*** George II Fanviews 7/23 Here ***



  • Here are a couple movies of last night. I'm still too wiped out to post much more.....

    What an awesome set of shows. Night one was better but night 2 was rockin as well. The punishing heat was rough but it was still worth it. Special thanks to security who let all sorts of people horn in on my aisle seat and block my view. That was super cool. And thanks to you horner-inners who just had to distrupt the fun.

    Check out my other movies as well. There are a bunch from night one up there too...




    |11.6.00Seattle|6.6.03Vegas|6.7.03PHX|5.25.06Boston|7.22.06Gorge|7.23.06Gorge|9.21.09Seattle|9.22.09Seattle |10.6.09LA|11.19.13PHX|11.29.13Portland|12.6.13Seattle |10.22.14Denver| 8.8.18 Seattle | 8.10.18 Seattle

    EV Solo |7.15.11 Benaroya|7.16.11 Benaroya|4.13.12PHX|10.30.14Redmond|
    TOTD 11.11.16 San Fran
  • O-W wrote:
    Hah awesome. Props to the back of section A!

    Yes mannn!!! That was us baby - A-22 and A-23 - thought I was gonna get red-carded by security at one point!

    Great crowd, monster show again - saw the openers in Toronto and the band still owned it closing out!!!!

    .....Boom's hair bun looked real tight though, seemed to be hurting him!!!

    Thanks for a great fuckin tour!

    Ole, ole, ole, ole!!!
    the little that you see, it's home
  • Whew!!! Even better than Saturday night. I had awesome 10c seats... row 29 center stage. Perfect for when Eddie was on top of the platform for Given to Fly. That was f-in amazing! The crowd was awesome, everyone was rockin! My favs had to be In Hiding, Won't Back Down (I thought Tom was going to show up this time), Rats and Comatose! The energy of the band was insane! My night would have been complete if I would have snagged a poster... I waited 3 hours for one and they sold out as soon as I reached the counter. =( Whatever, my night was totally complete! The band rocked! What more could I ask for??

    Oh yeah- camping at Vantage/Riverstone was pretty cool. It was windy as hell and very, very hot, but they have a cool spot down by the river. Cheers to all the fans hanging out on Sunday morning! It was great! Unforgettable weekend!
    "If you guys wanna stick around we're willing to make this the longest Pearl Jam show that ever has been played" -EV, State College, PA, 5/3/03
    5/3/03-State College
    9/1/05- The Gorge
    7/22/06 & 7/23/06 THE GORGE!
    Tonight... WE ROCK THE GORGE!
  • oldermanolderman Posts: 1,765
    i had better seats for this show and therefore it was a better show. just kidding. however, when mike playes little wing and eddie SANG, i knew i had seen two shows in a row that KICKED ASS all the way from portland ME to The Gorge. I may never see two shows like these again.

    Thanks to the 10C once again for awesome seats.

    and thanks to Mike McReady for his excellent selections. not to mention his energy and the fact that he can flat out burn up guitars and amplifiers.

    and thanks also to jeff, stone, and matt for absolute perfection in all they do.

    and thank you too, boom, for your excellent crazy mary solo and the excellent give and take with mike. you guys are awesome.

    and you too, ed. fuckin' hippie. :D
    Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
    As she slams the door in his drunken face
    And now he stands outside
    And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
    He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
    What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
    Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
    And his tears fall and burn the garden green
  • ZosoZoso Posts: 6,425
    iTS REALLY HARD TO seperate both nights 4 me it was like 1 big concert over the weekend. Night 1 is possibly my fav because of Dirty Frank and Crown of Thorns but last night was also a very good show haha. I wanted to hear some Binaural so Gods' Dice was enjoyed and In Hiding is one of my favs so I went nuts when I heard Stone rip into that intro.

    Little Wing full band version from Night 2 was fucking sensational that is how I can describe this. One hell of a double concert series.
    I'm just flying around the other side of the world to say I love you

    Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl

    I love you forever and forever :)

    Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
  • cuyler41cuyler41 Posts: 388
    I stayed up 'til 1am to see this and it's beautiful.

