Pearl Jam in Zagreb!



  • snihsnih Posts: 1,052
    @jurasica: ma ne, ti si samo drugačija!:):D A to je dobro, kaj ne!:D
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    Nisi izrod. zasto? Ukusi su razliciti. i meni je Parachutes super. al vidis, ja bih mozda cak bila glasala za Oceans...sigurno :D bas zato ne
    sad citam ovo vase 1.kolo i mislim si kako je ovo nemoguca misija za mene...
    bit ce interesantno gledat za sto glasate i tko dobija/gubi...
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • RijekaRijeka Posts: 801
    Alive_Ten x Satan's Bed_Vitalogy
    Animal_VS. x Grievance_Binnaural
    Better Man_Vitalogy x Strangest Tribe_Lost Dogs
    Strangest tribe
    Black_Ten x Once_Ten
    Corduroy_Vitalogy x Insignificance_Binnaural
    Daughter_VS. x Evacuation_Binnaural
    Do The Evolution_Yield x Dead Man Walking_Lost Dogs
    Dead man walking
    Elderly Woman Behind ..._VS. x Bee Girl_Lost Dogs
    Even Flow_Ten x Brain Of J._Yield
    Even flow :)
    Footsteps_Lost Dogs x Rats_VS.
    Given To Fly_Yield x Soon Forget_Binnaural
    Hail Hail_No Code x Bu$hleaguer_Riot Act
    I Am Mine_Riot Act x Last Kiss_Lost Dogs
    Last Kiss
    In Hiding_Yield x Who You Are_No Code
    In Hiding
    In My Tree_No Code x Unemployable_Pearl Jam
    In my tree
    Indifference_VS. x In the Moonlight_Lost Dogs
    Inside Job_Pearl Jam x Marker In The Sand_Pearl Jam
    Inside job
    Last Exit_Vitalogy x Spin The Black Circle_Vitalogy
    Love Boat Captain_Riot Act x Red Mosquito_No Code
    Off He Goes_No Code x Wasted Reprise_Pearl Jam
    off he goes
    Porch_Ten x Ghost_Riot Act
    Present Tense_No Code x Pilate_Yield
    present tense
    Rearviewmirror_VS. x Sometimes_No Code
    Release_Ten x Comatose_Pearl Jam
    Save You_Riot Act x No Way_Yield
    save you
    Smile_No Code x Big Wave_Pearl Jam
    State Of Love And Trust_Rearviewmirror x Breath_Rearviewmirror
    Thumbing My Way_Riot Act x Sad_Lost Dogs
    thumbing my way
    Why Go_Ten x Aye Davanita_Vitalogy
    why go
    Wishlist_Yield x Around The Bend_No Code
    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam x Whale Song_Lost Dogs
    whale song
    Yellow Ledbetter_Lost Dogs x Nothing As it Seems_Binnaural
    Come Back_Pearl Jam x Rival_Binnaural
    come back
    Cropduster_Riot Act x Nothingman_Vitalogy
    dve pjesme koje su mi vrlo drage, ali Nothingman uvijek :) (najteži izbor do sad)
    Low Light_Yield x Other Side_Lost Dogs
    low light
    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs x Pry, To_Vitalogy
    Don't Gimme No Lip_Lost Dogs x I Got Id_Rearviewmirror
    i got id
    Glorified G_VS. x Get Right_Riot Act
    glorified g
    Gone_Pearl Jam x Habit_No Code
    Dissident_VS. x Whipping_Vitalogy
    Tremor Christ_Vitalogy x Life Wasted_Pearl Jam
    tremor christ
    Wash_Lost Dogs x Leash_VS.
    Faithfull_Yield x Blood_VS.
    Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me_Vitalogy x Hold On_Lost Dogs
    hold on
    Green Disease_Riot Act x 1/2 Full_Riot Act
    green disease
    Light Years_Binnaural x Arc_Riot Act
    light years
    Not For You_Vitalogy x Thin Air_Binnaural
    not for you
    Can't Keep_Riot Act x Army Reserve_Pearl Jam
    can't keep
    Jeremy_Ten x Gods' Dice_Binnaural
    Deep_Ten x All Those Yesterdays_Yield
    Help Help_Riot Act x All Night_Lost Dogs
    all night
    Untitled_Yield x Education_Lost Dogs
    I'm Open_No Code x Oceans_Ten
    Push Me, Pull Me_Yield x Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs
    dirty frankK :D
    Hitchhiker_Lost Dogs x Down_Lost Dogs
    Lukin_No Code x Driftin'_Lost Dogs
    Mankind_No Code x Garden_Ten
    Go_VS. x U_Lost Dogs
    Sleight Of Hand_Binnaural x Of The Girl_Binnaural
    of the girl
    Alone_Lost Dogs x Severed Hand_Pearl Jam
    severed hand
    Fatal_Lost Dogs x Let Me Sleep_Lost Dogs
    W.M.A._VS. x Undone_Lost Dogs
    Immortality_Vitalogy x Hard To Imagine_Lost Dogs
    All Or None_Riot Act x Leaving Here_Lost Dogs
    leaving here

    Kad sam vidio pjesme, mislio sam da ću do sutra razmišljat...Ali brzo sam to sredio, sutra ću vjerojatno drukčije razmišljat. ali ovako bi to bilo na prvu loptu, bez puno filozofija
    Death or glory!

