The " I need a ticket Thread"



  • gerald605gerald605 Posts: 180
    going to santa barbara show from norcal?...have to be back the next day?...coming from chico, sacramento or bay area? looking to split fuel costs with someone.

    or if you need a ride to SF after the santa barbara show let me know.

    message me if interested
    Play Sacramento!
  • Low_Light03Low_Light03 Posts: 1,227
    Anyone have a spare San Diego ticket?? Doesn't have to be tenclub.
    If You Give, You Begin To Live

    But You Might Die Trying
  • indifferentmanindifferentman Goshen, IN Posts: 731
    I need to find a ticket for Chicago Night 2. I'm hoping for something from somebody in the fan club (lower the number the better, but I'm not going to be super picky). I'd be willing to meet before hand or at the very least exchange information (cell phone). I'm 25/m if that makes any difference to you. Thanks.
    I won't change direction, and I won't change my mind - E.V.
    99 Tibetan Freedom Concert, 00 Detroit, 03 Alpine Valley, 04 Grand Rapids
    06 Chicago I, 06 Chicago II, 06 Grand Rapids, 07 Lollapalloza, 08 DC, 08 MSG I, 08 MSG II, 08 EV Solo Milwaukee, Chicago I & II 09, Portland 09, Nobelsville 10, Cleveland 10, PJ20 I & II, Wrigley 13, Brooklyn I & II '13, St. Paul 14, Moline 14, Milwaukee 14
  • HAVE spare for Zagreb, Croatia (10c ticket) and desperately need one for Prague!! Would love a swap, but also willing to sell Zagreb ticket and buy Prague one - Please message me if you can help me (or I can help you!!) Cheers Tom
  • HAVE spare for Zagreb, Croatia (10c ticket) and desperately need one for Prague!! Would love a swap, but also willing to sell Zagreb ticket and buy Prague one - Please message me if you can help me (or I can help you!!) Cheers Tom
  • KBaxter74KBaxter74 Posts: 30
    Hi all,

    I need a ticket for either of the San Francisco 7/16 or 7/18 shows. Just let me know.
    Cannot stop the thought, running in the dark, coming up a which way sign, all good truants must decide.
  • dfive28dfive28 Posts: 1
    Anyone have a spare ticket to tonight's Irving Plaza NYC show?? Been a fan for 15 years and I would die to see them live... missed them on the last tour.

    If you have an extra, please please PLEEEZE call me at 609-468-1255.

  • mlpjmlpj Posts: 4
    Can anyone help me out? I need 2 for the 6/3 show in NJ. I messed up and missed the on sale date, and don't want to have to turn to the scalpers (which I've never done before).

  • floyd11554floyd11554 Posts: 170
    seeking just a single for the second continental show. missed out on all the ten club presales cause i thought i was going to be in cali during the time of the shows. that got pushed back and i snagged one for the 6/1 show but still need the second. a big advance thank you to anyone that might be able to help me out.
    Strangers passing in the street
    By chance two separate glances meet
    And I am you and what I see is me
    And do I take you by the hand
    And lead you through the land
    And help me understand the best I can
    And no one calls us to the land
    And no one crosses there alive
    And no one speaks
    And no one tries
    And no one flies around the sun-echoes
  • AmentsArmyAmentsArmy Posts: 78
    I'm looking for one ticket to the show on the 16th, any response would be appreciated. I'm a long-time fan, have my own tickets for the 17th, but got shut-out on the 16th. Please p.m me if you can help. Thanks!
    Rapid City - June 23rd, 1998

    "I will hold the candle, till it burns up my arm..."
  • quickdexquickdex Posts: 44
    To make a long story short, I recently bought a house so I kept my purchase of tickets to the upcoming shows to a minimum. I am going to Philly night 1 on May 27th and DC on May 30th. I am currently realizing that I really want to see both nights in Philly!!! Of course since the 10C presale and the ticketmaster sale have come and gone it will be near impossible to get tickets (let alone a semi-decent seat!), plus I want to be near my people, some die-hard PJ fans that will sing along with all the songs! Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had a ticket for night 2 (May 28th I believe) that they don't have a home for yet!? Please let me know! Thanks, now please get back to your "Pearl Jam" CD and learn these songs for the upcoming tour, I don't wanna be singing alone!!!
  • CSarge8CSarge8 Posts: 18
    Have 2 Tickets for Toronto trade..Please let me know asap..will also pay $$

  • EnnisEnnis Posts: 1
    Please help me out. Coming over to the States from Australia. Trying to get a ticket to any of the San Fran shows. PM me if you can hook me up. I would be a very happy man. Ill buy you some beers as well.
  • pj14pj14 Posts: 105
    when wisconsin tickets went on sale for fan club i thought i did everthing right i put in my credit card number but i never recived the confirmstion email. the fan club wrote back and said i never got them but i did. it musta not went through. i promised my friend wed be up in the first 5 rows and im a member since 93 of the fan club and now i missed out. i wondered if any1 has 2 extra fan club seats close like the first 5 rows. i already paid for a expensive hotel room that night. this sucks. im really down oh well. um if any1 has 2 extra good seats at least in the first section please let me know. ill meet u at the venue that day and i want face value or u could stay for free in our cool hotel room for the tickets. its a nice hotel like the ritz calrton.
  • SliraSlira Posts: 1

