**urgent: Do Not Attempt To Buy Ed Solo Tix ~ Site Glitch. Cards Will Be Charged!



  • What's everyone talking about....? Do you mean the Vancouver tix I bought this AM I didn't really get, but I'm going to be charged for all five times I had to enter my CC number? I got a confirmation from the 10Club that I got one pair, and then when I went back in to confirm that I actually got them, I got a message saying they could not be added to my cart because I already had tix....Please don't scare me...

    check your profile, your tickets should be there... you should be fine if they confirmed you had tickets...
    The problem was the ones getting the unexpected error and kept on trying even hours later after the sale and never had a shot at tickets because there were sold out and the site was only authorizing our cc's when they have nothing to sell us :(
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    cutback wrote:
    go to your profile and see what shows you have....if they're not there you may have charges against your cc....:(

    They are in my profile...$144 with today's date...I guess that means I'm Ok, but should check with my CC company because of all the times I tried to get these...may have been charged for more than one pair, right?
    be philanthropic
  • Solat13 wrote:
    Or at least sticky this thread. If the mods can be moving threads right now on AET, they could at least sticky this so no one else tries to buy tix.


    so no one else has "pending charges" that might interfere with buying from ticketmaster on friday.
  • I guess calling it the April Fool's tour is quite appropriate.
    We were the fools for thinking that BUY actually meant there were tickets still available, and if you entered you cc info, you were buying tickets.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    They are in my profile...$144 with today's date...I guess that means I'm Ok, but should check with my CC company because of all the times I tried to get these...may have been charged for more than one pair, right?

    i'm not sure...i went online to my bank and noticed only one hold charge....i might have clicked the submit cc few times......at that point i was a little frantic....:eek: :D
  • They are in my profile...$144 with today's date...I guess that means I'm Ok, but should check with my CC company because of all the times I tried to get these...may have been charged for more than one pair, right?

    you won't actually be charged more than once but there will be charges pending for the amount of times you tried to purchase. it takes 3-5 business days for the pending charges to be dropped unless the merchant (10c) calls your cc company and asks for the charges to be dropped immediatly.
  • They are in my profile...$144 with today's date...I guess that means I'm Ok, but should check with my CC company because of all the times I tried to get these...may have been charged for more than one pair, right?

    Yeah that could be possible SOLAT has pending $1200 but only 1 pair of tickets Im glad you got tickets I will be trying for Vancouver on Friday
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • rockpantsrockpants BC Posts: 838
    What's everyone talking about....? Do you mean the Vancouver tix I bought this AM I didn't really get, but I'm going to be charged for all five times I had to enter my CC number? I got a confirmation from the 10Club that I got one pair, and then when I went back in to confirm that I actually got them, I got a message saying they could not be added to my cart because I already had tix....Please don't scare me...

    Check your c.c. statement ASAP! It doesn't sound like you got the same error message that I did, but you never know.

    I just wish they'd shit-can the entire Goods section for now.

    I sent VISA an email, with links to a couple of threads in case they wanted some verification of other people getting screwed :p I told them I would call back after work to make sure that they and I are on the same page. I pleaded with them, given that my previous credit standing is exemplary, to increase my rating temporarily.

    Pj_Gurl - Thank you for your kind words. I'm distressed because I've never had financial trouble before, and to have it happen now because of a website glitch? BAH!
  • Horse2345Horse2345 Posts: 3,291
    As long as you got 10C confirmation and tickets show up in your profile you are good. If you got the unexpected error message you likely will get charged however many times you tried but extra charges will be wiped from credit card in 3-5 days. This directly from 10C. My card was authorized 4 times so I have 8 tickets wooo, oops I mean i get one pair and the other 3 charges will be wiped in 3-5 days.
    UBC 92, Vancouver 93, Vancouver 98, Seattle 02, Vancouver 03, Vancouver 05, Gorge 06, Gorge 06,Seattle 09,Seattle 09, Vancouver09, Montreal 11, Toronto 11,Toronto 11, Vancouver 11,Vancouver 13, Seattle 13
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    Well, I got a confirmation and they are in my profile, so it sounds like I'm OK ticket-wise. Did get that "unexpected error" a few times and then kept clicking "refresh" until finally a buy button turned up. Then everything proceeded as normal...checked out, got a confirmation, yadda, yadda, yadda...they're in my profile... I'll sort out the CC thing tomorrow...

