at's Having a firearm in your household exponentially increases the likelihood of someone getting hurt or killed with it.
that's like saying if you have a fireplace in your home your chances of having a fire will increase. It's a pretty obvious statement Del.
I have lots of beer in my house, my chances of getting drunk are increased.
the whole point of this, though, is that people argue they keep guns in their house for protection, when so often the opposite occurs; they end up shooting themselves or someone they care about instead of a big bad boogeyman.
I guess it is a matter of risk and mediating those risks. Having draino in the house increased the risk of a child drinking draino...that’s why you lock it up or keep it out of reach...Taking appropriate measures to prevent accidents mitigates many of the associated risks.
but if you store the gun properly and safely, there's pretty much zero chance of it helping you in a break in.
Evidently you missed the quick access safe discussion we had a while back. There are plenty of options out there that provide quick access as well as safe storing. Bedside biometric or coded handgun safes have been around a while now. Most gun owners I know have some variant of them.
I did miss that, and that's great. But I'd like to see stats on what percentage of gun owners actually have them, and how affordable such a thing really is.
My handgun is stored in one. In addition every single rifle and shotgun I own has a trigger lock and is stored in a safe.
at's Having a firearm in your household exponentially increases the likelihood of someone getting hurt or killed with it.
that's like saying if you have a fireplace in your home your chances of having a fire will increase. It's a pretty obvious statement Del.
I have lots of beer in my house, my chances of getting drunk are increased.
the whole point of this, though, is that people argue they keep guns in their house for protection, when so often the opposite occurs; they end up shooting themselves or someone they care about instead of a big bad boogeyman.
I guess it is a matter of risk and mediating those risks. Having draino in the house increased the risk of a child drinking draino...that’s why you lock it up or keep it out of reach...Taking appropriate measures to prevent accidents mitigates many of the associated risks.
but if you store the gun properly and safely, there's pretty much zero chance of it helping you in a break in.
Evidently you missed the quick access safe discussion we had a while back. There are plenty of options out there that provide quick access as well as safe storing. Bedside biometric or coded handgun safes have been around a while now. Most gun owners I know have some variant of them.
I did miss that, and that's great. But I'd like to see stats on what percentage of gun owners actually have them, and how affordable such a thing really is.
My handgun is stored in one. In addition every single rifle and shotgun I own has a trigger lock and is stored in a safe.
You are in the minority
Yeah I just don’t understand it. It literally takes two seconds to lock up your firearm. Fucking irresponsible and lazy as hell
Another “legal” gun and “responsible” gun manufacturer, owner, buyer or seller that won’t suffer any consequences as another couple of families are left to pick up the pieces.
Another “legal” gun and “responsible” gun manufacturer, owner, buyer or seller that won’t suffer any consequences as another couple of families are left to pick up the pieces.
By California state law, the owners may actually be liable here. Regardless, the law didn’t stop the loss of what would have? CA has some of the most strict gun laws in the United States...
“Firearms must be kept locked up when children may be present. The 2008 California Dangerous Weapons Control Law modified California Penal Code §12035 defining criminal storage of a firearm as keeping "any loaded firearm within any premises that are under his or her custody or control and he or she knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm." A person may be charged with a crime, if he or she keeps a loaded firearm, and the child takes the firearm to a public place or causes injury.[68]”
Another “legal” gun and “responsible” gun manufacturer, owner, buyer or seller that won’t suffer any consequences as another couple of families are left to pick up the pieces.
By California state law, the owners may actually be liable here. Regardless, the law didn’t stop the loss of what would have? CA has some of the most strict gun laws in the United States...
“Firearms must be kept locked up when children may be present. The 2008 California Dangerous Weapons Control Law modified California Penal Code §12035 defining criminal storage of a firearm as keeping "any loaded firearm within any premises that are under his or her custody or control and he or she knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm." A person may be charged with a crime, if he or she keeps a loaded firearm, and the child takes the firearm to a public place or causes injury.[68]”
Orange bafoon has stated multiple times if there was a good guy shutting bullets in the other direction lives could of been saved , so maybe another 12 yr old with gun could of prevented this girl from shutting the students ...makes sense no lol
Another “legal” gun and “responsible” gun manufacturer, owner, buyer or seller that won’t suffer any consequences as another couple of families are left to pick up the pieces.
