And just imagine if another neighbor good guy comes running out of his house with a gun to see the "good guy" taking shots and shoots him thinking he's the "bad guy."
Videos showed several people in the store with their guns drawn. That forced detectives to watch more video, following the armed shoppers throughout the store in an effort to distinguish the good guys from the bad guy, Avila said.
Investigators went "back to ground zero" several times as they struggled to pinpoint the suspect.
This was great, saw this story too. Good to know there are people ready to defend.
Defend what? Wall mart merchandise? Just where I want to be, caught in the cross fire of a bunch of cop wanna be’s just itching to pop a round in a “bad” guy. Like the douche who shot Trayvon Martin. Remind me to stay out of Wal Mart where the uneducated, armed masses seem to congregate. Situational awareness and all.
I have two ba's and a masters and shop at Walmart. only because I have five kids and can't afford wegman's lol.
I'll ride the wave where it takes me......
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
And just imagine if another neighbor good guy comes running out of his house with a gun to see the "good guy" taking shots and shoots him thinking he's the "bad guy."
Videos showed several people in the store with their guns drawn. That forced detectives to watch more video, following the armed shoppers throughout the store in an effort to distinguish the good guys from the bad guy, Avila said.
Investigators went "back to ground zero" several times as they struggled to pinpoint the suspect.
This was great, saw this story too. Good to know there are people ready to defend.
Defend what? Wall mart merchandise? Just where I want to be, caught in the cross fire of a bunch of cop wanna be’s just itching to pop a round in a “bad” guy. Like the douche who shot Trayvon Martin. Remind me to stay out of Wal Mart where the uneducated, armed masses seem to congregate. Situational awareness and all.
I have two ba's and a masters and shop at Walmart. only because I have five kids and can't afford wegman's lol.
And just imagine if another neighbor good guy comes running out of his house with a gun to see the "good guy" taking shots and shoots him thinking he's the "bad guy."
Videos showed several people in the store with their guns drawn. That forced detectives to watch more video, following the armed shoppers throughout the store in an effort to distinguish the good guys from the bad guy, Avila said.
Investigators went "back to ground zero" several times as they struggled to pinpoint the suspect.
This was great, saw this story too. Good to know there are people ready to defend.
Defend what? Wall mart merchandise? Just where I want to be, caught in the cross fire of a bunch of cop wanna be’s just itching to pop a round in a “bad” guy. Like the douche who shot Trayvon Martin. Remind me to stay out of Wal Mart where the uneducated, armed masses seem to congregate. Situational awareness and all.
I have two ba's and a masters and shop at Walmart. only because I have five kids and can't afford wegman's lol.
If you don’t go armed, you’re not shopping.
Lol. My state doesn't allow concealed carry and I do ok. Although there are definitely instances where I wish I could carry.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Most people would theorize why. S/he is probably trying to impress other people, or be there all day, or they have an fixation/obsession with weaponry.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Why would they need to bring 1000 rounds to the range? Why couldn’t the range supply the ammo? I don’t understand why anyone would need 1000 rounds in their possession. How many rounds does a combat soldier take on patrol or on a mission to kill the enemy? On average?
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Why would they need to bring 1000 rounds to the range? Why couldn’t the range supply the ammo? I don’t understand why anyone would need 1000 rounds in their possession. How many rounds does a combat soldier take on patrol or on a mission to kill the enemy? On average?
range ammo is waaaaaay overpriced. it's better/cost efficient to bring your own.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Why would they need to bring 1000 rounds to the range? Why couldn’t the range supply the ammo? I don’t understand why anyone would need 1000 rounds in their possession. How many rounds does a combat soldier take on patrol or on a mission to kill the enemy? On average?
range ammo is waaaaaay overpriced. it's better/cost efficient to bring your own.
so why is 1000 rounds too much?
Why is it not enough? Do you go to the range and pop off 1000 rounds in one visit?
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Why would they need to bring 1000 rounds to the range? Why couldn’t the range supply the ammo? I don’t understand why anyone would need 1000 rounds in their possession. How many rounds does a combat soldier take on patrol or on a mission to kill the enemy? On average?
range ammo is waaaaaay overpriced. it's better/cost efficient to bring your own.
so why is 1000 rounds too much?