    Will download the show just to hear "I won't back down"... Was it acoustic, by chance? I saw there was no pre-set at this show.... too bad...
    check it out: http://forums.pearljam.com/showthread.php?t=207490

    OH AND.......
    P L E A S E

    All I can Say is what a fucking weekend ! Both shows = Kick Ass !!!! If you were let down by either of these shows, you've prolly been spoiled and seen to many this tour.

    Here is the half-assed video I took for won't back down, I wish i had have zoomed in a bit, my little dig cam won't let me change the zoom after I press record. Oh well you can hear it good any way :)


    I took some pics too but here is my fav, its not a vid sorry :)

    Ed on the sound booth roof

    Givin to Fly !! http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/9039/1000808rv2.jpg
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    i just got home....what a fucking AMAZING weekend. lots of thoughts and feelings about both shows. getting rats, satan's bed (!??!?! fucking love that song), 2 i'd never gotten before.

    and i had an ed moment.

    i forgot which song, i believe it was alive, towards the end....ed came over to mike's side of the stage (i was 12th row on the aisle, same side). standing right there so i thought ooh neat photo op....turn around to grab my camera, my friend grabs my arm and starts pulling on it, so i turn around....he is staring DIRECTLY at me, with his hand over his heart, just smiling. i was stunned! she said he started doing it right before i turned, and just waited till i turned around to see it. thank god she saw it, otherwise i would have thought it was a hallucination from the heat hahaha

    all of it, just plain beautiful :)
  • slug420slug420 Posts: 316
    not sure if I am the first naysayer to post here or not but my friend and I, along with those people camping near us were a bit disappointed with this show.

    My friend and I went out from CT and saw the 3 SF shows which just had an unreal intensity to them IMO. Missing some songs but overall good setlists but the band really seemed to perform IMO like THOSR were the final shows of the tour.

    Expectations were so high on our end going into the gorge and after N1 was a decent show but nothing awe-inspiring to us when compared with other shows this tour, we REALLY had night 2 built up.

    I liked the setlist on N2 but at the end I, and I think most of you judging by how many people stayed in their reserved seats for so long after the show, were left saying "thats it?"

    Unreal tour this has been with some super shows, this is the final spot of the US tour, its at the incredible incomparable gorge, its their hometown show, all the media outlets - and even some of the generic gorge employees wondering how late they would be working - were antiipating a 3+ hour blowout, their first time playing 2 nights there, all the campers stuck it out in 100+ weather for 2 nights, it was a smaller crowd but by many opinions it would thus be described as a more hardcore crowd with lots of dedicated fans remaining while others deemed night 2 not worth missing a day of work on monday for, or just decided wasnt going to be worth the heat for another day.

    and then blah. seemed to anticlimactic to us. Like i said it was a cool show but really felt like more of just another show than it did a tour ending emotional rollercoaster. i saw eddie pick mike up on his shoulders in NJ, gave out like 298 tambourines one night in SF, mike smashed a guitar one night in SF and ed tried to surf on it......ill have to compare my videos to see what was what but cameron's drum solo one night in SF was out of control.....its possible it was similar in length/quality to the one he did at the gorge on N2 but still, that was the only real sign of passion that made it seem like the gorge shows, N2 specifically, were as special to them as they made it sound when they were talking between songs.

    it seemed TOTALLY primed for another set at the end of the show. so much so that when they show was over I just sat there, and rushed to get a new battery into my camera anticpating all hell was goingt o break loose. It was like "bam, ok, we just did a really good 06 tour show.....but just any ole 06 good show, now we are going to come out and show you how we blow that out of the water with one more set, maybe an acoustic, or maybe filled with long lost covers, but one more set special to those that stuck it out at the gorge, special to the final show of the tour, special to our hometown etc etc..."

    but there was nothing.