By California state law, the owners may actually be liable here. Regardless, the law didn’t stop the loss of what would have? CA has some of the most strict gun laws in the United States...
“Firearms must be kept locked up when children may be present. The 2008 California Dangerous Weapons Control Law modified California Penal Code §12035 defining criminal storage of a firearm as keeping "any loaded firearm within any premises that are under his or her custody or control and he or she knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm." A person may be charged with a crime, if he or she keeps a loaded firearm, and the child takes the firearm to a public place or causes injury.[68]”
Orange bafoon has stated multiple times if there was a good guy shutting bullets in the other direction lives could of been saved , so maybe another 12 yr old with gun could of prevented this girl from shutting the students ...makes sense no lol
Or maybe if someone would have gone outside and fired a shotgun in the air like Biden suggested? Lol
Another “legal” gun and “responsible” gun manufacturer, owner, buyer or seller that won’t suffer any consequences as another couple of families are left to pick up the pieces.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
I thought it was kind of funny. I don't think you have to be anti-gun to find that story amusing.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I think it’s funny as hell! I just don’t think it makes any sense in relation to “gun violence”. Maybe it would be cool in a “America’s funniest” thread Just strikes me as odd that it was posted here...unless the underlying mentality behind the post is that they hate all guns and all hunters as some others have eluded to here.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
and this is why you can't have a reasonable conversation with a gun nut....
you went from 0mph to OMG YOU WANT TO BAN ALL GUNS in 3 seconds flat
looney tunes, drink in more of that NRA/Russia kool-aid
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
and this is why you can't have a reasonable conversation with a gun nut....
you went from 0mph to OMG YOU WANT TO BAN ALL GUNS in 3 seconds flat
looney tunes, drink in more of that NRA/Russia kool-aid
And here comes crazy...What does this have to do with NRA/Russia? Aren’t you the anti-hunter from the other day? Do you think that hunters and shotguns/hunting rifles should be legal? Come on, be honest, you obviously have someone else on your side here.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
Jesus dude, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning. But I do love how you staunch pro-gunners immediately resort to "you hate all hunters and want all guns banned" in almost every response. Talk about a credibility gap. For the record, if it'll lower your blood pressure, I don't hate hunters and I don't want to see all guns banned. And, the story fits this thread title as I'm willing to bet that a goose getting blown out the sky by a shotgun in a state in America is pretty violent. And no, I'm not happy the hunter got hurt but I'm laughing that you're so butt hurt by my post.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
Jesus dude, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning. But I do love how you staunch pro-gunners immediately resort to "you hate all hunters and want all guns banned" in almost every response. Talk about a credibility gap. For the record, if it'll lower your blood pressure, I don't hate hunters and I don't want to see all guns banned. And, the story fits this thread title as I'm willing to bet that a goose getting blown out the sky by a shotgun in a state in America is pretty violent. And no, I'm not happy the hunter got hurt but I'm laughing that you're so butt hurt by my post.
Just trying to understand your stance. Glad you are a supporter of hunting and owning hunting rifles and shotguns because
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
Jesus dude, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning. But I do love how you staunch pro-gunners immediately resort to "you hate all hunters and want all guns banned" in almost every response. Talk about a credibility gap. For the record, if it'll lower your blood pressure, I don't hate hunters and I don't want to see all guns banned. And, the story fits this thread title as I'm willing to bet that a goose getting blown out the sky by a shotgun in a state in America is pretty violent. And no, I'm not happy the hunter got hurt but I'm laughing that you're so butt hurt by my post.
Just trying to understand your stance. Glad you are a supporter of hunting and owning hunting rifles and shotguns because
To clarify, I approve of hunting for eating or rodent/pest/population control but not for "sport" or "trophy" hunting.
I laughed that he got hurt. Until I read further down and saw he was airlifted out, then I felt a little bad for laughing. Still funny though. It's fine to post a story like that, it adds humor to a thread like this.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
Jesus dude, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning. But I do love how you staunch pro-gunners immediately resort to "you hate all hunters and want all guns banned" in almost every response. Talk about a credibility gap. For the record, if it'll lower your blood pressure, I don't hate hunters and I don't want to see all guns banned. And, the story fits this thread title as I'm willing to bet that a goose getting blown out the sky by a shotgun in a state in America is pretty violent. And no, I'm not happy the hunter got hurt but I'm laughing that you're so butt hurt by my post.
