
  • yo no soy buena para hacer posts sobre politica,simplemente queria postear esto:

    hold on to the thread
    the currents will shift
    glide me towards...
    you know something's left
    and we're all allowed
    to dream of the next
    of the next time we touch...
    you don't have to stray
    the oceans away
    waves roll in my thoughts
    hold tight the ring...
    the sea will rise...
    please stand by the shore...
    i will be... i will be there once more...
    I have got to find the river,
    Bergamot and vetiver
    Run through my head and fall away.
    Leave the road and memorize
    This life that pass before my eyes.
    Nothing is going my way.
  • y ademas encontre este monologo de ed:

    Randall's Island Day II 9/29/96

    If you trust me at all, if you want to listen to me at all...
    Which you certainly don’t have to
    Speaking from experience I can tell you that things change
    You can believe me, you don’t have to
    They probably won’t change unless you make them
    The best way to change something around you, something you don’t like, is to change
    And I don’t think you want other people changing you, I think the only person who can change you is yourself
    So if you ain’t happy, if you’re reading magazines about generation Xers and thinking yeah I’m one of them well fuck that
    Don’t let anybody tell you who you are
    No, no
    Nobody can tell me who I am
    I can tell you who I am, but that would be a long story
    I can tell you who I am, it wouldn’t fit in a Rolling Stone
    It wouldn’t fit in a video
    It’s my life
    It’s your life
    You’re the only one who knows who you
    I hope you know who you are
    If you don’t know who you are figure it you
    Cuz you are somebody
    And I’m probably stating the oblivious
    But I just thought I’d do it anyway
    So if you feel like you got a piece of duct tape on your mouth
    If you feel like you can’t speak
    Take it off
    Speak up
    Speak your mind
    Shout it out
    Let ‘em hear
    Shout it out

    Hear my name…
    I have got to find the river,
    Bergamot and vetiver
    Run through my head and fall away.
    Leave the road and memorize
    This life that pass before my eyes.
    Nothing is going my way.
  • kurko wrote:
    ., en fin, leí también los ultimos post y casi no hablaban de la banda, si no de cosas "personales" tal vez, si no es molestia les agradecería que me respondan por favor. Un abrazo y mis respetos a todos.

    lo que pasa es que despues de 9000 posts y mas de 600 paginas, ya el thread sirve para hablar de cualquier tema
    I have got to find the river,
    Bergamot and vetiver
    Run through my head and fall away.
    Leave the road and memorize
    This life that pass before my eyes.
    Nothing is going my way.
  • che estaba viendo el video de lollapalooza 92 y me di cuenta q eddie es bastante mas petiso de lo q pensaba. cuando mide mas o menos?
  • BuruBuru Posts: 8,473
    rosetta_st wrote:
    y ademas encontre este monologo de ed:

    Randall's Island Day II 9/29/96

    If you trust me at all, if you want to listen to me at all...
    Which you certainly don’t have to
    Speaking from experience I can tell you that things change
    You can believe me, you don’t have to
    They probably won’t change unless you make them
    The best way to change something around you, something you don’t like, is to change
    And I don’t think you want other people changing you, I think the only person who can change you is yourself
    So if you ain’t happy, if you’re reading magazines about generation Xers and thinking yeah I’m one of them well fuck that
    Don’t let anybody tell you who you are
    No, no
    Nobody can tell me who I am
    I can tell you who I am, but that would be a long story
    I can tell you who I am, it wouldn’t fit in a Rolling Stone
    It wouldn’t fit in a video
    It’s my life
    It’s your life
    You’re the only one who knows who you
    I hope you know who you are
    If you don’t know who you are figure it you
    Cuz you are somebody
    And I’m probably stating the oblivious
    But I just thought I’d do it anyway
    So if you feel like you got a piece of duct tape on your mouth
    If you feel like you can’t speak
    Take it off
    Speak up
    Speak your mind
    Shout it out
    Let ‘em hear
    Shout it out