    I almost wonder if there was one more set but they didnt do it because of the crowd. Crowd was really weak during most singalongs on N2 I thought and offered about the weakest cheering between encores/sets I have ever seen. It was the first show I saw where it seemed like everyone was like "ok, now we wait and they will come back out" whereas that is understood at all other shows but out of respect the crowd cheers chants and howls them back out anyway, as if it wasnt a planned encore.

    just my .02
  • riot_grrlriot_grrl Posts: 12
    one of the best times ever! amazing shows amazing atmosphere wicked set lists.
    everyone i met was great i can not complain about anything not even the heat!
    what can beat 2 days camping with friends and partying and seeing pearl jam!
    thank you pearl jam!

    p.s the only bad thing id have to say was someone ramsacking ours and a few other peoples stuff near by and stealing our booze! karma will get you back
  • freeonefreeone Posts: 24
    Smellyman wrote:
    Ha! If you did the 2 gorge shows I can gurantee you wouldn't be disappointed.

    I wish you could change my memory then, cuz I am dissappointed to a certain degree. Not worth re-hashing, I had a lot of fun times with freinds and memories from the shows, just not as good as I hyped it to be.
  • In a perfect world, I would combine the best elements of both Gorge shows. On Saturday, we missed the first five songs due to the horrendous disorganization of the 10C will-call line. It took us 15 minutes Sunday (vs. over an hour and a half on Saturday) to get our 10C tix and entering/exiting the venue on Sunday was a piece of cake compared to saturday.Even so, the energy Saturday was off the charts and the sunset was incredible! Just what I imagined. Sunday, we had better seats, but the guys seemed to have burned themselves out the night before, hence the surprisingly "short" show. That's not to say I'm complaining. Each show had its incredible moments. I feel lucky to have experienced both nights. I still have my "holy grail" to experience--Release as an opener--but I can't feel bad after hearing "Dirty Frank", "Marker In the Sand" and "Satan's Bed". Each show had its special moments, and we met some incredible people both nights. These shows reinforced what i already knew--Pearl Jam is the BEST!!!!!!!!! I will never get tired of seeing them live. Every show has been amazing in its own way. These guys love their fans and it shows. I am so happy to be part of an incredible community of fans, and I look forward to the next time I have the privilege to gather together and experience Pearl Jam live. Peace and love........
    Protecting the democracy that we ask our sons and daughters to die for is our responsibility and our trust. Demanding accountability from our leaders is our job as citizens. It's the American way. -Bruce Springsteen

    That is all I have to say!

    Hell yeah! A special shout to the Super Sexy Swede for firing up our section. If you read this, i was the one in the blue bucket hat with the cut off fan club shirt.
    9/16/96, 7/18/98, 11/02/00, 08/4/01, 12/08/02, 4/13/03, 10/22/03, 9/24/04, 3/18/05, 9/01/05, 9/02/05, 7/06/06, 7/07/06, 7/09/06, 7/10/06, 7/20/06
    7/22/06, 7/23/06, 04/07/07, 8/3/07
  • Wow what a night, George II blew my brain away. 10 times more energy and vibe than saturday night. Who were all these drunk young fan on saturday night, talking on sell phones and sitting down during Rockin in the free world. Spending a whole day in the heat and sun on Sunday was very mellow. I had a nice buzz when I picked up my 8th row right in front of Mike tickets. The band just came out and threw the music down hard.
    Were they on the same mushroom trip I was on?
    Severed Hand was a killer opener for being a new tune.
    It was all high energy, fast guitars and a setting sun. It only mellowed for the sign along Wasted Reprise. After Betterman, rolling into Garden, Rats, Whipping, Jeremy, Why Go Mike was going nuts. pointed to each one of us indivually that stood out for going nuts and not always looking at what Ed was doing. After Why Go the band just dissapeared. I was in awe like I was just taken on a Pearl Jam roller coaster adventure.

