*** Wrigley Field Fanviews Here 7/19/13 ***



  • TacomatoseTacomatose Posts: 20
    Wrigley Field … What used to be just the name of a baseball field has a whole new meaning for me. Driving back from the show, completely exhausted and drained, I knew that I would need a few days to absorb and sort it all out. Now, with the benefit of some rest and listening to the show (source 3) on repeat, I can say that, for me, that Wrigley Field truly was a “you had to be there” experience, and I was!

    Before every show, my greatest anticipation is wondering what journey Pearl Jam has in store for me. And what a journey!

    First Set: What better way to kick off the night than with Release, the first song Pearl Jam ever played live. Then Present Tense—my first time live for a song that always helps keep me focused on what's important every time I hear it. Low Light, with lightening in the background. After Friday, I’ll forever get choked up when I hear Come Back (and again, stay focused on what's important!). And the band sounded great, with Jeff’s bass literally rattling my guts so I could feel the music. Things were off to a great start then …

    Rain Delay: I had such a range of emotions when the rain came, from disbelief (after checking the weather incessantly for days, I had convinced myself that we would be spared), to amazement with how orderly the floor was cleared, to anxiousness as I watched the center field clock tick closer to the 11 pm curfew. When the rain finally cleared, I couldn't understand why they were not gearing back up. Would they really make us wait for an hour plus and then cancel the show? Then more rain. I'm thinking that this is not going to end well. And then, when I was sure that they were going to cancel the rest of the show, what seemed like a swarm of roadies and crew descended and got the stage ready in record time as literally thousands of exhausted, emotionally-tested (and likely over-served) fans streamed back to the field. At first, I was excited: “They’re really coming back!” But then, I started to worry: “For how long?” That second feeling stayed with me for the rest of the night …

    Second Set: I’m not a Cubs fan, so All the Way is not intrinsically special to me. But what was special was the serendipity of seeing Eddie play it in Wrigley, just like when I heard Sinatra come on in a bar many beers into my first trip to New York City and everything seems to line up just right. I took All Night (another first for me) as a sign that, just maybe, we would get a full show, yet I still couldn't shake the feeling that it would be cut short. DTE is always great to hear ("South American style" was new to me), and I loved the new take on Corduroy. Instead of rushing through just to get the songs in, they were actually stretching them out! Maybe, just maybe, we were going to witness history ... Then two new songs back to back, including the debut of Lightening Bolt, both of which I am really enjoying. Absolutely love SOLAT every time I see it. Then, Wishlist – yet another first for me. Eruption –WTF! – followed by Bugs w/ accordion – seriously, WTF!! Then a thunderous Why Go and a strong RVM. At that point, I was thinking that they were going to have to wrap up at any moment, and I was trying to figure out whether I was going to feel screwed by the weather or just thankful that they were able to cram in so much after the storm.

    Third Set: But despite the time continuing to pass further into Saturday morning on the scoreboard clock, the show was not over! Instead, I got another “world premiere” (Future Days), followed by a great version of Mother! How much longer could this go on? I felt like I was on seriously borrowed time, and then Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns – FOR MY SECOND TIME IN A ROW (Toronto 2011)!!!! At this point, I don’t even know what to expect. I certainly didn't expect a 9-minute long Porch with Eddie swinging on a light and going into the crowd at 1:30 a.m., that’s for damn sure! Surely the show had to be done … and if so, it was so much more than I thought they would get in after the rain. Probably just Yellow Ledbetter and then goodnight left. But then Wasted Reprise, followed by Life Wasted! By now, I am totally disoriented (in a good way) by the order of the set list, in disbelief that they are still playing (how much are the curfew fines going to cost?), and wondering what could come next, because they surely won’t end the show on that. I’m running through the possibilities in my head of what could be next … there were so many options. Then Black - always a great choice. Finally, Eddie said they had 5 more minutes (5 minutes more!!! I don't want it to end, but I don't know if I can take anymore I'm so spent), after which they proceeded to pound out an 8-minute RIFW.

    By the end, I was completely spent, both physically and emotionally. I couldn't put it all into context. Had I just witnessed something incredible? Was I cheated out of what had the potential to be the greatest Pearl Jam show ever? Was I incredibly lucky that they came back after the delay and played song after song, including debuts and true rarities? Did I like the new songs, or did I just want to like the new songs? How incredible was it that so many stayed for the whole show? What songs might have been dropped? Would I be able to stay awake for my entire 1+ hour drive to where I was staying?

    With the benefit of some time and sleep, I can relate in one way or another to just about everything that everyone has said about the show, both good and bad, because Wrigley had it all in extremes. Was everything “perfect”? Not in the traditional sense. The heat, the rain, the fatigue, the dropped songs, etc. But as an experience, it was perfect: I was there, I experienced it all in the moment, and looking back I wouldn't change a thing.

