higher power is not any religion god is higher power than all bullshit religions mankind has invented, this is not god/higher power please think about this
so you all believe the planets & sun/stars & all this vastness is just a playground for gases & funky liquids & hard as fuck stones & metals all floating around scratching their asses?
thanks but no thanks
a simple thunder storm means almost nothing but a bad day to alot of people. what does the phrase 'mother earth' mean to you? i believe many could not give two shits about what this means
myyoung321...fine by me to consider religious people weak-minded. Two off the top of my head - MLK and Maya Angelou (hell - my own father and his family) - haven't struck me as small-souled or puny in thought.
But...this is where I say it's OK to think this way of many good and generous people (well, aside from the perceived chink in their armor). I know / believe what I do, and get others don't. I accept it.
Doesn't mean I won't speak my mind where I see fit, but in the end, your view, my view - the words and thoughts make little difference.
That said, I've seen many honorable deeds from religious, atheists and agnostics alike.
I have no issues with you having faith in whatever you wish. That's is your right as a individual.
What I don't understand ...and hey maybe this is my weak mind..haha Is the need to believe in an all powerful all seeing deity when you live in an age when Science shows you not only the universe you live in, but more universes than can be counted that unknown numbers of beings could live in.. Belief in a religion that only a short time ago told followers that we were the center of the universe, the sun revolved around the earth and daughters should be treated commodities or questioning anything could get you killed because satan was obviously in you..... the stupid list goes on and on....
It's 2014... We don't need to ask invisible deities for help... We need to take responsibility for humanity as humans and put the remaining fairytales in the history books.. Pretty much every conflict on earth has something to do with religion..When will we put away childish things?
"The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera." - Yusuf Karsh
chadwick, mother earth...I love that term. It's where we - life - comes from, what loves and nurtures us, what challenges us in every sense, what shows us life isn't fair.
Reminds me of Push Me Pull Me.
"I'm like an opening band for sun" - we sure are.
myoung, I have no faith, per se. I'm agnostic - freely admit I don't know either way and likely never will. I'll admit there are parts of some religions I don't agree with, but am not so bold as to color them all - nor the people who practice them - as nefarious or stupid.
I don't know...I've seen in this forum and out here in the real world people on both sides of the issue making fun of or dismissing the other.
Again, assuming people practice or not in peace, why it'd be necessary to put down others who see things differently?
Anyway, and unfortunately, a conversation about god turned into one about religion. I still see the two as separate. And for the most part, I don't see the need for either being a negative, if they provide comfort, strength, direction, etc.
(and maybe it's easier to ask god for help in the most difficult of times, rather than asking it of ourselves...even if that help does ultimately come from within. It's their road to walk as they best can, not mine)
chadwick, mother earth...I love that term. It's where we - life - comes from, what loves and nurtures us, what challenges us in every sense, what shows us life isn't fair.
Reminds me of Push Me Pull Me.
"I'm like an opening band for sun" - we sure are.
myoung, I have no faith, per se. I'm agnostic - freely admit I don't know either way and likely never will. I'll admit there are parts of some religions I don't agree with, but am not so bold as to color them all - nor the people who practice them - as nefarious or stupid.
I don't know...I've seen in this forum and out here in the real world people on both sides of the issue making fun of or dismissing the other.
Again, assuming people practice or not in peace, why it'd be necessary to put down others who see things differently?
Anyway, and unfortunately, a conversation about god turned into one about religion. I still see the two as separate. And for the most part, I don't see the need for either being a negative, if they provide comfort, strength, direction, etc.
(and maybe it's easier to ask god for help in the most difficult of times, rather than asking it of ourselves...even if that help does ultimately come from within. It's their road to walk as they best can, not mine)
in my way of thinking & feeling-out-others, i believe i would be hard pressed to find anyone with zero faith in anything. you all have faith & alot of it
you have faith in yourselves, friends & family, yes? faith in pearl jam & other musicians you enjoy, yes? you have faith in sunlight & moonlight
show me a person with not one tiny fraction of faith you'll be having a dead person in your arms, yes? "here is your person w/ no faith, what is my prize?"
even brianlux had faith in KFC until he fell on his head. he still has faith in a billion other things i bet. (like his books/authors & wife)
how many times and ways will some of you keep conviencing your selfs that you don't believe in God ? this and gun threads are rehashed every couple months or so and it's just about as exciting as watching paint dry,what are some of you so afraid of that you hide your selfs from faith ?
It's the same way you are afraid of all Muslims , immigrants , Gays , lesbians .....I'm not afraid of a God that i don't believe in at all .....I'm afraid of loosing my Children ,wife , parents .....
how many times and ways will some of you keep conviencing your selfs that you don't believe in God ? this and gun threads are rehashed every couple months or so and it's just about as exciting as watching paint dry,what are some of you so afraid of that you hide your selfs from faith ?
Are you kidding me?
I'll frame it this way: I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it is fair to say you are probably one of the most intolerant people on this board (with your gay bashing and open distaste for Muslims).
If there is a God... and he takes you into his holy kingdom because you announce and practice your faith... and some kinder, gentler person that doesn't ritually worship him is left to burn in Hell... then you can have him.
With that aside... why are you afraid to question your religion? Have you ever stopped to think that the idea of God and religion might just be a hoax? Have you ever stopped to think that the mythology you were sold when your mind was impressionable is just a little far fetched? When is the last time we have seen a good, solid miracle other than a picture on the internet of someone's Cheerios forming the face of Jesus?
