i challenge you or anyone for that matter to find us one woman who loves being treated in this fashion. find us one woman who enjoys islam & the like from over there in the middle eastern countries.
Is this a real question? I see I wasn't far off when I said the duty here is for white men to save brown women from brown men.
the duty? the brown skin? i see no skin color. i see no duty. i feel compassion & a sense of humanity. i see no brown skin needing saved by white skin. i see femininity being crushed out by insanity & horror at the hands of brainwashed males (whom are not men, by the way) whom brainwash (or try to) brainwash their women through oppression, rape, torture & other savagery.
F*ck, sometimes it is better to focus on the soul of an issue, instead of worrying about methodology/technique used in coming to a conclusion regarding the issue.
In general, do you believe people's actions are based on their environment/cultural norms?
F*ck, sometimes it is better to focus on the soul of an issue, instead of worrying about methodology/technique used in coming to a conclusion regarding the issue.
In general, do you believe people's actions are based on their environment/cultural norms?
if so, is this right or wrong?
I like how you write my name as "F*ck" just as you write God as "G-d". Makes me feel special.
find us a woman, one single lone brave soul who is thrilled to be with her man whom is of the Islamic religion.
My GIRLFRIEND, who's been in my fucken life for 13 years! Oh and did I mention she's CATHOLIC? Damn Chadwick, wtf buddy? What's with this hatred at a people? Bro, you REALLY need to do some reading BETWEEN the lines and not drink whatever fairy tale stories they're selling you. I swear some of the shit on these forums leave me shaking my head. I've stayed away for a while cuz the shit on here lately has been well, SHIT. Not for nothing but some of the shit I've read has been straight up offensive. How some people on here don't get suspended for saying bigoted shit I'll never understand. Yet in the past 2 months I've been suspended twice for A.-calling someone a DB for ripping of a fellow member and B.-for speaking my mind and ripping into someone who was spreading outright lies about Islam. Look, I'm not in anyway super religious, but I do know about my religion. And in NO FUCKEN WAY was I ever taught growing up ANY OF THE SHIT you guys claim on here. Wow, unfuckenreal.
1 more thing, look up the top 10 countries in rape crimes. Notice anything? NOT 1 "Islamic" country on there! Can u guess who's #1? I'll give you a hint, the United States of _______.
find us a woman, one single lone brave soul who is thrilled to be with her man whom is of the Islamic religion.
My GIRLFRIEND, who's been in my fucken life for 13 years! Oh and did I mention she's CATHOLIC? Damn Chadwick, wtf buddy? What's with this hatred at a people? Bro, you REALLY need to do some reading BETWEEN the lines and not drink whatever fairy tale stories they're selling you. I swear some of the shit on these forums leave me shaking my head. I've stayed away for a while cuz the shit on here lately has been well, SHIT. Not for nothing but some of the shit I've read has been straight up offensive. How some people on here don't get suspended for saying bigoted shit I'll never understand. Yet in the past 2 months I've been suspended twice for A.-calling someone a DB for ripping of a fellow member and B.-for speaking my mind and ripping into someone who was spreading outright lies about Islam. Look, I'm not in anyway super religious, but I do know about my religion. And in NO FUCKEN WAY was I ever taught growing up ANY OF THE SHIT you guys claim on here. Wow, unfuckenreal.
we can be friends on here, that is fine. but im not your bro. thank you anyway. i am not on a hatred filled kick over here. i am trying to understand why women in the middle eastern countries are abused quite a lot and for example not wearing their entire clothe from head to toe. again, stonings for being raped. you're telling me this does not happen? if it happens once a year that is to much.
if a woman is raped and then punished for being a victim why give me a rashin of shitfor asking why it happened? again you're saying it never happens, yes? how many countries have radicals torturing women over in the middle east? pakistan, iran, iraq, syria, lebanon? has pearl jam frequented these places? if not how come?
yes big time the united states is a violent country. women are abused here too. raped & sometimes a maniac tortures women too. but here the women are as free as a breeze. they do not have to wear flowing head to toe gowns. they will not ever be punished for being raped. they will not ever be stoned to death for being raped or showing flesh. they are not 1/2 they are equal.
1 more thing, look up the top 10 countries in rape crimes. Notice anything? NOT 1 "Islamic" country on there! Can u guess who's #1? I'll give you a hint, the United States of _______.