    And that's all I got to say about that.
  • pistol3pistol3 CO Posts: 189
    Using the word epic is a little much. There was a 3 hour rain delay, and 32 total songs. What was actually epic about it? It was good, but it was going to be 40+ songs. That might have approached the word epic. Epic is supposed to be synonymous with legendary. Seems like if you think this show was epic, you haven't seen them play but one or two times and don't have much of a sample size. Again, I thought there were some awesome things about the show. Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns for one. But, it was the most dead GA I've been in or seen for a PJ show. I mean it was ridiculous how calm it was. As I posted before, its a rock concert, wake up. It honestly seemed like half of GA weren't into the show at all, I felt bad for the band. And, there were tons of people sitting for the majority of the show. How someone can sit at a PJ show (if capable of standing) is beyond me. If I had to sit I'd shake the damn seat loose. Using epic as the adjective for this show takes the luster off of the word. Its like dropping the F bomb all the time, it loses its impact. I'm aware that its "like, my opinion, man." But, I think the shit weather and somewhat dead crowd make epic a major overstatement.
    VA Beach 8/3/00, Council Bluffs 6/13/03, St. Paul 6/16/03, East Troy 6/21/03, The Gorge 7/22/06, 7/23/06, Chicago 8/23/09, KC 5/3/10, St. Louis 5/4/10, Dublin 6/22/10, Belfast 6/23/10, London 6/25/10, EV Minneapolis 7/2/11, EV Tulsa 11/18/12, Chicago 7/19/13, OKC 11/16/13, Phoenix 11/19/13, Pemberton 7/17/16, Missoula 8/13/18, San Diego 5/3/22, Denver 9/22/22, Sacramento 5/13/24, LA 5/21/24
  • wall05wall05 Posts: 304
    pistol3 wrote:
    Using the word epic is a little much. There was a 3 hour rain delay, and 32 total songs. What was actually epic about it? It was good, but it was going to be 40+ songs. That might have approached the word epic. Epic is supposed to be synonymous with legendary. Seems like if you think this show was epic, you haven't seen them play but one or two times and don't have much of a sample size. Again, I thought there were some awesome things about the show. Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns for one. But, it was the most dead GA I've been in or seen for a PJ show. I mean it was ridiculous how calm it was. As I posted before, its a rock concert, wake up. It honestly seemed like half of GA weren't into the show at all, I felt bad for the band. And, there were tons of people sitting for the majority of the show. How someone can sit at a PJ show (if capable of standing) is beyond me. If I had to sit I'd shake the damn seat loose. Using epic as the adjective for this show takes the luster off of the word. Its like dropping the F bomb all the time, it loses its impact. I'm aware that its "like, my opinion, man." But, I think the shit weather and somewhat dead crowd make epic a major overstatement.

    Everyone's personal experience changes how they perceive the show. Musically I certainly have seen better PJ shows, but to come back on and finish that show was pretty incredible to me. I had tons of friends who were at the Phish concert that night that got canceled and I was finding out about that just as we hit the rain delay at Wrigley. My heart sunk thinking that our show would be canceled too. When those speaker towers went back up and equipment was uncovered I was in shock that they were gonna come back on and finish. To get the show we did after that I thought was amazing and really showed me how much this band cares for its fans. I am still completely blown away by that show and don't see that feeling wavering any time soon. I was rocking the f*** out till 2 am and I didn't care how stupid I looked or if anyone around me was too. All that mattered was I was having a crazy fun time! (I would like to note that I was stone sober at this show as well. Alcohol did not play a factor in my enjoyment at all. Just pure giddy energy after having been up since 4 am and flying into Chicago from Philly that morning) You should spend less time worrying about the people around you and just enjoy yourself and be in the moment.

    And to answer your question "what was actually epic about it?"

    Ummm, lets see...

    -Wrigley Field
    -Pearl Jam
    -Rain delay leading to a 2 am finish
    -2 song debuts (plus second performance of MYM)
    -Release opener
    -Come Back
    -Ernie Banks
    -Determination by the band to not let the show be ruined by the weather and give us fans their all

    This show will be debated for years to come, I'm sure. But it certainly was a step above the average PJ show and stands out more than just another mid tour stop. Whether it was epic or not to you is only on you, but some people really got a lot out of that show and I don't see why others feel the need to hate on that just because they didn't personally.

    Just my 2 cents
    2008 - Camden, NJ 1
    2009 - Philadelphia, PA x4
    2010 - Newark, NJ, New York City, NY x2
    2012 - Philadelphia, PA
    2013 - Chicago, IL, Philadelphia, PA x2, Hartford, CT
    2016 - Philadelphia, PA x2, New York City, NY 2, Fenway 2
  • morellomorello Auckland, New Zealand Posts: 6,217
    wall05 wrote:
    pistol3 wrote:
    Using the word epic is a little much. There was a 3 hour rain delay, and 32 total songs. What was actually epic about it? It was good, but it was going to be 40+ songs. That might have approached the word epic. Epic is supposed to be synonymous with legendary. Seems like if you think this show was epic, you haven't seen them play but one or two times and don't have much of a sample size. Again, I thought there were some awesome things about the show. Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns for one. But, it was the most dead GA I've been in or seen for a PJ show. I mean it was ridiculous how calm it was. As I posted before, its a rock concert, wake up. It honestly seemed like half of GA weren't into the show at all, I felt bad for the band. And, there were tons of people sitting for the majority of the show. How someone can sit at a PJ show (if capable of standing) is beyond me. If I had to sit I'd shake the damn seat loose. Using epic as the adjective for this show takes the luster off of the word. Its like dropping the F bomb all the time, it loses its impact. I'm aware that its "like, my opinion, man." But, I think the shit weather and somewhat dead crowd make epic a major overstatement.