    Hear my name…

    Esto es justo antes de Porch, tengo este show y esta versión es excelente.
    y la banda de Guille... cuando toca?
  • Turco-MdQTurco-MdQ Posts: 1,583
    Federico wrote:
    mmm.....me alegra que nadie haya entendido en lo mas minimo lo que quise decir con ese post """"""""politico""""""" nro. 9498....me hubiera metido en problemas mucho peores que un discusion ideologica..gracias por no agarrarlo al vuelo

    bueno hombre expliquese....
    un pleno paga 35 veces la apuesta realizada...
  • BuruBuru Posts: 8,473
    Buenas, turco

    muy bueno el show del HOB por cierto

    Para la próxima reunión voy a mandar un título: Buenos Aires convergence, como hacen los norteamericanos, y la hacemos en algún bar. ;)

    Que al pedo que estoy...
    y la banda de Guille... cuando toca?
  • VortexVortex Posts: 8,772
    Buru wrote:
    Buenas, turco

    muy bueno el show del HOB por cierto

    Para la próxima reunión voy a mandar un título: Buenos Aires convergence, como hacen los norteamericanos, y la hacemos en algún bar. ;)

    Que al pedo que estoy...

    A veces es bueno estar sin tener nada importante que hacer (obviamente no siempre), especialmente cuando uno viene bastante sobrecargado de la semana. Todo lo malo (o casi todo) tiene algo bueno.

    Cambiando de tema, ¿para cuando el Buenos Aires Convergence?, supongo que después del Córdoba Convergence ;)
    If you follow every dream
    You might get lost
  • BuruBuru Posts: 8,473
    Vortex wrote:
    A veces es bueno estar sin tener nada importante que hacer (obviamente no siempre), especialmente cuando uno viene bastante sobrecargado de la semana. Todo lo malo (o casi todo) tiene algo bueno.

    Cambiando de tema, ¿para cuando el Buenos Aires Convergence?, supongo que después del Córdoba Convergence ;)

    si si, ahora le toca a Córdoba.

    PD. todavía no pude escuchar la versión de Country Feedback! Me muero de la intriga...
    y la banda de Guille... cuando toca?
  • romybianromybian Posts: 1,644
    will come to you in the daytime
    i will raise you from your sleep
    i will kiss you in four places
    as i go runnin' down your street
    i will squeeze the life right out of your
    i will make you laugh, i'll make you cry
    and we may never forget it
    as i make you call my name as i shout it to the blue, summer sky
    and we may never meet again
    so shed your skin lets get started
    and you will throw your arms around me
    and you will throw your arms around me
    i will come to you at nightime
    i will climb into your bed
    i will kiss you in 155 places
    as i go runnin' round in your head
    i will squeeze the life right out of your
    i will make you laugh, i'll make you cry
    and we may never forget it
    as i make you call my name as i shout it to the blue, summer sky
    and we may never meet again
    so shed your skin lets get started
    and you will throw your arms around me
    and you will throw your arms around me
    ohh yeah, uh huh, uh huh...
    ohh yeah, uh hum, ooh...
    ohh yeah, uh huh, uh huh...
    oh...and you will throw your arms around me...
    "The joke in your language won't come out the same" (Tom Petty)
    I'm no dude! Dudette!
  • romybianromybian Posts: 1,644
    No les encanta ese tema?
    Me encanta ese tema....
    Me duele la cabeza,
    Tengo q trabajar,
    Me encanta ese tema.

    "The joke in your language won't come out the same" (Tom Petty)
    I'm no dude! Dudette!
  • VortexVortex Posts: 8,772
    romybian wrote:
    No les encanta ese tema?
    Me encanta ese tema....
    Me duele la cabeza,
    Tengo q trabajar,
    Me encanta ese tema.


    A mi tb. me encanta ese tema.

    Originalmente había puesto "a mi tb." pero después de leerlo me di cuenta de que no quedaba claro si hablaba de que me gusta el tema o de que me dolía la cabeza, que te mejores y que te sea leve el trabajo.
    If you follow every dream
    You might get lost
  • VortexVortex Posts: 8,772
    Buru wrote:
    si si, ahora le toca a Córdoba.

