Ghost Stories...



  • chadwickchadwick Posts: 21,157
    mca47 wrote:
    I'm a man of science. Even if the unexplainable happened, I would certainly know there is an explanation for it outside our irrational fear/delusion/neuro-deficiencies that cause us humans to believe and think of such ridiculous notions.

    That said, it does make for interesting movies! :D
    spirits walk the earth & psychic ability is real. some folks are open to the energy while others are not for whatever reason. i like being open to different energies & eventful happenings of a unexplainable nature. they are mystical & things of that sort. science does not & cannot answer probably 99% of the things in this realm. we know zero of the other side, life after death & whatnot.

    humans are basically dumb as shit compared to what is out there & actually being open & truly knowing
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • chadwickchadwick Posts: 21,157
    chadwick wrote:
    The only time I've seen a "ghost" was when I was on acid
    that's not a ghost. that's halucinating

    Alright... then I've never seen one.
    but perhaps the lsd made you open to that realm and perhaps you actually did see something. i appalogize
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • peacefrompaulpeacefrompaul Posts: 25,293
    chadwick wrote:
    but perhaps the lsd made you open to that realm and perhaps you actually did see something. i appalogize

    You never know I guess!
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    Example of things that DO NOT HAPPEN WHEN WE ARE ASLEEP
    for those of you who thing the brain is playing tricks on us

    I've said before in some of these threads that my youngest daughter (now 23) is a "sensitive" of sorts
    And she has come up with some amazing stuff
    IN BROAD DAYLIGHT nonetheless

    One of those things was (the same "haunted" house as usual)
    was that she kept telling us that there was a little boy who came to her who wanted his toy
    This little boy wanted a wooden top that his father had carved for him
    It was his favorite if not one of his only toys (seems this kid lived in the late 1700s or thereabout)
    He told her that he had lost it down the Sh*tter and never could get it out
    and he wanted it badly
    This went on for a long time, a couple of months
    Then one day she said the boy (she knew his name but I only remember the last name) says that if we find his toy and put it on the dining room table that he'll be able to get it
    Well, the sh*tter (outhouse) was next to the garage out in the back yard and has since been paved over with concrete so unless we made a major deal out of it, we weren't finding out for sure if it existed
    Sooooo......being curious both to the existence of the little boy and his family, and to my daughter's "ability"
    I looked for the family name on the internet.....nothing in our area
    So, again, as I've said before, to the local library looking for prior property owners...and we found the name, one of the vowels was off, but there it was ... they hadn't used Lot Numbers but it was in the right area
    Then back to the local historical society, who were not only able to verify the name, but that the family had a young boy who died young

    Believe it if you need it, or leave it if you dare

    I have quite a few stories of her (my daughter) intuiting things that are right on, with details etc.

    Still, I'll never get over the fact that she put me in contact with Jose before I even knew he had been killed
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,280
    StillHere wrote:

    Science does not negate an after-existence does it?
    After all, energy being captured is all about science.
    I don't see how one rules out the other.
    Just sayin' :D

    Science does not necessarily "negate" an after-existence. That said, it does more to show the overwhelmingly unlikeliness that such a belief/idea exists. Ultimately, the belief in a life or an energy after death is nothing more than that...a belief. I'm not going to argue the idea of life after death, because that all comes down to faith. I don't believe in it, I don't believe in angels or demons or any of that "nonsense".
    What do you mean about energy being captured? The human body does have an overall "charge" that exists from chemical/metabolic reactions, but once the heart and the brain cease to function the body dies as does that electrical/chemical process. When you're dead, your dead.
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,280
    StillHere wrote:

    perhaps the only times are brains are not "too busy" with the business of everyday perception that the dear old amygdala has a chance to do its real work.

    Just because we don't experience this stuff when we're too busy to notice it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

    Imagine the myriad number of occurrence that go unnoticed just because our brains are busy with other stuff. Innumerable.

    Even men of science are talking about this. Theoretical physics is exploring alternate universes and the wherabouts of energy once its spent or its host no longer "exists". Nothing really ever ends does it?