This has been an interesting - though heated - thread.
I have to wonder...do you think (and I haven't looked up the statistics; just asking here) that those countries with the highest incidents of rape are because those crimes are actually reported?
1 more thing, look up the top 10 countries in rape crimes. Notice anything? NOT 1 "Islamic" country on there! Can u guess who's #1? I'll give you a hint, the United States of _______.
This has been an interesting - though heated - thread.
I have to wonder...do you think (and I haven't looked up the statistics; just asking here) that those countries with the highest incidents of rape are because those crimes are actually reported?
find us a woman, one single lone brave soul who is thrilled to be with her man whom is of the Islamic religion.
My GIRLFRIEND, who's been in my fucken life for 13 years! Oh and did I mention she's CATHOLIC? Damn Chadwick, wtf buddy? What's with this hatred at a people? Bro, you REALLY need to do some reading BETWEEN the lines and not drink whatever fairy tale stories they're selling you. I swear some of the shit on these forums leave me shaking my head. I've stayed away for a while cuz the shit on here lately has been well, SHIT. Not for nothing but some of the shit I've read has been straight up offensive. How some people on here don't get suspended for saying bigoted shit I'll never understand. Yet in the past 2 months I've been suspended twice for A.-calling someone a DB for ripping of a fellow member and B.-for speaking my mind and ripping into someone who was spreading outright lies about Islam. Look, I'm not in anyway super religious, but I do know about my religion. And in NO FUCKEN WAY was I ever taught growing up ANY OF THE SHIT you guys claim on here. Wow, unfuckenreal.
we can be friends on here, that is fine. but im not your bro. thank you anyway. i am not on a hatred filled kick over here. i am trying to understand why women in the middle eastern countries are abused quite a lot and for example not wearing their entire clothe from head to toe. again, stonings for being raped. you're telling me this does not happen? if it happens once a year that is to much.
if a woman is raped and then punished for being a victim why give me a rashin of shitfor asking why it happened? again you're saying it never happens, yes? how many countries have radicals torturing women over in the middle east? pakistan, iran, iraq, syria, lebanon? has pearl jam frequented these places? if not how come?
yes big time the united states is a violent country. women are abused here too. raped & sometimes a maniac tortures women too. but here the women are as free as a breeze. they do not have to wear flowing head to toe gowns. they will not ever be punished for being raped. they will not ever be stoned to death for being raped or showing flesh. they are not 1/2 they are equal.
You are not "trying to understand" so quit giving us that bullshit. You came into this thread with your mind made up. You actually believe, despite how embarrassing it must have been for you to write it, that not a single woman in the Middle East is happy to be with a Muslim there. It would be far more hilarious if you weren't so serious about it.
First of all, there are plenty of Muslim women in the United States who cover themselves head to toe. Ever think about that? WHY do they do it? Are they abused here too? Forced to do it here? But the United States, as you claim, has so much freedom!! So what's the deal? Let's consider the possibilities:
1. They're forced to do it by their spouse or father or male dominant, right? Do you people ever even consider how insulting and sexist you are being by suggesting these things? Yes, you read correctly. YOU are being insulting to these women. Why? Because you are not respecting their free choice. If a woman covers up, it's seen as so absurd to you then she MUST have been forced to do it. How sexist. How degrading of you to not respect her free choice.
2. They CHOOSE to dress that way. That's right; they aren't brainwashed. They naturally believe that they have a choice and chose to dress that way. Why don't you people talk to these women? If you truly want to understand then quit making judgments off of youtube videos and buy real books and investigate this topic.
You really wanna get into this? The majority of Muslim countries do NOT have dress codes for women to cover head to toe. So why are they not mentioned? There are dozens of Muslim countries, each with their set of laws, but that's not convenient for you when you want to be prejudiced. Instead, in your mind, it's just one big monolithic "Muslim world" of oppression.
Furthermore, you consistently ignore my call for you to actually engage any Islamic text. You point to these random soundbites of insane stories that have NOTHING to do with Islam. Instead of showing random people who do these acts, why not point to where in the Qur'an it says a woman must be tortured if she is raped. I'll wait. You probably won't be able to point to anything because I suspect that you haven't read the Qur'an. Where in the Qur'an does it say a woman must be stoned if she's raped?
