*** EV Tour Tulsa 1 Fanviews Here 11/18/12 ***



  • He actually said when I walked up and asked to sing Hunger Strike "I believe in reincarnation but I dont think you can pull that off." Then you left out the part where the guy came flying off the stage and escorted me to the door and booted me out. Ed was interacting with the crowd all night. I was respectful and even said "sir" when I asked to sing it. What did I do to get ejected? I drove all the way back to OKC embarrassed because my brother came from Nashville to see the show with me. I can understand kicking someone out for being too drunk or physically trying to get up on stage but all I did was ask a question and would have sat back down and enjoyed the rest of the show. I was even respectful to the security guard as he was shoving me towards the door. I did nothing out of the ordinary of what was already taking place. Freedom of speech just didnt exist last night. Kicked out for asking a question. Ive been a 10C member for years and this is how I was treated. It was a really sad day for me. I feel like a part of me died last night. BTW Ed I would have nailed it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7ar9PvcvBw

    Sucks that you got thrown out and your you tube link was decent as far as impersonations go. But bro, you gotta pick your spots...I was horrified for you when I looked to my right and heard your request, mimicking Cornell at the county co-op is a long ways from sharing a mic with Eddie.
    Norman, Oklahoma 12-12-1991*Dallas, Texas 11-12-1993*Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 11-23-1993*Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 04-03-2003*(EV) Tulsa, Oklahoma 11-18-2012* Tulsa, OK 10-08-2014
  • Best show of the tour ( at least of the ones I have seen). We were lucky enough to get 2nd row tickets, and ended up with the biggest jerk sitting right behind us. He was drunk off his ass before the show even started, and then he was talking loudly through Glen's unplugged song "Say it to me Now". So, like anyone would, my husband turned around and motioned for him to be quiet. Most people would apologize, but this guy, like a 5 year old yelled " you be quiet, you can't tell me what to do"! We let it go, but he continued to talk throughout the entire set. My husband turned around again, motioned shh, and said please, please. This guys response was to tell his wife, "let him turn again, let him, just wait". He drunkenly mumbled something about pulling his hair too, lol. Really guy? I mean come on. We weren't trying to sart anything. We just wanted to hear and enjoy the show. He was also stomping on the back of my chair, or the floor, couldn't really tell, but it was irritating. My husband went to get security after Glen's set, just in case this guy got out of control. His wife was then trying to rally the whole 3rd row against us. I tried to diffuse telling her, we don't want to start anything, everyone just wants to enjoy the show and have a good time. They thought they had the right to disrupt everyone around them because "they paid good money for the seats". We all did, and we shouldn't have to listen to you instead I'd the show we all paid "good money" for. Anyway, just had to vent. It almost ruined a great show, but my husband got personally handed a pick by Eddie, so that made it all worth it. Plus that setlist, wow! And they played our song "Can't Help Fallig in Love", and I cried. LOL :lol: Hoping for a better crowd tonight.

    I felt bad for you guys. Drunk guy was out of line for sure. I was sitting directly behind him and tried to diffuse his machismo. I myself made the mistake of bringing someone that is not as dedicated to PJ as I am. He is very loud naturally and the volume of his voice escaped him for the first part of the show. It took a couple of "hey man keep it down" and one "dude, shut the fuck up, you are ruining this for people around you." I also had 2 of the loveliest people in the world with me, so the experience was top notch.
    Norman, Oklahoma 12-12-1991*Dallas, Texas 11-12-1993*Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 11-23-1993*Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 04-03-2003*(EV) Tulsa, Oklahoma 11-18-2012* Tulsa, OK 10-08-2014
  • I know I'm a little late and all, but I would personally like to thank the wonderful fans that took photos of my son meeting and talking with Eddie. I am humbled by how kind that was of you to take them and send them to me. He and I will never forget that day! THANK YOU!!!
  • dwhite76dwhite76 Posts: 2,801
    IF you were at this show Please read. Thank You :D

    Hey all, Im looking to finish my collection of the small postcards that came with the EV City specific T-Shirts.
    I have things to trade and may be able to purchase for the right price.

    I Have these post cards to trade a 1 for 1 if you have multiple and are looking to finish a collection also.

    Las Vegas
    **Plus any other Boots, PJ/EV Merch,PJ posters,hoodies,EXCERERA,**

    I would apreciate any help. I want to complete this set real bad. Heres the ones I need. Thank You.

    I NEED
    1.El Paso

    I have many things to trade from all years of merch. Thanks again :D
    Some words when spoken...Can't be taken back...
  • So, I'm about a year late....but I'm wondering...is it possible to find a bootleg of this show? anyone....?
    "I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me. Guaranteed."
    KC, MO 7.3.98
    OKC 4.3.03
    KC, MO 5/2010
    EV- Memphis 6.20.09
    EV- Tulsa 11.18.12
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