    The amygdala is constantly working and interacts directly with other parts of the brain on an ongoing basis. Studies have shown that when subjects are stimulated with something puzzling as well as something "fearful", the amygdala works at a higher functioning level. During this time, the hypothalamus is activated as well as the adrenal gland (fight or flight endocrine gland). When this occurs, subjects often feel chilled, their hearts race, their hair stands on end, and they often make incredibly irrational decisions. Turns out that adrenaline rush people get from the sensation of being scared is actually gratifying...which is why people love scary movies and scary stories so much. It triggers that chemical pathway naturally. Certain drugs do that as well. When this pathway is synthetically triggered, subjects often perceive things that don't truly exist. They will often hear noises or voices, see things in the corner of their eye, feel a cold or hot sensation...all a result of the over stimulation of the pathway coupled with the other senses being dulled, including other parts of the brain that are involved with rational thought.
    You mention theoretical physics. While an interesting field to study, it rarely equates to or derives anything overly functional to experimental physics. The exception of course is quantum physics, which at one point in time was considered to be "theoretical". There does exist dark energy what has been observed and while it can't be completely quantified, it does exist and does potentially hold a tremendous amount of energy...but that's on a much larger scale than biological least in my opinion.
  • donnaruhldonnaruhl Posts: 2,157
    Well if there is no life after death, and spirit after life , then what is this dark energy you speak of?
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,280
    Ok, this has nothing to do with "if ghosts exist", rather some pondering of those things that are typically reported when one sees a "ghost".

    When someone dies, it is often said that their soul or energy is trapped in some parallel universe...right? Why is it that ghosts just hang out in the location in which they died? I mean, a house could be haunted by a ghost, but it is always the guy who lived there that died. Do ghosts not have the desire to leave, check things out other than the four walls surrounding them?
    If a plane crashes in the ocean, are the ghosts trapped under water or do they float to the surface?
    If a body is completely mutilated, is the ghost mutilated too?
    If a person was born as a paraplegic, never walked...does the ghost have a wheelchair and do steps still pose a problem?
    If a person loses his arms or legs, does the ghost have this problem as well? Are they extra pissed off that they can't knock over a candle like their other ghost friends?
    Ghosts have the ability to walk through objects and can interact with certain floating through a wall, then knocking a candle off a table. As a ghost, do you think they have a switch they flip to turn on the power to interact with their environment? You hear people talk about "I heard footsteps and nobody was there". Is the ghost wearing shoes? Do they have to wear what they were wearing when they died? If that's the case, then it's not so much that the person becomes a ghost, but all objects therefore can be transferred to the other side. That said, is it possible the pen on my desk or the shirt in my closet can have their own ghost? If so, why don't people report "Oh man, I just saw a ghost was crazy!"
    Do those object directly touching the object that dies get to go to ghost world and if so what's the proximity of objects to the person that get to go? I mean, the clothes on the person's back, the shoes on his feet, maybe his wallet? If I die with the TV remote in my hand, does it come with?
    Why do ghosts knock stuff over all the time? If they got something to say, why not grab a pen and paper?
    If ghosts themselves are energy, do they need a source of fuel? Do they just eat a ghost apple?
    Do ghosts have a sense of humor? They always seem pissed off in movies.
    Are ghosts of people that died hundreds of years ago able to understand modern objects? I mean, I've heard of ghosts turning on a TV or a light. If the ghost was really old, he'd have no idea what these items are and how to operate them. Perhaps a means to determine how old your ghost is. If your iPhone turns on in the other room, you know he's a fresh ghost!
    There are ghost animals right? What about ghost bugs? I swear, if my place ever gets haunted by ghost spiders...I'm f'n OUT!
    Can you ever have a cool ghost? I mean, can you ever come home from work and see that a ghost made you dinner and cleaned up? "Uh, ghost...I need another beer. Thanks buddy!"
    On the other end, can you ever get a real lazy, deadbeat ghost? One that farts all the time and take ghost dumps in your toilet without flushing...

    I have lots more... :lol:
  • chadwickchadwick Posts: 21,157
    my grandmother's ghost has moved on to bigger/better things. i only saw her the one time 6 months after her death while i was doing push ups & set ups training for the boxing club in our family room. parents both there on the couch & us three kids down on the floor in front of them doing our excercises.

    in motion of doing a set up or push up (something has me stop & look behind me) i stop & turn around & there's grandma standing behind our woodstove... i scream/crying.... 'there grandma' dad was excited.
    he knew i was foreal. he trying to calm me down. i turn back around & she's still there but only from torso up then she vanished before me...

    grandma's dress was waving in the breeze (in our home no breeze between a woodstove & a brick wall)
    she came to say goodbye...simple as that. and she's my guardian angel. kept me out of a lot of jams i can tell you that.

    never saw her ever again. but feel her presents often as i feel my brother, my dad and uncle.

    i lived in a very much so haunted house. i lived in the apartment upstair. it was fucked. voices, thumps on walls, noises and things. my step sister had something rub her arm when in bed.