    PD. todavía no pude escuchar la versión de Country Feedback! Me muero de la intriga...

    Es muy buena, vale la pena la espera, creeme.

    Pero mirá que Neil Young no canta, solo hace el solo de guitarra, con respecto a eso, estoy escuchando el Crazy Moon, que discazo (por las dudas aclaro, es un disco de Crazy Horse en el que aparece Neil Young como invitado en unos temas pero solo toca la guitarra) Muy pero muy recomendable.
    If you follow every dream
    You might get lost
  • Country Feedback Con Rem En El Bridge School Y Ambulance Blues Son De Antologia!!!!
    no son personas, son mujeres
  • romybian wrote:

    Aja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, muuuuuuuuuuuuuy parecida a la de Edd..... la mejor banda tributo q oi. Excelentes versiones!.
    Hola ando laburando en Garchabella o Falabella de Florida como quieran llamarlo... como andan por inaugurar estamos laburando 408 horas por dia jajaj.
    Bueno asi reunion??? y nadie me aviso ni se acordo de mi, ok. :(
    Che turquex una masa el CD de DLC lo gasto jaja, y no podes!!!!!!!!! como no le das cabida a la veterana??? me encantan las mujeres grandes bolo!!!.
    Asiq le doy la mano a German q es de mi palo!!! amigo!! jaja.
    Turco es posta lo del nº la ruleta???? q me voy al casino y pasame una data q ando corto $$$ jajajajaaja.
    AMO mardel q ganas de ir!!! Molinzuar, Rambla, Varese, Colon, Puerto, Healdo Gianelli o San MArino, DLC, Peatonal San Martin, Alem, Brasero........ GGGRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
    " ... The waiting drove me mad, you were finally in Argentina and I was a mess ... "
    25/11 - 26/11 - Buenos Aires
    The best and long Black versions never before listening......
  • che estoy tratando de encontrar las mejores versiones (en cuanto a la calidad del sonido, principalmente) de covers o rarezas en vivo de PJ. cual les parece que es la mejor version de masters of war?
    la del benaroya hall?....la de letterman?......la del Dylan 30th Anniversary Concert?...o alguna otra

    Claro, la de Dylan , q esta en el CD "Master of war"con rarezitas, algo, Christms time, hard to imagine, untitled, y mas.
    " ... The waiting drove me mad, you were finally in Argentina and I was a mess ... "
    25/11 - 26/11 - Buenos Aires
    The best and long Black versions never before listening......
  • estoy escuchando en este momento este GRAN, GRAN disco de smashing pumpkins... ésta es una las letras que más me gusta.

    in the arms of sleep

    sleep will not come to this tired body now
    peace will not come to this lonely heart
    there are some things i'll live without
    but i want you to know that i need you right now
    i need you tonite

    i steal a kiss from her sleeping shadow moves
    cause i'll always miss her wherever she goes
    and i'll always need her more than she could ever need me
    i need someone to ease my mind...

    but sometimes a someone is so hard to find

    and i'll do anything to keep her here tonite
    and i'll say aything to make her feel alright
    and i'll be anything to keep her here tonite
    cause i want you to stay, with me
    i need you tonite

    she comes to me like an angel out of time
    as i play the part of a saint on my knees
    there are some things i'll live without
    but i want you to know that i need you right now
    suffer my desire
    suffer my desire
    suffer my desire for you

    en mellon collie esta esta TREMENDA letra del tema Beautiful, terrible, me encanta..... ahora se las posteo aca.
    Che Romy vi esa foto en ese lago q lindo la puta qlo pario el agua con las rocas y el verde, es una postal, es hermoso.
    Para mi, los discos TEN points de la historia de mi vida son:
    TEN - PJ
    CORE - STP
    DIRT - AIC


