For the world to know!!!

Just this past week there were two events in DC,
One had 600,000 people and one had 1000 people!
The big one was the "March for Life" People of all races and ages were there! Our youth is very pro life by the way! Over %55 are pro life! Great news and there is hope for life!
The little one was for "gun control"
The main stream media gave ZERO coverage to the big one with 600,000 people. Anytime there is 600,000 people gathering for anything, it should be covered big time and logged in as a historical event.
The media bias is palpable and repugnant!
Even if you are pro should see this bias and make note of it publicly and denounce the intentions. If you have honor anyways!
One had 600,000 people and one had 1000 people!
The big one was the "March for Life" People of all races and ages were there! Our youth is very pro life by the way! Over %55 are pro life! Great news and there is hope for life!
The little one was for "gun control"
The main stream media gave ZERO coverage to the big one with 600,000 people. Anytime there is 600,000 people gathering for anything, it should be covered big time and logged in as a historical event.
The media bias is palpable and repugnant!
Even if you are pro should see this bias and make note of it publicly and denounce the intentions. If you have honor anyways!
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'm not really following your here. In order to have honour, people are supposed to make note of it publically and denounce the intentions? Can you explain this please.
According to USA today, significantly more Americans — 53% to 29% — want the 40-year-old Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision kept in place rather than overturned. Another 18% have no opinion, the highest level of uncertainty Gallup has recorded on the issue. ... n/1864051/
This is a significant portion of the population compared to the number opposed. As a pro-life advocate, what would you say accounts for this massive majority of people who support women's rights regarding this issue?
I'm not sure where you got your youth percentage from. Could you please post the link?
Scroll down about 2/3rds of the page:
You avoid unwanted pregnancies.
You know how to avoid unwanted pregnancies?
Have another rally and collect 10 bucks from everyone there, then, take that $6,000,000.00 and put it towards educating people between the ages of 13 and 21 that there are servere consequences to fucking without a condom.
Problem solved.
Next problem...
Hail, Hail!!!
Got it. Fear just got a little confused... no big whoop. Happens to everyone.
Fox News gave wall to wall coverage on their silly tea party rallies and when two weeks later, there was an equal-size glbt march, they only mentioned it while talking about something else and didn't show a single picture.
The news can cover whatever it wants.
Quite frankly l'm sick of hearing about the anti-abortion crowd because they have nothing new to offer, we get it, you want freedom and liberty and the right to shove cameras up women's vaginas and take pictures of the microscopic fetus to force her to look at it.
But gun control is a very central and topical issue... They're going to talk about it.
Those middle class white people do that pro-life thing every year on the same day and have been doing so for years
no one cares anymore
except of course for all the middle class white peope who particiapte every year
then fuck em'
Let me ask you a question (I do agree with your sentiment by the way)... what kind of education is needed?
really ignorant statement. Not surprised.
I think what he meant to say was that many of the fetuses grow into adults who do not serve the Lord; therefore... in many God-fearing pro-lifer's eyes... they are worthless: sinners who are destined for Hell.
I think the idea is that the anti-abortion people act like they have this tremendous compassion for the unborn fetus, but then you can often see them lack compassion and concern for people living outside the womb.
If someone had said that all muslims are hateful, evil bastards, fuck 'em all!!!! How long that going to last?
Well, we could teach teenagers about birth control instead of "abstinence only" and maybe they would know how to avoid unwanted pregnancies. That would be a skill they could carry with them.
We also might prevent sexually transmitted diseases with youth, as well.
Pretty accurate, actually.
Like I've said... If they really gave a shit about babies and life, they wouldn't support drone attacks in the Middle East and they wouldn't be fight prenatal care for low-income mothers.
They wouldn't be fighting nutritional and healthcare for babies once they were born.
This isn't about protecting life, this is about controlling women.
Very well put
They could also be taught about the various options they have for birth control. Where to get it, how to get it, how its used. The upside and downsides of the different birth control options.
Also they could be shown the negative aspects of teen pregnancy and parenthood.
Perhaps for some, but not for most. But let's never let the truth stand in the way of demonizing an entire group based upon the antics of a small number of crazy people.
You think most unwanted pregnancies stem from people not knowing about condoms, etc?
I think this is true for a small portion of the population, but not most. That is why when people talk about education being the solution, while I think it can help, I don't believe it will solve the majority of the problems. People always blame a lack of knowing when most of the time it's a lack of applying the knowledge you have.
Thinking out loud here, but I wonder if the whole "don't worry about the consequences of your actions" thing is predicated on the bullshit of "do as I say, not as I do".
I have two teens at home boy & girl
My daughter is on birthcontrol pills does this mean she's out screwing all her boy friends , no !
Me and my son had the talk about every aspect of sex i covered all bases ....
