seconds flat
looney tunes, drink in more of that NRA/Russia kool-aid
And here comes crazy...What does this have to do with NRA/Russia? Aren’t you the anti-hunter from the other day? Do you think that hunters and shotguns/hunting rifles should be legal? Come on, be honest, you obviously have someone else on your side here.
you don't want to know what I think
I only have reasonable solutions that have been proven to work in other countries
from what I've gathered, common logic isn't your strong suit
Not that I don’t want to, I just really do not care what anti-hunters think.
that's fine, I don't care what pro-stupid people think either
Nor do I...those are both pretty much the same things...anti-hunter = pro-stupid.
I don’t mind hunters. I don’t want to hunt though. I feel there is probably some middle ground to no guns vs unlimited ammo and guns.
what I can’t stand, besides kids getting killed with guns, are hunters that are ok with gun killings and mass murder with firearms so long as they can still enjoy owning and firing whatever gun they want.
It’s very clear there is a very big problem here. And it seems that instead of responsible gun owners leading the way and helping find the right solution, they impede any progress. It makes no sense to me.
Responsible gun owners aren't necessarily the problem. The problem is the politicians in bed with the NRA and the people who continue to support them.
I didn’t realize we were engaged in an intelligent conversation here, you have yet to engage in any kind of intelligent debating in this thread. Does the word “snowflake” “trigger” you? No hard feelings since you are a stated supporter of hunters owning guns.
Based upon your post of a goose falling out of the sky, I know I am, what are you? Yes, intelligence is lacking in this thread. Some are less intelligent than others, usually evidenced by their posts.
I didn’t realize we were engaged in an intelligent conversation here, you have yet to engage in any kind of intelligent debating in this thread. Does the word “snowflake” “trigger” you? No hard feelings since you are a stated supporter of hunters owning guns.
Based upon your post of a goose falling out of the sky, I know I am, what are you? Yes, intelligence is lacking in this thread. Some are less intelligent than others, usually evidenced by their posts.
Correct, your lack of intelligent posts in this thread is great evidence. Thanks for the acknowledgment. Carry on supporting gun rights for hunters, being that you are an admitted supporter of hunters owning guns. Your support for hunters owning firearms is much appreciated as there are some idiot anti-hunters around these parts
I didn’t realize we were engaged in an intelligent conversation here, you have yet to engage in any kind of intelligent debating in this thread. Does the word “snowflake” “trigger” you? No hard feelings since you are a stated supporter of hunters owning guns.
Based upon your post of a goose falling out of the sky, I know I am, what are you? Yes, intelligence is lacking in this thread. Some are less intelligent than others, usually evidenced by their posts.
Correct, your lack of intelligent posts in this thread is great evidence. Thanks for the acknowledgment. Carry on supporting gun rights for hunters, being that you are an admitted supporter of hunters owning guns. Your support for hunters owning firearms is much appreciated as there are some idiot anti-hunters around these parts
I didn’t realize we were engaged in an intelligent conversation here, you have yet to engage in any kind of intelligent debating in this thread. Does the word “snowflake” “trigger” you? No hard feelings since you are a stated supporter of hunters owning guns.
Based upon your post of a goose falling out of the sky, I know I am, what are you? Yes, intelligence is lacking in this thread. Some are less intelligent than others, usually evidenced by their posts.
Correct, your lack of intelligent posts in this thread is great evidence. Thanks for the acknowledgment. Carry on supporting gun rights for hunters, being that you are an admitted supporter of hunters owning guns. Your support for hunters owning firearms is much appreciated as there are some idiot anti-hunters around these parts
Are you 12?
Wow, your intelligent comments are blowing my mind! I wish I was as much of a pro-hunter as you.
This post is not intended to cause an argument. I'm just pointing out a very sad & unfortunate thing that happened last week. It's just terrible on so many levels. My heart goes out to Glenn Doss and his family.
I didn’t realize we were engaged in an intelligent conversation here, you have yet to engage in any kind of intelligent debating in this thread. Does the word “snowflake” “trigger” you? No hard feelings since you are a stated supporter of hunters owning guns.
Based upon your post of a goose falling out of the sky, I know I am, what are you? Yes, intelligence is lacking in this thread. Some are less intelligent than others, usually evidenced by their posts.