If you people want to have an actual discussion, then you are going to be held accountable for what you say. So far, chadwick, you have not presented any proof other than stories that are outliers--outliers because they are so incredibly uncommon and only occur due to the unsupervised acts of certain parties. These certain parties, such as the Saudi Arabian government, exist with Western--that is, NOT Muslim, but Western support.
I'm done playing these silly games with you. When you want to actually engage the topic of how Islam views women, then come back with something less polemical and more nuanced. Thanks.
F*ck, sometimes it is better to focus on the soul of an issue, instead of worrying about methodology/technique used in coming to a conclusion regarding the issue.
In general, do you believe people's actions are based on their environment/cultural norms?
if so, is this right or wrong?
I like how you write my name as "F*ck" just as you write God as "G-d". Makes me feel special.
Well, I hope there is something/someone in your real life that makes you feel special.
F*ck, sometimes it is better to focus on the soul of an issue, instead of worrying about methodology/technique used in coming to a conclusion regarding the issue.
In general, do you believe people's actions are based on their environment/cultural norms?
if so, is this right or wrong?
I like how you write my name as "F*ck" just as you write God as "G-d". Makes me feel special.
Well, I hope there is something/someone in your real life that makes you feel special.
Now back to my questions....care to answer them?
No, I will not answer your question because it is irrelevant--Islam is not a culture. The issue here is whether or not the Islamic religious texts authorize the rape or persecution of a raped woman.
i been hearing about the middle east wars & abuse towards women there since i was a child, basically since the early to mid 1970's. that is all the women know; so they cover up. been that way how many decades, how many hundreds of years?
by the way, sir
i am not at all prejustice, not one sliver of me is against another because they are of different skin color. my father's side of the family are jewish. my great grandma barelly escaped germany with her life.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
Thank you, Chadwick, for bring this issue to our attention. What is happening to these women is horrible and it's important to make these atrocities known and out in the open and to speak out against them. I suppose someone could argue some of the fine points about this issue but that's unfortunate- it takes the focus off helping find a way to end these inhumane acts and creates division. It would be more helpful to see everyone here say,"Yes, this is wrong! What can we do about it?"
Thanks again, Chadwick.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Thank you, Chadwick, for bring this issue to our attention. What is happening to these women is horrible and it's important to make these atrocities known and out in the open and to speak out against them. I suppose someone could argue some of the fine points about this issue but that's unfortunate- it takes the focus off helping find a way to end these inhumane acts and creates division. It would be more helpful to see everyone here say,"Yes, this is wrong! What can we do about it?"
Thanks again, Chadwick.
There are all sorts of double standards when it comes to pointing-out injustices........seems as if many people need to know who the actors are before rendering an opinion on said injustices.
Thank you, Chadwick, for bring this issue to our attention. What is happening to these women is horrible and it's important to make these atrocities known and out in the open and to speak out against them. I suppose someone could argue some of the fine points about this issue but that's unfortunate- it takes the focus off helping find a way to end these inhumane acts and creates division. It would be more helpful to see everyone here say,"Yes, this is wrong! What can we do about it?"
Thanks again, Chadwick.
There are all sorts of double standards when it comes to pointing-out injustices........seems as if many people need to know who the actors are before rendering an opinion on said injustices.
I'm sorry JOEJOEJOE, I'm not sure what it is you're saying here.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Thank you, Chadwick, for bring this issue to our attention. What is happening to these women is horrible and it's important to make these atrocities known and out in the open and to speak out against them. I suppose someone could argue some of the fine points about this issue but that's unfortunate- it takes the focus off helping find a way to end these inhumane acts and creates division. It would be more helpful to see everyone here say,"Yes, this is wrong! What can we do about it?"
Thanks again, Chadwick.
There are all sorts of double standards when it comes to pointing-out injustices........seems as if many people need to know who the actors are before rendering an opinion on said injustices.
I'm sorry JOEJOEJOE, I'm not sure what it is you're saying here.
Sorry if I wasn't clear...I was agreeing with you, and pointing out how people often can't admit that their peeps are the ones guilty of committing horrible acts.
you know what i want? peace. ?you want peace! this takes a simpler act than a firing bullet. ?you want peace! give a helping hand not a slap, stomp or a thrown stone. peace means trying. peace means loving. preace means smiling. peace means carrying another when they been beat by evil.
evil will not make it. peace makes it every single time.
i like what the native american indian believes about women. i try to find the link; and i did.
russell means - native american indian talks about women http://youtu.be/kuTdvDk1cxw
Sorry if I wasn't clear...I was agreeing with you, and pointing out how people often can't admit that their peeps are the ones guilty of committing horrible acts.