Those who put faith in God and abide by his rules are the ones that survive the end of the world and are rewarded and I believe this...but everyone has a free choice to believe or not to, each to their own.
If there is a god, which I do not believe there is, and if there is a heaven, which I believe even less in (if that's possible), then I do not want any part of an afterlife where one's acceptance is based simply on belief and faith. "Screw everyone else" eh?
I choose to live my life based on common sense and a good core of morals, not folklore and mores passed down through centuries of generations and eventually written down...a few thousand years ago, misinterpreted again and again until parts of it completely contradict other parts and have pretty much no relevance to modern life. (Let me add: I have no problems at all with some parts of the holy books, like the 10 commandments...but I don't need a "holy" book to tell me that murder is evil or that nailing my neighbor's wife is probably a bad idea)
In my mind, and I mean no disrespect to believers, it is very freeing to realize exactly what religion is. When my eyes opened up, I couldn't walk away from my faith fast enough. Modern day religions started in an era with an extreme lack of education among the masses. When the ruling class realized it was even easier to keep the masses at bay by "explaining" the world around them in terms of god(s) and heaven/hell and submissiveness, it became even easier to rule. If you speak out, you're going to hell. If you rise up, you're going to hell. If you question them, you're going to hell. This was their life. This was all they knew. They "knew" they would be rewarded in the afterlife, so just suck it up while you're alive. Those in power live in a lap of luxury, knowing full well what they are doing.
Sometimes I am astonished that the masses haven't left religion behind at this point. We've come to far, and I just see religions, and especially organized religions, as this truly archaic and outdated system. For example, the bible outlaws: homosexuality, eating pig, eating shellfish, clothing that exposes too much skin, mixing fabrics in your outfit, short hair, shaving off your beard, tattoos, working on Sundays (do you like football?), psychic readings (silly I know, but it's still banned), defending your husband in a fight (want to lose a hand? defend your husband and you'll get your hand cut off), cursing at your parents (thou shalt be killed if you do), women speaking in church (not a peep!), sex before marriage.
That's just a sample. Yet people still cling to these books and these ideals. I simply don't get it. We've come so far as a species, but still cling to these thoughts and stories from centuries ago.
haha. yeeeeee hawwwww. That's a sic post! Could you imagine hearing someone in power say that on CNN and FOX news? A breath of fresh air!
so you all believe the planets & sun/stars & all this vastness is just a playground for gases & funky liquids & hard as fuck stones & metals all floating around scratching their asses?
what does the phrase 'mother earth' mean to you? i believe many could not give two shits about what this means
Howdeeeeeeeeeee dooooooooo (Thanking coffee for this post - most of my posts actually)
As a scientist (haha - I could have said "christain", which i technically am, but christianity is bunk) my reply to you, good sir, is as follows: WHHAAAAAAAAT????!!!?!? Of course not, Mr. Poet! Physics is your answer We have the capabilities of doing so much with Physics. In lay terms, sure, you may call the vast playground of the gases and liquids a place to "scratch an ass." - is our galaxy up your ass?) - I am being cordial with you by the way. Everytime I say something to you, I envision you and I having a drink and swapping phrases in the midst of a shitload of cheersing beer mugs.
And to me, physics isn't a higher power. There is no higher power. There is just physics. (insert everything we know about physics here - I'm ready for some of your minds to be blown up by this. Always seems to irk ya the wrong way. So so strange. Did you know that our galaxy is made up of other galaxies? The Milky Way wasn’t always as it is today, a beautiful barred spiral. It became its current size and shape by eating up other galaxies. It’s still doing so today – the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way because its stars are currently being added to the Milky Way’s disk, and our galaxy has consumed others in its long history, such as the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy. She's a hungry beeotch. Just add more milk and whammo - there goes another galaxy)
Mother Earth: simple to me. just our planet. that's all. Mother Earth is our planet. answer over. And I LOVE planet Earth. oh fuck ya. you're god damn rights I do. If I could I'd have little baby mother earth's all over the place, just running around randomly with all their big round bodies and goofy little species doing random acts of kindness... just running around a big ole playground... scratching their asses. Watch out for pubes.
That cup of coffee... was delicious as all hell. (i think it's because I've recently learned about the word "ellipsis"... they have a name! I love that.)
This thread is a playground with many an ass being scratched.
[-O< I bow to thee Oh Lemmy Forgive me for I have sinned I hath not doth bought thou music Shame me I beg you Shame me Doth the moth of David Lee Roth not be goth yet be he a sloth unto you Shame me Oh Lemmy, shame me. [-O<
this complex mathematical circus act can & does solve the simpler things in life as we know it. your difficult math formulas & whatnot are holding true to maybe .0000000001% of everything & this is on a good day, sir. do not fool yourself into believing your superiority at the whiteboard is really anything but a practical joke played on you by those born before you & a slight bit of common sense & luck.
as a scientist you should be looking very far & deep into things. 'spiritually would help.' as a scientist you should be lying down the white lab coat every once in awhile & roll around in the mud on a warm or cold evening. drop a couple hits on LSD & lay in the grass
again another discussion with a scientist. you folks have huge arrogant balls let me tell you something. your little classroom lectures & study centers truly mean nothing on the grander scale of all of this. by the way, i studied environmental sciences a bit: foresty, fisheries - marine & freshwater & raised hundreds of thousands of salmon & trout at a time for the state of washington while attending school. i understand the sciences give us a slight grasp on things in this life, but only for the way we preceive this life we are in.
