Mike McCready 2013 Bobblehead: Donation: Support the Troops

Special thanks to you Faithfull for your generosity and support and to those who donate these amazing items to help my non-profit. I am forever in your debt and there's words I can say to truly express my gratitude.
For Sale:
Mike McCready 2013 Bobblehead Figure.
Comes with box. Box is NOT 100% mint. The box survived being held through 9 innings of a baseball game plus being shipped LOL.
$65 shipped in the US. $75 international. Payment via PayPal as a "friends/family" payment to avoid their fees please.
PMs will be answered in the order they are received with the first person wanting it getting a chance to pay with the 2nd person offering their donation next if 1st buyer backs out etc. I will provide specific payment directions in my reply.
The proceeds of this sale goes to Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey, an all volunteer US Troop support group who does local "Welcome Home Celebrations" and hopes to raise the morale of our brave women and men deployed in Afghanistan by sending them huge care packages jam packed with gum, candy, Tasty Kakes, beef jerky, baby wipes, foot powder and so on. For more on OYR of SJ: please visit: http://www.operationyellowribbonsouthjersey.org. From there you can find our Facebook page where we post thank you letters from the Troops.
Thank you for helping us help support our Troops. Just in the month of July, we have shipped over 4,000 pounds of goodies at an expense of over $3500 so these items and your purchases truly help. Every penny means something. Thank you so much.
More cool items to come thanks to some most generous friends and PJ fans!! Stay tuned!
Post edited by Unknown User on
All PMs have been responded to and I will mark this as "PENDING" for now as I await payment from #1 PM'r or move on to the 2nd PM etc.