"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
you have lost a copy of Mighty ReArranger?! LOST it?!??! :eek:
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
Jrd I told you...I will not be putting my penis in your mouth and have you suck it til you drown.....I am not an never will be your gayboy (espicially as you could be my dad )
Hope everyone else is good
Congrats on passing the test jen *Al vows never to drive round Dublin again...just in case*
Cheers all for your well wishes
My (female!) wife is due in March.
so when can we start having the think-of-a-name thread ? what are the chances of there being an Irish Eddie on the board in a few years...
i shall ignore the rest of your diatribe of filth, young Alfonse... :rolleyes:
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
That is a very cool idea.....you have permission to start that thread asap
i think i already have, haven't i ?
Eddie, baby...
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
focking fock. last night and today have been the crappiest so far at work! :mad:
the cash register absolutely shut down and is not doing anything. we have to use the backup system and it won't accept certain cards and you can't create new customer accounts. this is absolute shite.
the boss on holidays. the boss' boss in holidays.. the computer support person on paternity leave.. nobody's at the head office..
last night I spent an hour on the phone with tech support and a half an hour today.. they can't do anything. :rolleyes:
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
try googling the problem... ye'd be surprised what ye'd find out about applications n'stuff
thank juu sweeters.
though no luck. :( I think the problem is that there's no connection to the server. God knows why or how..
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
ok hello, sorry hardly been home and when I am its crazy busy with office work and moutains of washing.
how are you all ???
next working festival is Cropredy fairport convention I saw Joe Brown is on the line up eek :eek: lucy me, its paying work how could I turn it down !
take me ear plugs and get an early night!
so FAB news Al what happened to the triathlon ? or was that it
I got to create a new myspace page with my alter ego tribal fusion dancer "Pearl Boheme" like the name? well it couldnt be anything else really hehehe I' m doing this event and I see emmi is too !!!! http://www.myspace.com/hoochiecoochieburlesque
catch you all soon I hope
Pippa Helen and gang so sorry for last Friday , I was SO looking forward to it I was really cross with poor Mali ! but man she puked everywhere I mean scraping out from between the cracks in the floor boards with a knife *gag* it was grim.
~~~~~~~~~~ PINK FLUFFY LOVE PSYCHO~~~~~~~~~~
Astoria,Dublin,Reading 06,Wembley 07,Sheapards Bush & o2 09 thats multiple Jamgasms!
ok hello, sorry hardly been home and when I am its crazy busy with office work and moutains of washing.
how are you all ???
next working festival is Cropredy fairport convention I saw Joe Brown is on the line up eek :eek: lucy me, its paying work how could I turn it down !
take me ear plugs and get an early night!
so FAB news Al : ) what happened to the triathlon ? or was that it
I got to create a new myspace page with my alter ego tribal fusion dancer "Pearl Boheme" like the name? well it couldnt be anything else really hehehe I' m doing this event and I see emmi is too !!!! http://www.myspace.com/hoochiecoochieburlesque
catch you all soon I hope
Pippa Helen and gang so sorry for last Friday , I was SO looking forward to it I was really cross with poor Mali ! but man she puked everywhere I mean scraping out from between the cracks in the floor boards with a knife *gag* it was grim.
I'm sorry m'lady, but what? I'm doing.. huh?
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
Pippa Helen and gang so sorry for last Friday , I was SO looking forward to it I was really cross with poor Mali ! but man she puked everywhere I mean scraping out from between the cracks in the floor boards with a knife *gag* it was grim.
:( we were really looking forward to it too :( ... and to meeting the mini V V's
We had a drink at the water front and then went back to Queen Square as there was a continental market
Hope Mali is all better.
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
try googling the problem... ye'd be surprised what ye'd find out about applications n'stuff
i tried googling "jenny's big boobs" and you're right... you'd be surprised what you find :eek:
a fire extinguisher!!?!?!?! i'm shocked Jenny... and i knew it was you from the dyed pubey-doos
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
hit the link , there is a lady called emmi doing amazing things !!!!
I see. I tried to look at the page at work but our computer doesn't do well with MySpace. :rolleyes:
will have a look-see now.
EDIT: wowsie!! and miss Pinkness, I do love your alter ego name.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
oo, what better way to start a 100%-surely-to-be-crappy day at work than with watching the ever lovely mr. Plant?
makes the sun shine a bit brighter.
i have to find my copy of that album!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
you have lost a copy of Mighty ReArranger?! LOST it?!??! :eek:
p.s. I also love Refreshers. Try eat as many as you can without chewing - your face will explode!
not lost...
or not viewed in my collection for some time!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
My (female!) wife is due in March.
Jrd I told you...I will not be putting my penis in your mouth and have you suck it til you drown.....I am not an never will be your gayboy (espicially as you could be my dad
Hope everyone else is good
Congrats on passing the test jen *Al vows never to drive round Dublin again...just in case*
so when can we start having the think-of-a-name thread ? what are the chances of there being an Irish Eddie on the board in a few years...
i shall ignore the rest of your diatribe of filth, young Alfonse... :rolleyes:
we know that you are secretly seething inside that you will never get that pleasure again :rolleyes:
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
That is a very cool idea.....you have permission to start that thread asap
I just won €1000000 off myself cause I bet myself YOU would reply to that
What've you lot been up to?
found it Emmi and now listening to it!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
good choice.
i think i already have, haven't i ?
Eddie, baby...
the cash register absolutely shut down and is not doing anything. we have to use the backup system and it won't accept certain cards and you can't create new customer accounts. this is absolute shite.
the boss on holidays. the boss' boss in holidays.. the computer support person on paternity leave.. nobody's at the head office..
last night I spent an hour on the phone with tech support and a half an hour today.. they can't do anything. :rolleyes:
thank juu sweeters.
though no luck. :( I think the problem is that there's no connection to the server. God knows why or how..
ok hello, sorry hardly been home and when I am its crazy busy with office work and moutains of washing.
how are you all ???
next working festival is Cropredy fairport convention
take me ear plugs and get an early night!
so FAB news Al
I got to create a new myspace page with my alter ego tribal fusion dancer "Pearl Boheme" like the name? well it couldnt be anything else really hehehe I' m doing this event and I see emmi is too !!!!
catch you all soon I hope
Pippa Helen and gang so sorry for last Friday , I was SO looking forward to it I was really cross with poor Mali ! but man she puked everywhere I mean scraping out from between the cracks in the floor boards with a knife *gag* it was grim.
Astoria,Dublin,Reading 06,Wembley 07,Sheapards Bush & o2 09 thats multiple Jamgasms!
I'm sorry m'lady, but what?
:( we were really looking forward to it too :( ... and to meeting the mini V V's
We had a drink at the water front and then went back to Queen Square as there was a continental market
Hope Mali is all better.
More new KOL
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
hit the link , there is a lady called emmi doing amazing things !!!!
nice one soupie xxx
arrr I know I wanted u guys to meet my lil babies too, sounds like u had fun anyway xx
Astoria,Dublin,Reading 06,Wembley 07,Sheapards Bush & o2 09 thats multiple Jamgasms!
i tried googling "jenny's big boobs" and you're right... you'd be surprised what you find :eek:
a fire extinguisher!!?!?!?! i'm shocked Jenny... and i knew it was you from the dyed pubey-doos
I see.
will have a look-see now.
EDIT: wowsie!! and miss Pinkness, I do love your alter ego name.
Why would you need it jen :eek:
V thanks, triathlon didn't happen, couldn't do the swim...next year tho :rolleyes:
Dunk....I miss ya baby :(
You'll all be happy to know I bought an easy st poster during BK's sale...I really have a problem :rolleyes:
I'm seeing Dunkypoos on Saturday
Is that 'cause you couldn't get a Kenyon Hall
Ya know I love ya
No I haven't asked but if anyone would like too......
Give dunk a kick in the balls for me please
I thought you may have had one of your other poster freaks *ahem* I mean friends getting one for ya
I don't think it would mean quite as much to him coming from me
Nope, I only spend huge amounts on posters now *see price of East St* :rolleyes:
You know I think you could be wrong
I know the price of the East Street ... has Mrs Al has got you on bread and water 'til you pay for it with the new mini Al on the way
Nighty night