    Everyone's personal experience changes how they perceive the show. Musically I certainly have seen better PJ shows, but to come back on and finish that show was pretty incredible to me. I had tons of friends who were at the Phish concert that night that got canceled and I was finding out about that just as we hit the rain delay at Wrigley. My heart sunk thinking that our show would be canceled too. When those speaker towers went back up and equipment was uncovered I was in shock that they were gonna come back on and finish. To get the show we did after that I thought was amazing and really showed me how much this band cares for its fans. I am still completely blown away by that show and don't see that feeling wavering any time soon. I was rocking the f*** out till 2 am and I didn't care how stupid I looked or if anyone around me was too. All that mattered was I was having a crazy fun time! (I would like to note that I was stone sober at this show as well. Alcohol did not play a factor in my enjoyment at all. Just pure giddy energy after having been up since 4 am and flying into Chicago from Philly that morning) You should spend less time worrying about the people around you and just enjoy yourself and be in the moment.

    And to answer your question "what was actually epic about it?"

    Ummm, lets see...

    -Wrigley Field
    -Pearl Jam
    -Rain delay leading to a 2 am finish
    -2 song debuts (plus second performance of MYM)
    -Release opener
    -Come Back
    -Ernie Banks
    -Determination by the band to not let the show be ruined by the weather and give us fans their all

    This show will be debated for years to come, I'm sure. But it certainly was a step above the average PJ show and stands out more than just another mid tour stop. Whether it was epic or not to you is only on you, but some people really got a lot out of that show and I don't see why others feel the need to hate on that just because they didn't personally.

    Just my 2 cents
    I second this. I wasn't at the show although I was following it on earthcam all the time & I would sure as hell say it was EPIC! FFS the 3 hour delay & then the band coming back on & playing until 2am!?!?!?! + all the reasons listed by wall05 above! :o Definitely epic I think!
    PJ - Auckland 2009; Alpine Valley1&2 2011; Man1, Am'dam1&2, Berlin1&2, Stockholm, Oslo & Copenhagen 2012; LA, Oakland, Portland, Spokane, Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle 2013; Auckland 2014, Auckland1&2 2024
    EV - Canberra, Newcastle & Sydney 1&2 2011
  • pistol3pistol3 CO Posts: 189
    Yeah, your list has some great things about the show. I'm not one of the fans that thinks it was a bad show. But, people are over-sensationalizing it. What would it have been with no weather delay? Probably epic. How can it be epic when we know we missed out on 8 songs? Low standards. An epic show wouldn't have so many on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Wishful thinking. Not epic, anti-climatic, though a solid show in spite of everything. Non-attendees a calling it epic exemplify that, no frame of reference.
    VA Beach 8/3/00, Council Bluffs 6/13/03, St. Paul 6/16/03, East Troy 6/21/03, The Gorge 7/22/06, 7/23/06, Chicago 8/23/09, KC 5/3/10, St. Louis 5/4/10, Dublin 6/22/10, Belfast 6/23/10, London 6/25/10, EV Minneapolis 7/2/11, EV Tulsa 11/18/12, Chicago 7/19/13, OKC 11/16/13, Phoenix 11/19/13, Pemberton 7/17/16, Missoula 8/13/18, San Diego 5/3/22, Denver 9/22/22, Sacramento 5/13/24, LA 5/21/24
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    pistol3 wrote:
    Yeah, your list has some great things about the show. I'm not one of the fans that thinks it was a bad show. But, people are over-sensationalizing it. What would it have been with no weather delay? Probably epic. How can it be epic when we know we missed out on 8 songs? Low standards. An epic show wouldn't have so many on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Wishful thinking. Not epic, anti-climatic, though a solid show in spite of everything. Non-attendees a calling it epic exemplify that, no frame of reference.
    only Eddie's smile when he walk on stage and saw the crowd.,...makes the frikin show epic..
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • pistol3pistol3 CO Posts: 189
    pistol3 wrote:
    Yeah, your list has some great things about the show. I'm not one of the fans that thinks it was a bad show. But, people are over-sensationalizing it. What would it have been with no weather delay? Probably epic. How can it be epic when we know we missed out on 8 songs? Low standards. An epic show wouldn't have so many on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Wishful thinking. Not epic, anti-climatic, though a solid show in spite of everything. Non-attendees a calling it epic exemplify that, no frame of reference.
    only Eddie's smile when he walk on stage and saw the crowd.,...makes the frikin show epic..