Ah, thanks for clarification, JOEJOEJEO. Yes, I totally agree. Acts of violence against women are certainly not confined to one group alone. It happens in far to many countries and cultures. Even here in the US where much progress has been made, there is still far too much violence toward women not to mention far too much violence in general.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Thank you, Chadwick, for bring this issue to our attention. What is happening to these women is horrible and it's important to make these atrocities known and out in the open and to speak out against them. I suppose someone could argue some of the fine points about this issue but that's unfortunate- it takes the focus off helping find a way to end these inhumane acts and creates division. It would be more helpful to see everyone here say,"Yes, this is wrong! What can we do about it?"
Thanks again, Chadwick.
But don't you get it? We all are acting on the agreed principle that what happened to the woman isn't right. That's not the point here. The point is to your second question, what can we do about it? This is where 'assigning blame' comes into play. It's necessary to know what caused these people to do something like this. Blaming Islam, which is what this topic does at the beginning, is what causes division. It's a very polarizing accusation--one who makes it immediately alienates over 1.6 billion people in the world, all for his/her refusal to even check the facts or methods of his/her accusation.
Let's stop with these fake calls for peace and try to introduce some sincerity into this discussion. You can't make false accusations and refuse to defend them.
i been hearing about the middle east wars & abuse towards women there since i was a child, basically since the early to mid 1970's. that is all the women know; so they cover up. been that way how many decades, how many hundreds of years?
by the way, sir
i am not at all prejustice, not one sliver of me is against another because they are of different skin color. my father's side of the family are jewish. my great grandma barelly escaped germany with her life.
So the women don't know what true freedom is? They're just caged birds who only understand a 1-foot diameter of free space? Jesus christ. The women know plenty, and they make the choice to cover up out of their own free will. And many women in the Middle East choose not to cover up, and in many of the countries there, they're allowed to go out uncovered. You know which countries they can't? most of those are dictatorships, like those in the Gulf who continue with Western support, and are not demonstrative of Islam.
And prejudice (not prejustice, whatever the hell that is) is not limited to just skin color. You are prejudiced against Muslims, practicing Muslims.
i been hearing about the middle east wars & abuse towards women there since i was a child, basically since the early to mid 1970's. that is all the women know; so they cover up. been that way how many decades, how many hundreds of years?
by the way, sir
i am not at all prejustice, not one sliver of me is against another because they are of different skin color. my father's side of the family are jewish. my great grandma barelly escaped germany with her life.
the history of man.. and lets think about that.. MAN.. is littered with the abuse of women.. the inequality of women.. the supposed inferiority of women..nd this goes across ALL cultures. do not delude yourself that 'western' culture is somehow superior to all other cultures when all it accomplishes is its subtlety in its misogyny... tho some see it all too clearly.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i been hearing about the middle east wars & abuse towards women there since i was a child, basically since the early to mid 1970's. that is all the women know; so they cover up. been that way how many decades, how many hundreds of years?
by the way, sir
i am not at all prejustice, not one sliver of me is against another because they are of different skin color. my father's side of the family are jewish. my great grandma barelly escaped germany with her life.
the history of man.. and lets think about that.. MAN.. is littered with the abuse of women.. the inequality of women.. the supposed inferiority of women..nd this goes across ALL cultures. do not delude yourself that 'western' culture is somehow superior to all other cultures when all it accomplishes is its subtlety in its misogyny... tho some see it all too clearly.
i fully get what you are saying. and you are 100% correct. and believe me, catefrances, i am not one for waving the flag & western culture. i do not follow this here society much at all.
but tell me something.
why the mob scenes at these public punishment trials? all i see are 500 plus MEN all fired up to stone or hang or whip or behead someone. all are crazed with the feeding frenzy blood going on. they are feeding off one another's nasty energy.
an uncle will and has killed his neice for being raped. her crime is she was raped. to save family dignity she is killed. i've seen this in the news reports for years now. it has happened here in the u.s. when a family of islam or muslim belief has came here to live.
i remember a investigation down near st. louis where a father killed his daughter for being with a man of different race. i believe the mother was in on it as well or maybe she tried to stop or maybe just did nothing. i can't remember the mother's actual part in it.
i been hearing about the middle east wars & abuse towards women there since i was a child, basically since the early to mid 1970's. that is all the women know; so they cover up. been that way how many decades, how many hundreds of years?
by the way, sir
i am not at all prejustice, not one sliver of me is against another because they are of different skin color. my father's side of the family are jewish. my great grandma barelly escaped germany with her life.