    When Ed came out again and asked had anyone been there last year we started a "Hello Tom, Come down tom chant" and Ed told us that Tom says hi. After a touching I won't back down it was back to the barn burners Life Wasted, Big Wave, Satan's Bed, Spin The Black Circle, Alive. There was not a moment in any of those songs where Mike was not playing like a man possessed. At this point to sky was amazing in a wash of colors.
    Unlike saturday where I watched the sunset clouds on the horizon this time it was all focused on the band. I pretty much blocked out all the fan, rarely ever looked behind and felt like I was getting a private pearl jam show. During Alive I began to think that if the band might be closing out its carear that this would be a show worthy of that. As a fan that goes back to seeing them at the RCNDY during mooky blaylock days 15 years of memories began to pour into my mind. Wow had this band aged with grace and stamina. There was never a dull or downer moment for me with pearl jam in the middle albums that the press likes to report.

    That last encore Given To Fly, Little Wing, Crazy Mary, Comatose, Fuckin' Up, Yellow Ledbetter again lived up to a great finish.
    During LIttle Wing the sky was a darp purple and the smoke machine was activated with the wind. Hendrix was in the house. Crazy Mary, best version ever, even better than porland a long time ago when they did it with Victoria Williams. Ed sang possessed. It was a three bottle night.
    With the first notes I knew right away it was Fuckin' UP. I hadn't heard that song by PJ since I saw them in Manchester in 2000. Yellow Ledbetter was great as always.
    Yes in the front we yelled for a long time for one more song.
    I was predicting a Arond the Bend or Indifferance but it was not to be.
    Thankfully I took Monday off. Slept under the stars that night and had a pleasent drive back to Portland on Monday.

    After 47 show with Pearl Jam, this was the best It has ever show I have ever seen from the band.
  • Night 2 is a tough one to write about, even now, a couple days after the show, it hasn't sunk in all the way.

    A couple little negative blips, then I'll write all the good stuff... First, after the first night, it would have been almost impossible to play a better show, so comparing night 2 to night one is a little unfair, but it happens. Second, there was a lot of 'hype' that people had built up for themselves about this show (myself included), so when there was no acoustic set, or when the show was a little shorter than the night before, or when the end didn't really feel like the end... people might feel a little let down. I think the heat really played into the shorter set, and the overall mellower crowd.

    Okay, having got that out of the way, this show really was AWESOME! If you subtract all of the hype, and 'what could have been' from this show, and take it at face value, it was an amazing show to see! My first time at the Gorge did not disappoint. Watching the sun set in the background while the band plays is very cool. I was stoked to see Satan's Bed and In Hiding, but most of the set was songs I hadn't been able to see played live before, so that was great. I ended up with Row 15, seat 15 in Section A for this show. My seats to night one were a little better angle, but the people around me for night 2 made the seats just as good. Thanks for being so rowdy section A! the Ole Ole Ole - Pearl Jam Pearl Jam chant was pretty dang funny.

    Other highlights: I thought Given to Fly when Ed sang from the roof in the middle was cool. At the end he put his arms up and kind of 'flew' around the roof. Then singing the words to Little Wing once he returned to the stage .... cool.
    --First time hearing Garden, Rats, Big Wave, Marker in the Sand, & the Save it for Later Betterman tag (it's my favorite). All these songs were fantastic live. I liked during rats when the people (you know who you are) put up their claws and hiss RATS!
    --I've seen Crazy Mary before, but I could have sworn this solo was ten times better than the other time I've seen this one live. Great solo w/ Boom and Mike.