    I can appreciate that.
    VA Beach 8/3/00, Council Bluffs 6/13/03, St. Paul 6/16/03, East Troy 6/21/03, The Gorge 7/22/06, 7/23/06, Chicago 8/23/09, KC 5/3/10, St. Louis 5/4/10, Dublin 6/22/10, Belfast 6/23/10, London 6/25/10, EV Minneapolis 7/2/11, EV Tulsa 11/18/12, Chicago 7/19/13, OKC 11/16/13, Phoenix 11/19/13, Pemberton 7/17/16, Missoula 8/13/18, San Diego 5/3/22, Denver 9/22/22, Sacramento 5/13/24, LA 5/21/24
  • Empty GlassEmpty Glass In Rob's shed Posts: 12,329
    pistol3 wrote:
    Yeah, your list has some great things about the show. I'm not one of the fans that thinks it was a bad show. But, people are over-sensationalizing it. What would it have been with no weather delay? Probably epic. How can it be epic when we know we missed out on 8 songs? Low standards. An epic show wouldn't have so many on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Wishful thinking. Not epic, anti-climatic, though a solid show in spite of everything. Non-attendees a calling it epic exemplify that, no frame of reference.
    only Eddie's smile when he walk on stage and saw the crowd.,...makes the frikin show epic..

    Great line Dimi!

    I saw my favorite band in what was always my favorite ball park....that's all I needed for me to describe this show as epic.

    No, I'm not a Cubs fan and my sample size was one or two before No Code came out.
    I've met Rob


    This place is dead


    "Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
  • SuziemaySuziemay Posts: 11,168
    I think epic is all relative. Epic show for me doesn't have to mean an epic show for you.

    Personally, the show wasn't epic for me but I respect that for others it was.
  • pistol3pistol3 CO Posts: 189
    Suziemay wrote:
    I think epic is all relative. Epic show for me doesn't have to mean an epic show for you.

    Personally, the show wasn't epic for me but I respect that for others it was.

    Fair enough. I don't mean to come off as a dick. I guess I just think about how that show could've been even better, and its no one's fault it got cut short. But, if there's room for more, it's not the pinnacle. I commend them for playing till 2am. But, would've been pretty shitty to cancel with how far a lot of us came and how much money was poured into that one show. They weren't on tour, so I think they felt like they owed it to us. Grateful for the follow through, but I think all of us that were there earned it for making the effort to get there. That was our payback from them.
    VA Beach 8/3/00, Council Bluffs 6/13/03, St. Paul 6/16/03, East Troy 6/21/03, The Gorge 7/22/06, 7/23/06, Chicago 8/23/09, KC 5/3/10, St. Louis 5/4/10, Dublin 6/22/10, Belfast 6/23/10, London 6/25/10, EV Minneapolis 7/2/11, EV Tulsa 11/18/12, Chicago 7/19/13, OKC 11/16/13, Phoenix 11/19/13, Pemberton 7/17/16, Missoula 8/13/18, San Diego 5/3/22, Denver 9/22/22, Sacramento 5/13/24, LA 5/21/24
  • wall05wall05 Posts: 304
    pistol3 wrote:
    Suziemay wrote:
    I think epic is all relative. Epic show for me doesn't have to mean an epic show for you.

    Personally, the show wasn't epic for me but I respect that for others it was.

    Fair enough. I don't mean to come off as a dick. I guess I just think about how that show could've been even better, and its no one's fault it got cut short. But, if there's room for more, it's not the pinnacle. I commend them for playing till 2am. But, would've been pretty shitty to cancel with how far a lot of us came and how much money was poured into that one show. They weren't on tour, so I think they felt like they owed it to us. Grateful for the follow through, but I think all of us that were there earned it for making the effort to get there. That was our payback from them.

    I definitely see where you're coming from. We can only imagine what the full thing could have been, but I think what we got was still phenomenal and that rain delay actually kind of added something to it for me. How many concerts at Wrigley have gone till 2? It was a really cool chance to kind of soak in Wrigley and then appreciate the hell out of the second half of that show. I really thought it was gonna get canceled or postponed once we were getting past 11 and would have been so bummed out about that because I wouldn't have been able to make the rescheduled date. When they came out all I felt was pure elation and gratitude cause as Tacomatose a few posts back said, we were on borrowed time. Granted the full experience of everything came at the expense of a number of great songs I still think of it as a once in a lifetime experience that was pretty incredible for me and a hell of an emotional roller coaster. Like I said in my previous post, musically I have seen better Pearl Jam shows, but that experience that night was certainly incredible for me.
    2008 - Camden, NJ 1
    2009 - Philadelphia, PA x4
    2010 - Newark, NJ, New York City, NY x2
    2012 - Philadelphia, PA
    2013 - Chicago, IL, Philadelphia, PA x2, Hartford, CT
    2016 - Philadelphia, PA x2, New York City, NY 2, Fenway 2
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    Ill never forget this

    thanks eddie....

    hope you enjoy it Blondie...