please wrap your head around something farther than your own beliefs, understandings & daydreams.
speaking of coffee - i hear that guitarist guy who sings a bit in a band has a coffee out or is the spokesman anyway... 'valhalla java' ... youtube has a few clips over there carrying on.
p.s. i been waiting for a few of you geniuses to teach me some complex shit. still waiting i got though a few algebra classes. puzzles w/ letters & numbers. this should be being taught in kindergarten like it is in korea... one of my tutors was from s. korea & at age 4 or 6 years old they are diving into complex math
physics isn't but buttocks scratching when it comes to the real big ass picture... sorry if i am breaking your heart
spiritually does not mean religion either by the way
this complex mathematical circus act can & does solve the simpler things in life as we know it. your difficult math formulas & whatnot are holding true to maybe .0000000001% of everything & this is on a good day, sir. do not fool yourself into believing your superiority at the whiteboard is really anything but a practical joke played on you by those born before you & a slight bit of common sense & luck.
as a scientist you should be looking very far & deep into things. 'spiritually would help.' as a scientist you should be lying down the white lab coat every once in awhile & roll around in the mud on a warm or cold evening. drop a couple hits on LSD & lay in the grass
again another discussion with a scientist. you folks have huge arrogant balls let me tell you something. your little classroom lectures & study centers truly mean nothing on the grander scale of all of this. by the way, i studied environmental sciences a bit: foresty, fisheries - marine & freshwater & raised hundreds of thousands of salmon & trout at a time for the state of washington while attending school. i understand the sciences give us a slight grasp on things in this life, but only for the way we preceive this life we are in.
please wrap your head around something farther than your own beliefs, understandings & daydreams.
speaking of coffee - i hear that guitarist guy who sings a bit in a band has a coffee out or is the spokesman anyway... 'valhalla java' ... youtube has a few clips over there carrying on.
p.s. i been waiting for a few of you geniuses to teach me some complex shit. still waiting i got though a few algebra classes. puzzles w/ letters & numbers. this should be being taught in kindergarten like it is in korea... one of my tutors was from s. korea & at age 4 or 6 years old they are diving into complex math
physics isn't but buttocks scratching when it comes to the real big ass picture... sorry if i am breaking your heart
spiritually does not mean religion either by the way
I agree with this. I just can't comprehend that people dismiss God because they don't understand something God does or don't agree with it.
And science's principles are just based upon what we THINK we know and principles we invented as humans.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,383
I read a quote somewhere that scientist do not claim to prove anything- that is, they do not do proofs, that's for mathematicians.
And what about a spiritual physicists like Fritjof Capra? I have not read him but what I've read about him sounds interesting. Maybe his kind of thinking is a bridge to disparate beliefs. I don't know. Enlighten me.
"Pretty cookies, heart squares all around, yeah!" -Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
this complex mathematical circus act can & does solve the simpler things in life as we know it. your difficult math formulas & whatnot are holding true to maybe .0000000001% of everything & this is on a good day, sir. do not fool yourself into believing your superiority at the whiteboard is really anything but a practical joke played on you by those born before you & a slight bit of common sense & luck.
as a scientist you should be looking very far & deep into things. 'spiritually would help.' as a scientist you should be lying down the white lab coat every once in awhile & roll around in the mud on a warm or cold evening. drop a couple hits on LSD & lay in the grass
again another discussion with a scientist. you folks have huge arrogant balls let me tell you something. your little classroom lectures & study centers truly mean nothing on the grander scale of all of this. by the way, i studied environmental sciences a bit: foresty, fisheries - marine & freshwater & raised hundreds of thousands of salmon & trout at a time for the state of washington while attending school. i understand the sciences give us a slight grasp on things in this life, but only for the way we preceive this life we are in.
please wrap your head around something farther than your own beliefs, understandings & daydreams.
speaking of coffee - i hear that guitarist guy who sings a bit in a band has a coffee out or is the spokesman anyway... 'valhalla java' ... youtube has a few clips over there carrying on.
p.s. i been waiting for a few of you geniuses to teach me some complex shit. still waiting i got though a few algebra classes. puzzles w/ letters & numbers. this should be being taught in kindergarten like it is in korea... one of my tutors was from s. korea & at age 4 or 6 years old they are diving into complex math
physics isn't but buttocks scratching when it comes to the real big ass picture... sorry if i am breaking your heart
spiritually does not mean religion either by the way
I agree with this. I just can't comprehend that people dismiss God because they don't understand something God does or don't agree with it.
And science's principles are just based upon what we THINK we know and principles we invented as humans.
Dismiss God because they don't understand something God does?
Am I missing something here? What have I failed to understand about what God does?
What I can't comprehend is that people gave up on the idea of Santa Clause- finally resigning themselves to the impossibility of the story sold to them; yet, they cling to this idea that an omnipresent and powerful being hovers above everybody- knowing and seeing all.
Religion worked very well for controlling the masses and having them toil in the soil- living a simple life and looking forward to their next 'really exciting life'. While the masses embraced this arrangement, the authorities lived the life of decadence supported by corruption and... lies.
I also find it very ironic that the very people that scoff at suicide bombers and the promises made to them about 1000 virgins, do hail marys every time they swear for fear of repercussion when they float to the pearly gates and seek to gain entrance to Heaven where it's really awesome.
how many times and ways will some of you keep conviencing your selfs that you don't believe in God ? this and gun threads are rehashed every couple months or so and it's just about as exciting as watching paint dry,what are some of you so afraid of that you hide your selfs from faith ?