    That's it!
  • jam_headjam_head Posts: 125
    traveled about 3,000 miles and it was well worth it!! what a way to end the US tour.
    7/1/03- DC, 7/12/03- Hershey, 9/28/04- Boston, 10/1/04- Reading, 10/3/05- Philly, 5/27/06- Camden I, 5/28/06- Camden II, 5/30/06- DC, *7/22/06- Gorge I, 7/23/06- Gorge II*, 6/20/08- Camden II, 6/22/08- DC, *6/24/08- MSG I, 6/25/08- MSG II*
  • CorduroyboyCorduroyboy Posts: 1,256
    Is it over??? Is it really over?? Night 2 done with?? Can't be. But a stellar way to end. I loved every bit of it. I felt the setlist kicked ass. And really love how Eddie keeps thanking us, the fans. It really shows their geniune appreciation. I love this band. I love the fact I got to see them at their last show of the US Tour. Thanks Gorified J!! It was great rocking out with you over the weekend. One of the best weekends of my life!
  • it's now available...downloading as i type...go go go
    "A compliment for us, is a compliment for you."
    Vancouver '05, Denver I/II '06, Gorge I/II '06, MSG I/II '08, VH1 Rock Honors '08, Seattle I/II '09, Vancouver '11
    EV: Portland '11, Seattle Benaroya I/II '11
  • freeonefreeone Posts: 24
    This is the 4th pic of someone putting a dragon-fly in their hand from the weekend, have many of you never seen an insect before?

    Have now added our pics from night two.

  • edwhoedwho Posts: 811

    Mike Moments:

    As the band started to play Satan’s Bed they were bathed in red lighting. Mike was imitating the 'live' Angus Young devil pose. With his upper torso slightly bent forward, head lowered, left hand ready on the fret board and his right hand / arm pointing up and out over the crowd, one leg shaking and than BAM head up and Satan’s Bed. Most Cool!

    Damn, I can’t remember after which song, but Mike also fired off a quick Mad Season lick. I think it was from ‘River Of Deceit.’ That was extra cool because I happened to be traveling with my “Above” CD.

    ~ Side Note ~

    There was complete cloud cover by show time for night one.

    Zero clouds for night two.

    Imagine this: Having Gorge II lawn seats with over 100 very high watt spot lights on you for two hours.

    I had higher expectations for Night II as well, but considering everything, I was very pleased with my decision to attend.

    Little Wing full song / full band, stupendous, amazing, beautiful!!

    It was the first time ever for me to hear a new PJ record live - in it’s entirety - during one tour. Lucky me, eh?

    Rats it’s over…for now.

    Three Fish

    July 1996 San Francisco

    June 1999 Chicago

  • freeone wrote:
    This is the 4th pic of someone putting a dragon-fly in their hand from the weekend, have many of you never seen an insect before?

    what's an insect?
    "A compliment for us, is a compliment for you."
    Vancouver '05, Denver I/II '06, Gorge I/II '06, MSG I/II '08, VH1 Rock Honors '08, Seattle I/II '09, Vancouver '11
    EV: Portland '11, Seattle Benaroya I/II '11
  • OLAY!!!!!!!!!

    Oh my fuckin god. My experiance at the second night beat the first night for sure!

    The first night show was longer, etc....but I had MORE fun the second night! Thanks to ALL the fans in Section A, around the row 16-20 area. Swede fuckin rocks, and had everyone going with the chant. Swede, if you read this, I'm sooooo glad I got to hang with you!!! It didn't catch on the first night when he did it, but the second night, it was so fuckin loud, I wonder how far people could here it.

    Show wise, the biggest highlight for me was Won't Back Down...again, a walking orgasm! STBC fuckin rocked, Whipping, Satans Bed....oh my god.

    I was glad I got a chance to go to these shows. I can't wait for leg 2!!!!!!!

    Side Note: Just one complaint......3 shows this tour and no Come Back! Damn it all!!!! :D
    Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.

    "do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"

  • CorduroyboyCorduroyboy Posts: 1,256
    Hey Purple Chick, I've got a great butt crack for you to examine!! Night 2 had the best butt cracks I'd ever seen! Matching crack!
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    freeone wrote:
    This is the 4th pic of someone putting a dragon-fly in their hand from the weekend, have many of you never seen an insect before?