Just trying to understand your stance. Glad you are a supporter of hunting and owning hunting rifles and shotguns because
To clarify, I approve of hunting for eating or rodent/pest/population control but not for "sport" or "trophy" hunting.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
Jesus dude, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning. But I do love how you staunch pro-gunners immediately resort to "you hate all hunters and want all guns banned" in almost every response. Talk about a credibility gap. For the record, if it'll lower your blood pressure, I don't hate hunters and I don't want to see all guns banned. And, the story fits this thread title as I'm willing to bet that a goose getting blown out the sky by a shotgun in a state in America is pretty violent. And no, I'm not happy the hunter got hurt but I'm laughing that you're so butt hurt by my post.
Just trying to understand your stance. Glad you are a supporter of hunting and owning hunting rifles and shotguns because
To clarify, I approve of hunting for eating or rodent/pest/population control but not for "sport" or "trophy" hunting.
Sorry, but I don't find anyone getting shot in the face funny. Glad you revealed your responsible nature as a gun owner by finding humor in that. Guess I wasn't wrong about you.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
Jesus dude, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning. But I do love how you staunch pro-gunners immediately resort to "you hate all hunters and want all guns banned" in almost every response. Talk about a credibility gap. For the record, if it'll lower your blood pressure, I don't hate hunters and I don't want to see all guns banned. And, the story fits this thread title as I'm willing to bet that a goose getting blown out the sky by a shotgun in a state in America is pretty violent. And no, I'm not happy the hunter got hurt but I'm laughing that you're so butt hurt by my post.
Just trying to understand your stance. Glad you are a supporter of hunting and owning hunting rifles and shotguns because
To clarify, I approve of hunting for eating or rodent/pest/population control but not for "sport" or "trophy" hunting.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
and this is why you can't have a reasonable conversation with a gun nut....
you went from 0mph to OMG YOU WANT TO BAN ALL GUNS in 3 seconds flat
looney tunes, drink in more of that NRA/Russia kool-aid
And here comes crazy...What does this have to do with NRA/Russia? Aren’t you the anti-hunter from the other day? Do you think that hunters and shotguns/hunting rifles should be legal? Come on, be honest, you obviously have someone else on your side here.
you don't want to know what I think
I only have reasonable solutions that have been proven to work in other countries
from what I've gathered, common logic isn't your strong suit
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
Jesus dude, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning. But I do love how you staunch pro-gunners immediately resort to "you hate all hunters and want all guns banned" in almost every response. Talk about a credibility gap. For the record, if it'll lower your blood pressure, I don't hate hunters and I don't want to see all guns banned. And, the story fits this thread title as I'm willing to bet that a goose getting blown out the sky by a shotgun in a state in America is pretty violent. And no, I'm not happy the hunter got hurt but I'm laughing that you're so butt hurt by my post.
Just trying to understand your stance. Glad you are a supporter of hunting and owning hunting rifles and shotguns because
To clarify, I approve of hunting for eating or rodent/pest/population control but not for "sport" or "trophy" hunting.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
Jesus dude, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning. But I do love how you staunch pro-gunners immediately resort to "you hate all hunters and want all guns banned" in almost every response. Talk about a credibility gap. For the record, if it'll lower your blood pressure, I don't hate hunters and I don't want to see all guns banned. And, the story fits this thread title as I'm willing to bet that a goose getting blown out the sky by a shotgun in a state in America is pretty violent. And no, I'm not happy the hunter got hurt but I'm laughing that you're so butt hurt by my post.
Just trying to understand your stance. Glad you are a supporter of hunting and owning hunting rifles and shotguns because
To clarify, I approve of hunting for eating or rodent/pest/population control but not for "sport" or "trophy" hunting.
Sorry, but I don't find anyone getting shot in the face funny. Glad you revealed your responsible nature as a gun owner by finding humor in that. Guess I wasn't wrong about you.