    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • mattdinglemattdingle Posts: 180
    pistol3 wrote:
    Yeah, your list has some great things about the show. I'm not one of the fans that thinks it was a bad show. But, people are over-sensationalizing it. What would it have been with no weather delay? Probably epic. How can it be epic when we know we missed out on 8 songs? Low standards. An epic show wouldn't have so many on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Wishful thinking. Not epic, anti-climatic, though a solid show in spite of everything. Non-attendees a calling it epic exemplify that, no frame of reference.
    only Eddie's smile when he walk on stage and saw the crowd.,...makes the frikin show epic..

    I dont now how Eddie's smile can be epic . R u batting for the other side? :nono:
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    pistol3 wrote:
    Yeah, your list has some great things about the show. I'm not one of the fans that thinks it was a bad show. But, people are over-sensationalizing it. What would it have been with no weather delay? Probably epic. How can it be epic when we know we missed out on 8 songs? Low standards. An epic show wouldn't have so many on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Wishful thinking. Not epic, anti-climatic, though a solid show in spite of everything. Non-attendees a calling it epic exemplify that, no frame of reference.
    only Eddie's smile when he walk on stage and saw the crowd.,...makes the frikin show epic..

    Great line Dimi!

    I saw my favorite band in what was always my favorite ball park....that's all I needed for me to describe this show as epic.

    No, I'm not a Cubs fan and my sample size was one or two before No Code came out.
    now,im a cubs fan..even i dont have a clue about baseball!!!
    that was awesome!!
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    mattdingle wrote:
    pistol3 wrote:
    Yeah, your list has some great things about the show. I'm not one of the fans that thinks it was a bad show. But, people are over-sensationalizing it. What would it have been with no weather delay? Probably epic. How can it be epic when we know we missed out on 8 songs? Low standards. An epic show wouldn't have so many on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Wishful thinking. Not epic, anti-climatic, though a solid show in spite of everything. Non-attendees a calling it epic exemplify that, no frame of reference.
    only Eddie's smile when he walk on stage and saw the crowd.,...makes the frikin show epic..

    I dont now how Eddie's smile can be epic . R u batting for the other side? :nono:
    im in a good mood,so im not gonna answer you at all..ill respect the forum and thread rules.
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • ceskaceska New York Posts: 1,129
    Definitely epic for me. 32 songs is still more than they usually do, and way more than most other bands ever do. So what we didn't hear doesn't really count - I've heard most all the missing songs before many times each, so I don't feel like I missed anything. They gave us the best of the bunch for sure.

    Some people got tired and sat? Boo. I didn't care or notice, I wasn't looking at them, I was looking at the band and they were on fire! I rocked out with them 'til 2am, as did most of the rest of the crowd, at least in my section.

    The location, the setlist (three new songs, numerous rarities, and a few "first times heard" for me), the length of the show, the surreal rain delay/field evacuation, playing 'til 2am, the build-up, all made it epic/historical/biblical. Even waiting in the merch lines for 2.5 hours was all good in retrospect. It was an "event", and the actual show delivered for me and then some! I'm still buzzing about it a week later.

    I've been to 30 shows and this is up there with MSG 2003, Boston preset 2003, Spectrum 2009, and MSG 2010 as the best shows I've been to.
  • RaeleighRaeleigh Posts: 137
    Tears in my eyes, reading the posts and reliving the night... Like another poster said, this really was all about Ed's promise to get us through the night safely and finish the show, and the belief we had in the band that they would. Looking around from GA after returning from the bowels of the stadium at all the "faithfull" still in the stands was an awe-inspiring sight that reiterated how special "our" band is and how much we really love them and what they mean to us.
  • dasvidanadasvidana Grand Junction CO Posts: 1,356
    Raeleigh wrote:
    Tears in my eyes, reading the posts and reliving the night... Like another poster said, this really was all about Ed's promise to get us through the night safely and finish the show, and the belief we had in the band that they would. Looking around from GA after returning from the bowels of the stadium at all the "faithfull" still in the stands was an awe-inspiring sight that reiterated how special "our" band is and how much we really love them and what they mean to us.

    When Ed said to trust him, I KNEW they would be back.
    It's nice to be nice to the nice.
  • BlueflareBlueflare Posts: 89
    dasvidana wrote:
    Raeleigh wrote:
    Tears in my eyes, reading the posts and reliving the night... Like another poster said, this really was all about Ed's promise to get us through the night safely and finish the show, and the belief we had in the band that they would. Looking around from GA after returning from the bowels of the stadium at all the "faithfull" still in the stands was an awe-inspiring sight that reiterated how special "our" band is and how much we really love them and what they mean to us.

    When Ed said to trust him, I KNEW they would be back.

    !!!!!!!!!! EXACTLY.....and we had a front row seat to a great storm. i was entertained the whole night!! (i only sat during the storm)
    all is as it will be, as it should be
  • BlueflareBlueflare Posts: 89
    Tacomatose wrote:
    Wrigley Field … What used to be just the name of a baseball field has a whole new meaning for me. Driving back from the show, completely exhausted and drained, I knew that I would need a few days to absorb and sort it all out. Now, with the benefit of some rest and listening to the show (source 3) on repeat, I can say that, for me, that Wrigley Field truly was a “you had to be there” experience, and I was!

