If you are a fan of an NFL team other than Seattle, but bought this shirt, your fandom is officially revoked.
I like the Browns. The Browns lost the AFC Championship 3x to the Broncos when I was a kid. I hate the Broncos. I bought a shirt.
I know, I know....Browns are terrible blah blah blah.
I'm a Browns fan too and I got one. It's not like the Browns will ever get to the Super Bowl in my lifetime. I swear it's like football hates me or something.
They wanted this to be a one time limited offering that would raise a preset amount of money for hunger. They raised what they wanted to raise and its done.Nice gesture for the hungry and for Seahawks.
Nonsense.....i'm a seahawks fan living in denver. why not just have a fundraiser for hunger without making a t shirt! If you decide to make a shirt and not guarantee delivery before the event the shirt is promoting, that's poor planning. defeats the purpose of creating the shirt. hoping to see peyton flushed out of the pocket and throwing some lob passes to dick sherman.
I haven't read every post in this thread so I'm not sure if someone has already bitched about this, but I'm going there anyway. What really fucking ticks me off are the ASSHOLES on ebay that are already selling this shirt when they haven't even gotten even gotten shipping notice yet much less received it. Again, as I stated in an earlier post, I'm not pissed that I didn't get one (as I am a lifelong diehard Broncos fanatic), but I'm sure there are a lot of members who missed out and would like to have one. Just when I think I've maxed on my annoyance with PJ merchandise whoring, here comes some new set of assholes to stir my shit up. And if you're reading this and you're one of the people selling this shirt on ebay right now, yes, you are one of the assholes I am referring to. Sorry about the harsh language and the rant. Peace.
My sense is this one will sell for as much or more than the one from the Seattle show. I paid a bunch for that one and am glad I was able to get this one for $35. Mine won't be hitting ebay I can assure you. The limit one per member should keep ebay resales to a minimum. Most of these will be proudly worn by Club Members. I could care less if it arrives prior to game day.
I know the majority will wind up being worn by members but it doesn't stop my aggravation with the growing number of people who only have a membership so they can hawk exclusive merchandise from the site and shows. And I really only see it with this band, since so many of us (myself included) are merch fanatics. It just sucks.
Nonsense.....i'm a seahawks fan living in denver. why not just have a fundraiser for hunger without making a t shirt! If you decide to make a shirt and not guarantee delivery before the event the shirt is promoting, that's poor planning. defeats the purpose of creating the shirt. hoping to see peyton flushed out of the pocket and throwing some lob passes to dick sherman.
I agree, simple planning when the playoffs started in early January would've been nice so that the fans could actually wear it during this playoff run. It's just a shame that we may not even be able to wear it for the Super Bowl which the Seahawks may never get to again (or at least in another 10 years). That's why I'm expecting that I won't get to wear it until the first preseason game in August. But, I'll definitely give them props if I get it by Saturday.
SEA 9/20/92, SEA 12/7/93, SEA 12/31/94 (MS), SEA 11/5/00, SEA 11/6/00, SEA 12/8/02, SEA 12/9/02, BEN 10/22/03, GOR 9/1/05, SD 7/7/06, LA 7/10/06, LA 7/12/06, LA (EV) 4/12/08, LA (EV) 4/13/08, LA 7/12/08, LA 9/30/09, LA 10/7/09, SEA 12/6/13, SEA 8/8/18
I know the majority will wind up being worn by members but it doesn't stop my aggravation with the growing number of people who only have a membership so they can hawk exclusive merchandise from the site and shows. And I really only see it with this band, since so many of us (myself included) are merch fanatics. It just sucks.
What I don't understand is why people have to try to make a goddamn "profit" off everything. People really have nothing better to do than hawk PJ items on ebay? I don't really give a shit but have always wondered about the greedy mindset of individuals that sit around and wait on a band website to buy up stuff when its announced just to make a few bucks? Fucking stupid and selfish IMO. Oh, and as I mentioned earlier…kick ass shirt for a great charity! Cant wait for it to arrive!
Hells yeah. Good to see 10C did the right thing and put this back in stock. And fuck all the scalpers trying to sell these for $90 on ebay right now. Go get your shirts people!!!!
Hells yeah. Good to see 10C did the right thing and put this back in stock. And fuck all the scalpers trying to sell these for $90 on ebay right now. Go get your shirts people!!!!
I don't know, restocking a limited edition item seems slightly sketchy, but it should dry up some tears I guess.
Fuck this limited edition shit, imo. All it does is create more of an atmosphere conducive to scalping. Most items, particularly something like a t-shirt, should be stocked per demand and not listed as "limited edition" just to drive up hype. PJ fans are merch crazy as it is. Most of us don't need a catch phrase to create a reason to buy something PJ related. My $.02
I don't know, restocking a limited edition item seems slightly sketchy, but it should dry up some tears I guess.
Fuck this limited edition shit, imo. All it does is create more of an atmosphere conducive to scalping. Most items, particularly something like a t-shirt, should be stocked per demand and not listed as "limited edition" just to drive up hype. PJ fans are merch crazy as it is. Most of us don't need a catch phrase to create a reason to buy something PJ related. My $.02
It said limited quantities, not edition. My guess is that they saw how quick they sold and then they increased their initial order with their supplier. I don't see it as a good sign for getting it by the superbowl but its all for charity. I am happy to see that 10C went and got more for us. I hope they start doing this for more merch and other things that sell out quickly.
The Browns lost the AFC Championship 3x to the Broncos when I was a kid.
I hate the Broncos.
I bought a shirt.
I know, I know....Browns are terrible blah blah blah.
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
Charlotte NC 2013
Greenville SC 2016
Wrigley 1 2018
I'm a Browns fan too and I got one. It's not like the Browns will ever get to the Super Bowl in my lifetime. I swear it's like football hates me or something.
If you decide to make a shirt and not guarantee delivery before the event the shirt is promoting, that's poor planning. defeats the purpose of creating the shirt. hoping to see peyton flushed out of the pocket and throwing some lob passes to dick sherman.
Sorry about the harsh language and the rant. Peace.
And go Broncos!!!!
Wind this thing up.
Wind this thing up.
Wind this thing up.