Meh, you are just being a snowflake. I find Darwin nominees funny.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
and this is why you can't have a reasonable conversation with a gun nut....
you went from 0mph to OMG YOU WANT TO BAN ALL GUNS in 3 seconds flat
looney tunes, drink in more of that NRA/Russia kool-aid
And here comes crazy...What does this have to do with NRA/Russia? Aren’t you the anti-hunter from the other day? Do you think that hunters and shotguns/hunting rifles should be legal? Come on, be honest, you obviously have someone else on your side here.
you don't want to know what I think
I only have reasonable solutions that have been proven to work in other countries
from what I've gathered, common logic isn't your strong suit
Not that I don’t want to, I just really do not care what anti-hunters think.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
Jesus dude, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning. But I do love how you staunch pro-gunners immediately resort to "you hate all hunters and want all guns banned" in almost every response. Talk about a credibility gap. For the record, if it'll lower your blood pressure, I don't hate hunters and I don't want to see all guns banned. And, the story fits this thread title as I'm willing to bet that a goose getting blown out the sky by a shotgun in a state in America is pretty violent. And no, I'm not happy the hunter got hurt but I'm laughing that you're so butt hurt by my post.
Just trying to understand your stance. Glad you are a supporter of hunting and owning hunting rifles and shotguns because
To clarify, I approve of hunting for eating or rodent/pest/population control but not for "sport" or "trophy" hunting.
Sorry, but I don't find anyone getting shot in the face funny. Glad you revealed your responsible nature as a gun owner by finding humor in that. Guess I wasn't wrong about you.
Meh, you are just being a snowflake. I find Darwin nominees funny.
I didn’t realize we were engaged in an intelligent conversation here, you have yet to engage in any kind of intelligent debating in this thread. Does the word “snowflake” “trigger” you? No hard feelings since you are a stated supporter of hunters owning guns.
Seriously trying to understand your stance...So you are against hunting or? How does this article have anything to do with “gun violence” in the context of this thread? Last time I checked, geese are not endangered, so where do you really stand on hunting? You post legitimate articles related to gun violence in reference to school shootings, mass shootings, accidental shootings, and then this random one of a hunter that was probably following all applicable laws and a freak occurrence? It somewhat undermines your credibility in the debate in general. People say that “no one wants all guns banned” and then you post something like this where a hunter was using a shotgun to shoot a goose and are happy he got hurt? So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
and this is why you can't have a reasonable conversation with a gun nut....
you went from 0mph to OMG YOU WANT TO BAN ALL GUNS in 3 seconds flat
looney tunes, drink in more of that NRA/Russia kool-aid
And here comes crazy...What does this have to do with NRA/Russia? Aren’t you the anti-hunter from the other day? Do you think that hunters and shotguns/hunting rifles should be legal? Come on, be honest, you obviously have someone else on your side here.
you don't want to know what I think
I only have reasonable solutions that have been proven to work in other countries
from what I've gathered, common logic isn't your strong suit
Not that I don’t want to, I just really do not care what anti-hunters think.
that's fine, I don't care what pro-stupid people think either
You are in the minority
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
“Firearms must be kept locked up when children may be present. The 2008 California Dangerous Weapons Control Law modified California Penal Code §12035 defining criminal storage of a firearm as keeping "any loaded firearm within any premises that are under his or her custody or control and he or she knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm." A person may be charged with a crime, if he or she keeps a loaded firearm, and the child takes the firearm to a public place or causes injury.[68]”
The children of gun owners wound and kill people
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
So be honest, you want all guns banned and hate hunters. Just come out and say it so that I can stop giving you any credibility and respect.
Just strikes me as odd that it was posted here...unless the underlying mentality behind the post is that they hate all guns and all hunters as some others have eluded to here.
you went from 0mph to OMG YOU WANT TO BAN ALL GUNS in 3 seconds flat
looney tunes, drink in more of that NRA/Russia kool-aid
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Until I read further down and saw he was airlifted out, then I felt a little bad for laughing.
Still funny though.
It's fine to post a story like that, it adds humor to a thread like this.
Here, I’ll post another funny hunting article
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I only have reasonable solutions that have been proven to work in other countries
from what I've gathered, common logic isn't your strong suit
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
No hard feelings since you are a stated supporter of hunters owning guns.