    Before every show, my greatest anticipation is wondering what journey Pearl Jam has in store for me. And what a journey!

    First Set: What better way to kick off the night than with Release, the first song Pearl Jam ever played live. Then Present Tense—my first time live for a song that always helps keep me focused on what's important every time I hear it. Low Light, with lightening in the background. After Friday, I’ll forever get choked up when I hear Come Back (and again, stay focused on what's important!). And the band sounded great, with Jeff’s bass literally rattling my guts so I could feel the music. Things were off to a great start then …

    Rain Delay: I had such a range of emotions when the rain came, from disbelief (after checking the weather incessantly for days, I had convinced myself that we would be spared), to amazement with how orderly the floor was cleared, to anxiousness as I watched the center field clock tick closer to the 11 pm curfew. When the rain finally cleared, I couldn't understand why they were not gearing back up. Would they really make us wait for an hour plus and then cancel the show? Then more rain. I'm thinking that this is not going to end well. And then, when I was sure that they were going to cancel the rest of the show, what seemed like a swarm of roadies and crew descended and got the stage ready in record time as literally thousands of exhausted, emotionally-tested (and likely over-served) fans streamed back to the field. At first, I was excited: “They’re really coming back!” But then, I started to worry: “For how long?” That second feeling stayed with me for the rest of the night …

    Second Set: I’m not a Cubs fan, so All the Way is not intrinsically special to me. But what was special was the serendipity of seeing Eddie play it in Wrigley, just like when I heard Sinatra come on in a bar many beers into my first trip to New York City and everything seems to line up just right. I took All Night (another first for me) as a sign that, just maybe, we would get a full show, yet I still couldn't shake the feeling that it would be cut short. DTE is always great to hear ("South American style" was new to me), and I loved the new take on Corduroy. Instead of rushing through just to get the songs in, they were actually stretching them out! Maybe, just maybe, we were going to witness history ... Then two new songs back to back, including the debut of Lightening Bolt, both of which I am really enjoying. Absolutely love SOLAT every time I see it. Then, Wishlist – yet another first for me. Eruption –WTF! – followed by Bugs w/ accordion – seriously, WTF!! Then a thunderous Why Go and a strong RVM. At that point, I was thinking that they were going to have to wrap up at any moment, and I was trying to figure out whether I was going to feel screwed by the weather or just thankful that they were able to cram in so much after the storm.

    Third Set: But despite the time continuing to pass further into Saturday morning on the scoreboard clock, the show was not over! Instead, I got another “world premiere” (Future Days), followed by a great version of Mother! How much longer could this go on? I felt like I was on seriously borrowed time, and then Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns – FOR MY SECOND TIME IN A ROW (Toronto 2011)!!!! At this point, I don’t even know what to expect. I certainly didn't expect a 9-minute long Porch with Eddie swinging on a light and going into the crowd at 1:30 a.m., that’s for damn sure! Surely the show had to be done … and if so, it was so much more than I thought they would get in after the rain. Probably just Yellow Ledbetter and then goodnight left. But then Wasted Reprise, followed by Life Wasted! By now, I am totally disoriented (in a good way) by the order of the set list, in disbelief that they are still playing (how much are the curfew fines going to cost?), and wondering what could come next, because they surely won’t end the show on that. I’m running through the possibilities in my head of what could be next … there were so many options. Then Black - always a great choice. Finally, Eddie said they had 5 more minutes (5 minutes more!!! I don't want it to end, but I don't know if I can take anymore I'm so spent), after which they proceeded to pound out an 8-minute RIFW.

    By the end, I was completely spent, both physically and emotionally. I couldn't put it all into context. Had I just witnessed something incredible? Was I cheated out of what had the potential to be the greatest Pearl Jam show ever? Was I incredibly lucky that they came back after the delay and played song after song, including debuts and true rarities? Did I like the new songs, or did I just want to like the new songs? How incredible was it that so many stayed for the whole show? What songs might have been dropped? Would I be able to stay awake for my entire 1+ hour drive to where I was staying?

    With the benefit of some time and sleep, I can relate in one way or another to just about everything that everyone has said about the show, both good and bad, because Wrigley had it all in extremes. Was everything “perfect”? Not in the traditional sense. The heat, the rain, the fatigue, the dropped songs, etc. But as an experience, it was perfect: I was there, I experienced it all in the moment, and looking back I wouldn't change a thing.

    And that's all I got to say about that.
    :D:D:D:D you put into words everything i was feeling. thank you.
    all is as it will be, as it should be
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    Tacomatose wrote:
    Wrigley Field … What used to be just the name of a baseball field has a whole new meaning for me. Driving back from the show, completely exhausted and drained, I knew that I would need a few days to absorb and sort it all out. Now, with the benefit of some rest and listening to the show (source 3) on repeat, I can say that, for me, that Wrigley Field truly was a “you had to be there” experience, and I was!

