Im willing to admit it sounds silly when you put it like that. But 1% is a statistic that doesnt reflect the fact that we have SO MANY gun homicides, that 1% is still too much. In just the past year, dozens of KIDS died because of AR-15s.
dozens vs thousands.
assault rifles vs. hand guns
sorry, a banning of these weapons is political theater only. IT scores HUGE points for those that defend the ban and those that oppose it among their respective bases. It will do nothing to curb gun violence.
Baby steps. It's just a matter of time after the ban on assault rifles and certain size magazines that bans on any other gun will soon follow. Probably want to get the ar's out of our hands before trying to take the rest of them.
No I wasn't talking about those who have not been victimized. I was talking about the mentality
I get from some who say just move if it's violent by you :? Atlanta crime isn't THAT bad :?
or Fox news is to blame and you are paranoid...
dismissing real people with real life threats ... this from their safe homes.
it's like I'm talking to a squirrel. Time to move on from this utter nonsense.
Baby steps. It's just a matter of time after the ban on assault rifles and certain size magazines that bans on any other gun will soon follow. Probably want to get the ar's out of our hands before trying to take the rest of them.