    Those are pretty though - I've never seen blue ones like that.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • Nice to meet a few of you on Sunday night at the CCFA benefit, and putting names to faces. We were the pair with the kids in their homemade PJ shirts. This was their first PJ show and it was so great to experience this with them. They were in awe partly that we were not the only PJ addicts on the planet, and to meet others who share our PJ passion. My 8 year old son is the strong silent type, but he loved the show, and was just so happy to see the band from row 10 (SEC C). We now have to get him his own 10c account!! His almost 6 year old sister liked it alot too, but the heat wiped her out quite abit, but she still rocked out alot at her favorites. (We were row 7, sec on ctr aisle.) As I told them, if they can survive the journey to get here and the heat and crowds, they can handle any show. But the shows were a good mix for me, experiencing the first show with just my husband in the muggy heat, and hearing Dirty Frank and Leash. Night two we arrived at 4 to avoid all the killer line ups. Stayed hydrated and just hung out in the shade til showtime. Yes, the set was shorter, but LOVED Satan's Bed and just being here! I love the Gorge as a venue, and I love this band, how they can continue to keep any show fresh and unexpected.
    Peace, Lisa
  • swedeswede Posts: 558
    HEY GUYS!!!!!!!

    man i have NEVER had so much fun at a show IN MY LIFE!!! it was like i was at a sporting event AND a rock show, holy shitballs!!!! it was crazy. thanks guys for the shoutouts, it was awesome. i cant believe as i was leaving guys were chanting "there goes the gorge guy" LMFAO! it was a riot.

    seriously - pedal - u guys rock! man it was awesome to have got to rock out with u guys.

    PURPLE! GEE! u girls are crazzzzy and sooo much fun! RAWK! seriously ahhh what a wild time.

    i wanna write more but i gotta go.

    one more time ay?



    WOOOOOT! what a wild time!

    u guys rule!!!!!!!!!
  • Hey Purple Chick, I've got a great butt crack for you to examine!! Night 2 had the best butt cracks I'd ever seen! Matching crack!

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Butt Crack Twins!!!!!!!
    Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.

    "do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"

  • swede wrote:
    HEY GUYS!!!!!!!

    man i have NEVER had so much fun at a show IN MY LIFE!!! it was like i was at a sporting event AND a rock show, holy shitballs!!!! it was crazy. thanks guys for the shoutouts, it was awesome. i cant believe as i was leaving guys were chanting "there goes the gorge guy" LMFAO! it was a riot.

    seriously - pedal - u guys rock! man it was awesome to have got to rock out with u guys.

    PURPLE! GEE! u girls are crazzzzy and sooo much fun! RAWK! seriously ahhh what a wild time.

    i wanna write more but i gotta go.

    one more time ay?



    WOOOOOT! what a wild time!

    u guys rule!!!!!!!!!

    Fuckin Swede...you are the man! I'm glad I got to grab your ass when I did! :D HAHAHAHAHAHA
    Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.

    "do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"

  • JITJIT Posts: 47
    lucky mother fuckers
  • chittychitty Posts: 609
    Both shows rocked. I was disappointed they didn't come on again. Stone was ready, but then the crew came out to pack up. To end with YL again was shitty, I was hoping for Indifference.
    Again, a weekend to never forget! Oh yeah, I saw cameras during the show on the stage so maybe a DVD?
  • Hey Purple Chick, I've got a great butt crack for you to examine!! Night 2 had the best butt cracks I'd ever seen! Matching crack!

    Say no to crack
    |11.6.00Seattle|6.6.03Vegas|6.7.03PHX|5.25.06Boston|7.22.06Gorge|7.23.06Gorge|9.21.09Seattle|9.22.09Seattle |10.6.09LA|11.19.13PHX|11.29.13Portland|12.6.13Seattle |10.22.14Denver| 8.8.18 Seattle | 8.10.18 Seattle

    EV Solo |7.15.11 Benaroya|7.16.11 Benaroya|4.13.12PHX|10.30.14Redmond|
    TOTD 11.11.16 San Fran
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