So the women don't know what true freedom is? They're just caged birds who only understand a 1-foot diameter of free space? Jesus christ. The women know plenty, and they make the choice to cover up out of their own free will. And many women in the Middle East choose not to cover up, and in many of the countries there, they're allowed to go out uncovered. You know which countries they can't? most of those are dictatorships, like those in the Gulf who continue with Western support, and are not demonstrative of Islam.
And prejudice (not prejustice, whatever the hell that is) is not limited to just skin color. You are prejudiced against Muslims, practicing Muslims.
i am not prejudice. not for one second. i want everyone to believe as they wish, do as they wish within the regards to being a decent human being.
i been watching videos of a man named Imam Siraj Wahhaj to try and understand Islam. i like him. i'd love to meet him & talk about things. he could teach me a lot of thing. still, women are oppressed & held down in a brutal fashion in the middle east. fact.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
In general, do you believe people's actions are based on their environment/cultural norms?
if so, is this right or wrong?
My GIRLFRIEND, who's been in my fucken life for 13 years! Oh and did I mention she's CATHOLIC? Damn Chadwick, wtf buddy? What's with this hatred at a people? Bro, you REALLY need to do some reading BETWEEN the lines and not drink whatever fairy tale stories they're selling you. I swear some of the shit on these forums leave me shaking my head. I've stayed away for a while cuz the shit on here lately has been well, SHIT. Not for nothing but some of the shit I've read has been straight up offensive. How some people on here don't get suspended for saying bigoted shit I'll never understand. Yet in the past 2 months I've been suspended twice for A.-calling someone a DB for ripping of a fellow member and B.-for speaking my mind and ripping into someone who was spreading outright lies about Islam. Look, I'm not in anyway super religious, but I do know about my religion. And in NO FUCKEN WAY was I ever taught growing up ANY OF THE SHIT you guys claim on here. Wow, unfuckenreal.
if a woman is raped and then punished for being a victim why give me a rashin of shitfor asking why it happened? again you're saying it never happens, yes? how many countries have radicals torturing women over in the middle east? pakistan, iran, iraq, syria, lebanon? has pearl jam frequented these places? if not how come?
yes big time the united states is a violent country. women are abused here too. raped & sometimes a maniac tortures women too. but here the women are as free as a breeze. they do not have to wear flowing head to toe gowns. they will not ever be punished for being raped. they will not ever be stoned to death for being raped or showing flesh. they are not 1/2 they are equal.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I have to wonder...do you think (and I haven't looked up the statistics; just asking here) that those countries with the highest incidents of rape are because those crimes are actually reported?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
First of all, there are plenty of Muslim women in the United States who cover themselves head to toe. Ever think about that? WHY do they do it? Are they abused here too? Forced to do it here? But the United States, as you claim, has so much freedom!! So what's the deal? Let's consider the possibilities:
1. They're forced to do it by their spouse or father or male dominant, right? Do you people ever even consider how insulting and sexist you are being by suggesting these things? Yes, you read correctly. YOU are being insulting to these women. Why? Because you are not respecting their free choice. If a woman covers up, it's seen as so absurd to you then she MUST have been forced to do it. How sexist. How degrading of you to not respect her free choice.
2. They CHOOSE to dress that way. That's right; they aren't brainwashed. They naturally believe that they have a choice and chose to dress that way. Why don't you people talk to these women? If you truly want to understand then quit making judgments off of youtube videos and buy real books and investigate this topic.
You really wanna get into this? The majority of Muslim countries do NOT have dress codes for women to cover head to toe. So why are they not mentioned? There are dozens of Muslim countries, each with their set of laws, but that's not convenient for you when you want to be prejudiced. Instead, in your mind, it's just one big monolithic "Muslim world" of oppression.