    I'm a norwegian girl who really needs 2 tickets for the show in Berlin. they've got no shows in scandinavia this time and that really sucks. Anyway.. i was wondering if anyone know of a relighable german ticket-site?
  • a friend is looking for a pair for one of the Toronto shows...

    anyone got an extra set?
    Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis.
    - Jack Handey
  • Subject says it all. My member number got me 15th row center in september so it will be a decent seat. Looking to sell for face value (about 61$ US).
  • mcgruff10mcgruff10 New Jersey Posts: 28,730
    looking for two 10c seats for the pittsburgh show. just got approved for vacation...i have a low 10c number so i can hook you up next tour or something. 139XXX.
    pm me or e-mail me at

    I'll ride the wave where it takes me......
  • nutmeg81nutmeg81 Posts: 627
    Dublin...................... Im Desperately Seekin A Ticker For Here!!!
    26/10/96 dublin
    01/06/00 dublin
    23/08/06 dublin
    11/09/06 paris
    18/06/07 london
    17/08/09 manchester
    18/08/09 london
  • faithful227faithful227 Posts: 352
    looking for two tickets to both philly/camden shows. there are still lawn seats and better on TM for the 28th, so i really need the 27th more i guess as it is sold out.

    any help would be appreciated !!!
    VHC member #155***

    Ft Lauderdale '96:::West Palm Beach '98:::Tampa '00:::Tampa '03:::Camden 1&2 '06::: DC '06:::West Palm Beach '08:::Tampa '08:::Columbia '08:::Virginia Beach '08

  • Jen718Jen718 Posts: 13
    I held out on buying 10c tix for some southern tour dates, but looks like I may be out of luck.

    Looks like I'll be in Baltimore for work at the end of the month and can make it to the 5/30 DC show if anyone has an extra ticket... PM me please if you do!!
    Birmingham, AL - 03/09/98 | 09/04/03
    Nashville, TN - 17/08/00 | 18/04/03
    Atlanta, GA - 19/04/03 | 22/09/12
    Asheville, NC - 06/10/04
    Washington, D.C. - 30/05/06
    Amsterdam - (EV) 30/05/17 | 12/06/18 | 13/06/18 | 24/06/22 | 25/06/22
  • Tek MoneyTek Money Posts: 642
    I have extra tickets to the Cleveland show. If anyone needs them PM me. Face value of course.
    Cock Fight.
  • TelecasterTelecaster Posts: 24
    If anyone has an extra 10club ticket for night one in Chicago that they'd be willing to sell, please PM me.
  • ¤ Vale ¤¤ Vale ¤ Posts: 1,910
    PLEASE!! I need 1 ticket to Milan, an 1 to Verona.
    Peace. Love. Music.
    PJ Come Back to BRASIL!


    "I will feel alive as long as I am free"

  • ParasolParasol Posts: 319
    Hello, i need a ticket for Barcelona, Madrid or Paris. Please. PM me.
    --- Barcelona 01/09/2006 ---
    ---- Lisbon 04/09/2006
    ---- Lisbon 05/09/2006
    "One of the best...The Best! Thank You!" Eddie Vedder. 05/09/2006 Lisbon, Portugal
    ---- Lisbon 08/06/2007 ----
    ---- London 18/06/2007 ----
    --- Nijmegen 28/06/2007 ---
    --- Werchter 29/06/2007 ---
  • lori814lori814 Posts: 7
    Anyone want to trade me? I need to trade my 2 Boston II tickets (May25th)
    I want 2 for Boston I (May24th). Seats are Sec. 20, row 17 (this section the rows start at 11) They are the side of the stage and actually excellent seats!
    I would love 2 for the 24th in a similar location. Let me know!!! Send me a PM
  • TelesonicTelesonic Posts: 222
    I have one extra for Chicago 2.

    Sec 210 Row 1 - great view, one section of off dead center in the club level

    Price is $63.00, which is face value plus ticketmaster charges.

    PM me.

    my electrify my life. let's conspire to reignite...all the souls that would die just feel alive.
  • kingdave19kingdave19 Posts: 7
    Missed out on the 10c club presale. Please let me know if you have a couple tickets to spare for either night. Thanks.

  • Need Camden2 28th pair- seats not lawn- pref on the aisle, but if in 100s or GA I won't care. PM me-thnx!!!

    8/25/00NY, 9/1/00NJ, 4/30/03NY, 7/2&3/03MSG, 7/14/03NJ, 10/13/04 EdW/Boss, 9/24&25/05 St Johns, 5/13/06CT, 5/27&28/06NJ, 6/1/06NJ, 6/3/06NJ, 6/24/06 OH, 7/15-16/06CA, Lolla07, DC, MSGx2, MA1, ED SOLO NYC1&2!
  • puschnijepuschnije Posts: 95
    Standing Tickets for Verona still avaiable!!!!
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