Why is it not enough? Do you go to the range and pop off 1000 rounds in one visit?
You didn't answer the question. why is 1000 rounds too much? don't answer a question by asking a question.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Why would they need to bring 1000 rounds to the range? Why couldn’t the range supply the ammo? I don’t understand why anyone would need 1000 rounds in their possession. How many rounds does a combat soldier take on patrol or on a mission to kill the enemy? On average?
range ammo is waaaaaay overpriced. it's better/cost efficient to bring your own.
so why is 1000 rounds too much?
Why is it not enough? Do you go to the range and pop off 1000 rounds in one visit?
You didn't answer the question. why is 1000 rounds too much? don't answer a question by asking a question.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Why would they need to bring 1000 rounds to the range? Why couldn’t the range supply the ammo? I don’t understand why anyone would need 1000 rounds in their possession. How many rounds does a combat soldier take on patrol or on a mission to kill the enemy? On average?
range ammo is waaaaaay overpriced. it's better/cost efficient to bring your own.
so why is 1000 rounds too much?
Why is it not enough? Do you go to the range and pop off 1000 rounds in one visit?
You didn't answer the question. why is 1000 rounds too much? don't answer a question by asking a question.
Seems unreasonable to me, so yes.
what makes it unreasonable? what seems reasonable?
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
At first glance I don't think it's too much. But how is it being used? Old school 6 shooter? Desert Eagle with multiple mags? AR-15 with multiple mags? An automatic weapon of some sort? Or to be shared among fellow entbusiasts?
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Why would they need to bring 1000 rounds to the range? Why couldn’t the range supply the ammo? I don’t understand why anyone would need 1000 rounds in their possession. How many rounds does a combat soldier take on patrol or on a mission to kill the enemy? On average?
range ammo is waaaaaay overpriced. it's better/cost efficient to bring your own.
so why is 1000 rounds too much?
Why is it not enough? Do you go to the range and pop off 1000 rounds in one visit?
You didn't answer the question. why is 1000 rounds too much? don't answer a question by asking a question.
Seems unreasonable to me, so yes.
what makes it unreasonable? what seems reasonable?
Most reasonable reasons given for owning firearms, such as hunting, self defense of home or person and hobby, range shooting, why would you need 1000 rounds? If you can’t kill something you hunt or someone attacking you personally or invading your home with less than 1000 rounds, you have problems. Does ammo have an expiration date or degrade over time if not kept in ideal conditions? Why would you need 1000 rounds? How many rounds do people shoot when they hunt? Does one hunter lug 1000 rounds?
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Why would they need to bring 1000 rounds to the range? Why couldn’t the range supply the ammo? I don’t understand why anyone would need 1000 rounds in their possession. How many rounds does a combat soldier take on patrol or on a mission to kill the enemy? On average?
range ammo is waaaaaay overpriced. it's better/cost efficient to bring your own.
so why is 1000 rounds too much?
Why is it not enough? Do you go to the range and pop off 1000 rounds in one visit?
You didn't answer the question. why is 1000 rounds too much? don't answer a question by asking a question.
Seems unreasonable to me, so yes.
what makes it unreasonable? what seems reasonable?
Most reasonable reasons given for owning firearms, such as hunting, self defense of home or person and hobby, range shooting, why would you need 1000 rounds? If you can’t kill something you hunt or someone attacking you personally or invading your home with less than 1000 rounds, you have problems. Does ammo have an expiration date or degrade over time if not kept in ideal conditions? Why would you need 1000 rounds? How many rounds do people shoot when they hunt? Does one hunter lug 1000 rounds?
what does hunting have to do with going to the range? I'm not saying you need a thousand rounds to defend your home or go hunting. fyi: typical hunting scenarios: pheasant/quail/duck/quail: up to 3 rounds using a shotgun. turkey: i've never shot more than 2 shots. deer: I think i have fired only once using a rifle and maybe twice using a rifled slug/buck shot.
so are you saying having a thousand rounds in your home is too much to have? it's not like i pack every single round i own into mags lol.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Why would they need to bring 1000 rounds to the range? Why couldn’t the range supply the ammo? I don’t understand why anyone would need 1000 rounds in their possession. How many rounds does a combat soldier take on patrol or on a mission to kill the enemy? On average?
range ammo is waaaaaay overpriced. it's better/cost efficient to bring your own.
so why is 1000 rounds too much?