  • lesteslestes Posts: 959
    jurasica wrote:
    možda ne bih trebala, ali moram ovo prokomentirati... kaj nitko osim mene, luzera, nije glasao za parachutes? za tu savršenu pjesmu? :) to je onaj fenomen koji se rijetko dešava (zato i je fenomen, ali dobro) kad po prvi put čujem PJ pjesmu i mislim si dobro na kojim drogama su bili kad su ovo napravili, ali ona s vremenom postane nešto čemu se bezuvjetno počnem nenormalno veseliti čim čujem njene prve taktove... aaaaaaaa....
    jesam ja sada izrod? :)
    i pazite kaj ćete komentirati jer bi netko mogao ići sutra na posao, školu, ispit napeglan!!!! :)

    pa ono... oceans je bolja :o nemoj mene peglati... dovoljno su me stepenice

    snih! kakvi su to parovi!?!?!?!
  • jurasicajurasica Posts: 1,534
    ovo je bilo stvarno grubo, ali eto:

    Satan's Bed_Vitalogy


    Better Man_Vitalogy




    Do The Evolution_Yield

    Bee Girl_Lost Dogs

    Even Flow_Ten

    Footsteps_Lost Dogs

    Given To Fly_Yield

    Bu$hleaguer_Riot Act

    I Am Mine_Riot Act

    In Hiding_Yield

    In My Tree_No Code


    Inside Job_Pearl Jam

    Last Exit_Vitalogy

    Love Boat Captain_Riot Act

    Off He Goes_No Code


    Present Tense_No Code



    Save You_Riot Act x No Way_Yield

    Smile_No Code

    State Of Love And Trust_Rearviewmirror

    Sad_Lost Dogs

    Why Go_Ten


    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam

    Yellow Ledbetter_Lost Dogs

    Come Back_Pearl Jam


    Low Light_Yield

    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs

    x I Got Id_Rearviewmirror

    Get Right_Riot Act

    Gone_Pearl Jam


    Tremor Christ_Vitalogy

    Wash_Lost Dogs


    Hold On_Lost Dogs

    Green Disease_Riot Act

    Light Years_Binnaural

    Not For You_Vitalogy

    Army Reserve_Pearl Jam



    All Night_Lost Dogs

    Education_Lost Dogs

    I'm Open_No Code

    Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs

    Down_Lost Dogs

    Driftin'_Lost Dogs


    U_Lost Dogs

    Sleight Of Hand_Binnaural

    Alone_Lost Dogs

    Fatal_Lost Dogs

    Undone_Lost Dogs


    All Or None_Riot Act
    ... I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened...

  • RijekaRijeka Posts: 801
    jurasica wrote:
    možda ne bih trebala, ali moram ovo prokomentirati... kaj nitko osim mene, luzera, nije glasao za parachutes?

    I ja sam sam ostao na sweet lew :(
    Death or glory!

  • jurasicajurasica Posts: 1,534
    snih wrote:
    @jurasica: ma ne, ti si samo drugačija!:):D A to je dobro, kaj ne!:D

    neeeee, ova je igra grozna i ja ću poslije pokrenuti peticiju kako kazniti sniha za ovu bolesnu igru... skoro bih se povukla iz natjecanja ali sad je gotovo... mislim kakav je to par inside job i marker in the sand... za uši bi nategnula i tebe i taj tvoj programčić!!!
    ... I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened...

  • jurasicajurasica Posts: 1,534
    Rijeka wrote:
    I ja sam sam ostao na sweet lew :(

    dobro, a di je tebi glava bila kad si tak glasao? :):):)
    ... I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened...

  • RijekaRijeka Posts: 801
    jurasica wrote:
    dobro, a di je tebi glava bila kad si tak glasao? :):):)

    vjerojatno na istom mjestu kao i onome koji je glasao za parachutes :o
    Death or glory!

  • DoctorDoctor Posts: 256
    Alive_Ten x Satan's Bed_Vitalogy -ALIVE

    Animal_VS. x Grievance_Binnaural -- Eh zbog ovoga razumijem Sidoniju i ostale.. Tesko al' bas teskog srca glasam za GRIEVANCE, savrsenstvo od pjesme, mada ce klasik Animal vjerovatno pobjediti..

    Better Man_Vitalogy x Strangest Tribe_Lost Dogs -BETTER MAN

    Black_Ten x Once_Ten -BLACK

    Corduroy_Vitalogy x Insignificance_Binnaural -CORDUROY

    Daughter_VS. x Evacuation_Binnaural -DAUGHTER

    Do The Evolution_Yield x Dead Man Walking_Lost Dogs -DO THE VOLUTION

    Elderly Woman Behind ..._VS. x Bee Girl_Lost Dogs -SMALL TOWN

    Even Flow_Ten x Brain Of J._Yield -EVEN FLOW

    Footsteps_Lost Dogs x Rats_VS. -FOOTSTEPS

    Given To Fly_Yield x Soon Forget_Binnaural -GIVEN TO FLY

    Hail Hail_No Code x Bu$hleaguer_Riot Act -HAIL HAIL

    I Am Mine_Riot Act x Last Kiss_Lost Dogs -LAST KISS

    In Hiding_Yield x Who You Are_No Code -IN HIDING

    In My Tree_No Code x Unemployable_Pearl Jam -IN MY TREE

    Indifference_VS. x In the Moonlight_Lost Dogs -INDIFFERENCE

    Inside Job_Pearl Jam x Marker In The Sand_Pearl Jam -INSIDE JOB

    Last Exit_Vitalogy x Spin The Black Circle_Vitalogy -LAST EXIT

    Love Boat Captain_Riot Act x Red Mosquito_No Code -LOVE BOAT CAPTAIN

    Off He Goes_No Code x Wasted Reprise_Pearl Jam -OFF HE GOES

    Porch_Ten x Ghost_Riot Act -PORCH

    Present Tense_No Code x Pilate_Yield -PRESENT TENSE

    Rearviewmirror_VS. x Sometimes_No Code -REARVIEWMIRROR

    Release_Ten x Comatose_Pearl Jam -RELEASE

    Save You_Riot Act x No Way_Yield -SAVE YOU

    Smile_No Code x Big Wave_Pearl Jam -SMILE

    State Of Love And Trust_Rearviewmirror x Breath_Rearviewmirror -STATE

    Thumbing My Way_Riot Act x Sad_Lost Dogs -SAD

    Why Go_Ten x Aye Davanita_Vitalogy -WHY GO

    Wishlist_Yield x Around The Bend_No Code -WISHLIST

    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam x Whale Song_Lost Dogs -WWS

    Yellow Ledbetter_Lost Dogs x Nothing As it Seems_Binnaural -YELLOW LEDBETTER

    Come Back_Pearl Jam x Rival_Binnaural -COME BACK

    Cropduster_Riot Act x Nothingman_Vitalogy -NOTHINGMAN

    Low Light_Yield x Other Side_Lost Dogs -LOW LIGHT

    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs x Pry, To_Vitalogy -PRY, TO (ovo mi je najbezvezniji par do sada, trebalo je ove opjesme upariti sa animal i grievance )