It's the same way you are afraid of all Muslims , immigrants , Gays , lesbians .....I'm not afraid of a God that i don't believe in at all .....I'm afraid of loosing my Children ,wife , parents .....
who's afraid ? don't confuse fear with disagreement, do you fear me ? some you of keep using the same term "fear" or "afraid" or "phobia" and I assure you I do not fear any of those people and things you mentioned , fearing the loss of a loved one is understandable but as for the rest ...I'll have to give that a big NOPE !
how many times and ways will some of you keep conviencing your selfs that you don't believe in God ? this and gun threads are rehashed every couple months or so and it's just about as exciting as watching paint dry,what are some of you so afraid of that you hide your selfs from faith ?
It's the same way you are afraid of all Muslims , immigrants , Gays , lesbians .....I'm not afraid of a God that i don't believe in at all .....I'm afraid of loosing my Children ,wife , parents .....
who's afraid ? don't confuse fear with disagreement, do you fear me ? some you of keep using the same term "fear" or "afraid" or "phobia" and I assure you I do not fear any of those people and things you mentioned , fearing the loss of a loved one is understandable but as for the rest ...I'll have to give that a big NOPE !
I think I have... no, i KNOW I have a man crush on you. You speak so badass and it intrigues me.
Now, to give your brain a challenge.
Why does the zero-point energy of the vacuum not cause a large cosmological constant? What cancels it out?
Does nature have more than four spacetime dimensions? If so, what is their size? Are dimensions a fundamental property of the universe or an emergent result of other physical laws? Can we experimentally observe evidence of higher spatial dimensions?
Why is gravity such a weak force? It becomes strong for particles only at the Planck scale, around 1019 GeV, much above the electroweak scale (100 GeV, the energy scale dominating physics at low energies). Why are these scales so different from each other? What prevents quantities at the electroweak scale, such as the Higgs boson mass, from getting quantum corrections on the order of the Planck scale? Is the solution supersymmetry, extra dimensions, or just anthropic fine-tuning?
I don't know a heck of a lot about physics or math. I understand fundamental things, like the speed & mass of a fireball during light flight and dark flight. Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but to grasp these concepts you have to define some things. As intellectuals, finding answers to physical "problems" requires definitions of variables & constants. We've defined some very basic variables (displacement, acceleration & force for example) and some constants (gravitation, molar mass and standard atmosphere for example) to which we can use to calculate things like the distance from the Earth to the Moon, or the composition of a molecular compound. We can then begin to understand things we never quite understood before. We can then start asking more questions and obtain more answers. There is no limit (or is there?) to what we can learn. Common sense is a huge factor in this - does it make sense? If it doesn't make sense, why doesn't it make sense? What's the limiting factors? What can you define in the problem? What is unknown? Can you measure it? Why or why not? How can we better understand it? Is there a solution?
These aren't practical jokes at whiteboards. Sure, they are mostly discovered by old drunken slobs that have nothing better to do than try to solve problems, but it is those brilliant minds to which we bow down to and obey and give thanks for making our world a little more understandable. Without them, we would still be on a flat Earth, screaming Hallelujah to Alah and the Mesiah for creating daylight while believing the flood was created due to a few women getting their rocks off with a group of men. Hogwash.
I understand your meaning of spiritual. I love rolling around in the mud. LSD, though you love it, is just a drug that alters perception (in positive and negative ways) to which some benefits may arise to some people. I understand too, that with time, people's perceptions of god and religion are evolving. There is a common theme developing where the religious types are claiming god and religion are not associated with one another. It's a fairly new thing you must admit. It's a no-brainer that gods and religions go hand in hand in previous times. Me: What religion do you belong to? Don: Christian Me: Oh... Christian? That's the god where Jesus is the son, right? Don: ya.. ya it is. Me: Ok right on. What about you, what religion are you? Karen: I'm Judaist. Me: Oh, that's the god where... oh wait. You are forbidden to envision a god, right? Karen: ya, that's right.... we can just use the star of david. Me: Right on, bro. what about you? what religion are you? Chadwick: don't even ask man... i don't have a religion i belong to. Me: No, you don't? do you believe in god? Chadwick: well obviously I do. he is everywhere. Oh he is, is he? ya... he is. Me: right on bro. So, would you mind explaining.. Chadwick: HEY LOOK MAN... I can't ok? You obviously don't understand. Me: No, you're right I don't... but maybe I do understand something. You have belief in something, to which I don't think is a real thing. Chadwick: Ya, that's right and no matter what you say, you or nobody else will change my views Me: Ok, fair enough. But you do like Pearl Jam, right? Chadwick: yes you dumass. Me: right on, bro. me too. Chadwick: wanna pop some LSD and roll in the mud? Me: I'll just meet you in the mud Chadwick: Cool - I'm gonna get off my BALLS now. Me: Chadwick... you are ALWAYS off your balls. Come on in, the mud's shitty! Chadwick: jumpin in - CANON BALLLLLLLLLS Me: Oh Chadwick - you big shithead Chadwick: fuck you asshole Me: WOW did you see that?? A shooting star, Chadwick!! That thing entered our atmosphere at about 40 miles altitude from where we are right now! Chadwick: what the fuck are you talking about? Me: It did! This shit's been studied. We know the thickness of our atmosphere from our obsession with astronomy. We understand what happens when items enter our atmosphere based on our own experiments in space exploration. Expand our studies even further and we have, with 100% certainty, learned the physics about fireballs and shooting stars. Chadwick: you are one crayyyyyyzy motherfucker evsgjamajjslfjsdjf lsjdf whatever your name is Me: ya, I is. Chadwick: This is fucked. Why are we here? Me: You wanted this Chadwick: No I didn't!! Me: Well sure you did! You said it in the forum didn't you? Chadwick: well kinda... i said YOU should do LSD and roll around in the mud. So why am I here?? Me: Cuz I wanted you to be here Chadwick: strange. How did I get here? Me: my keyboard brought you here, with the help of my fantastic brain Chadwick: fucked up Me: I know Chadwick: I want out Me: You can't leave yet Chadwick: Don't be a dick! Me: fine fine fine... wanna hear a funny story before you go? Chadwick: sure, make it quick. this LSD is losing it's effect and you're weirding me out Me: Ok, I'll make it quick I promise. Chadwick: Ok