    Beautiful _ Smashing Pumpkins

    beautiful, you're beautiful, as beautiful as the sun
    wonderful, you're wonderful, as wonderful as they come
    and i can't help but feel attached
    to the feelings i can't even match
    with my face pressed up to the glass, wanting you
    beautiful, you're beautiful, as beautiful as the sky
    wonderful, it's wonderful, to know that you're just like I
    and i'm sure you know me well, as i'm sure you don't
    but you just can't tell
    who'll you love and who you won't
    and i love you as you love me
    so let the clouds roll by your face
    we'll let the world spin on to another place
    we'll climb the tallest tree above it all
    to look down on you and me and them
    and i'm sure you know me well, as i'm sure you don't
    but you just can't tell, who you'll love and who you won't
    don't let your life wrap up around you
    don't forget to call, whenever
    i'll be here just waiting for you
    i'll be under your stars forever
    neither here nor there just right beside you
    i'll be under the stairs forever
    neither here nor there just right beside you

    tremenda!!!!!!! excelente!!!! piel de gallina......... jaja no no , como con Black no, je.
    " ... The waiting drove me mad, you were finally in Argentina and I was a mess ... "
    25/11 - 26/11 - Buenos Aires
    The best and long Black versions never before listening......
  • MyrKuRMyrKuR Posts: 121
    en mellon collie esta esta TREMENDA letra del tema Beautiful, terrible, me encanta..... ahora se las posteo aca.
    Che Romy vi esa foto en ese lago q lindo la puta qlo pario el agua con las rocas y el verde, es una postal, es hermoso.
    Para mi, los discos TEN points de la historia de mi vida son:
    TEN - PJ
    CORE - STP
    DIRT - AIC


    Me parece Julio que no te arriesgaste demaciado... y creo que no te animaste a poner a tu favorito de Creed. jajajajjajaja

    Pearl Jam: VERSUS
    Faith No More: King for a day
    Nirvana: In utero
    Alice in chains: Facelift
    STP: Purple
    Smashing Pumkins: Siamese Dream (el unico en el que coincidimos)
    Temple of the Dogs
    Mad season: Above
    Blind Melon: Soup
    There are colors on the street. Blue, white and blue.
  • zants wrote:
    Naaaa! Lapataia está en otro nivel...se me hace agua la boca, y eso que acabo de tomar helado de ddl granizado...y más rico que el conaprole!
    Igualmente....cuánto pagás por el container?

    mmmm... no sé... ofertá y vemos...
    che, voy a pasar navidad en montevideo. no hay una reunión de jammers o algo así allá? algún recital o algo? aunque sea una degustación de ddl y/o pamplonas??
    willem release:
    hating indie crap since 1978
  • sigo la consigna de "mejor disco de"... qué difícil...
    omití discos en vivo y recopilaciones.

    A Perfect Circle: mer de noms
    The Cure: disintegration
    Dave Matthews band: crash
    Depeche Mode: songs of faith and devotion
    Divididos: gol de mujer
    Charly: clics modernos
    Faith No More: king for a day
    Foo Fighters: there is nothing left to lose
    King Crimson: uff... no sé... larks tongues in aspic, starless, red, discipline, the power to believe...
    Led Zeppelin: houses of the holy
    Morphine: like swimming (dr. jekyll, 1997, qué show!!)
    Nine inch nails: the fragile
    Nirvana: in utero
    Pink Floyd: wish you were here
    The Police: reggatta de blanc (o zenyatta mondatta... maldición!)
    Radiohead: hail to the thieves
    RHCP: californication
    Rush: permanent waves
    Serú Girán: bicicleta
    Soda Stereo: canción animal
    Soundgarden: down on the upside
    STP: purple (tiny music y shangree están ahí nomás)
    Temple of the dog: ídem
    Tool: lateralus
    U2: pop
    Yes: fragile

    PJ: no code (pero está difícil también... maldita consigna... a quién querés más? a tu mamá o a tu papá?? pufff...)

    y sí, estaba aburrido.

    dressed up to the eyes, it's a wonderful surprise
    to see your shoes and your spirits rise
    willem release:
    hating indie crap since 1978
  • VortexVortex Posts: 8,772
    Country Feedback Con Rem En El Bridge School Y Ambulance Blues Son De Antologia!!!!