    Hey T! How's it going? Glad to hear you got tix! It's gonna be great!!
    be philanthropic
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    Horse2345 wrote:
    As long as you got 10C confirmation and tickets show up in your profile you are good. If you got the unexpected error message you likely will get charged however many times you tried but extra charges will be wiped from credit card in 3-5 days. This directly from 10C. My card was authorized 4 times so I have 8 tickets wooo, oops I mean i get one pair and the other 3 charges will be wiped in 3-5 days.

    which is well and fine except for the people that have been hitting the buy button when the tickets have been sold out since noon thus they wind up with no tickets and the charges still showing up on their cards.

    not to mention if someone pays with a debit card...for instance right now you would have $576 being held against your debit card....when you're probably thinking that you'd only have $144 being held. so any checks or automatic withdrawls you have come in against your account during the next 3-5 days could very well bounce and you'd still be responsible for the overdraft fees
    angels share laughter
  • rockpantsrockpants BC Posts: 838
    Just a final bump ... currently says Out of Stock but in 5-6 hours, who knows if it'll glitch again and cause confusion for those who aren't totally in the loop and don't check the board that much.

    Off to bed with me, not that I'll get much sleep.
  • G ForceG Force Posts: 1,393
    prism wrote:
    thank you, R. I'm glad i saw this before i went to try again. damn i was feeling bad because I didn't score tickets but now i see that i'm actually lucky in that i never even made it as far as the page to enter my credit/debit card info before I got the "unexpected error" message come up.

    I feel absolutely terrible for the people that are going to have to deal with credit card hassles and numerous bank overdraft fees(if they paid with a debit card) only not to even receive any tickets. for these folks this fucking mess is totally unexceptable.

    WTF??? Is this a sarcastic joke...I had a tough time getting my tickets and went through countless error messages etc but i eventually got my buy buttons and transaction processed. In every instance in the past 15 yrs with ten club...that meant I got tickets and I got to see an amazing show.

    What is everyone bitching about?
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    TipJammer wrote:
    WTF??? Is this a sarcastic joke...I had a tough time getting my tickets and went through countless error messages etc but i eventually got my buy buttons and transaction processed. In every instance in the past 15 yrs with ten club...that meant I got tickets and I got to see an amazing show.

    What is everyone bitching about?

    nope, not a joke. you probably got charged for everytime you submitted your cc info wether or not it seemed to go through. check your 10club profile to see if there's any tickets in there. if not then you're in the same boat as alot of folks have been in today
    angels share laughter
  • AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,263
    TipJammer wrote:
    I had a tough time getting my tickets and went through countless error messages etc but i eventually got my buy buttons and transaction processed.

    This thread isn't referencing earlier today. It's referencing right now. BUY buttons are still showing up on the site. People (like me) are clicking them, thinking "hey, what luck!". Then they go through the entire process only to get an error message. EXCEPT, even with the error message and NO tix, the cards are being charged.

    In my case I don't know yet of my card has been charged. I won't know until tomorrow. But it seems in some other people's cases, their cards were charged each time they tried to get tix, before they realized they couldn't get them at all. They may have tried multiple times, meaning multiple charges that are holding up way more funds than the would-be-buyer anticipated.

    THAT's why people are complaining.
  • HinnyHinny Posts: 1,610
    Does it matter that they're charged? No product is being sold, so they legally need to provide a full refund.
    Binary solo..000000100000111100001110
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Hinny wrote:
    Does it matter that they're charged? No product is being sold, so they legally need to provide a full refund.
    From just reading his/her other post, they actually tried buying their tickets 10-12 hours after the original problems became obvious.
    Why were 'buy now' buttons still available that long after??? If something had been done to disable or take them down then he wouldn't have been caught out like all the earlier people.

    Edit: sorry hinny, i didn't mean to quote you there. doh :)
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    Hinny wrote:
    Does it matter that they're charged? No product is being sold, so they legally need to provide a full refund.

    of course it matters... if you have $600 worth of charges 'pending' on a credit card and that means you have reached your limit then say you go to the garage today and try and pay for the $300 repair job on your car, or use it to pay for a holiday, the dentist, whatever... card is maxed out and you cant use it...

    can you see why it matters? i think its awful... if they dont remove the pending charges before friday some people cant even buy the Ticketmaster batch of tix... its almost illegal i'd say... to withhold someones finances but have no intention of supplying a product..
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • PJ_ROCKSPJ_ROCKS THE 406 Posts: 6,736
    I knew something was up!

    THANKS to those that posted this!


    1995 San Francisco
              San Jose

              San Diego 2 shows 

    2003 Missoula

    2005 Missoula

    2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty 

             Gorge 2 shows

    2009 Utah



    2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"

    2013 Portland


    2018 Missoula

  • Sprunkn7Sprunkn7 Posts: 5,286
    Yikes, this is bad news. Hope people see it before they think they have tickets!
    Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
  • Hinny wrote:
    Does it matter that they're charged? No product is being sold, so they legally need to provide a full refund.

    its not charged as in a debit posted on the account so no need for a refund, in my case I dont need the funds right way, though I will need them on Friday to buy tickets through TM, but for those who have the money tied up on their debit card it would be a problem because other payments may bounce because of the lack of available funds....
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • rockpantsrockpants BC Posts: 838
    It doesn't seem like everyone's seeing this or some of the related threads, so a pre-work bump.