    Don't Gimme No Lip_Lost Dogs x I Got Id_Rearviewmirror -I GOT ID

    Glorified G_VS. x Get Right_Riot Act -GLORIFIED G

    Gone_Pearl Jam x Habit_No Code -GONE

    Dissident_VS. x Whipping_Vitalogy -DISSIDENT (uff, tesko opet)

    Tremor Christ_Vitalogy x Life Wasted_Pearl Jam -LIFE WASTED

    Wash_Lost Dogs x Leash_VS. -LEASH

    Faithfull_Yield x Blood_VS. -FAITHFULL

    Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me_Vitalogy x Hold On_Lost Dogs - HEY FOXYMOPHA.... MA OVA PRVA :)

    Green Disease_Riot Act x 1/2 Full_Riot Act -GREEN DISEASE

    Light Years_Binnaural x Arc_Riot Act -LIGHT YEARS

    Not For You_Vitalogy x Thin Air_Binnaural -NOT FOR YOU

    Can't Keep_Riot Act x Army Reserve_Pearl Jam -ARMY RESERVE

    Jeremy_Ten x Gods' Dice_Binnaural -JEREMY

    Deep_Ten x All Those Yesterdays_Yield -DEEP

    Help Help_Riot Act x All Night_Lost Dogs -HELP HELP

    Untitled_Yield x Education_Lost Dogs -EDUCATION

    I'm Open_No Code x Oceans_Ten -OCEANS

    Push Me, Pull Me_Yield x Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs -DIRTY FRANK

    Hitchhiker_Lost Dogs x Down_Lost Dogs -DOWN

    Lukin_No Code x Driftin'_Lost Dogs -LUKIN

    Mankind_No Code x Garden_Ten -GARDEN

    Go_VS. x U_Lost Dogs -GO

    Sleight Of Hand_Binnaural x Of The Girl_Binnaural -OF THE GIRL

    Alone_Lost Dogs x Severed Hand_Pearl Jam -SEVERED HAND

    Fatal_Lost Dogs x Let Me Sleep_Lost Dogs -FATAL

    W.M.A._VS. x Undone_Lost Dogs -WMA

    Immortality_Vitalogy x Hard To Imagine_Lost Dogs -IMMORTALITY

    All Or None_Riot Act x Leaving Here_Lost Dogs[/quote] - ALL OR NONE

    E, ovo je bilo kao da potpisujem smrtne presude.. Al dobro, bitno da se zabavljamo, jedva cekam rezultate a Snih bi nas mogao drzati updated za vrijeme glasanja!!
    26.09.2006 Zagreb, Croatia
    12.06.2007 Munich, Germany
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    Rijeka wrote:
    vjerojatno na istom mjestu kao i onome koji je glasao za parachutes :o
    ahahaha :D
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • jurasicajurasica Posts: 1,534
    jurasica wrote:

    Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs

    gle kak sam guba? sama sebe kvoutam... nego, kaj dirty frank nije sa tena... mislim, barem ja imam tu verziju... :)
    ... I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened...

  • jurasicajurasica Posts: 1,534
    Rijeka wrote:
    vjerojatno na istom mjestu kao i onome koji je glasao za parachutes :o

    totally deserved it... :)
    ... I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened...

  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    jurasica wrote:
    gle kak sam guba? sama sebe kvoutam... nego, kaj dirty frank nije sa tena... mislim, barem ja imam tu verziju... :)
    Da je, na Euro verziji Tena ja mislim. al je zapravo B-side, ne?
    Tako da je Lost Dogs kao lost dog. :D I tamo se sluzbeno pise da je izasao. mislim. da, tako je :)
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • siljosiljo Posts: 2,203
    jurasica wrote:
    možda ne bih trebala, ali moram ovo prokomentirati... kaj nitko osim mene, luzera, nije glasao za parachutes? za tu savršenu pjesmu? :) to je onaj fenomen koji se rijetko dešava (zato i je fenomen, ali dobro) kad po prvi put čujem PJ pjesmu i mislim si dobro na kojim drogama su bili kad su ovo napravili, ali ona s vremenom postane nešto čemu se bezuvjetno počnem nenormalno veseliti čim čujem njene prve taktove... aaaaaaaa....
    jesam ja sada izrod? :)
    i pazite kaj ćete komentirati jer bi netko mogao ići sutra na posao, školu, ispit napeglan!!!! :)

    da sam se odlucio igrati, glasao bi za Parachutes... bez obzira sto je na drugoj strani... fina pjesma :)
    Standing on a hill, staring at a mountain...
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    siljo wrote:
    da sam se odlucio igrati, glasao bi za Parachutes... bez obzira sto je na drugoj strani... fina pjesma :)
    A ni ti ne igras?
    ja ocu cut Oceans. Prachutes je super, cula sam dvaput mi se cini,
    al Oceans mi je medju prve tri pjesme koje zalim cut na sljedecoj turneji :)
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • lesteslestes Posts: 959
    ja to ne mogu, ja to ne mogu, ja to ne mogu... još kojih 15 parova nikak da
    odlučim. evo sad na brzaka
  • jurasicajurasica Posts: 1,534
    siljo wrote:
    da sam se odlucio igrati, glasao bi za Parachutes... bez obzira sto je na drugoj strani... fina pjesma :)

    ovo je samo da ne budeš ispeglan, jel tak? :) nema veze, pametan si ti!!! :)
    ... I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened...