Furthermore, you consistently ignore my call for you to actually engage any Islamic text. You point to these random soundbites of insane stories that have NOTHING to do with Islam. Instead of showing random people who do these acts, why not point to where in the Qur'an it says a woman must be tortured if she is raped. I'll wait. You probably won't be able to point to anything because I suspect that you haven't read the Qur'an. Where in the Qur'an does it say a woman must be stoned if she's raped?
If you people want to have an actual discussion, then you are going to be held accountable for what you say. So far, chadwick, you have not presented any proof other than stories that are outliers--outliers because they are so incredibly uncommon and only occur due to the unsupervised acts of certain parties. These certain parties, such as the Saudi Arabian government, exist with Western--that is, NOT Muslim, but Western support.
I'm done playing these silly games with you. When you want to actually engage the topic of how Islam views women, then come back with something less polemical and more nuanced. Thanks.
Well, I hope there is something/someone in your real life that makes you feel special.
Now back to my questions....care to answer them?
by the way, sir
i am not at all prejustice, not one sliver of me is against another because they are of different skin color. my father's side of the family are jewish. my great grandma barelly escaped germany with her life.
powerful poem read here
don't worry they also go after gay men not just women
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
ya this stuff doesn't happen
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Thanks again, Chadwick.
There are all sorts of double standards when it comes to pointing-out injustices........seems as if many people need to know who the actors are before rendering an opinion on said injustices.
i found this video appalling to the highest order
what a feeding frenzing
and they do
the mob feeds sick energy off of one another
fucking maniacs
and dangerous and deranged
and thank you, brian, for your always good & wise words
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I'm sorry JOEJOEJOE, I'm not sure what it is you're saying here.
Sorry if I wasn't clear...I was agreeing with you, and pointing out how people often can't admit that their peeps are the ones guilty of committing horrible acts.
evil will not make it. peace makes it every single time.
i like what the native american indian believes about women. i try to find the link; and i did.
russell means - native american indian talks about women
yes those who fear women destroy them
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Ah, thanks for clarification, JOEJOEJEO. Yes, I totally agree. Acts of violence against women are certainly not confined to one group alone. It happens in far to many countries and cultures. Even here in the US where much progress has been made, there is still far too much violence toward women not to mention far too much violence in general.
I'll devout 50% of the time I currently spend reading the Bible to reading Islamic texts and the Koran.
In return, please tally a body count for when Christian groups are offended verses when Islamic groups are offended.
To simplify, we can limit it to the last ten years and round up or down to the nearest 100'th.
Let's stop with these fake calls for peace and try to introduce some sincerity into this discussion. You can't make false accusations and refuse to defend them.
"that is all the women know"
So the women don't know what true freedom is? They're just caged birds who only understand a 1-foot diameter of free space? Jesus christ. The women know plenty, and they make the choice to cover up out of their own free will. And many women in the Middle East choose not to cover up, and in many of the countries there, they're allowed to go out uncovered. You know which countries they can't? most of those are dictatorships, like those in the Gulf who continue with Western support, and are not demonstrative of Islam.
And prejudice (not prejustice, whatever the hell that is) is not limited to just skin color. You are prejudiced against Muslims, practicing Muslims.
the history of man.. and lets think about that.. MAN.. is littered with the abuse of women.. the inequality of women.. the supposed inferiority of women..nd this goes across ALL cultures. do not delude yourself that 'western' culture is somehow superior to all other cultures when all it accomplishes is its subtlety in its misogyny... tho some see it all too clearly.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
but tell me something.
why the mob scenes at these public punishment trials? all i see are 500 plus MEN all fired up to stone or hang or whip or behead someone. all are crazed with the feeding frenzy blood going on. they are feeding off one another's nasty energy.
an uncle will and has killed his neice for being raped. her crime is she was raped. to save family dignity she is killed. i've seen this in the news reports for years now. it has happened here in the u.s. when a family of islam or muslim belief has came here to live.
i remember a investigation down near st. louis where a father killed his daughter for being with a man of different race. i believe the mother was in on it as well or maybe she tried to stop or maybe just did nothing. i can't remember the mother's actual part in it.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
i been watching videos of a man named Imam Siraj Wahhaj to try and understand Islam. i like him. i'd love to meet him & talk about things. he could teach me a lot of thing. still, women are oppressed & held down in a brutal fashion in the middle east. fact.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce