When was the last time a nipple killed someone? We constantly glorify violence and show fire arms on tv, along with their destructive nature, no qualms, but god forbid theres a wardrobe malfunction like at the super bowl or any nipple exposed is a travesty, like breast feeding in public. Guns? Let’s deny and promote.
I'm seeing (haven't vetted) reports that the cop shooter was an alt-righter who used some catch phrases we see around here a good bit.
Beta-male, cuck, virtue signal, etc.
Jenna Jameson called me a cuck on twitter. at the time I had no idea what it meant. I looked it up. I'm guessing she also doesn't know what the fucking thing means.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I'm seeing (haven't vetted) reports that the cop shooter was an alt-righter who used some catch phrases we see around here a good bit.
Beta-male, cuck, virtue signal, etc.
Jenna Jameson called me a cuck on twitter. at the time I had no idea what it meant. I looked it up. I'm guessing she also doesn't know what the fucking thing means.
I'm betting it was a typo!
will myself to find a home, a home within myself we will find a way, we will find our place
I'm seeing (haven't vetted) reports that the cop shooter was an alt-righter who used some catch phrases we see around here a good bit.
Beta-male, cuck, virtue signal, etc.
Jenna Jameson called me a cuck on twitter. at the time I had no idea what it meant. I looked it up. I'm guessing she also doesn't know what the fucking thing means.
I'm betting it was a typo!
no, it wasn't. she uses that word repeatedly. along with all of the other trump supporter buzzwords.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I'm seeing (haven't vetted) reports that the cop shooter was an alt-righter who used some catch phrases we see around here a good bit.
Beta-male, cuck, virtue signal, etc.
Jenna Jameson called me a cuck on twitter. at the time I had no idea what it meant. I looked it up. I'm guessing she also doesn't know what the fucking thing means.
I'm betting it was a typo!
no, it wasn't. she uses that word repeatedly. along with all of the other trump supporter buzzwords.
It is my understanding that the term 'cuck' doesn't follow the traditional literal definition for alt-righters.
It's dog-whistle for letting immigrants and minorities take over America. To them it's your nation/heritage/race that is being compromised by letting outsiders in.
I and many gun supporters have said several times we are for reasonable gun control. The idea of any gun control not being "reasonable" was laughed at by many. I have a perfect example of what I mean by that. While visiting my home state of California for the holidays, I was told at a sporting store that this particular gun (that my dad purchased, who is law enforcement) is banned in California except for law enforcement. There are civilian versions available, but this one is banned. The one feature that made this version banned was a small slit in the slide that allowed a person to see if there was a live round in the chamber or not. That seems like a very good safety feature, but it is banned. Makes no sense to me, or anyone else I spoke with why that would be banned. Except if you place it in the category that anti-gun politicians have no clue what they are talking about when they write gun legislature, or (the more common perception) that they believe any ban on any gun is always good, even if it is banning a safety feature. Unfortunately I don't know the same of that feature that is banned, so I have been unable to find any information on it online. But I will take the word of the guy behind the counter who does this for a living.
I've only seen a couple people, at most, say they are for any gun control. Let alone reasonable gun control. Many here equate gun control with the government beating down your door to take your guns.
will myself to find a home, a home within myself we will find a way, we will find our place
This issue is the biggest waste of time people just need to move on this is an issue we will have to deal with again & again , massacres are just part of our culture it’s in our DNA ..
This issue is the biggest waste of time people just need to move on this is an issue we will have to deal with again & again , massacres are just part of our culture it’s in our DNA ..
That's a sad commentary. Because 20 years ago (columbine) massacres were NOT PART of our DNA. I hate that we are all now desensitized to it and actually almost expect them once every couple of months. It's sickening.
will myself to find a home, a home within myself we will find a way, we will find our place
I've only seen a couple people, at most, say they are for any gun control. Let alone reasonable gun control. Many here equate gun control with the government beating down your door to take your guns.
I have a completely different take on it. I haven't tallied up the responses, but I can only remember 1 person saying they want zero gun control and to have the right to own whatever gun they want. I can remember many conversations where gun owners said they are not only okay with reasonable gun control, but actually want it. Reasonable being things like limited magazine capacities and background checks on purchases, I have seen repeated many, many times people accusing gun owners of being afraid that 'Bama is going to take their guns away, but I don't think that fear has been expressed by more than 1 or 2 on here (I think the same one who wants zero gun control). Most don't fear that or think it is ever going to happen, but it is a constant accusation I've seen thrown around. It is brought up all the time with remarks like "don;t worry, no one is going to take your precious guns away," but I don't see anyone stating they actually fear that will happen.
Does anyone here really think your guns are going to be taken away?
I can accept it as such given that's the way the country wants it (I guess?). What I can't accept are the lame arguments tossed out there to somehow justify the reality. These arguments are nothing more than people trying to convince themselves of something they know isn't right.
Don't talk about weak little things the need for protection and the constitution. Just spit it out: "Yah. I know school kids get massacred every now and then. I don't give a f**k. I wanna shoot shit and these guns are cool to shoot shit with. So piss off."
At least, upon hearing that, we can all look at each other truthfully without one side of the debate thinking they might actually have a legitimate argument when they...and the side they oppose... really know they do not.
This is not a debate. At all. It's an epidemic. I mean... in the face of overwhelming evidence for the success of real gun laws (experienced by other developed countries) and unparalleled and staggering gun death statistics... arguing against meaningful legislation is tantamount to arguing the Cleveland Browns are as successful as the New England Patriots. You can make a feeble argument... but it sounds stupid as hell trying to make it.
I've only seen a couple people, at most, say they are for any gun control. Let alone reasonable gun control. Many here equate gun control with the government beating down your door to take your guns.
I have a completely different take on it. I haven't tallied up the responses, but I can only remember 1 person saying they want zero gun control and to have the right to own whatever gun they want. I can remember many conversations where gun owners said they are not only okay with reasonable gun control, but actually want it. Reasonable being things like limited magazine capacities and background checks on purchases, I have seen repeated many, many times people accusing gun owners of being afraid that 'Bama is going to take their guns away, but I don't think that fear has been expressed by more than 1 or 2 on here (I think the same one who wants zero gun control). Most don't fear that or think it is ever going to happen, but it is a constant accusation I've seen thrown around. It is brought up all the time with remarks like "don;t worry, no one is going to take your precious guns away," but I don't see anyone stating they actually fear that will happen.
Does anyone here really think your guns are going to be taken away?
Is any gun owner here not for background checks?
i agree with you. I believe many many people here have stated they have no issue with what you have stated. However, I would venture to guess that members of this forum are probably more left leaning gun owners than the hardcore 2nd Ammendment-ers that the NRA placates to and drives fear into.
this is the most serious case of proof of how money drives politics: an overwhelming majority of americans are pro-gun control legislation. the gun lobby does not, so the politicians favour the lobby. it is mind boggling that americans are ok with their politicians acting in direct contravention to the interests of their voters.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Good god. Obviously the swatter caller should also be charged, but yeah, absolutely this cop should be charged with murder. Apparently now, all someone has to do to get killed by a cop is make ANY move other than what the cop says, never mind that the person may be totally confused, can't hear the instructions, or freaking out for a good reason. It's insane. Some of these cops really are fucking trigger happy - I don't see how someone can possibly say otherwise when it comes to stories like these. And swatting is a well-known thing now; you'd think cops would always consider it as a possibility at this point when they get such phone calls, and be appropriately cautious when responding.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I could be wrong (it happened once before) but I always thought a murder charge required some malice or criminal intent. Which I believe was one of the reasons the cop in the Shriver case was found not guilty of murder. Not that in either case the cop did the right thing, but if that is a requirement for murder I could see manslaughter could be a more fitting charge.
The whole swatting situation is completely fucked up. I understand the cop made a mistake, but jesus Christ, I wouldn't call him trigger happy because he shot. Someone is dead and that cop's life is ruined as well because of some punk piece of garbage. Unless something comes out that the cop is some sort of a-hole with a history, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt that this comes down to human error and a split second decision based on the facts his dispatcher presented over the radio communication. Could this have been prevented through more training? Who knows, but I also don't think this is police abuse.
I hope the "swatter" gets properly swatted by the justice system.
The whole swatting situation is completely fucked up. I understand the cop made a mistake, but jesus Christ, I wouldn't call him trigger happy because he shot. Someone is dead and that cop's life is ruined as well because of some punk piece of garbage. Unless something comes out that the cop is some sort of a-hole with a history, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt that this comes down to human error and a split second decision based on the facts his dispatcher presented over the radio communication. Could this have been prevented through more training? Who knows, but I also don't think this is police abuse.
I hope the "swatter" gets properly swatted by the justice system.