  • masnimasni Posts: 1,657
    1. bravo tinnaaaaa :) svaka cast, tak se to radi.. a ono unutar budzeta mislim da je to "oslobođena placanja" po naski. ispravi me ako nije
    2. teski lol na rezultate.. ispali i MFC i Parting Ways moji za 1 glas.. a sta ces..
    3. idemo dalje.. hrvatska:

    Alive_Ten x Satan's Bed_Vitalogy
    Animal_VS. x Grievance_Binnaural
    Better Man_Vitalogy x Strangest Tribe_Lost Dogs
    fuck.. ovo je zajeb #1 Better Man (presudile su izvedve live) :)
    Black_Ten x Once_Ten
    zajeb #2.. super mi je igra :D Black
    Corduroy_Vitalogy x Insignificance_Binnaural
    Daughter_VS. x Evacuation_Binnaural
    Do The Evolution_Yield x Dead Man Walking_Lost Dogs
    Do The Evolution
    Elderly Woman Behind ..._VS. x Bee Girl_Lost Dogs
    Small Town
    Even Flow_Ten x Brain Of J._Yield
    Even flow
    Footsteps_Lost Dogs x Rats_VS.
    Given To Fly_Yield x Soon Forget_Binnaural
    Hail Hail_No Code x Bu$hleaguer_Riot Act
    Hail Hail
    I Am Mine_Riot Act x Last Kiss_Lost Dogs
    zajeb #3 vec.. I Am Mine (cisto zato jer je izvorno njihova)
    In Hiding_Yield x Who You Are_No Code
    In Hiding
    In My Tree_No Code x Unemployable_Pearl Jam
    In my tree
    Indifference_VS. x In the Moonlight_Lost Dogs
    Inside Job_Pearl Jam x Marker In The Sand_Pearl Jam
    zajeb #4 Inside job
    Last Exit_Vitalogy x Spin The Black Circle_Vitalogy
    Love Boat Captain_Riot Act x Red Mosquito_No Code
    Off He Goes_No Code x Wasted Reprise_Pearl Jam
    Off he goes
    Porch_Ten x Ghost_Riot Act
    Present Tense_No Code x Pilate_Yield
    Present Tense
    Rearviewmirror_VS. x Sometimes_No Code
    Release_Ten x Comatose_Pearl Jam
    Save You_Riot Act x No Way_Yield
    Save you
    Smile_No Code x Big Wave_Pearl Jam
    Smile :)
    State Of Love And Trust_Rearviewmirror x Breath_Rearviewmirror
    Thumbing My Way_Riot Act x Sad_Lost Dogs
    zajeb#5 Sad
    Why Go_Ten x Aye Davanita_Vitalogy
    Why go
    Wishlist_Yield x Around The Bend_No Code
    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam x Whale Song_Lost Dogs
    ovo je zakon par.. WWS ipak
    Yellow Ledbetter_Lost Dogs x Nothing As it Seems_Binnaural
    Come Back_Pearl Jam x Rival_Binnaural
    Come back
    Cropduster_Riot Act x Nothingman_Vitalogy
    Low Light_Yield x Other Side_Lost Dogs
    Low light
    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs x Pry, To_Vitalogy
    Don't Gimme No Lip_Lost Dogs x I Got Id_Rearviewmirror
    Don't gimme No Lip
    Glorified G_VS. x Get Right_Riot Act
    Glorified g
    Gone_Pearl Jam x Habit_No Code
    Dissident_VS. x Whipping_Vitalogy
    Tremor Christ_Vitalogy x Life Wasted_Pearl Jam
    Tremor christ
    Wash_Lost Dogs x Leash_VS.
    Faithfull_Yield x Blood_VS.
    Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me_Vitalogy x Hold On_Lost Dogs
    Hold on
    Green Disease_Riot Act x 1/2 Full_Riot Act
    Green disease
    Light Years_Binnaural x Arc_Riot Act
    Light years
    Not For You_Vitalogy x Thin Air_Binnaural
    Thin Air
    Can't Keep_Riot Act x Army Reserve_Pearl Jam
    Army Reserve
    Jeremy_Ten x Gods' Dice_Binnaural
    Deep_Ten x All Those Yesterdays_Yield
    Help Help_Riot Act x All Night_Lost Dogs
    All Night
    Untitled_Yield x Education_Lost Dogs
    I'm Open_No Code x Oceans_Ten
    Push Me, Pull Me_Yield x Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs
    Dirty Frank
    Hitchhiker_Lost Dogs x Down_Lost Dogs
    Lukin_No Code x Driftin'_Lost Dogs
    Mankind_No Code x Garden_Ten
    Go_VS. x U_Lost Dogs
    Sleight Of Hand_Binnaural x Of The Girl_Binnaural
    Of the girl
    Alone_Lost Dogs x Severed Hand_Pearl Jam
    Alone :)
    Fatal_Lost Dogs x Let Me Sleep_Lost Dogs
    W.M.A._VS. x Undone_Lost Dogs
    Immortality_Vitalogy x Hard To Imagine_Lost Dogs
    All Or None_Riot Act x Leaving Here_Lost Dogs
    All Or None

    super. iako tesko sam se odrekao nekih

    mah : )
    Oh when I was a kid oh how magic it seemed
    Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
  • snihsnih Posts: 1,052
    lakše nego sam očekivao::):D

