Creative ideas for people to do their "fair share"

Please think of a way at the bottom. We need to brainstorm on this! Do you have any ideas?
We always here about Obama asking the rich to pay their "fair share".
We know the middle class pays more than their "fair share".
We also know that the poor dont pay enough! Well how can they? They are poor, right? Well, not always so.
If Obama gets his way with the fiscal cliff, %2 of the population will have to pay %4 more on their income taxes, going up from %35 to %39.6. This additional revenue will add up to approx. 82 billion per year. Also, if Obama limits or does away with "loopholes and deductions", that will raise another 40 billion per year. Ok so if all that goes good, we can collect approx. 120 billion more per year, assuming that all the businesses and rich people continue to "churn" money. Ok lets say we bring in another 120 billion per year! Obama has been fighting for that for 4 years now, dividing us, creating class warfare, etc. Our annual deficit is 1.2 trillion! This is almost laughable to divide us over %10 savings! Ok enough of that!
My ideas for the poor, unemployed, non-taxpaying citizens and those who recieve federal assistance to pay their "fair share". We need to find ways for the takers to be makers, givers or lighten the load.
1. We all heard of those who collect welfare, assistance etc. should pass a drug test. Well this only makes sense, especially if you are trying to FIND A JOB and better yourself.
2. Free daycare for students and poor mothers. This can be achieved by students who are going for CHILD CARE, elementary education, etc. Make them do 4 hours per week community service in the COMMUNITY DAYCARE.
3. Homeless, poor and volunteers pickup litter and trash.
4. Urban youth have graffitti contests to raise money
5. Create volunteer centers for handymen, contractors, companions, etc.
6. Compassion booths for immigrants on the border.
7. Volunteer speakers, aids, assistants in urban areas to help mothers and children.
8. Online think tanks for graduates to find cutting edge ideas.
We always here about Obama asking the rich to pay their "fair share".
We know the middle class pays more than their "fair share".
We also know that the poor dont pay enough! Well how can they? They are poor, right? Well, not always so.
If Obama gets his way with the fiscal cliff, %2 of the population will have to pay %4 more on their income taxes, going up from %35 to %39.6. This additional revenue will add up to approx. 82 billion per year. Also, if Obama limits or does away with "loopholes and deductions", that will raise another 40 billion per year. Ok so if all that goes good, we can collect approx. 120 billion more per year, assuming that all the businesses and rich people continue to "churn" money. Ok lets say we bring in another 120 billion per year! Obama has been fighting for that for 4 years now, dividing us, creating class warfare, etc. Our annual deficit is 1.2 trillion! This is almost laughable to divide us over %10 savings! Ok enough of that!
My ideas for the poor, unemployed, non-taxpaying citizens and those who recieve federal assistance to pay their "fair share". We need to find ways for the takers to be makers, givers or lighten the load.
1. We all heard of those who collect welfare, assistance etc. should pass a drug test. Well this only makes sense, especially if you are trying to FIND A JOB and better yourself.
2. Free daycare for students and poor mothers. This can be achieved by students who are going for CHILD CARE, elementary education, etc. Make them do 4 hours per week community service in the COMMUNITY DAYCARE.
3. Homeless, poor and volunteers pickup litter and trash.
4. Urban youth have graffitti contests to raise money
5. Create volunteer centers for handymen, contractors, companions, etc.
6. Compassion booths for immigrants on the border.
7. Volunteer speakers, aids, assistants in urban areas to help mothers and children.
8. Online think tanks for graduates to find cutting edge ideas.
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Post edited by Unknown User on
yep you gotta villainize the poor because clearly they are lazy and need to stop stealing from the government :fp:
seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people these days? the ones that step on the homeless and poor are the same ones who say they love jesus and act nothing like him...
thank god the republicans lost. those in government are are a soulless, cold, selfish lot...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
What would be wrong with setting up daycares that are staffed by people on welfare? They receive great job training and then provide a service to others. It wouldn't be in direct competition with other daycares because the people cant afford standard daycares. I always thought this would be a terrific idea. And I don;t care if it actually saves $ in the short term because I know it would in the long term.
see also, "freedom"
compare and contrast with "fear", "oppression", and "knickers"
I would like to extend it to everyone doing their fair share, rich, poor, middle class.
Everyone wants to they just don't.
Yep, mandatory community service hours required for all.
Required to be a resident of the great US of A.
I'll work along side a multimillionaire ... I'm not that way.
Maybe we can go play bingo after!
We could all use being humbled, we could all use a lesson in giving.
Just imagine how great our country could be
all working together equally.
But, "fair" strikes me as subjective; I'd rather see "equal".
I'm not so certain most 'poor' people choose to be poor. Most of these people have had it rough. They haven't been fed with the silver spoon and have experienced difficulties of various degrees that have proven to be insurmountable as they try to 'compete with the Jones's'. From little to no support in their formative years to prejudices (not just ethnic ones) as they have grown older.