    i heard female voices a couple different times but nobody was there & the voices you could not understand because of the different realms they had to travel through or whatever that is called. dad heard the same voices often as well as he lived downstair w/ his wif, it was her home.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • chadwickchadwick Posts: 21,157
    like i've said before on here... the thump on the wall was as if hulk hogan was trying to put his arm through the wall. it was huge & fucked the fuck up, man. i calmly stood up from the couch & turned off the tv & walked into my bedroom, locked the door & went to bed. im such a chicken when this shit happens i probably slept w/ the lights on.

    true fact.

    now you tell me what bangs on your walls so hard it sounds as if a 300 pound man is trying to put his fist or forearm through your wall as hard as he can swing his big ass arm?

    explain to me female voices more than one filling a room as if a conversation was being had but it sounds like from different realm as it is all fucked up but very much feminine voices?

    explain the rubbing of one shoulder/arm as if to say 'you'll be ok, dear. i am sorry you're sick' when not one single person was touching her when she was in bed not feeling well? she asked her mom, "mom you rubbing my arm/shoulder earlier?" mom says, "no hunny i was in other room reading"
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • arqarq Posts: 7,982
    Dude, you need Jesus :lol: he isn't a ghost but at least zombies are cooler than ghosts.

    It's always hard to be the voice of reason, keep fighting the good fight.
    "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
  • donnaruhldonnaruhl Posts: 2,157
    Bill Nye the Science Guy above, is a buzz kill. Haven't you ever went to leave for work, and you get down the street and remember that you've forgoten something. and the time that it took you to go back,was just enough time to miss the tragic accident that was about to happen. Or you're at a stoplight,and you reach over to pick something up that you just dropped,only to find that your light turned green,but had you not picked up that said object, you would have been broadsided by the truck that is running the red light next to you. I feel as if there are spirit's among us that look over us at all times.
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    arq wrote:
    Dude, you need Jesus :lol: he isn't a ghost but at least zombies are cooler than ghosts.

    It's always hard to be the voice of reason, keep fighting the good fight.

    actually, i think that Jesus IS a ghost, right?
    Isn't that the premise of Catholicism?
    Jesus died and then arose from the dead and ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father?
    If you believe that.
    Funny thing though, in the Catholic Church, as I was raised, Jesus has risen from the dead, but apparently we are not supposed to believe that anyone else can do the same.
    There is good, there is evil..if you believe in God, then you must believe in The Devil. If you believe the Bible, you gotta believe in all SORTS of crazy stuff......

    and while so many people do NOT believe in Ghosts...they DO believe in the Bible.
    Why is that?
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    Re: Near Death Experience

    My Dad, who passed several years ago, was suffering from End Stage Renal Disease.
    I was visiting him in the nursing home where he had to stay after his care became too much to handle at home.

    He had "died" more than once, according to his Drs. while having surgery etc.
    He once "died' during dialysis.

    One day when I was visiting him and we were left alone for a while, he told me that he had something to talk about that he didn't want to tell the others. My Dad was not the type of man to believe in crazy things, he was a meat and potatoes, hard-working guy and he liked his life the way he liked his meals...simple. He did not entertain thoughts and ideas that were abstract, if he couldn't see it, feel it, taste it, it didn't exist. So the conversation that we were about to have was pretty shocking coming from him.

    So he told me that he had experienced something that scared him so badly that he was now afraid to die, and he had not been afraid previously. He told me a story of a near death experience that he had not related to anyone else. He said that he "Knew" that he had died, and he was being shepherded along by a long line of humans who had also died, being pushed along by those behind him in this line, down a hallway toward an open room.

    As he got closer to the room, while still in the hallway, he could hear and see what was happening in there. Each person got his or her turn..... once in the room (I don't know what happened actually IN the room, I've forgotten that part) but there were 2 doorways. They were closed. I don't recall how one made it to one door or the other, but there was a way, kind of like a "sorting". While he was watching he would see a person go in one door, come out and walk out the other side of this open room. But when a person entered the Other door, he only saw one do so, he came out in a casket, pushed by someone, but Dad could somehow see through this casket, and the dead man inside the casket was screaming and begging NOT to have to go the way he was being taken.

    Now I have no idea what happened in his experience after he saw this except that he said that he was so frightened in this experience and he did not want his "turn" to come in line for fear that he had not lived a good enough life and would be taken the way of the screaming man in the casket.

    All I know (or I think that I know) is that before this, he did not seem to be afraid, he knew death was coming and was as OK as I guess you can be. He had made his living will in which should he expire, he did not want CPR etc to be done, made plans for his remains, etc. BUT after this experience, he changed his living will to have heroic measures included to save his life. He wanted CPR..he wanted a ventilator, he wanted whatever it took to keep him from having to stand in that line as long as possible.