Me: This guy I know. He used to believe in jesus and god and all that stuff. He thought that going to church and praying for others and doing the best he could in his community and being an all around excellent dude, was a good life to lead. He had the support of his mom, his dad and his brothers and sisters. They lived a happy life. They were respected in their community. Well one day, the guy decides to skip church because his friends are all going on a camping trip. His mom and dad said it was fine, of course. So his parents and siblings, his grandpa and grandma and their family friends are all sitting in church when the mom receives a text on her phone? it's from her boss (she's a police officer) saying her son has been in a car accident and she needs to get the family to the hospital. Chadwick: this is fucked up. Me: I know man. so anyways, her and her family leave the church and drive to the hospital. They are greeted by the administrator and one of the doctor's who's been tending to those in the crash. The doctor says "are you mrs. Carver?" she says "yes, what has happened to my boy??" and the Doctor says "I'm sorry ma'am. Your son has been in an accident and he is on life support." The mother and the rest of the family break down as she falls to the floor at her husbands feet. "I need to see him" she cries out. "I NEED TO SEE HIM!" she screams. The doctor advises her to stay calm and she and her family can go see him. He leads them down the hall to his room. It's quiet in the hospital. As she walks in, she sees him lying on the bed, with bandages covering the left side of his head and face. The heart monitor makes the only sound in the room. beep beep...... ..........beep beep..... ..........beep beep.... ..........beep beep..... The mother grabs her sons hand and pets him on his head. She looks at him dearly, tears rolling down her face and she whispers... oh, my poor boy. my poor poor boy... why did this happen?..... why............ if you had only gone to church, none of this would have happened. Chadwick: oh give it a rest! Me: almost done. But you see, had he gone to church he would've never been in that crash and the family would've been attending lunch at their grandparents like they did after every church service on Sunday. But here they were, in a hospital with doctor's and nurses trying to help keep people alive. Good people, bad people, people of all backgrounds and sets of values.... and in the room next to this woman's son, laid the body of the driver. His parents were in Amsterdam on a business trip and it was the middle of the night for them. They hadn't been to church in years. They weren't even sure they believed in god anymore! They're son certainly didn't. He was as atheist as they come. He thrived off it and actually enjoyed getting in people's faces over it! But that's not the point. Chadwick: Well what iS the point? Me: That texting while driving isn't safe. It's fucking stupid man. One moment you're skipping church. The next minute, you're lying in a hospital bed, connected to wires, unable to respond to your parents cries to god to help them. Chadwick: is that it? Me: no. that's not it. Those parents still go to church and they still pray for their son. They had a lovely service for him and the whole town came to pay their respects. What really touched me though, is that several of his teenage friends showed up with their cell phones and took video of the whole service. Chadwick: That's disrespectful. What the heck? Me: They tossed them into the grave at the end of the ceremony. Chadwick: Geeez Me: Ya man. The point I'm trying to make is nothing really makes sense with us humans if you only think of things that don't make sense. There are some things that do make sense and we have worked hard to figure them out. Some things happen in life and they are so complex our minds can't grasp them. It's up to our selves, be that individuals or groups, to find out whatever it is we wish to find out. If there are things you don't understand and you have no interest in trying to understand them, then don't. No one is forcing you to. On the contrary, if there are things that you don't understand but would like to understand more, do whatever you can to help yourself through those processes. I'm not sure it I make any sense to you; I probably don't. But I do respect you. And I do respect the others on the forum as well. Chadwick: well, it's been interesting Me: ya it has. thanks for coming through my keyboard in this fucked up dream. Chadwick: haha, well I really had no choice did I? Me: Well, I guess not. It's been fun. shall we get up out of this muddy pit? My legs are starting to feel numb and I think I'm stuck to the ground. Chadwick: myeaaaaaaaa I suppose it's about time. Thanks man - you're a fucked up dude, but I dig your style. It ain't my style, but I respect it. peace out brahv Me: HEY! I always say "Brahv" Chadwick: I know.... i AM you... ya shithead. Me: oh fuck, that's right. Chadwick: leave now. We've annoyed enough people here I think..... Me: Bye Chadwick: Chadwick: Bye evsgjamlaksjdlfjsd flsjlj.... whatever your name is.
god is higher power than all bullshit religions mankind has invented, this is not god/higher power
please think about this
so you all believe the planets & sun/stars & all this vastness is just a playground for gases & funky liquids & hard as fuck stones & metals all floating around scratching their asses?
thanks but no thanks
a simple thunder storm means almost nothing but a bad day to alot of people.
what does the phrase 'mother earth' mean to you?
i believe many could not give two shits about what this means
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
What I don't understand ...and hey maybe this is my weak mind..haha
Is the need to believe in an all powerful all seeing deity when you live in an age when Science shows you not only the universe you live in, but more universes than can be counted that unknown numbers of beings could live in.. Belief in a religion that only a short time ago told followers that we were the center of the universe, the sun revolved around the earth and daughters should be treated commodities or questioning anything could get you killed because satan was obviously in you..... the stupid list goes on and on....