    Coincido pero mi versión de Ambulance Blues está en Mono :( (si la tenés en mejor calidad supongo que ya sabés lo que te voy a pedir, ¿no?)
    If you follow every dream
    You might get lost
  • zantszants Posts: 1,556
    mmmm... no sé... ofertá y vemos...
    che, voy a pasar navidad en montevideo. no hay una reunión de jammers o algo así allá? algún recital o algo? aunque sea una degustación de ddl y/o pamplonas??

    No hay reunión no.. Recital si hay, yo voy casi siempre a ver a La Vela Puerca, que toca gratis en todas las navidades...de tarde tipo 6. Este año no se aun donde se hace. No soy fan de los pibes, pero me divierto (siempre con algun medio y medio encima).
  • VortexVortex Posts: 8,772
    No recuerdo haber leído una consigna sobre los discos favoritos de cada uno, pero ya que están posteando acá van los míos.

    - David Bowie - The Rise & Fall Of Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders From Mars.
    - The Velvet Underground - Peel Slowly & See.
    - The Velvet Underground - Loaded (Fully Loaded Edition).
    - Nirvana - In Utero.
    - Pearl Jam - Yield.
    - Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Ragged Glory.
    - Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Rust Never Sleeps.
    - Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere.
    - Nirvana - Nevermind.
    - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Henry´s Dream.
    - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Boatman´s Call.
    - Crazy Horse - Crazy Moon (Expanded Edition).
    - Pixies - Surfer Rosa.
    - David Bowie - Hunky Dory.
    - Pequeña Orquesta Reincidentes - Pequeña Orquesta Reincidentes.
    - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Your Funeral My Trial.
    - The Boys Next Door - Door, Door.
    - Pulp - This Is Hardcore.
    - Neil Young - Tonight´s The Night.
    - Neil Young - After The Gold Rush.
    - Pearl Jam - Vitalogy.
    - Pearl Jam - Vs.
    - The Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness.
    - Pavement - Brighten The Corners.
    - Pavement - Slanted & Enchanted (Luxe & Reduxe)
    - Yo La Tengo - President Yo La tengo / New Wave Hot Dogs.
    - Built To Spill - Ultimate Alternative Wavers.
    - The Kinks - To The Bone (este por nombrar solo uno porque son unos cuantos)
    - Sonic Youth - Goo.
    - Liz Phair - Exile On Guyville.
    - Television - Marquee Moon.
    - R.E.M. - New Adventures In Hi-Fi.
    - Radiohead - My Iron Lung EP.
    - Radiohead - The Bends.
    - Radiohead - Ok Computer.
    - R.E.M. - Document.
    - Pixies - Dolittle.
    - Pink Floyd - The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn.
    - Syd Barret - Wouldn´t You Miss Me.
    - Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here.
    - The Wipers- Is This Real?
    - Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks.

    A esta altura ya no sé porque estoy escribiendo, aún faltan muchos y desde el 8 más o menos que ya no están en orden pero estos son a grandes rasgos mis discos favoritos, no tengo muchos puntos de comparación con los demás que postearon sobre este tema (a este momento), supongo que eso se debe al paso del tiempo. ;)
    If you follow every dream
    You might get lost
  • VortexVortex Posts: 8,772
    mmmm... no sé... ofertá y vemos...
    che, voy a pasar navidad en montevideo. no hay una reunión de jammers o algo así allá? algún recital o algo? aunque sea una degustación de ddl y/o pamplonas??

    ¿Hasta cuando te quedás?
    El 28 tocan Los Supersónicos por ejemplo.