    We hear a lot of Into The Light stuff...and I don't see that here. Something different. I just know that my Dad was find out where he would end up. For someone who was never a religious man it said something profound to me.

    I just hope he went to the best place possible.
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • rollingsrollings Posts: 7,124
    StillHere wrote:
    arq wrote:
    Dude, you need Jesus :lol: he isn't a ghost but at least zombies are cooler than ghosts.

    It's always hard to be the voice of reason, keep fighting the good fight.

    actually, i think that Jesus IS a ghost, right?
    Isn't that the premise of Catholicism?
    Jesus died and then arose from the dead and ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father?
    If you believe that.
    Funny thing though, in the Catholic Church, as I was raised, Jesus has risen from the dead, but apparently we are not supposed to believe that anyone else can do the same.
    There is good, there is evil..if you believe in God, then you must believe in The Devil. If you believe the Bible, you gotta believe in all SORTS of crazy stuff......

    and while so many people do NOT believe in Ghosts...they DO believe in the Bible.
    Why is that?

    because the holy ghost ? ............... whistle.gif
  • rollingsrollings Posts: 7,124
    I have a friend who I talk to on the phone who has psychic abilities. About two years ago, I was talking to him from my mom's house. We weren't talking about psychic stuff or anything but he nonchalantly said to me, "man, you have alot of doors in your cellar"


    "ok" I said. "You're right, there's an outside door, a little back porch extension door, plus another door to get in PLUS there's a back door"(my mom's house isn't big, quite small actually)

    "Nah" he said, "there's more doors than that."


    The next morning, I went to my mom's basement, and in the little back porch room is... a door just laying there (for whatever the hell reason, I forget)......

    I investigate further....I then discover, for the very first time, that a large shelving unit holding tools etc. is constructed entirely of cut up wooden doors.


    Now how was this guy, who I never even before met, able to state, with conviction, that I had a multitude of doors in my basement-.....-doors that I myself didn't even know were there?

    So, I call him & tell him about my discovery. I was very excited.

    then he tells me....."oh, there's doors all above you too"

    me = chills.

    wtf, dude.

    So up the attic I go. I look. I see no doors. I know there's two coobie holes/crawl spaces....

    so I unlatch the entrances to each one but they're not lit, and I really don't feel like going in I had the good idea of putting my hand in there w/ the digital camera and taking some pictures.

    Well.....I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing.
    What was the "flooring" of both of the coobie holes was actually all doors laying across the beams.

    what the ??? This person has never before talked to anyone from my family or any of my friends or anything. PLus he lives in another state.

    Oh, he also told me that my mom's house had green all around it and close to it.
    True, green fence and......white siding...COVERING green shingles. You can't see the green shingles.

    :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

    well, this ain't a ghost story, obviously, but more along the lines of those psychic energies, etc....
    I'm a believer. there's no other explanation. One doesn't just "guess" these things and then state them as if they're as true as the hands in front of you...ya know?
  • donnaruhldonnaruhl Posts: 2,157
    StillHere wrote:
    Re: Near Death Experience

    My Dad, who passed several years ago, was suffering from End Stage Renal Disease.
    I was visiting him in the nursing home where he had to stay after his care became too much to handle at home.

    He had "died" more than once, according to his Drs. while having surgery etc.
    He once "died' during dialysis.

    One day when I was visiting him and we were left alone for a while, he told me that he had something to talk about that he didn't want to tell the others. My Dad was not the type of man to believe in crazy things, he was a meat and potatoes, hard-working guy and he liked his life the way he liked his meals...simple. He did not entertain thoughts and ideas that were abstract, if he couldn't see it, feel it, taste it, it didn't exist. So the conversation that we were about to have was pretty shocking coming from him.

    So he told me that he had experienced something that scared him so badly that he was now afraid to die, and he had not been afraid previously. He told me a story of a near death experience that he had not related to anyone else. He said that he "Knew" that he had died, and he was being shepherded along by a long line of humans who had also died, being pushed along by those behind him in this line, down a hallway toward an open room.

    As he got closer to the room, while still in the hallway, he could hear and see what was happening in there. Each person got his or her turn..... once in the room (I don't know what happened actually IN the room, I've forgotten that part) but there were 2 doorways. They were closed. I don't recall how one made it to one door or the other, but there was a way, kind of like a "sorting". While he was watching he would see a person go in one door, come out and walk out the other side of this open room. But when a person entered the Other door, he only saw one do so, he came out in a casket, pushed by someone, but Dad could somehow see through this casket, and the dead man inside the casket was screaming and begging NOT to have to go the way he was being taken.