Correct, your lack of intelligent posts in this thread is great evidence. Thanks for the acknowledgment. Carry on supporting gun rights for hunters, being that you are an admitted supporter of hunters owning guns. Your support for hunters owning firearms is much appreciated as there are some idiot anti-hunters around these parts
Are you 12?
Wow, your intelligent comments are blowing my mind! I wish I was as much of a pro-hunter as you.
How would banning armor piercing and tracer rounds be an infringement of your right to bear arms? Why does the “responsible” gun owner require armor piercing and tracer rounds?
How would banning armor piercing and tracer rounds be an infringement of your right to bear arms? Why does the “responsible” gun owner require armor piercing and tracer rounds?
It's not that they're against them per say, it's that those are just buzz words so they get blown off as leftist over reaction. At least that is the impression I've gotten on here. Or, they are attached to other regulatory changes that don't seem appropriate in the eyes of supporters. It's comical to see the talk of support for changes, but then when they are suggested I have yet to see an agreement. It usually leads to a conversation about the fear and speculation of other possible restrictions so they can't give an inch because they're afraid it will become a mile.
I think Mace is the only one I've seen give a reasonable compromise, but then that gets shit on by the extreme anti gun crowd. So around and around we go.
I don't care if someone wants to own a few hunting rifles. That I can understand. Killing your own food is no more unreasonable than growing your own garden. And this comes from someone who no longer eats meat, but grew up on a farm and hunted so I get it. You use the animal for food.
Handguns, semi/full auto rifles and high capacity mags are all just meant for killing humans. They're used to intimidate, threaten and get a thrill from using. We don't need them.
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
See Power. PJ.
Last time I checked PJPOWER isn’t the one who has silly nicknames and catchphrases for every single little thing and repeats them 300 times each every single day on AMT.
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
See Power. PJ.
Last time I checked PJPOWER isn’t the one who has silly nicknames and catchphrases for every single little thing and repeats them 300 times each every single day on AMT.
Care to answer the questions I posed about armor piercing and tracer rounds?
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
See Power. PJ.
Last time I checked PJPOWER isn’t the one who has silly nicknames and catchphrases for every single little thing and repeats them 300 times each every single day on AMT.
Care to answer the questions I posed about armor piercing and tracer rounds?
I completely agree with you. As I do on almost all issues, it’s your methods of conveying your stances/beliefs that is annoying and counter productive. You are the embodiment of the “liberals are hypocrites” stereotype.
How am I “liberals are hypocrites?” Do I change my position on issues?
No but your tactics of pushing your personal agenda are identical to the likes of the people you hate so much. If Donald Trump were a liberal, his tweets would sound a lot like your posts.
You have people in this thread that are gun owners and they are advocating for real change and offering to meet us half way, which is how real change is fostered, but you choose to name call and tease instead of taking their opinions seriously.
How am I “liberals are hypocrites?” Do I change my position on issues?
No but your tactics of pushing your personal agenda are identical to the likes of the people you hate so much. If Donald Trump were a liberal, his tweets would sound a lot like your posts.
You have people in this thread that are gun owners and they are advocating for real change and offering to meet us half way, which is how real change is fostered, but you choose to name call and tease instead of taking their opinions seriously.
I question the sincerity of gun owners when they at first say they ‘re for something before listing the 8 reasons it won’t work, be implemented or change anything. I’ve asked a legitimate question regarding tracer and armor piercing rounds and received 1 reply. Others have posted legitimate solutions and pointed to places where they work. Others have posted facts ad naseum. Facts don’t change and neither do the personal attacks or claims of “you want to ban all guns and hunting,” when I’ve never read that claim on here. I openly stated my position on those two points and now I’m a poster child for both and was called a snowflake. Funny, I know.
I’ll communicate in my style. Feel free to skip over my posts. This is still ‘merica last time I checked although recent events have me doubting that.
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
See Power. PJ.
Last time I checked PJPOWER isn’t the one who has silly nicknames and catchphrases for every single little thing and repeats them 300 times each every single day on AMT.
Care to answer the questions I posed about armor piercing and tracer rounds?
Do you have any relevant statistics concerning the use of armor piercing or tracer ammo in the commission of violent crimes?
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
See Power. PJ.
Last time I checked PJPOWER isn’t the one who has silly nicknames and catchphrases for every single little thing and repeats them 300 times each every single day on AMT.