    Alive_Ten x Satan's Bed_Vitalogy
    Animal_VS. x Grievance_Binnaural
    Better Man_Vitalogy x Strangest Tribe_Lost Dogs
    Better Man_Vitalogy
    Black_Ten x Once_Ten
    Corduroy_Vitalogy x Insignificance_Binnaural
    Daughter_VS. x Evacuation_Binnaural
    Do The Evolution_Yield x Dead Man Walking_Lost Dogs
    Do The Evolution_Yield
    Elderly Woman Behind ..._VS. x Bee Girl_Lost Dogs
    Elderly Woman Behind ..._VS.
    Even Flow_Ten x Brain Of J._Yield
    Even Flow_Ten
    Footsteps_Lost Dogs x Rats_VS.
    Given To Fly_Yield x Soon Forget_Binnaural
    Given To Fly_Yield
    Hail Hail_No Code x Bu$hleaguer_Riot Act
    Hail Hail_No Code
    I Am Mine_Riot Act x Last Kiss_Lost Dogs
    I Am Mine_Riot Act
    In Hiding_Yield x Who You Are_No Code
    In Hiding_Yield
    In My Tree_No Code x Unemployable_Pearl Jam
    In My Tree_No Code
    Indifference_VS. x In the Moonlight_Lost Dogs
    Inside Job_Pearl Jam x Marker In The Sand_Pearl Jam
    Marker In The Sand_Pearl Jam
    Last Exit_Vitalogy x Spin The Black Circle_Vitalogy
    Spin The Black Circle_Vitalogy
    Love Boat Captain_Riot Act x Red Mosquito_No Code
    Red Mosquito_No Code
    Off He Goes_No Code x Wasted Reprise_Pearl Jam
    Off He Goes_No Code
    Porch_Ten x Ghost_Riot Act
    Present Tense_No Code x Pilate_Yield
    Present Tense_No Code
    Rearviewmirror_VS. x Sometimes_No Code
    Release_Ten x Comatose_Pearl Jam
    Save You_Riot Act x No Way_Yield
    No Way_Yield
    Smile_No Code x Big Wave_Pearl Jam
    Smile_No Code
    State Of Love And Trust_Rearviewmirror x Breath_Rearviewmirror
    Thumbing My Way_Riot Act x Sad_Lost Dogs
    Sad_Lost Dogs
    Why Go_Ten x Aye Davanita_Vitalogy
    Why Go_Ten
    Wishlist_Yield x Around The Bend_No Code
    Around The Bend_No Code
    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam x Whale Song_Lost Dogs
    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam
    Yellow Ledbetter_Lost Dogs x Nothing As it Seems_Binnaural
    Yellow Ledbetter_Lost Dogs
    Come Back_Pearl Jam x Rival_Binnaural
    Come Back_Pearl Jam
    Cropduster_Riot Act x Nothingman_Vitalogy
    Low Light_Yield x Other Side_Lost Dogs
    Low Light_Yield
    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs x Pry, To_Vitalogy
    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs
    Don't Gimme No Lip_Lost Dogs x I Got Id_Rearviewmirror
    I Got Id_Rearviewmirror
    Glorified G_VS. x Get Right_Riot Act
    Get Right_Riot Act
    Gone_Pearl Jam x Habit_No Code
    Habit_No Code
    Dissident_VS. x Whipping_Vitalogy
    Tremor Christ_Vitalogy x Life Wasted_Pearl Jam
    Tremor Christ_Vitalogy
    Wash_Lost Dogs x Leash_VS.
    Wash_Lost Dogs
    Faithfull_Yield x Blood_VS.
    Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me_Vitalogy x Hold On_Lost Dogs
    Hold On_Lost Dogs
    Green Disease_Riot Act x 1/2 Full_Riot Act
    Green Disease_Riot Act
    Light Years_Binnaural x Arc_Riot Act
    Light Years_Binnaural
    Not For You_Vitalogy x Thin Air_Binnaural
    Not For You_Vitalogy
    Can't Keep_Riot Act x Army Reserve_Pearl Jam
    Army Reserve_Pearl Jam
    Jeremy_Ten x Gods' Dice_Binnaural
    Deep_Ten x All Those Yesterdays_Yield
    Help Help_Riot Act x All Night_Lost Dogs
    All Night_Lost Dogs
    Untitled_Yield x Education_Lost Dogs
    Education_Lost Dogs
    I'm Open_No Code x Oceans_Ten
    Push Me, Pull Me_Yield x Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs
    Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs
    Hitchhiker_Lost Dogs x Down_Lost Dogs
    Down_Lost Dogs
    Lukin_No Code x Driftin'_Lost Dogs
    Lukin_No Code
    Mankind_No Code x Garden_Ten
    Go_VS. x U_Lost Dogs
    Sleight Of Hand_Binnaural x Of The Girl_Binnaural
    Sleight Of Hand_Binnaural
    Alone_Lost Dogs x Severed Hand_Pearl Jam
    Alone_Lost Dogs
    Fatal_Lost Dogs x Let Me Sleep_Lost Dogs
    Fatal_Lost Dogs
    W.M.A._VS. x Undone_Lost Dogs
    Undone_Lost Dogs
    Immortality_Vitalogy x Hard To Imagine_Lost Dogs
    Hard To Imagine_Lost Dogs
    All Or None_Riot Act x Leaving Here_Lost Dogs
    All Or None_Riot Act
  • siljosiljo Posts: 2,203

    htio sam presutjeti ovu debilanu, ali vrag mi ne da mira...


    zasto nema ustaskog (ili bilo kojeg drugog) znakovlja na koncertima hladnog piva, jinxa, majki, urbana, stampeda, svadbasa...?

    ili da ne ispadnem pristran, na koncertima magazina, severine, naše vlatke, E.T.-a, nereda i stoke, elia piska, vatre, leteceg odreda...?

    valjda se sva ta ekipa koja dolazi na thompsonove koncerte slučajno popiknula i došla baš na njegov koncert... onak, pogodili k'o prstom u govno...

    sva se ta sranja događaju na koncertima krezubog lika koji si je maštovito dao ime po nekoj tamo pušci... u startu mu dajem minus iz zalaganja zbog miroljubivosti...

    neki naši djedovi su bili u ustašama, neki u partizanima, neki u domobranima, neki su hladili jaja negdje gdje je bilo mirno , a neki su trulili u ovim ili onim logorima...

    mene boli ćuna za stvari koje su se događale prije skoro 70 godina jer živim danas i ne želim trošiti energiju na ono što se dogodilo... ne treba to zaboraviti, ali treba mrdnut guzicom prema naprijed da sami sebi olakšamo život...

    svi oni koji Thompsona vide kao miroljubivog domoljuba moraju pojesti još puno žganaca i u Getaldusu nabaviti jako dobre fakin naočale kako bi vidjeli kaj lik brije...

    svatko tko imalo promisli onim kaj mu se mucka u lubanji, zna da ništa nije crno-bijelo... uvijek stvari treba gledati sa više strana i onda se vidi puno sivoga...

    a sivo je to kaj se godinama branitelji ubijaju, sivo je to kaj smo u rijecnike ubacili pojam tajkuna i ratnih profitera... možda je sivo i to kaj skladištari i vozaci lokalnih autobusa imaju cinove generala...jebiga, sad sam se izgubio :D

    u ovom postu ima ironije, cinizma, bezobrazluka i psovki, ali sam barem rekao ono kaj mislim dok se npr. dragi naš Thomps ograđuje javno od stvari u koje iskreno vjeruje i istovremeno mlati lovu navlaceci na svoje koncerte naivce... od kojih se veliki broj tamo pojavljuje upravo zbog stvari od kojih se majstor ograđuje... licemjerje? dobar poslovni potez? ratni profiter zapakiran u ukrasni papir?