Why is it not enough? Do you go to the range and pop off 1000 rounds in one visit?
You didn't answer the question. why is 1000 rounds too much? don't answer a question by asking a question.
Seems unreasonable to me, so yes.
what makes it unreasonable? what seems reasonable?
I'm curious about what point you're trying to make. Do you think 1000 is unreasonable or does it depend?
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Why would they need to bring 1000 rounds to the range? Why couldn’t the range supply the ammo? I don’t understand why anyone would need 1000 rounds in their possession. How many rounds does a combat soldier take on patrol or on a mission to kill the enemy? On average?
range ammo is waaaaaay overpriced. it's better/cost efficient to bring your own.
so why is 1000 rounds too much?
Why is it not enough? Do you go to the range and pop off 1000 rounds in one visit?
You didn't answer the question. why is 1000 rounds too much? don't answer a question by asking a question.
Seems unreasonable to me, so yes.
what makes it unreasonable? what seems reasonable?
I'm curious about what point you're trying to make. Do you think 1000 is unreasonable or does it depend?
I'll go back to my original question: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
I'll ride the wave where it takes me......
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
At our last group shoot I went through 1200. It was a fun day for all.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
No thoughts at all since I don't know anything about guns or ammo my hobbies are more about nature , going to a range to shoot guns is nothing I'd ever do maybe if I was paid to do it ...
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
Aurora: AR-15 Orlando: AR-15 Las Vegas: AR-15 Sandy Hook: AR-15 Umpqua CC: AR-15 San Bernardino: AR-15 Sutherland Springs: AR-15
Nothing can be done.
Well, one state made it illegal to own a bump stock with your pretty AR killing device.
Is there anybody on here opposed to the ban of owning AR-15 style assault rifles outside of LE and military?
You can't even get the terminology correct.
Besides I have been hearing non-stop for a year how "literally Hitler" was elected President, and now those people want "literally Hitler" to be the one in control of all firearms.
Why do you want to give "literally Hitler" oh and the white supremacist and racist and apparently woman abusing and Russian colluder so much control?
every gun every owner every transfer documented
how's that for terminology
Already is in my State.
So how does that stop a bad person from doing bad things?
it's not about stopping bad people from doing bad things it's about restricting the opportunities for bad people to do bad things so easily
how many times does it have to be explained to you gun-fetishists? more guns = more gun deaths this is not a cultural issue of 'the usa has too many bad people", it's an issue of "the usa has too many guns and gun-nuts"
less guns, less gun deaths it really is that fucking simple, and has been proven the world over. How is this not sinking in?
I'd just like to know how you propose doing this?
"But nobody is calling for a gun ban!"
edit: the same way they do it in every other modern industrialized nation that seems to make it through the week without a mass shooting
you act like this is so difficult
And what way is that?
I don't act.
If explain it to you, but you probably wouldn't understand the terminology.
Typical conservative. Doesn't realize he's part of the problem. Wants progressives to fix it.
It's sad this isn't an act. If you had any sense of shame or embarrassment, now would be the time for you to feel it.
I’d never ask a progressive to fix my problems, I handle them myself.
Alright wise guy, then what's your solution to gun violence? You seem pretty content with the status quo when that's clearly not working.
Could always ban leftists from owning firearms as most of the violence done in the US today is done by leftists.
Shouldn't be too much of an issue since you all hate guns anyway.
BTW, assault any Senators today?
Your boy got his ass kicked
Snaked from behind by another violent leftist. Rand should know better.
Aurora: AR-15 Orlando: AR-15 Las Vegas: AR-15 Sandy Hook: AR-15 Umpqua CC: AR-15 San Bernardino: AR-15 Sutherland Springs: AR-15
Nothing can be done.
Well, one state made it illegal to own a bump stock with your pretty AR killing device.
Is there anybody on here opposed to the ban of owning AR-15 style assault rifles outside of LE and military?
You can't even get the terminology correct.