Care to answer the questions I posed about armor piercing and tracer rounds?
Do you have any relevant statistics concerning the use of armor piercing or tracer ammo in the commission of violent crimes?
I asked how banning them would infringe upon your right to bear arms or why “responsible “ gun owners need it or require it. No, do you?
I did't scroll back to see what the question was, but armor piercing and tracer rounds should at very minimum be heavily regulated if not altogether banned. I'm not sure if I'm aware or anyone, certainly not the general gun population, who was that ammo readily available.
I did't scroll back to see what the question was, but armor piercing and tracer rounds should at very minimum be heavily regulated if not altogether banned. I'm not sure if I'm aware or anyone, certainly not the general gun population, who was that ammo readily available.
I linked to an article that pointed out the Vegas shooter had purchased them and they had arrested the seller of the ammo.
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
See Power. PJ.
Last time I checked PJPOWER isn’t the one who has silly nicknames and catchphrases for every single little thing and repeats them 300 times each every single day on AMT.
Care to answer the questions I posed about armor piercing and tracer rounds?
Do you have any relevant statistics concerning the use of armor piercing or tracer ammo in the commission of violent crimes?
I asked how banning them would infringe upon your right to bear arms or why “responsible “ gun owners need it or require it. No, do you?
Banning those things wouldn't have any impact on me. I have no practical need for either. I wouldn't consider them being banned as an infringement on my rights.
But, I feel it is worth considering that even though these things are legal and available, they are seldom used in violent crimes. This begs the question: Why focus on something that has little to no impact on violent crime statistics?
If the goal is to reduce gun deaths, AP and tracer rounds are right at the bottom of the list of concern for me.
Instead, suicide prevention, gang task forces and the availability of handguns to criminals should be top priorities.
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
See Power. PJ.
Last time I checked PJPOWER isn’t the one who has silly nicknames and catchphrases for every single little thing and repeats them 300 times each every single day on AMT.
Care to answer the questions I posed about armor piercing and tracer rounds?
Do you have any relevant statistics concerning the use of armor piercing or tracer ammo in the commission of violent crimes?
I asked how banning them would infringe upon your right to bear arms or why “responsible “ gun owners need it or require it. No, do you?
Banning those things wouldn't have any impact on me. I have no practical need for either. I wouldn't consider them being banned as an infringement on my rights.
But, I feel it is worth considering that even though these things are legal and available, they are seldom used in violent crimes. This begs the question: Why focus on something that has little to no impact on violent crime statistics?
If the goal is to reduce gun deaths, AP and tracer rounds are right at the bottom of the list of concern for me.
Instead, suicide prevention, gang task forces and the availability of handguns to criminals should be top priorities.
I 2nd that. I have no interest in owning or using AP tracer rounds. But I always go back to the (for lack of a better word) troubled individuals who are doing the shooting. If I owned a bazooka, I'm still no threat to anyone. Not going to be sitting on top of my garage shooting cars with it. It's not the device, it's who is using the device. I agree that something needs to be done about gun violence. I'd love to meet the anti gun crowd halfway.
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
See Power. PJ.
Last time I checked PJPOWER isn’t the one who has silly nicknames and catchphrases for every single little thing and repeats them 300 times each every single day on AMT.
Care to answer the questions I posed about armor piercing and tracer rounds?
Do you have any relevant statistics concerning the use of armor piercing or tracer ammo in the commission of violent crimes?
I asked how banning them would infringe upon your right to bear arms or why “responsible “ gun owners need it or require it. No, do you?
Banning those things wouldn't have any impact on me. I have no practical need for either. I wouldn't consider them being banned as an infringement on my rights.
But, I feel it is worth considering that even though these things are legal and available, they are seldom used in violent crimes. This begs the question: Why focus on something that has little to no impact on violent crime statistics?
If the goal is to reduce gun deaths, AP and tracer rounds are right at the bottom of the list of concern for me.
Instead, suicide prevention, gang task forces and the availability of handguns to criminals should be top priorities.
I 2nd that. I have no interest in owning or using AP tracer rounds. But I always go back to the (for lack of a better word) troubled individuals who are doing the shooting. If I owned a bazooka, I'm still no threat to anyone. Not going to be sitting on top of my garage shooting cars with it. It's not the device, it's who is using the device. I agree that something needs to be done about gun violence. I'd love to meet the anti gun crowd halfway.