It's 2014... We don't need to ask invisible deities for help... We need to take responsibility for humanity as humans and put the remaining fairytales in the history books.. Pretty much every conflict on earth has something to do with religion..When will we put away childish things?
Reminds me of Push Me Pull Me.
"I'm like an opening band for sun" - we sure are.
myoung, I have no faith, per se. I'm agnostic - freely admit I don't know either way and likely never will. I'll admit there are parts of some religions I don't agree with, but am not so bold as to color them all - nor the people who practice them - as nefarious or stupid.
I don't know...I've seen in this forum and out here in the real world people on both sides of the issue making fun of or dismissing the other.
Again, assuming people practice or not in peace, why it'd be necessary to put down others who see things differently?
Anyway, and unfortunately, a conversation about god turned into one about religion. I still see the two as separate. And for the most part, I don't see the need for either being a negative, if they provide comfort, strength, direction, etc.
(and maybe it's easier to ask god for help in the most difficult of times, rather than asking it of ourselves...even if that help does ultimately come from within. It's their road to walk as they best can, not mine)
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
you have faith in yourselves, friends & family, yes?
faith in pearl jam & other musicians you enjoy, yes?
you have faith in sunlight & moonlight
show me a person with not one tiny fraction of faith
you'll be having a dead person in your arms, yes?
"here is your person w/ no faith, what is my prize?"
even brianlux had faith in KFC until he fell on his head. he still has faith in a billion other things i bet. (like his books/authors & wife)
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I'll frame it this way: I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it is fair to say you are probably one of the most intolerant people on this board (with your gay bashing and open distaste for Muslims).
If there is a God... and he takes you into his holy kingdom because you announce and practice your faith... and some kinder, gentler person that doesn't ritually worship him is left to burn in Hell... then you can have him.
With that aside... why are you afraid to question your religion? Have you ever stopped to think that the idea of God and religion might just be a hoax? Have you ever stopped to think that the mythology you were sold when your mind was impressionable is just a little far fetched? When is the last time we have seen a good, solid miracle other than a picture on the internet of someone's Cheerios forming the face of Jesus?
As a scientist (haha - I could have said "christain", which i technically am, but christianity is bunk) my reply to you, good sir, is as follows:
WHHAAAAAAAAT????!!!?!? Of course not, Mr. Poet! Physics is your answer We have the capabilities of doing so much with Physics. In lay terms, sure, you may call the vast playground of the gases and liquids a place to "scratch an ass." - is our galaxy up your ass?) - I am being cordial with you by the way. Everytime I say something to you, I envision you and I having a drink and swapping phrases in the midst of a shitload of cheersing beer mugs.
And to me, physics isn't a higher power. There is no higher power. There is just physics. (insert everything we know about physics here - I'm ready for some of your minds to be blown up by this. Always seems to irk ya the wrong way. So so strange. Did you know that our galaxy is made up of other galaxies? The Milky Way wasn’t always as it is today, a beautiful barred spiral. It became its current size and shape by eating up other galaxies. It’s still doing so today – the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way because its stars are currently being added to the Milky Way’s disk, and our galaxy has consumed others in its long history, such as the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy. She's a hungry beeotch. Just add more milk and whammo - there goes another galaxy)
Mother Earth: simple to me. just our planet. that's all. Mother Earth is our planet. answer over. And I LOVE planet Earth. oh fuck ya. you're god damn rights I do. If I could I'd have little baby mother earth's all over the place, just running around randomly with all their big round bodies and goofy little species doing random acts of kindness... just running around a big ole playground... scratching their asses. Watch out for pubes.
That cup of coffee... was delicious as all hell. (i think it's because I've recently learned about the word "ellipsis"... they have a name! I love that.)
This thread is a playground with many an ass being scratched.
Oh Lemmy
Forgive me for I have sinned
I hath not doth bought thou music
Shame me
I beg you
Shame me
Doth the moth of David Lee Roth not be goth yet be he a sloth unto you
Shame me
Oh Lemmy, shame me. [-O<
Yeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!
Lovin' that Lemmy photo.
Lemmy, god of Bass Thunder.
And Pearl Jam, our great gods/jam band come down from the Great Northwest Hinterlands!
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
Anyway, this thread's taken some kind of odd turn.
Nice to make fun. All good when we have a laugh.
Cheers, and let 'er rip.