Granted there are your classic losers that tend to blemish society and provide a handy stereotype, but to paint the entire poor/homeless sector with a brush that colors them as lazy and useless seems a bit rough. Demanding more from a group that does not have much is hardly helpful.
It's easy to speak from a position of privilege. Go walk a mile in their shoes, Fear. Then count your blessings.
Seems to me some posters must defend the poor to the point
they can't ask anything from them. Even things that are good for all.
To disregard really good ideas that could help them and everyone
based on imaginary prejudice of the OP really?
Let's work together...
We can all do our fair share even someone living in their car ...
you and others don't have to defend the poor, it's really not helping them or our country.
By helping others we feel better, we meet and bond with others.
Who knows what possibilities could have opened up for you?
Did you say bah or would you if given opportunities?
Positive doing, positive thinking, positive interacting.
No one needs to be protected from living and giving what they can.
The key is equal .... all.
'The Poor' - are they all who live below what is considered the poverty line? Could it be the family that fell on hard times or the single parent working whatever menial jobs they can find to feed their children and put shoes on their feet, depriving themselves of the essentials for this? They can bust their guts working just to survive. Or could it be the disabled who are often taking whatever low paid job they can get because most companies loathe to employ them. How much does one have to earn before not being poor? What's your take on that? If one earns $10 more than your 'limit', is one then taken out of the equation?
'Non-taxpaying citizens' - would that include students who usually will have some low paid job whilst studying (with taxes withheld from their paycheck)? Would that also include those that work hard but are exploited and earn peanuts (again wit taxes withheld from paychecks, etc.)? Lots of other groups that work and contribute via 'other taxes'. How about the pensioners, some quite old, who have worked and contributed all their lives?
Those that receive federal assistance Do you dump in the physically ill, the mentally ill, the severely disabled, etc.? What about all these companies that get some kind of 'federal assistance' in form of tax breaks/refunds, etc.... Are they included in these? After all, they get assistance.
Are all of these 'scroungers'? 'Takers'?
Whilst this 'community spirit' thing is good, as another poster said: "The spirit of the original post seems to reveal a level of disdain for the underprivileged." The OP doesn't seem to understand/want to understand what 'poor'/'underprivileged' really means.
'We' don't have to defend the poor? Usually, more vulnerable, not able to get their voice heard. If those that can be heard don't speak up for the more vulnerable, who will? It is just OK for them to be vilified and we can just discard them as, supposedly, not being of any use to 'our country'?
I want to know why you think those things on the list are so terrible?
Why defend the OP with Wavy Gravy burn-out speak? This whole notion of 'fair share' directed at people who are on some form of public assistance is a veiled attempt to create an enemy which is an ongoing method carried out by conservatives. I guess since terrorists don't have us a level orange, we need something else to direct our fears toward.
The OP is right let the poor earn ... why not? Stop defending them, protecting them.
Require community service.
But then require the same from all. If everyone was required to work as a community
servicing itself how wonderfully positive that would be. Can you imagine?
The opportunity for bonding, improving, solving, loving is great.
Who would not want this?
I just see the agenda, and the agenda is negative. It's been on the upswing the last few years, especially since we're a Socialist country now. Recall in the pre-9/11 years it was "welfare moms" who were the problem.
Do you know what requirements are in place for people who receive public assistance?
How about a program where someone on welfare (who is not physically or mentally disabled) receives 80% of what the currently collect and can earn the later 20% by attending a skills workshop for 8 hours a week?
That way someone is not deprived of benefits and have incentive to increase their skill set to help with future employment opportunities.
And ignoring the point of the thread.
I think I would have to commit fraud though... not that plenty aren't doing that.
I'm just too honest and a chicken shittle.
I want one more requirement...
community service for all then that is the agenda... one of fairness.
Everyone must do their part. It's a good thing, a very good thing.
Yeah, I don't see the point in it. BUt there are plenty of other good ideas to use but we are too afraid to actually do anything about problems other than try to throw more $ at it.
Hellalujah!!!!! WOW We got a response that was positive, creative, constructive and meaningful! HOOT!
I love it! I love this idea. Good job there Hedo!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
This is so true. And that finger-pointed dissension towards the poverty class as well as anyone on assistance has been growing a lot, as if they're the enemy rather than our fellow equal.
Imagine how I deal with these people who go on and on that (those on assistance) need to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get off assistance, get a job". *I* am on assistance for being temporarily disabled, my daughter gets assistance because I have to support her, and she has her own developmental disability. So, guess who gets all flushed and humiliated when these conservatives (there's a lot in my area) go to town on how they really feel about people, and to find out that a friend actually is their "enemy".
And for the record, I do volunteer where I can. Should it be mandatory? No. You don't lump the country's problems into the laps of those who are less fortunate. I'd like to know, instead of answering the OP's question, why the OP is pre-occupied with "Fair share" to begin with. What is it? Why so concerned about others picking up the slack?