What would that look like? Meeting the anti-gun crowd half way?
Has Team Trump Treason ever fired a boom stick? Does Team Trump Treason carry an official membership card of the NRA? T Cubed ever hunt? How’s about serve in the military and have a rudimentary understanding of boom sticks? Anyone? But he’s your hero, huh? “Responsible” gun owners strike again.
Why can't you have a conversation with out being flip arrogant and cocky? There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again." boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
See Power. PJ.
Last time I checked PJPOWER isn’t the one who has silly nicknames and catchphrases for every single little thing and repeats them 300 times each every single day on AMT.
Care to answer the questions I posed about armor piercing and tracer rounds?
Do you have any relevant statistics concerning the use of armor piercing or tracer ammo in the commission of violent crimes?
I asked how banning them would infringe upon your right to bear arms or why “responsible “ gun owners need it or require it. No, do you?
Banning those things wouldn't have any impact on me. I have no practical need for either. I wouldn't consider them being banned as an infringement on my rights.
But, I feel it is worth considering that even though these things are legal and available, they are seldom used in violent crimes. This begs the question: Why focus on something that has little to no impact on violent crime statistics?
If the goal is to reduce gun deaths, AP and tracer rounds are right at the bottom of the list of concern for me.
Instead, suicide prevention, gang task forces and the availability of handguns to criminals should be top priorities.
I 2nd that. I have no interest in owning or using AP tracer rounds. But I always go back to the (for lack of a better word) troubled individuals who are doing the shooting. If I owned a bazooka, I'm still no threat to anyone. Not going to be sitting on top of my garage shooting cars with it. It's not the device, it's who is using the device. I agree that something needs to be done about gun violence. I'd love to meet the anti gun crowd halfway.
So we’re back to “guns don’t kill people, people kill people..... including all those troubled toddlers, school aged kids and teens.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
what I can’t stand, besides kids getting killed with guns, are hunters that are ok with gun killings and mass murder with firearms so long as they can still enjoy owning and firing whatever gun they want.
It’s very clear there is a very big problem here. And it seems that instead of responsible gun owners leading the way and helping find the right solution, they impede any progress. It makes no sense to me.
The problem is the politicians in bed with the NRA and the people who continue to support them.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Man who sold ammo to Las Vegas shooter is charged - CBS News https://apple.news/AtxG2EbBHTPKIGaX5qFY-IQ
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I think Mace is the only one I've seen give a reasonable compromise, but then that gets shit on by the extreme anti gun crowd. So around and around we go.
I don't care if someone wants to own a few hunting rifles. That I can understand. Killing your own food is no more unreasonable than growing your own garden. And this comes from someone who no longer eats meat, but grew up on a farm and hunted so I get it. You use the animal for food.
Handguns, semi/full auto rifles and high capacity mags are all just meant for killing humans. They're used to intimidate, threaten and get a thrill from using. We don't need them.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
There are valid points to be made on both sides of the gun debate But it's impossible to have a conversation with "Has Team Trump ever fired a boom stick?"He's your hero, huh? Responsible gun owners strike again."
boom stick, I had to look it up on urban dictionary, 1 Sawed off shot gun, 2 shot guns, 3 male anatomy tool.lol Good times.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
You have people in this thread that are gun owners and they are advocating for real change and offering to meet us half way, which is how real change is fostered, but you choose to name call and tease instead of taking their opinions seriously.
I’ll communicate in my style. Feel free to skip over my posts. This is still ‘merica last time I checked although recent events have me doubting that.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
No, do you?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I'm not sure if I'm aware or anyone, certainly not the general gun population, who was that ammo readily available.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
But, I feel it is worth considering that even though these things are legal and available, they are seldom used in violent crimes. This begs the question: Why focus on something that has little to no impact on violent crime statistics?
If the goal is to reduce gun deaths, AP and tracer rounds are right at the bottom of the list of concern for me.
Instead, suicide prevention, gang task forces and the availability of handguns to criminals should be top priorities.
But I always go back to the (for lack of a better word) troubled individuals who are doing the shooting.
If I owned a bazooka, I'm still no threat to anyone. Not going to be sitting on top of my garage shooting cars with it.
It's not the device, it's who is using the device.
I agree that something needs to be done about gun violence. I'd love to meet the anti gun crowd halfway.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.