    Before every show, my greatest anticipation is wondering what journey Pearl Jam has in store for me. And what a journey!

    First Set: What better way to kick off the night than with Release, the first song Pearl Jam ever played live. Then Present Tense—my first time live for a song that always helps keep me focused on what's important every time I hear it. Low Light, with lightening in the background. After Friday, I’ll forever get choked up when I hear Come Back (and again, stay focused on what's important!). And the band sounded great, with Jeff’s bass literally rattling my guts so I could feel the music. Things were off to a great start then …

    Rain Delay: I had such a range of emotions when the rain came, from disbelief (after checking the weather incessantly for days, I had convinced myself that we would be spared), to amazement with how orderly the floor was cleared, to anxiousness as I watched the center field clock tick closer to the 11 pm curfew. When the rain finally cleared, I couldn't understand why they were not gearing back up. Would they really make us wait for an hour plus and then cancel the show? Then more rain. I'm thinking that this is not going to end well. And then, when I was sure that they were going to cancel the rest of the show, what seemed like a swarm of roadies and crew descended and got the stage ready in record time as literally thousands of exhausted, emotionally-tested (and likely over-served) fans streamed back to the field. At first, I was excited: “They’re really coming back!” But then, I started to worry: “For how long?” That second feeling stayed with me for the rest of the night …

    Second Set: I’m not a Cubs fan, so All the Way is not intrinsically special to me. But what was special was the serendipity of seeing Eddie play it in Wrigley, just like when I heard Sinatra come on in a bar many beers into my first trip to New York City and everything seems to line up just right. I took All Night (another first for me) as a sign that, just maybe, we would get a full show, yet I still couldn't shake the feeling that it would be cut short. DTE is always great to hear ("South American style" was new to me), and I loved the new take on Corduroy. Instead of rushing through just to get the songs in, they were actually stretching them out! Maybe, just maybe, we were going to witness history ... Then two new songs back to back, including the debut of Lightening Bolt, both of which I am really enjoying. Absolutely love SOLAT every time I see it. Then, Wishlist – yet another first for me. Eruption –WTF! – followed by Bugs w/ accordion – seriously, WTF!! Then a thunderous Why Go and a strong RVM. At that point, I was thinking that they were going to have to wrap up at any moment, and I was trying to figure out whether I was going to feel screwed by the weather or just thankful that they were able to cram in so much after the storm.

    Third Set: But despite the time continuing to pass further into Saturday morning on the scoreboard clock, the show was not over! Instead, I got another “world premiere” (Future Days), followed by a great version of Mother! How much longer could this go on? I felt like I was on seriously borrowed time, and then Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns – FOR MY SECOND TIME IN A ROW (Toronto 2011)!!!! At this point, I don’t even know what to expect. I certainly didn't expect a 9-minute long Porch with Eddie swinging on a light and going into the crowd at 1:30 a.m., that’s for damn sure! Surely the show had to be done … and if so, it was so much more than I thought they would get in after the rain. Probably just Yellow Ledbetter and then goodnight left. But then Wasted Reprise, followed by Life Wasted! By now, I am totally disoriented (in a good way) by the order of the set list, in disbelief that they are still playing (how much are the curfew fines going to cost?), and wondering what could come next, because they surely won’t end the show on that. I’m running through the possibilities in my head of what could be next … there were so many options. Then Black - always a great choice. Finally, Eddie said they had 5 more minutes (5 minutes more!!! I don't want it to end, but I don't know if I can take anymore I'm so spent), after which they proceeded to pound out an 8-minute RIFW.

    By the end, I was completely spent, both physically and emotionally. I couldn't put it all into context. Had I just witnessed something incredible? Was I cheated out of what had the potential to be the greatest Pearl Jam show ever? Was I incredibly lucky that they came back after the delay and played song after song, including debuts and true rarities? Did I like the new songs, or did I just want to like the new songs? How incredible was it that so many stayed for the whole show? What songs might have been dropped? Would I be able to stay awake for my entire 1+ hour drive to where I was staying?

    With the benefit of some time and sleep, I can relate in one way or another to just about everything that everyone has said about the show, both good and bad, because Wrigley had it all in extremes. Was everything “perfect”? Not in the traditional sense. The heat, the rain, the fatigue, the dropped songs, etc. But as an experience, it was perfect: I was there, I experienced it all in the moment, and looking back I wouldn't change a thing.