    Now I have no idea what happened in his experience after he saw this except that he said that he was so frightened in this experience and he did not want his "turn" to come in line for fear that he had not lived a good enough life and would be taken the way of the screaming man in the casket.

    All I know (or I think that I know) is that before this, he did not seem to be afraid, he knew death was coming and was as OK as I guess you can be. He had made his living will in which should he expire, he did not want CPR etc to be done, made plans for his remains, etc. BUT after this experience, he changed his living will to have heroic measures included to save his life. He wanted CPR..he wanted a ventilator, he wanted whatever it took to keep him from having to stand in that line as long as possible.

    We hear a lot of Into The Light stuff...and I don't see that here. Something different. I just know that my Dad was find out where he would end up. For someone who was never a religious man it said something profound to me.

    I just hope he went to the best place possible.
    Wow! that was pretty hevy. If he was an honest and good man,with a good heart,He went through the right door.
  • I only really have one or two stories, but I don't really think they count as ghost stories, but I said I'd mention them! For some reason, my mom always seems to have foretelling dreams. The scariest one she ever told me was about a banshee she dreamt about. A banshee is a wailing woman, often brushing her hair. Apparently, if you see her, someone you know will die or if you hear her, you yourself will die. Take that with a pinch of salt! :P

    So one night, my mom had a dream about her mother and the banshee. Nothing really happened, they were just together in her dream. When she got up the next morning, I remember her telling me about the dream and how unsettled it made her, even enough to tell her colleagues at work. Lo and behold, my granny fell in the bathroom that night and within a week she was dead! I wouldn't normally believe that sort of stuff, but that really creeped me out :?

    Whatever about spirits and such, I'm not a big fan of psychics. There's a whole science to guessing people's past, by being vague. If you ask anyone who's been to a psychic, they'll tell you the 5 things the psychic got right and ignore the 30 things they got wrong :lol: That said, my housemate and her mom went to a psychic about five years ago. It was pretty run of the mill psychic, talking to her mom about people who have passed, her job, her health etc. Out of the blue the psychic stopped cold and told her that her marriage to her husband was going to end shortly but not by divorce or separation, but by death. He told her that her husband was going to die. Of course, three weeks later to the day, he had a heart attack in bed and died... :shock:
  • chadwickchadwick Posts: 21,157
    arq wrote:
    Dude, you need Jesus :lol: he isn't a ghost but at least zombies are cooler than ghosts.

    It's always hard to be the voice of reason, keep fighting the good fight.
    who needs jesus? zombies are cooler than ghosts? is this a fact?
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • DURPDURP Posts: 2,180
    I have plenty but I tend to keep them to myself as people normally think I'm crazy or stupid. If you're curious pm if not then leave it alone.
    My butt itches!
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    DURP wrote:
    I have plenty but I tend to keep them to myself as people normally think I'm crazy or stupid. If you're curious pm if not then leave it alone.

    sending PM can't wait to hear could post them here, we''re all (mostly all anyway) cool with it :D
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • donnaruhldonnaruhl Posts: 2,157
    DURP wrote:
    I have plenty but I tend to keep them to myself as people normally think I'm crazy or stupid. If you're curious pm if not then leave it alone.

    Just spill it! Don't let the science guy hold you back
    And if you think others will wonder if you're crazy.
    Don't worry then,Cause we're all frigg'in crazy then.
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    I've finally gotten around to publishing a blog, is it OK if I publish your individual stories there?
    If so, should I use your "real Name", initials, or forum name? Or what?
    I'm going to message each of you individually for permissions, but if you happen to see this, please let me know.

    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • eeriepadaveeeriepadave West Chester, PA Posts: 41,773
    8/28/98- Camden, NJ
    10/31/09- Philly
    5/21/10- NYC
    9/2/12- Philly, PA
    7/19/13- Wrigley
    10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
    10/21/13- Philly, PA
    10/22/13- Philly, PA
    10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
    4/28/16- Philly, PA
    4/29/16- Philly, PA
    5/1/16- NYC
    5/2/16- NYC
    9/2/18- Boston, MA
    9/4/18- Boston, MA
    9/14/22- Camden, NJ
    9/7/24- Philly, PA
    9/9/24- Philly, PA
    Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
    Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
    RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
  • Treyert14Treyert14 Posts: 924
    Bump for more stories!!
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