    sad sam se uzrujao... i zaboravio kaj sam htio reci... :D

    ah, da.... jesam rekao da ce Ed izdati solo album? ha? evo ga u obliku soundtracka ;)

    veseli i zdravi bili, u nedjelju na jarunu jeli i pili...

    thank you... good night... we love you... see you next year... i tak, ne? :)
    Standing on a hill, staring at a mountain...
  • lesteslestes Posts: 959
    Satan's Bed_Vitalogy
    Better Man_Vitalogy
    Do The Evolution_Yield
    Elderly Woman Behind ..._VS.
    Even Flow_Ten
    Footsteps_Lost Dogs
    Given To Fly_Yield
    Hail Hail_No Code
    I Am Mine_Riot Act
    In Hiding_Yield
    In My Tree_No Code
    Inside Job_Pearl Jam
    Spin The Black Circle_Vitalogy
    Love Boat Captain_Riot Act
    Off He Goes_No Code
    Present Tense_No Code
    Save You_Riot Act
    Smile_No Code
    State Of Love And Trust_Rearviewmirror
    Sad_Lost Dogs
    Why Go_Ten
    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam
    Nothing As it Seems_Binnaural
    Come Back_Pearl Jam
    Low Light_Yield
    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs
    I Got Id_Rearviewmirror
    Glorified G_VS.
    Gone_Pearl Jam
    Tremor Christ_Vitalogy
    Wash_Lost Dogs
    Hold On_Lost Dogs
    Green Disease_Riot Act
    Light Years_Binnaural
    Not For You_Vitalogy
    Army Reserve_Pearl Jam
    All Night_Lost Dogs
    Education_Lost Dogs
    Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs
    Down_Lost Dogs
    Lukin_No Code
    Sleight Of Hand_Binnaural
    Alone_Lost Dogs
    Fatal_Lost Dogs
    All Or None_Riot Act
  • asfoasfo Posts: 315
    Alive_Ten x Satan's Bed_Vitalogy
    Satan's Bed_Vitalogy
    Animal_VS. x Grievance_Binnaural
    Better Man_Vitalogy x Strangest Tribe_Lost Dogs
    Better Man_Vitalogy
    Black_Ten x Once_Ten
    Corduroy_Vitalogy x Insignificance_Binnaural
    Daughter_VS. x Evacuation_Binnaural
    Do The Evolution_Yield x Dead Man Walking_Lost Dogs
    Do The Evolution_Yield
    Elderly Woman Behind ..._VS. x Bee Girl_Lost Dogs
    Elderly Woman Behind ..._VS
    Even Flow_Ten x Brain Of J._Yield
    Even Flow_Ten
    Footsteps_Lost Dogs x Rats_VS.
    Footsteps_Lost Dogs
    Given To Fly_Yield x Soon Forget_Binnaural
    Soon Forget_Binnaural
    Hail Hail_No Code x Bu$hleaguer_Riot Act
    Hail Hail_No Code
    I Am Mine_Riot Act x Last Kiss_Lost Dogs
    Last Kiss_Lost Dogs
    In Hiding_Yield x Who You Are_No Code
    In Hiding_Yield
    In My Tree_No Code x Unemployable_Pearl Jam
    Unemployable_Pearl Jam
    Indifference_VS. x In the Moonlight_Lost Dogs
    Inside Job_Pearl Jam x Marker In The Sand_Pearl Jam
    Marker In The Sand_Pearl Jam
    Last Exit_Vitalogy x Spin The Black Circle_Vitalogy
    Spin The Black Circle_Vitalogy
    Love Boat Captain_Riot Act x Red Mosquito_No Code
    Red Mosquito_No Code
    Off He Goes_No Code x Wasted Reprise_Pearl Jam
    Off He Goes_No Code
    Porch_Ten x Ghost_Riot Act
    Present Tense_No Code x Pilate_Yield
    Present Tense_No Code
    Rearviewmirror_VS. x Sometimes_No Code
    Release_Ten x Comatose_Pearl Jam
    Comatose_Pearl Jam
    Save You_Riot Act x No Way_Yield
    Save You_Riot Act
    Smile_No Code x Big Wave_Pearl Jam
    Big Wave_Pearl Jam
    State Of Love And Trust_Rearviewmirror x Breath_Rearviewmirror
    Thumbing My Way_Riot Act x Sad_Lost Dogs
    Sad_Lost Dogs
    Why Go_Ten x Aye Davanita_Vitalogy
    Why Go_Ten
    Wishlist_Yield x Around The Bend_No Code
    Around The Bend_No Code
    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam x Whale Song_Lost Dogs
    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam
    Yellow Ledbetter_Lost Dogs x Nothing As it Seems_Binnaural
    Nothing As it Seems_Binnaural
    Come Back_Pearl Jam x Rival_Binnaural
    Come Back_Pearl Jam
    Cropduster_Riot Act x Nothingman_Vitalogy
    Low Light_Yield x Other Side_Lost Dogs
    Other Side_Lost Dogs
    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs x Pry, To_Vitalogy
    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs
    Don't Gimme No Lip_Lost Dogs x I Got Id_Rearviewmirror
    I Got Id_Rearviewmirror
    Glorified G_VS. x Get Right_Riot Act
    Glorified G_VS
    Gone_Pearl Jam x Habit_No Code
    Habit_No Code
    Dissident_VS. x Whipping_Vitalogy
    Tremor Christ_Vitalogy x Life Wasted_Pearl Jam
    Life Wasted_Pearl Jam
    Wash_Lost Dogs x Leash_VS.
    Wash_Lost Dogs
    Faithfull_Yield x Blood_VS.
    Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me_Vitalogy x Hold On_Lost Dogs
    Hold On_Lost Dogs
    Green Disease_Riot Act x 1/2 Full_Riot Act
    1/2 Full_Riot Act
    Light Years_Binnaural x Arc_Riot Act
    Light Years_Binnaural
    Not For You_Vitalogy x Thin Air_Binnaural
    Thin Air_Binnaural
    Can't Keep_Riot Act x Army Reserve_Pearl Jam
    Army Reserve_Pearl Jam
    Jeremy_Ten x Gods' Dice_Binnaural
    Deep_Ten x All Those Yesterdays_Yield
    Help Help_Riot Act x All Night_Lost Dogs
    All Night_Lost Dogs
    Untitled_Yield x Education_Lost Dogs
    Education_Lost Dogs