    And that's all I got to say about that.
    awesome...love to read this...A W E S O M E....
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • pearljamdude420pearljamdude420 Posts: 1,380
    Original setlist here. Various stuff cut out.
    https://twitter.com/confettigirl/status ... 6356466688

    so they never played the 2nd encore that is on the pj member tshirt the same as this set? I thought I saw someone else post it was 39 show long, but now I see show was 30 song?
  • jp307677jp307677 Boston Posts: 417
    Memorable weekend and 1st set, but I'll never forget having my heart broken by drunk morons without wristbands that stole our second row spot.
  • PJ212PJ212 Posts: 822
    edited September 2013
    I will always remember that dedication before Come Back as one of the most special moments in a concert I've ever witnessed.
    Post edited by PJ212 on
    2000: CLT, Greensboro, 2003: MSG 1 & 2, 2008: MSG 1 & 2, 2009: LA 2 & 3, 2011: Vancouver, 2012: Missoula, 2013: Wrigley, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Voodoo, SD, LA 1 & 2, OAK, PDX, Vancouver, SEA, 2014: Cincy, ACL1, Tulsa, Lincoln, Memphis, Moline, St. Paul, MKE, DEN, Bridge 1 & 2, 2015: GCF, Mexico City, 2016: FLL, MIA, TPA, Greenville, Hampton, Columbia, MSG 1 & 2, Bonnaroo, Telluride, Fenway 1 & 2, Wrigley 1 & 2, 2017: ROHF, 2018: Padova, Rome, Prague, Seattle 1 & 2, Missoula, Wrigley 1 2021: SHN, Ohana 2 & 3, 2022: LA 1 & 2, PHX, OAK 1 & 2, Fresno, MSG, BNA, B&B, STL, OKC, DEN, 2023: MSP 1 & 2, CHI 1 & 2, DFW 2, AUS 1 & 2, 2024: Vancouver 1 & 2, LV 1 & 2, SEA 1 & 2
  • williamwilliam Posts: 5
    wish i could have been there this time around 2013.... but i was in chicago when i first heard "bugs" in the fall of 1994 at the art institute of chicago dorms on 112 michigan avenue building. i thought at the time that pearl jam had taken a great step in mixing up their songs with an awkward tune that reflected the days of media madness and oppressive nature of commercial success. i have followed pearl jam but cannot say am a fan which is short for fanatic and that am sure isn't anything anyone wants in their shadow. just an admirer whose supported through the years.

    -tupa knows!
  • pj10pj10 Posts: 17
    Had such a great experience at this show (#25 for me):

    -Had pit tickets - on rail in the middle. Best seats I've ever had by far and been in fan club since 1997.

    - Release opener and you could tell how truly happy and excited they were when they came on stage.

    -Hold On, All the Way, Bugs, Mother, Setting Forth, Eruption, Chloe/Crown, 3 new songs = 10/11 new songs in my 25th show. People ask me why I see them so many times and that's why - I ask them how its any different than a season ticket holder in sports.

    -During delay, somehow was lead by security into VIP area under right field - perfect spot with great people and plenty of Stella in coolers. Plus security guy we met let us head out about 30 seconds early to get our pit spot back after delay.

    -Met Steve Gleason in VIP area- true inspiration.

    -Ernie Banks/All the Way - special moment for whole stadium and especially Ed.

    -Ed came out to us during Porch - briefly surfed, then came back and finished song on rail. Awesome intensity.

    -No complaints, just would've loved to see if some of the crowd favorites on list like Alive, BM, Baba, YL would've been played- means that the perfect show is still out there!

    -Mike threw us a handful of picks at the end- buddy and I each grabbed one.

    Awesome, awesome time- best band ever that truly cares for their fans- so thankful they did whatever they did to extend curfew and stick with it. I suspect another wrigley show is down the road, just not sure I could match my experience this time. Had an absolute blast.

    Thanks Pearl Jam
    "I will feel alive as long as I am free."
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    pj10 wrote:
    Had such a great experience at this show (#25 for me):

    -Had pit tickets - on rail in the middle. Best seats I've ever had by far and been in fan club since 1997.

    - Release opener and you could tell how truly happy and excited they were when they came on stage.

    -Hold On, All the Way, Bugs, Mother, Setting Forth, Eruption, Chloe/Crown, 3 new songs = 10/11 new songs in my 25th show. People ask me why I see them so many times and that's why - I ask them how its any different than a season ticket holder in sports.

    -During delay, somehow was lead by security into VIP area under right field - perfect spot with great people and plenty of Stella in coolers. Plus security guy we met let us head out about 30 seconds early to get our pit spot back after delay.

    -Met Steve Gleason in VIP area- true inspiration.

    -Ernie Banks/All the Way - special moment for whole stadium and especially Ed.

    -Ed came out to us during Porch - briefly surfed, then came back and finished song on rail. Awesome intensity.

    -No complaints, just would've loved to see if some of the crowd favorites on list like Alive, BM, Baba, YL would've been played- means that the perfect show is still out there!

    -Mike threw us a handful of picks at the end- buddy and I each grabbed one.

    Awesome, awesome time- best band ever that truly cares for their fans- so thankful they did whatever they did to extend curfew and stick with it. I suspect another wrigley show is down the road, just not sure I could match my experience this time. Had an absolute blast.

    Thanks Pearl Jam
    :clap::clap::clap::clap: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    im still wet for the fuckin storm..hehehehhhehe
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • mvwmvw Posts: 1,692
    I have not been able to stop reliving this show over and over again in my head for almost two weeks now. Good times!
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    mvw wrote:
    I have not been able to stop reliving this show over and over again in my head for almost two weeks now. Good times!
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
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