Besides I have been hearing non-stop for a year how "literally Hitler" was elected President, and now those people want "literally Hitler" to be the one in control of all firearms.
Why do you want to give "literally Hitler" oh and the white supremacist and racist and apparently woman abusing and Russian colluder so much control?
every gun every owner every transfer documented
how's that for terminology
Already is in my State.
So how does that stop a bad person from doing bad things?
it's not about stopping bad people from doing bad things it's about restricting the opportunities for bad people to do bad things so easily
how many times does it have to be explained to you gun-fetishists? more guns = more gun deaths this is not a cultural issue of 'the usa has too many bad people", it's an issue of "the usa has too many guns and gun-nuts"
less guns, less gun deaths it really is that fucking simple, and has been proven the world over. How is this not sinking in?
I'd just like to know how you propose doing this?
"But nobody is calling for a gun ban!"
edit: the same way they do it in every other modern industrialized nation that seems to make it through the week without a mass shooting
you act like this is so difficult
And what way is that?
I don't act.
If explain it to you, but you probably wouldn't understand the terminology.
Typical conservative. Doesn't realize he's part of the problem. Wants progressives to fix it.
It's sad this isn't an act. If you had any sense of shame or embarrassment, now would be the time for you to feel it.
I’d never ask a progressive to fix my problems, I handle them myself.
Alright wise guy, then what's your solution to gun violence? You seem pretty content with the status quo when that's clearly not working.
Could always ban leftists from owning firearms as most of the violence done in the US today is done by leftists.
Shouldn't be too much of an issue since you all hate guns anyway.
BTW, assault any Senators today?
Your boy got his ass kicked
Snaked from behind by another violent leftist. Rand should know better.
Sure off course he was how else can you explain him getting his ass kicked
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
Not shocking that you find assault perfectly acceptable.
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
At our last group shoot I went through 1200. It was a fun day for all.
I wish my fun stuff was included in the Constitution. SAD!
So serious question guys: what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range? granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
At our last group shoot I went through 1200. It was a fun day for all.
I wish my fun stuff was included in the Constitution. SAD!
What is your fun stuff that you speak of and how would it add to the conversation?
And this why the conversation never goes anywhere. You asked a question and I answered it. I then get ridiculed for my answer. Yes, 1000 rounds seems excessive. I’d be pissed if my house burned down because my douche neighbor smoked in bed, caused his house to catch on fire and those rounds popping off kept the fire fighters at bay, all because he wanted to pop 1200 rounds at the range.
Funny thing is, you gun nuts, as PJPower so eloquently put it, can’t cite specific examples where restrictions, banning guns, or government taking them away, has happened. Meanwhile, the anti gun nuts can cite multiple examples of why there should be restrictions. The Texas church shooter piopped off 450 rounds in less than ten minutes. He probably fled because he was out of ammo except for what he shot himself with. And you guys are fine with it. Nothing can be done. Why do you “need” 1000 rounds for the range?
only because I have five kids and can't afford wegman's lol.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
1000 is too many
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
so why is 1000 rounds too much?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
don't answer a question by asking a question.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
But how is it being used?
Old school 6 shooter?
Desert Eagle with multiple mags?
AR-15 with multiple mags?
An automatic weapon of some sort?
Or to be shared among fellow entbusiasts?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
fyi: typical hunting scenarios: pheasant/quail/duck/quail: up to 3 rounds using a shotgun. turkey: i've never shot more than 2 shots. deer: I think i have fired only once using a rifle and maybe twice using a rifled slug/buck shot.
so are you saying having a thousand rounds in your home is too much to have? it's not like i pack every single round i own into mags lol.
what are your thoughts/opinions if a shooter brings a 1000 rounds of ammo to a range?
granted all laws are being followed: firearms are secure and guns and ammo are separate.
Funny thing is, you gun nuts, as PJPower so eloquently put it, can’t cite specific examples where restrictions, banning guns, or government taking them away, has happened. Meanwhile, the anti gun nuts can cite multiple examples of why there should be restrictions. The Texas church shooter piopped off 450 rounds in less than ten minutes. He probably fled because he was out of ammo except for what he shot himself with. And you guys are fine with it. Nothing can be done. Why do you “need” 1000 rounds for the range?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.