The A-Rod is a dummy thread



  • Here's today's dummy news

    More alleged A-Rod records emerge in report

    By Bryan Hoch /
    2/5/2013 10:28 AM ET

    NEW YORK -- Documents obtained from a defunct South Florida clinic connect Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez to at least 19 drugs and supplements, including several banned substances, according to a report published by Sports Illustrated. reported Monday that records indicate that wellness clinician Tony Bosch prescribed an array of drugs and supplements to Rodriguez that included lozenges, creams and injections, and detailed that they were to be used morning, day and night.

    Through a spokesperson, Rodriguez has stated that the documents -- parts of which were published last week by the Miami New Times -- are "not legitimate" and said that he has never been treated or advised by Bosch.

    Major League Baseball is in the opening stages of what figures to be a lengthy investigation tracking the paper trail from the now-shuttered Biogenesis clinic, which the Miami New Times has also linked to big leaguers Melky Cabrera, Nelson Cruz, Bartolo Colon, Gio Gonzalez and Yasmani Grandal, among others.

    The Yankees have largely declined to comment on Rodriguez's situation, yielding to MLB's investigation. Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said that no one from the organization has spoken to Rodriguez concerning the allegations.

    "No one wants to be in the middle of these conversations at all," Cashman said on Monday. "[Rodriguez] is a player that plays for the New York Yankees and we'd rather not be in these conversations, as I'm sure he doesn't and anybody else that might be involved with it."

    The documents obtained from Bosch's clinic in Coral Gables, Fla., and published by the Miami New Times connect Rodriguez to the banned substances testosterone, human growth hormone and IGF-1, which is also referred to as deer antler spray. noted that one of the documents shows a purported doping regimen prescribed to Rodriguez that includes as many as 19 injections: four subcutaneous injections of IGF-1, nine shots of CJC (a growth hormone-releasing hormone) and GHRP (growth hormone-releasing peptide), and six shots of HGH at 2.5 international units.

    Bosch's notes appear to use "food" as a code name for drugs, which were distributed by "office," "pickup" or "delivery," according to the records. Rodriguez's name appears in the "Baseball/Delivery" categories, as well as under the notation, "cash."

    After Cabrera was served a 50-game suspension by MLB in August, there are notes that indicate a rift between Bosch and Cabrera threatened to impact his relationship with A-Rod, who was also referred to by the code name "Cacique."

    "This also has put my relationship w Cacique at risk @ the tune of 12K per month. And I have 4 years remaining on that deal," Bosch is alleged to have written.

    Other documents obtained by the newspaper appear to be a growth-hormone regimen written for Rodriguez in 2011, the names "Alex Rod" and "Yuri Sucart," the latter a cousin of Rodriguez's whom the player said was his drug provider during his Rangers days and has been banned from Yankees facilities. There is a 2012 reference that lists Rodriguez as "paid through April 30."

    Bosch allegedly wrote, "I need to see him between April 13-19. Deliver troches and pink cream ... and May meds. He has three weeks of Sub-Q (as of April)." Those dates coincide with the Yankees' opening homestand of the season; the listed items are believed to contain testosterone.

    There is a notation for May 7-8 of last year that refers to "NYC/A-Rod." The Yankees had an off-day in New York on May 7 and played a home game against the Rays on May 8. There is also reference in a 2012 notebook of Rodriguez's statistics -- a .277 batting average, seven home runs and 19 RBIs -- as they were on May 29.

    Several of the 19 identified substances said to be connected to Rodriguez by Bosch's documents were of the legal variety: among them, zinc, amino acids, Vitamin D, glucosamine and ibuprofen.

    Cashman said on Monday that it was not necessary for the Yankees to seek Rodriguez's explanation of the story, beyond the public statement he has already released through a spokesperson.

    "This is an ugly story that we wish didn't exist, but it's there, and so we'll take the time to let it process," he said.

    Bryan Hoch is a reporter for Follow him on Twitter @bryanhoch and read his MLBlog, Bombers Beat. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.

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  • Keep denying it Aroid. You're done. And I love it you piece of horseAss
  • Now the stupid jerk is claiming he's scared. Saying that there is a bigger force out there trying to get him personally. That MLB and the Yankees are in it together trying to out him from the game. But through his crisis advisors says that all the new allegations are forgeries. He's scared and quiet.

    If you're so innocent wouldn't you be contacting your manager, general manager, teammates, Bud Selig Don Hooten and all the children you told steroids were bad.

    You are pure garbage A-fraud/A-Roid. Your legacy is shit.
    You need to be humbled old country way.

    Oh I hope you've been juicing and lying. I'm curious as to your next move.
    It won't surprise me if you turn out to be a ratFuck like Canseco either
  • RobbyD462RobbyD462 Posts: 4,809
    Too bad.

    Such a great ballplayer.
    First poor play. Now scandal.

    It's a shame we will end up forgetting his finer moments.
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