(now we need to get other parents on board)
You should be held up as a model for many many parents in this country
Basically, for the young kids... that what we see on televisions... like 'Teen Mom' is not real and is definately not cool. That childbirth is a real game changer that thwarts a ton of opportunities, such as college, careers, marriage, etc... and is at minimum, an 18 year long commitment.
That babies are NOT pets. That babies do not guarantee automatic love (ask the parents of the Menendez brothers). That you can't sit out in front of the supermarket with your baby in a box, looking for someone to adopt it.
For the older kids... there are consequences tied to fucking. That people aren't against kids fucking... because we all know, that all kids think about... fucking. Just do it with protection to avoid an 18 year commitment and the loss of possibilities.
For the parents... quit perpetuating the cycle. You don't want to be 57 and have to care for your stupid kid's baby. Make your stupid fucking kid own up to HIS/HER responsibility for THEIR poor decision making.
Hail, Hail!!!
I don't think that. I KNOW that.
Mississippi continues to have the highest teen birth rate, with 55 births per 1,000 girls. New Hampshire has the lowest rate at just under 16 births per 1,000 girls.
Mississippi does not require sex education in schools, but when it is taught, abstinence-only education is the state standard. New Hampshire, on the other hand, requires comprehensive sex education in schools that includes abstinence and information about condoms and contraception.
Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle found that teenagers who received some type of comprehensive sex education were 60 percent less likely to get pregnant or get someone else pregnant. And in 2007, a federal report showed that abstinence-only programs had “no impacts on rates of sexual abstinence.”
Additionally, research showed that abstinence-only strategies could deter contraceptive use among teenagers, thus increasing their risk of unintended pregnancy. (link)
And you'd be wrong.
What part of "Abstinence Only" do you not understand? They don't HAVE the knowledge to APPLY. They don't UNDERSTAND how to prevent pregnancy because they aren't TAUGHT how it's done. They are only taught to not have sex.
And as someone who actually finished high school, I can tell you that telling teenagers not to have sex is about as effective as telling a bear not to shit in the woods.
And dollar bills should fly out of my ass, but aside from that time in Vegas after I fell on.... wel.... you don't want to know about that.
The point is that many parents don't even know that stuff. Many teenagers are taught to be ashamed of sex while they're also taught to go out and use sex as power by TV.
When you say you covered all the bases, did you tell him the different ways HIV can be transmitted and how to tell at a glance the difference between a heat rash, poison ivy and the first stages of syphilis?
Cuz sometimes you have to know that when you meet someone at a camp ground.
Just saying.
Seriously? Are you really trying to prove your point with verifiable and reliable facts and figures?
Not to mention common sense?
it is not just the use of condoms... it is education in general regarding sex and the massive size of the consequences. Fear does not work. I think a heavy dose of reality would do a better job.
If kids were not able to palm their kids off to their parents to raise... that would help. Faced with the responsibility of another human being is much greater than trying to keep a cat or a dog. Kids need to figure out at a relatively early age that 18 years is a long fucking time and that they give up a lot of their freedoms to live as kids and young adults when they have kids of their own.
We were all kids art one time. and as adults, we have come to know one certain truth... all kids are dumbfucks. They think they know it all and they are certain they know a lot more than you and me... but, the fact remains... they don't know shit.
Hail, Hail!!!
"Two-thirds of U.S. women at risk for unintended pregnancy use contraception consistently and correctly throughout the course of any given year; these women account for only 5% of all unintended pregnancies. In contrast, the 19% of women at risk who use contraception inconsistently or incorrectly account for 43% of all unintended pregnancies. The 16% of women at risk who do not practice contraception at all for a month or more during the year account for 52% of all unintended pregnancies "
That just sort of makes sense. It goes beyond this though. It's really important that young people learn they have the ability to control what happens to their bodies and to control their fertility (and important that legislation supports this) so they are empowered to exercise self-determination in this area. Education needs to go beyond educating about safer sex practices and to focus on the how to build and establish healthy relationships and boundaries within relationships. It would be ideal if this were modeled to young people as well. I think there are many reasons that the rates of unintended pregnancy go down with age, but one of those reasons is that young adults are by nature higher risk takers; they struggle with foreseeing consequences and personalizing those consequences to realize they can in fact happen to them. So protective factors are really important - i.e. goals for the future and belief that those goals can be accomplished (things like education and a larger cultural environment that supports opportunities - particularly for those from more disadvantaged backgrounds), strong family support (kudos to Jose having an open discussion with your kids - we need more of this!), support for individual self-determination and autonomy over one's body. There are a lot of factors that go into it and I've just touched on a few of them, but access to and education about contraception is a very important piece.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Granted, this was way back in the 70s and much has changed... but I'm guessing that sort of 'Education' from friends or older sisters or guys is still making the rounds.
Hail, Hail!!!
It's amazing the kind of total crap fairly smart people believe about this stuff. Education!
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"