    I'm Open_No Code x Oceans_Ten
    Push Me, Pull Me_Yield x Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs
    Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs
    Hitchhiker_Lost Dogs x Down_Lost Dogs
    Hitchhiker_Lost Dogs
    Lukin_No Code x Driftin'_Lost Dogs
    Lukin_No Code
    Mankind_No Code x Garden_Ten
    Go_VS. x U_Lost Dogs
    Sleight Of Hand_Binnaural x Of The Girl_Binnaural
    Of The Girl_Binnaural
    Alone_Lost Dogs x Severed Hand_Pearl Jam
    Severed Hand_Pearl Jam
    Fatal_Lost Dogs x Let Me Sleep_Lost Dogs
    Let Me Sleep_Lost Dogs
    W.M.A._VS. x Undone_Lost Dogs
    Undone_Lost Dogs
    Immortality_Vitalogy x Hard To Imagine_Lost Dogs
    All Or None_Riot Act x Leaving Here_Lost Dogs
    All Or None_Riot Act
  • asfoasfo Posts: 315
    Bila sam brza jer ovaj mi visi za vratom....
  • potato girlpotato girl Posts: 474
    Alive_Ten x Satan's Bed_Vitalogy
    Animal_VS. x Grievance_Binnaural
    Better Man_Vitalogy x Strangest Tribe_Lost Dogs
    Better Man
    Black_Ten x Once_Ten
    Corduroy_Vitalogy x Insignificance_Binnaural
    Daughter_VS. x Evacuation_Binnaural
    Do The Evolution_Yield x Dead Man Walking_Lost Dogs
    Do The Evolution
    Elderly Woman Behind ..._VS. x Bee Girl_Lost Dogs
    Elderly Woman
    Even Flow_Ten x Brain Of J._Yield
    Brain Of J.
    Footsteps_Lost Dogs x Rats_VS.
    Given To Fly_Yield x Soon Forget_Binnaural
    Given To Fly
    Hail Hail_No Code x Bu$hleaguer_Riot Act
    Hail Hail
    I Am Mine_Riot Act x Last Kiss_Lost Dogs
    I Am Mine
    In Hiding_Yield x Who You Are_No Code
    In Hiding
    In My Tree_No Code x Unemployable_Pearl Jam
    In My Tree
    Indifference_VS. x In the Moonlight_Lost Dogs
    Inside Job_Pearl Jam x Marker In The Sand_Pearl Jam
    Inside Job
    Last Exit_Vitalogy x Spin The Black Circle_Vitalogy
    Last Exit
    Love Boat Captain_Riot Act x Red Mosquito_No Code
    Love Boat Captain
    Off He Goes_No Code x Wasted Reprise_Pearl Jam
    Off He Goes
    Porch_Ten x Ghost_Riot Act
    Present Tense_No Code x Pilate_Yield
    Present Tense
    Rearviewmirror_VS. x Sometimes_No Code
    Release_Ten x Comatose_Pearl Jam
    Save You_Riot Act x No Way_Yield
    Save You
    Smile_No Code x Big Wave_Pearl Jam
    State Of Love And Trust_Rearviewmirror x Breath_Rearviewmirror
    State Of Love And Trust
    Thumbing My Way_Riot Act x Sad_Lost Dogs
    Why Go_Ten x Aye Davanita_Vitalogy
    Why Go
    Wishlist_Yield x Around The Bend_No Code
    Around The Bend
    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam x Whale Song_Lost Dogs
    World Wide Suicide
    Yellow Ledbetter_Lost Dogs x Nothing As it Seems_Binnaural
    Yellow Ledbetter
    Come Back_Pearl Jam x Rival_Binnaural
    Come Back
    Cropduster_Riot Act x Nothingman_Vitalogy
    Low Light_Yield x Other Side_Lost Dogs
    Low Light
    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs x Pry, To_Vitalogy
    Black Red Yellow
    Don't Gimme No Lip_Lost Dogs x I Got Id_Rearviewmirror
    I Got Id
    Glorified G_VS. x Get Right_Riot Act
    Glorified G
    Gone_Pearl Jam x Habit_No Code
    Dissident_VS. x Whipping_Vitalogy
    Tremor Christ_Vitalogy x Life Wasted_Pearl Jam
    Life Wasted
    Wash_Lost Dogs x Leash_VS.
    Faithfull_Yield x Blood_VS.
    Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me_Vitalogy x Hold On_Lost Dogs
    Hold On
    Green Disease_Riot Act x 1/2 Full_Riot Act
    1/2 Full
    Light Years_Binnaural x Arc_Riot Act
    Light Years
    Not For You_Vitalogy x Thin Air_Binnaural
    Thin Air
    Can't Keep_Riot Act x Army Reserve_Pearl Jam
    Can't Keep
    Jeremy_Ten x Gods' Dice_Binnaural
    Deep_Ten x All Those Yesterdays_Yield
    All Those Yesterdays
    Help Help_Riot Act x All Night_Lost Dogs
    Help Help
    Untitled_Yield x Education_Lost Dogs
    I'm Open_No Code x Oceans_Ten
    Push Me, Pull Me_Yield x Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs
    Push Me, Pull Me
    Hitchhiker_Lost Dogs x Down_Lost Dogs
    Lukin_No Code x Driftin'_Lost Dogs
    Mankind_No Code x Garden_Ten
    Go_VS. x U_Lost Dogs
    Sleight Of Hand_Binnaural x Of The Girl_Binnaural
    Of The Girl
    Alone_Lost Dogs x Severed Hand_Pearl Jam
    Severed Hand
    Fatal_Lost Dogs x Let Me Sleep_Lost Dogs
    W.M.A._VS. x Undone_Lost Dogs
    Immortality_Vitalogy x Hard To Imagine_Lost Dogs
    Hard To Imagine
    All Or None_Riot Act x Leaving Here_Lost Dogs
    All Or None
    Just put a bend in the road, I'm growing tired of straight lines...
  • asfoasfo Posts: 315
    snih: Molim sve glasače da glasaju na način na koji sam predstavio glasanje!
    Onako kako ja glasam. Ili u najgorem slučaju da ispišu pjesme pobjednice jednu ispod druge!
    Sce radi lakše administracije i obrade podataka!
    Srdačno zahvaljujem!:)
  • snihsnih Posts: 1,052
    I molim bez emoticosa! Fala!
    Komentirajte izvan liste za glasanje!
    Još jednom fala!
  • potato girlpotato girl Posts: 474
    asfo wrote:
    snih: Molim sve glasače da glasaju onako kako ja glasam.