I think if it was your son who was dead for no reason of his own doing, you would probably think it was police abuse.
The whole swatting situation is completely fucked up. I understand the cop made a mistake, but jesus Christ, I wouldn't call him trigger happy because he shot. Someone is dead and that cop's life is ruined as well because of some punk piece of garbage. Unless something comes out that the cop is some sort of a-hole with a history, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt that this comes down to human error and a split second decision based on the facts his dispatcher presented over the radio communication. Could this have been prevented through more training? Who knows, but I also don't think this is police abuse.
I hope the "swatter" gets properly swatted by the justice system.
well, based on what the article said (not saying it is 100% true), the victim lowered his hands. the cop saw no gun. no weapon at all. are they trained to shoot at each twitch of a muscle? aren't they supposed to actually see a fucking gun?
the swatter should be charged with criminally negligent homicide. his actions directly lead to the death of an innocent person. with how big gaming is, and how fast it continues to grow, they need to nip this in the bud, and FAST.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
The whole swatting situation is completely fucked up. I understand the cop made a mistake, but jesus Christ, I wouldn't call him trigger happy because he shot. Someone is dead and that cop's life is ruined as well because of some punk piece of garbage. Unless something comes out that the cop is some sort of a-hole with a history, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt that this comes down to human error and a split second decision based on the facts his dispatcher presented over the radio communication. Could this have been prevented through more training? Who knows, but I also don't think this is police abuse.
I hope the "swatter" gets properly swatted by the justice system.
well, based on what the article said (not saying it is 100% true), the victim lowered his hands. the cop saw no gun. no weapon at all. are they trained to shoot at each twitch of a muscle? aren't they supposed to actually see a fucking gun?
the swatter should be charged with criminally negligent homicide. his actions directly lead to the death of an innocent person. with how big gaming is, and how fast it continues to grow, they need to nip this in the bud, and FAST.
Definitely not at a twitch of a muscle. But I think there is a lot of gray area. I believe the cop just has to provide he was justified in fearing for life of great harm. I think you can prove that without seeing a weapon. Maybe he was given bad information and thought he was armed. Maybe this guy is 100 lbs heaver and looks like he;s on steroids and you know youd lose a fist fight and probably your gun too when he charges. Maybe he's making movements that are consistent with someone who carries. I'm not saying those scenarios apply to this case, just responding to your comment that they need to actually see a gun. It is obviously a lot easier to prove it was justified if there is a gun or weapon, but I don't think a lack of one automatically disqualifies it from being justified.
The whole swatting situation is completely fucked up. I understand the cop made a mistake, but jesus Christ, I wouldn't call him trigger happy because he shot. Someone is dead and that cop's life is ruined as well because of some punk piece of garbage. Unless something comes out that the cop is some sort of a-hole with a history, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt that this comes down to human error and a split second decision based on the facts his dispatcher presented over the radio communication. Could this have been prevented through more training? Who knows, but I also don't think this is police abuse.
I hope the "swatter" gets properly swatted by the justice system.
well, based on what the article said (not saying it is 100% true), the victim lowered his hands. the cop saw no gun. no weapon at all. are they trained to shoot at each twitch of a muscle? aren't they supposed to actually see a fucking gun?
the swatter should be charged with criminally negligent homicide. his actions directly lead to the death of an innocent person. with how big gaming is, and how fast it continues to grow, they need to nip this in the bud, and FAST.
Definitely not at a twitch of a muscle. But I think there is a lot of gray area. I believe the cop just has to provide he was justified in fearing for life of great harm. I think you can prove that without seeing a weapon. Maybe he was given bad information and thought he was armed. Maybe this guy is 100 lbs heaver and looks like he;s on steroids and you know youd lose a fist fight and probably your gun too when he charges. Maybe he's making movements that are consistent with someone who carries. I'm not saying those scenarios apply to this case, just responding to your comment that they need to actually see a gun. It is obviously a lot easier to prove it was justified if there is a gun or weapon, but I don't think a lack of one automatically disqualifies it from being justified.
true enough. I agree with you. I can only go by the information provided, and when they said "moving to lower his arms", that seems a bit premature to fire at the guy. Totally depends on where his arms were at, how fast they were moving, where they were moving to, his demeanor, etc etc. Again, I totally understand the position cops are in. Split second decisions can mean your life.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
This issue is the biggest waste of time people just need to move on this is an issue we will have to deal with again & again , massacres are just part of our culture it’s in our DNA ..
