Good guy with a gun stops attack
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
Hopefully this creep doesn't have some disease.
Hopefully this creep doesn't have some disease.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
They're such a refreshing news bit compared to the dreary gun related murder news items that spring up every couple of minutes.
What I wonder is if the good Samaritan was actually going to use it? I mean, if the deranged junkie broke free form the guards and approached the gun owner... was a shot going to be fired, or was the gun going to be taken from his hands and turned on everyone?
This story played out as well as it could have, but I see another scenario that could have been the result- it has happened many times in the past.
posting a new thread every week pushing the same agenda is ridiculous ... the OP continues to look at the issue from a microscopic perspective ... i could post a new thread every day about how guns killed an innocent person ... does it really accomplish anything? ... these threads are akin to posting a survey in which the question is ... "if everyone you loved could be saved from a horrific death with a gun - would you own one?" ...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
i'm afraid this story is going to inspire others to be the good guy with a gun. scary.
i didn't think security guards in stores still apprehended shoplifters.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Just like those AR-15's that are used in crime, but that hasn't stopped you, has it?
Psshhewww. Thank Gawd he didn't pull the trigger.
"A gun in the house minimally doubles the risk that a household member will kill himself or herself. ( Some studies put the increase in suicide risk as high as 10 times.) An American is 50 percent more likely to be shot dead by his or her own hand, than to be shot dead by a criminal assailant. More than 30,000 Americans injure themselves with guns every year."
It's always someone else... until it's not someone else.
You need to look into what the data is, in order to figure out what it means. Example, I pulled thie data from the Centers Of Disesase Control (CDC) because they keep track of death certificates. This is the data filed in 2009. I extracte only the data regarding Firearms and Transportation, since those are the favorites to compare.
Homicide..... ..........11,493
Undetermined ............232
Legalintervention/war. 333
All transport ............38,438
Suicide ............................104
Undetermined .................19
Motor vehicle traffic.....34,485
Occupant ......................12,349
Pedal cyclist.......................529
( ref.
(Table 18 - Number of deaths, death rates, and age-adjusted death rates for injury deaths, by mechanism and intent of death: United States, 2009 - page 81))
NOTE: All Transport includes Motor Vehicle (Car, Truck, Van, Bus) as well as Aviation and Rail.
Even though we cannot see the details of the homocides by gun (most homocides occur when the victim knows the assailant), there were more suicides by gun.. than homocides by gun. And again, I know we cannot see how many of those suicides were commited by the gun's owner or by a family member or friend or stranger, but we can still look at the totals.
Gun owners might want to consider that risk when they decide to bring that gun into a home where multiple persons live.
Also, we can also see how statistics can be used to come up with silly conclusions, such as using the above data to support the conclusion that bicycles are the safest form of trasnportation. You can prove that to me by riding your bicycle from Long Beach to San Francisco over night.
Hail, Hail!!!
where is wayne lapierre when we need him to make his case?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I'm guessing they aren't loaded either.
I was raised safely around guns and this was rule number one...this sort of disrespect teaches kids that guns need not be taken seriously, and as a gun advocate you should be condemning this, not covering your delight with justifications like "trigger control" and "unloaded"
TREAT ALL FIREARMS AS LOADED AND CHAMBERED AT ALL TIMES. Again, this is gun safety 101. That's how people shoot themselves in the face right there...
Another flagrant violation of firearm safety...
And you wonder why we question the phrase "responsible gun owner"
you should be denouncing this vehemently!
is the girl in the middle, the one with two guns pointed at her head, even potty trained yet? Jeepers she looks not even a day over 3! Well trained??
Let's hope she doesn't remember this, and try to recreate it before she goes to kindergarten.
Sorry folks, cant edit, gotta add..
I've said it before... the inmates are running the asylum.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."