    Eto šta ti je sudija... :D:D:D

    Kaj, u međuvremenu si opet steral ženu s kompa... *odmahuje glavom* :D
    Just put a bend in the road, I'm growing tired of straight lines...
  • CutkiCutki Posts: 235
    go Tina, go Tina!!

    a snih... tebe treba... isuse ovo je strasno

    Alive_Ten x Satan's Bed_Vitalogy
    Animal_VS. x Grievance_Binnaural
    Better Man_Vitalogy x Strangest Tribe_Lost Dogs
    Better Man
    Black_Ten x Once_Ten
    Corduroy_Vitalogy x Insignificance_Binnaural
    Daughter_VS. x Evacuation_Binnaural
    Do The Evolution_Yield x Dead Man Walking_Lost Dogs
    Do The Evolution
    Elderly Woman Behind ..._VS. x Bee Girl_Lost Dogs
    Elderly Woman..Small Town
    Even Flow_Ten x Brain Of J._Yield
    Brain of J
    Footsteps_Lost Dogs x Rats_VS.
    Given To Fly_Yield x Soon Forget_Binnaural
    Soon Forget
    Hail Hail_No Code x Bu$hleaguer_Riot Act
    I Am Mine_Riot Act x Last Kiss_Lost Dogs
    I Am Mine
    In Hiding_Yield x Who You Are_No Code
    In Hiding
    In My Tree_No Code x Unemployable_Pearl Jam
    Indifference_VS. x In the Moonlight_Lost Dogs
    Inside Job_Pearl Jam x Marker In The Sand_Pearl Jam
    Inside Job
    Last Exit_Vitalogy x Spin The Black Circle_Vitalogy
    Spin The Black Circle
    Love Boat Captain_Riot Act x Red Mosquito_No Code
    Love Boat Captain
    Off He Goes_No Code x Wasted Reprise_Pearl Jam
    Off He Goes . . .moram. . . .
    Porch_Ten x Ghost_Riot Act
    Present Tense_No Code x Pilate_Yield
    Present Tense
    Rearviewmirror_VS. x Sometimes_No Code
    Release_Ten x Comatose_Pearl Jam
    Save You_Riot Act x No Way_Yield
    Save You
    Smile_No Code x Big Wave_Pearl Jam
    State Of Love And Trust_Rearviewmirror x Breath_Rearviewmirror
    Thumbing My Way_Riot Act x Sad_Lost Dogs
    Thumbing My Way
    Why Go_Ten x Aye Davanita_Vitalogy
    Why Go
    Wishlist_Yield x Around The Bend_No Code
    World Wide Suicide_Pearl Jam x Whale Song_Lost Dogs
    Yellow Ledbetter_Lost Dogs x Nothing As it Seems_Binnaural
    Yellow Ledbetter
    Come Back_Pearl Jam x Rival_Binnaural
    Come Back
    Cropduster_Riot Act x Nothingman_Vitalogy
    Nothinhman (sry Sid)
    Low Light_Yield x Other Side_Lost Dogs
    Low Light
    Black Red Yellow_Lost Dogs x Pry, To_Vitalogy
    Black Red Yellow
    Don't Gimme No Lip_Lost Dogs x I Got Id_Rearviewmirror
    I Got Id
    Glorified G_VS. x Get Right_Riot Act
    Glorified G
    Gone_Pearl Jam x Habit_No Code
    Dissident_VS. x Whipping_Vitalogy
    Tremor Christ_Vitalogy x Life Wasted_Pearl Jam
    Life Wasted
    Wash_Lost Dogs x Leash_VS.
    Faithfull_Yield x Blood_VS.
    Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me_Vitalogy x Hold On_Lost Dogs
    Hold On
    Green Disease_Riot Act x 1/2 Full_Riot Act
    Green Disease
    Light Years_Binnaural x Arc_Riot Act
    Light Years
    Not For You_Vitalogy x Thin Air_Binnaural
    Not For You teska srca
    Can't Keep_Riot Act x Army Reserve_Pearl Jam
    Can't Keep
    Jeremy_Ten x Gods' Dice_Binnaural
    Deep_Ten x All Those Yesterdays_Yield
    Help Help_Riot Act x All Night_Lost Dogs
    All Night
    Untitled_Yield x Education_Lost Dogs
    UNTITLED!!!! ko ne glasa za ovo rezem ga
    I'm Open_No Code x Oceans_Ten
    Push Me, Pull Me_Yield x Dirty Frank_Lost Dogs
    Dirty Frank
    Hitchhiker_Lost Dogs x Down_Lost Dogs
    Lukin_No Code x Driftin'_Lost Dogs
    Mankind_No Code x Garden_Ten
    Go_VS. x U_Lost Dogs
    Sleight Of Hand_Binnaural x Of The Girl_Binnaural
    Of The Girl
    Alone_Lost Dogs x Severed Hand_Pearl Jam
    Severed Hand
    Fatal_Lost Dogs x Let Me Sleep_Lost Dogs
    W.M.A._VS. x Undone_Lost Dogs
    Immortality_Vitalogy x Hard To Imagine_Lost Dogs
    All Or None_Riot Act x Leaving Here_Lost Dogs[/quote]
    All Or None

    ...They said... timing was everything, made him
    Want to be everywhere, there's a
    Lot to be said for nowhere...

    Zagreb ;) 26.09.06
  • CutkiCutki Posts: 235
    e al parova...
    za popizdit...
    :( :( :D
    ...They said... timing was everything, made him
    Want to be everywhere, there's a
    Lot to be said for nowhere...

    Zagreb ;) 26.09.06
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