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
this complex mathematical circus act can & does solve the simpler things in life as we know it. your difficult math formulas & whatnot are holding true to maybe .0000000001% of everything & this is on a good day, sir. do not fool yourself into believing your superiority at the whiteboard is really anything but a practical joke played on you by those born before you & a slight bit of common sense & luck.
as a scientist you should be looking very far & deep into things. 'spiritually would help.' as a scientist you should be lying down the white lab coat every once in awhile & roll around in the mud on a warm or cold evening. drop a couple hits on LSD & lay in the grass
again another discussion with a scientist. you folks have huge arrogant balls let me tell you something. your little classroom lectures & study centers truly mean nothing on the grander scale of all of this. by the way, i studied environmental sciences a bit: foresty, fisheries - marine & freshwater & raised hundreds of thousands of salmon & trout at a time for the state of washington while attending school. i understand the sciences give us a slight grasp on things in this life, but only for the way we preceive this life we are in.
please wrap your head around something farther than your own beliefs, understandings & daydreams.
speaking of coffee - i hear that guitarist guy who sings a bit in a band has a coffee out or is the spokesman anyway... 'valhalla java' ... youtube has a few clips over there carrying on.
p.s. i been waiting for a few of you geniuses to teach me some complex shit. still waiting
i got though a few algebra classes. puzzles w/ letters & numbers. this should be being taught in kindergarten like it is in korea... one of my tutors was from s. korea & at age 4 or 6 years old they are diving into complex math
physics isn't but buttocks scratching when it comes to the real big ass picture... sorry if i am breaking your heart
spiritually does not mean religion either by the way
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
And science's principles are just based upon what we THINK we know and principles we invented as humans.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
And what about a spiritual physicists like Fritjof Capra? I have not read him but what I've read about him sounds interesting. Maybe his kind of thinking is a bridge to disparate beliefs. I don't know. Enlighten me.
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
Am I missing something here? What have I failed to understand about what God does?
What I can't comprehend is that people gave up on the idea of Santa Clause- finally resigning themselves to the impossibility of the story sold to them; yet, they cling to this idea that an omnipresent and powerful being hovers above everybody- knowing and seeing all.
Religion worked very well for controlling the masses and having them toil in the soil- living a simple life and looking forward to their next 'really exciting life'. While the masses embraced this arrangement, the authorities lived the life of decadence supported by corruption and... lies.
I also find it very ironic that the very people that scoff at suicide bombers and the promises made to them about 1000 virgins, do hail marys every time they swear for fear of repercussion when they float to the pearly gates and seek to gain entrance to Heaven where it's really awesome.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I think I have... no, i KNOW I have a man crush on you. You speak so badass and it intrigues me.
Now, to give your brain a challenge.
Why does the zero-point energy of the vacuum not cause a large cosmological constant? What cancels it out?
Does nature have more than four spacetime dimensions? If so, what is their size? Are dimensions a fundamental property of the universe or an emergent result of other physical laws? Can we experimentally observe evidence of higher spatial dimensions?
Why is gravity such a weak force? It becomes strong for particles only at the Planck scale, around 1019 GeV, much above the electroweak scale (100 GeV, the energy scale dominating physics at low energies). Why are these scales so different from each other? What prevents quantities at the electroweak scale, such as the Higgs boson mass, from getting quantum corrections on the order of the Planck scale? Is the solution supersymmetry, extra dimensions, or just anthropic fine-tuning?
I don't know a heck of a lot about physics or math. I understand fundamental things, like the speed & mass of a fireball during light flight and dark flight. Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but to grasp these concepts you have to define some things. As intellectuals, finding answers to physical "problems" requires definitions of variables & constants. We've defined some very basic variables (displacement, acceleration & force for example) and some constants (gravitation, molar mass and standard atmosphere for example) to which we can use to calculate things like the distance from the Earth to the Moon, or the composition of a molecular compound. We can then begin to understand things we never quite understood before. We can then start asking more questions and obtain more answers. There is no limit (or is there?) to what we can learn. Common sense is a huge factor in this - does it make sense? If it doesn't make sense, why doesn't it make sense? What's the limiting factors? What can you define in the problem? What is unknown? Can you measure it? Why or why not? How can we better understand it? Is there a solution?
These aren't practical jokes at whiteboards. Sure, they are mostly discovered by old drunken slobs that have nothing better to do than try to solve problems, but it is those brilliant minds to which we bow down to and obey and give thanks for making our world a little more understandable. Without them, we would still be on a flat Earth, screaming Hallelujah to Alah and the Mesiah for creating daylight while believing the flood was created due to a few women getting their rocks off with a group of men. Hogwash.
I understand your meaning of spiritual. I love rolling around in the mud. LSD, though you love it, is just a drug that alters perception (in positive and negative ways) to which some benefits may arise to some people. I understand too, that with time, people's perceptions of god and religion are evolving. There is a common theme developing where the religious types are claiming god and religion are not associated with one another. It's a fairly new thing you must admit. It's a no-brainer that gods and religions go hand in hand in previous times.
Me: What religion do you belong to?
Don: Christian
Me: Oh... Christian? That's the god where Jesus is the son, right?
Don: ya.. ya it is.
Me: Ok right on. What about you, what religion are you?
Karen: I'm Judaist.
Me: Oh, that's the god where... oh wait. You are forbidden to envision a god, right?
Karen: ya, that's right.... we can just use the star of david.
Me: Right on, bro. what about you? what religion are you?
Chadwick: don't even ask man... i don't have a religion i belong to.
Me: No, you don't? do you believe in god?
Chadwick: well obviously I do. he is everywhere. Oh he is, is he? ya... he is.
Me: right on bro. So, would you mind explaining..
Chadwick: HEY LOOK MAN... I can't ok? You obviously don't understand.
Me: No, you're right I don't... but maybe I do understand something. You have belief in something, to which I don't think is a real thing.
Chadwick: Ya, that's right and no matter what you say, you or nobody else will change my views
Me: Ok, fair enough. But you do like Pearl Jam, right?
Chadwick: yes you dumass.