    Everyone, please keep looking out for each other, alrighty? Thanka thanka.
  • PegasusPegasus Posts: 3,754
    heard from someone an hour ago that supposedly GOT tickets then.

    the reason the links are probably not taken off is because some tickets might become available (rejected payments, returns, 'unqualified' purchase: just tried right now and I could add tickets to my cart..whatever)..it did happen last year with tickets coming back on sale sporadically, even weeks after the initial sale.
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    Pegasus wrote:
    heard from someone an hour ago that supposedly GOT tickets then.

    the reason the links are not taken off is because some tickets might become available (rejected payments, returns..whatever)..it did happen last year with tickets coming back on sale sporadically, even weeks after the initial sale.

    i think the issue is though that they are 'removing' funds from peoples cards and accounts without there being actual tickets on sale... its a simple piece of programming... if a ticket gets refunded then stock=1.. thats when the buy button should show up... after someone buys it the stock=0 and the buy button is removed by the program.

    if i had £300 'pending' on my credit card at the minute and it meant i couldnt pay for my car to get fixed today then i'd be livid... there is no excuse for having money forcibly 'withheld' from your account and therefore not allowing you to spend your own money as you would wish... its scandalous actually
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • PegasusPegasus Posts: 3,754
    dunkman wrote:
    i think the issue is though that they are 'removing' funds from peoples cards and accounts without there being actual tickets on sale... its a simple piece of programming... if a ticket gets refunded then stock=1.. thats when the buy button should show up... after someone buys it the stock=0 and the buy button is removed by the program.

    if i had £300 'pending' on my credit card at the minute and it meant i couldnt pay for my car to get fixed today then i'd be livid... there is no excuse for having money forcibly 'withheld' from your account and therefore not allowing you to spend your own money as you would wish... its scandalous actually
    the payment holding is nothing particular to 10c, it happens with ALL retailers.

    stock=1 stock=0 seems to work from the test I did.. I put Santa Cruz in the cart, it became sold out again..I released it..it appeared available again..
  • Pegasus wrote:
    heard from someone an hour ago that supposedly GOT tickets then.

    the reason the links are probably not taken off is because some tickets might become available (rejected payments, returns, 'unqualified' purchase: just tried right now and I could add tickets to my cart..whatever)..it did happen last year with tickets coming back on sale sporadically, even weeks after the initial sale.

    That was the reason why I tried when I saw the BUY button because in the past they have told us that there is cancelations due to paymet w/e and tix go back in the mix but they cant tell you when..

    When I tried to get Vancouver tix yesterday at 5pm EST I called the 10C and the girl that answered said they were all SOLD OUT and that it was a glitch and not to try again because I would keep on getting my card authorized and no tickets, she made it a point that there were no more tickets and that none had been made available at all when those BUY buttons showed up...
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    Pegasus wrote:
    the payment holding is nothing particular to 10c, it happens with ALL retailers.

    yes but buy it from ticketmaster and it means you've got a ticket, or seetickets, etc etc .. the issue here is that people are still ABLE to buy tickets and have money withheld from their own finances even though there are NO tickets available... i mean at least ticketmaster has that 2 minutes grace thing..
    Pegasus wrote:
    stock=1 stock=0 seems to work from the test I did.. I put Santa Cruz in the cart, it became sold out again..I released it..it appeared available again..

    but its not available.. the process lets you go so far and then it comes up with a warning and meanwhile it has removed the funds (in theory) from your account..
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • Just keeping this at the top of the page.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    unfucking believable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i just got buy buttons for couver and cruz.....:rolleyes:

    WTF???? :mad:
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    rockpants wrote:
    Check your c.c. statement ASAP! It doesn't sound like you got the same error message that I did, but you never know.

    I just wish they'd shit-can the entire Goods section for now.

    I sent VISA an email, with links to a couple of threads in case they wanted some verification of other people getting screwed :p I told them I would call back after work to make sure that they and I are on the same page. I pleaded with them, given that my previous credit standing is exemplary, to increase my rating temporarily.

    This whole thing really seems kind of ameturish to me. I mean how long has the goods section been up? Why are they having these kinds of problems after all these years? Hopefully for the people affected this will get fixed fast. I would be worried if I was 10 club, too many complaints to Visa or Mastercard over this and the CC companies would have to investigate. A bad investigation and they could possibly lose the ability to accept credit cards all together, and then we will all have to go back to sending in money orders.
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