    Sino avisa cuando estás y vemos de reunirnos aunque sea a tomar algo.
    If you follow every dream
    You might get lost
  • FedericoFederico Posts: 7,916
    hay repes, rony!
  • romybianromybian Posts: 1,644
    "...Cuando la mujer vio que el arbol era apetitoso para comer, agradable a la vista y deseable para adquirir discernimiento, tomo de su fruto y comio; luego se lo dio a su marido, que estaba con ella, y el tambien comio..."
    "The joke in your language won't come out the same" (Tom Petty)
    I'm no dude! Dudette!
  • Algunos:
    Amos,Tori - The Beekeeper
    Alice in chains- dificil supongo que Jar of Flies o el MTV unplugged.
    Candlebox - Candlebox
    Faith no more- King for a day...
    Foo Fighters- The Colour and the Shape
    Gibbons, Beth - Out of Season
    Mad season- Above
    Massacre - Aerial
    Muse- Origin of Symmetry
    Nirvana - In Utero
    Pearl Jam - es muy dificil y cambia todo el tiempo a veces es Vitalogy, a veces Versus, a veces No Code, imposible decidir uno.
    Placebo- Without you I'm nothing
    Portished - Portishead
    Radiohead - Ok Computer aunque tambien amo Pablo Honey que a nadie le gusta.
    Silverchair: Frogstomp (ya que se son unos chorros de aquellos y despues hicieron cada porquería... pero amo este disco)
    Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream
    Soundgarden- Badmotorfinger
    Stone Temple Pilots - Purple
    Temple of the dog - Temple of the Dog
    Weezer- Pinkerton
    My dream came true on November 25th and 26th!!!
    Pearl jam always in my heart and soul...
  • FedericoFederico Posts: 7,916
    Why do you look at me when you hate me
    Why should I look at you when you make me hate you to
    I sense a smell of retribution in the air
    I don't even understand why the fuck you even care
    And I don't need your jealousy yeah
    Why drag me down in your misery
    And when you stare don't you think I feel it
    But I'm gonna deal it back to you in spades
    When I'm havin' fun ya know I can't conceal it
    'Cause I know you'd never cut it in my game- Oh no
    And when you're talkin' about a vasectomy- Yeah
    I'll be writin' down your obituary-

    You got your bitches with
    the silicone injections
    Crystal meth and yeast infections
    Bleached blond hair,
    Collagen lip projections
    Who are you to criticize my intentions
    Got your subtle manipulative devices
    Just like you I got my vices
    I got a thought that would be nice
    I'd like to crush your head tight in my vice- PAIN!!

    And that goes for all you punks in the press
    That want to start shit by printin' lies instead of the things we said
    That means you
    Andy Secher at Hit Parader
    Circus Magazine
    Mick Wall at Kerrang
    Bob Guccione Jr. at Spin,
    What you pissed off cuz your dad gets more pussy than you?
    Fuck you
    Suck my fuckin' dick

    You be rippin' off the fuckin' kids
    While they be payin' their hard earned money to read about the bands
    They want to know about
    Printin' lies startin' controversy
    You wanta antagonize me
    Antagonize me motherfucker
    Get in the ring motherfucker
    And I'll kick your bitchy little ass

    I don't like you, I just hate you
    I gonna kick your ass,
    Oh yeah! Ohyeah!

    You may not like our integrity yeah
    We built a world out of anarchy
    Oh yeah!


    Get in the ring

    Yeah this song is dedicated to
    All the Guns n'fuckin' Roses fans
    Who stuck with us through all the Fucking shit
    And to all those opposed...
  • FedericoFederico Posts: 7,916
    romybian wrote:
    "...Cuando la mujer vio que el arbol era apetitoso para comer, agradable a la vista y deseable para adquirir discernimiento, tomo de su fruto y comio; luego se lo dio a su marido, que estaba con ella, y el tambien comio..."

    que lindo momento ese...alguien lo filmó? podría subirlo a la web?
  • romybianromybian Posts: 1,644
    Federico wrote:
    que lindo momento ese...alguien lo filmó? podría subirlo a la web?
    Sale en un video de pj...... ;)
    "The joke in your language won't come out the same" (Tom Petty)
    I'm no dude! Dudette!
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