Me: right on, bro. me too.
Chadwick: wanna pop some LSD and roll in the mud?
Me: I'll just meet you in the mud
Chadwick: Cool - I'm gonna get off my BALLS now.
Me: Chadwick... you are ALWAYS off your balls. Come on in, the mud's shitty!
Chadwick: jumpin in - CANON BALLLLLLLLLS
Me: Oh Chadwick - you big shithead
Chadwick: fuck you asshole
Me: WOW did you see that?? A shooting star, Chadwick!! That thing entered our atmosphere at about 40 miles altitude from where we are right now!
Chadwick: what the fuck are you talking about?
Me: It did! This shit's been studied. We know the thickness of our atmosphere from our obsession with astronomy. We understand what happens when items enter our atmosphere based on our own experiments in space exploration. Expand our studies even further and we have, with 100% certainty, learned the physics about fireballs and shooting stars.
Chadwick: you are one crayyyyyyzy motherfucker evsgjamajjslfjsdjf lsjdf whatever your name is
Me: ya, I is.
Chadwick: This is fucked. Why are we here?
Me: You wanted this
Chadwick: No I didn't!!
Me: Well sure you did! You said it in the forum didn't you?
Chadwick: well kinda... i said YOU should do LSD and roll around in the mud. So why am I here??
Me: Cuz I wanted you to be here
Chadwick: strange. How did I get here?
Me: my keyboard brought you here, with the help of my fantastic brain
Chadwick: fucked up
Me: I know
Chadwick: I want out
Me: You can't leave yet
Chadwick: Don't be a dick!
Me: fine fine fine... wanna hear a funny story before you go?
Chadwick: sure, make it quick. this LSD is losing it's effect and you're weirding me out
Me: Ok, I'll make it quick I promise.
Chadwick: Ok
Chadwick: this is fucked up.
Me: I know man. so anyways, her and her family leave the church and drive to the hospital. They are greeted by the administrator and one of the doctor's who's been tending to those in the crash. The doctor says "are you mrs. Carver?" she says "yes, what has happened to my boy??" and the Doctor says "I'm sorry ma'am. Your son has been in an accident and he is on life support." The mother and the rest of the family break down as she falls to the floor at her husbands feet. "I need to see him" she cries out. "I NEED TO SEE HIM!" she screams. The doctor advises her to stay calm and she and her family can go see him. He leads them down the hall to his room. It's quiet in the hospital. As she walks in, she sees him lying on the bed, with bandages covering the left side of his head and face. The heart monitor makes the only sound in the room. beep beep...... ..........beep beep..... ..........beep beep.... ..........beep beep.....
The mother grabs her sons hand and pets him on his head. She looks at him dearly, tears rolling down her face and she whispers... oh, my poor boy. my poor poor boy... why did this happen?..... why............ if you had only gone to church, none of this would have happened.
Chadwick: oh give it a rest!
Me: almost done. But you see, had he gone to church he would've never been in that crash and the family would've been attending lunch at their grandparents like they did after every church service on Sunday. But here they were, in a hospital with doctor's and nurses trying to help keep people alive. Good people, bad people, people of all backgrounds and sets of values.... and in the room next to this woman's son, laid the body of the driver. His parents were in Amsterdam on a business trip and it was the middle of the night for them. They hadn't been to church in years. They weren't even sure they believed in god anymore! They're son certainly didn't. He was as atheist as they come. He thrived off it and actually enjoyed getting in people's faces over it! But that's not the point.
Chadwick: Well what iS the point?
Me: That texting while driving isn't safe. It's fucking stupid man. One moment you're skipping church. The next minute, you're lying in a hospital bed, connected to wires, unable to respond to your parents cries to god to help them.
Chadwick: is that it?
Me: no. that's not it. Those parents still go to church and they still pray for their son. They had a lovely service for him and the whole town came to pay their respects. What really touched me though, is that several of his teenage friends showed up with their cell phones and took video of the whole service.
Chadwick: That's disrespectful. What the heck?
Me: They tossed them into the grave at the end of the ceremony.
Chadwick: Geeez
Me: Ya man. The point I'm trying to make is nothing really makes sense with us humans if you only think of things that don't make sense. There are some things that do make sense and we have worked hard to figure them out. Some things happen in life and they are so complex our minds can't grasp them. It's up to our selves, be that individuals or groups, to find out whatever it is we wish to find out. If there are things you don't understand and you have no interest in trying to understand them, then don't. No one is forcing you to. On the contrary, if there are things that you don't understand but would like to understand more, do whatever you can to help yourself through those processes. I'm not sure it I make any sense to you; I probably don't. But I do respect you. And I do respect the others on the forum as well.
Chadwick: well, it's been interesting
Me: ya it has. thanks for coming through my keyboard in this fucked up dream.
Chadwick: haha, well I really had no choice did I?
Me: Well, I guess not. It's been fun. shall we get up out of this muddy pit? My legs are starting to feel numb and I think I'm stuck to the ground.
Chadwick: myeaaaaaaaa I suppose it's about time. Thanks man - you're a fucked up dude, but I dig your style. It ain't my style, but I respect it. peace out brahv
Me: HEY! I always say "Brahv"
Chadwick: I know.... i AM you... ya shithead.
Me: oh fuck, that's right.
Chadwick: leave now. We've annoyed enough people here I think.....
Me: Bye Chadwick:
Chadwick: Bye evsgjamlaksjdlfjsd flsjlj.... whatever your name is.