That's a sad commentary. Because 20 years ago (columbine) massacres were NOT PART of our DNA. I hate that we are all now desensitized to it and actually almost expect them once every couple of months. It's sickening.
I hear you it’s truly sad but you see how it works every couple of months a mass shooting happens we all get upset and the cycle starts like chasing our tails ..I’m sick of debating !
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Tennessee girl, 12, charged in deadly shooting of her 16-year-old friend - Fox News https://apple.news/AlNT3xev4RdubFBM-5Y5k5A
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
This is the single issue that baffles me the most.
4 Dead as 16-Year-Old Boy Opens Fire on New Year’s Eve, Prosecutors Say - TIME https://apple.news/AiTXRx8FSTPS09AWmOxeEvA
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
we will find a way, we will find our place
-EV 8/14/93
It is my understanding that the term 'cuck' doesn't follow the traditional literal definition for alt-righters.
It's dog-whistle for letting immigrants and minorities take over America. To them it's your nation/heritage/race that is being compromised by letting outsiders in.
I have a perfect example of what I mean by that.
While visiting my home state of California for the holidays, I was told at a sporting store that this particular gun (that my dad purchased, who is law enforcement) is banned in California except for law enforcement. There are civilian versions available, but this one is banned.
The one feature that made this version banned was a small slit in the slide that allowed a person to see if there was a live round in the chamber or not. That seems like a very good safety feature, but it is banned. Makes no sense to me, or anyone else I spoke with why that would be banned. Except if you place it in the category that anti-gun politicians have no clue what they are talking about when they write gun legislature, or (the more common perception) that they believe any ban on any gun is always good, even if it is banning a safety feature.
Unfortunately I don't know the same of that feature that is banned, so I have been unable to find any information on it online. But I will take the word of the guy behind the counter who does this for a living.
we will find a way, we will find our place
we will find a way, we will find our place
I have seen repeated many, many times people accusing gun owners of being afraid that 'Bama is going to take their guns away, but I don't think that fear has been expressed by more than 1 or 2 on here (I think the same one who wants zero gun control). Most don't fear that or think it is ever going to happen, but it is a constant accusation I've seen thrown around. It is brought up all the time with remarks like "don;t worry, no one is going to take your precious guns away," but I don't see anyone stating they actually fear that will happen.
Does anyone here really think your guns are going to be taken away?
Is any gun owner here not for background checks?
I can accept it as such given that's the way the country wants it (I guess?). What I can't accept are the lame arguments tossed out there to somehow justify the reality. These arguments are nothing more than people trying to convince themselves of something they know isn't right.
Don't talk about weak little things the need for protection and the constitution. Just spit it out: "Yah. I know school kids get massacred every now and then. I don't give a f**k. I wanna shoot shit and these guns are cool to shoot shit with. So piss off."
At least, upon hearing that, we can all look at each other truthfully without one side of the debate thinking they might actually have a legitimate argument when they...and the side they oppose... really know they do not.
This is not a debate. At all. It's an epidemic. I mean... in the face of overwhelming evidence for the success of real gun laws (experienced by other developed countries) and unparalleled and staggering gun death statistics... arguing against meaningful legislation is tantamount to arguing the Cleveland Browns are as successful as the New England Patriots. You can make a feeble argument... but it sounds stupid as hell trying to make it.
this is the most serious case of proof of how money drives politics: an overwhelming majority of americans are pro-gun control legislation. the gun lobby does not, so the politicians favour the lobby. it is mind boggling that americans are ok with their politicians acting in direct contravention to the interests of their voters.
-EV 8/14/93
Not that in either case the cop did the right thing, but if that is a requirement for murder I could see manslaughter could be a more fitting charge.
Where does he sit in all this?
I hope the "swatter" gets properly swatted by the justice system.
the swatter should be charged with criminally negligent homicide. his actions directly lead to the death of an innocent person. with how big gaming is, and how fast it continues to grow, they need to nip this in the bud, and FAST.
-EV 8/14/93
Maybe he was given bad information and thought he was armed. Maybe this guy is 100 lbs heaver and looks like he;s on steroids and you know youd lose a fist fight and probably your gun too when he charges. Maybe he's making movements that are consistent with someone who carries.
I'm not saying those scenarios apply to this case, just responding to your comment that they need to actually see a gun. It is obviously a lot easier to prove it was justified if there is a gun or weapon, but I don't think a lack of one automatically disqualifies it from being justified.
-EV 8/14/93