she said to me, over the phone
she wanted to see other people
i thought, "well then, look around, they're everywhere"
said that she was confused...
i thought, "darling, join the club"
24 years old, mid-life crisis
nowadays hits you when you're young
i hung up, she called back, i hung up again
the process had already started
at least it happened quick
i swear, i died inside that night
my friend, he called
i didn't mention a thing
the last thing he said was, "be sound"
i contemplated an awful thing, i hate to admit
i just thought those would be such appropriate last words
but i'm still here
and small
so small.. how could this struggle seem so big?
so big...
while the palms in the breeze still blow green
and the waves in the sea still absolute blue
but the horror
every single thing i see is a reminder of her
never thought i'd curse the day i met her
and since she's gone and wouldn't hear
who would care? what good would that do?
but i'm still here
so i imagine in a month...or 12
i'l be somewhere having a drink
laughing at a stupid joke
or just another stupid thing
and i can see myself stopping short
drifting out of the present
sucked by the undertow and pulled out deep
and there i am, standing
wet grass and white headstones all in rows
and in the distance there's one, off on its own
so i stop, kneel
my new home...
and i picture a sober awakening, a re-entry into this little bar scene
sip my drink til the ice hits my lip
order another round
and that's it for now
never been too good at happy endings...
i shut and locked the front door
no way in or out
i turned and walked the hallway
and pulled the curtains down
i knelt and emptied the mouth
of every plug around
but nothing's sound
oh.. nothing's sound
i'd stay here where my last step left me
ignored all my rounds
soon i was seeing visions,
and cracks along the walls
they were upside down
i swallow my words to keep from lying
i swallow my fist just to keep from biting... biting, biting
i swallowed my breath and went deep, i was diving, diving
i surfaced when all of my being was enlightened
i'm in hiding, yeah
i'm in hiding, yeah yeah
i'm in hiding
it's been about three days now since i've been aground
no longer overwhelmed and it seems so simple now
it's funny when things change so much
it's all a state of mind
i swallowed my words to keep from lying
i swallowed my fist just to keep from biting... biting, biting
i swallowed my breath and went deep, i was diving, i was diving
i surfaced and all of my being was enlightened
now i'm
i'm in hiding, yeah
i'm in hiding, yeah yeah
i'm in hiding
i'm in hiding, yeah yeah
i'm in hiding, yeah
i'm in hiding...
"The joke in your language won't come out the same" (Tom Petty)
I'm no dude! Dudette!
bueh acabo de ver el video de Black del 26 a la pantalla y se ve bastante bien.
yo acabo de subir el mio de RITFW q es muy pero muy choto y corto, pero es lo unico q pude hacer con mi nokia 3220 y no me importa, al contrario toy re contenta de haberme traido ese souvenir y tenerlo conmigo en todos lados. cuando este disponible posteo el link
Chicos/as: quería saber en que van sus peticiones al canal que tiene los derechos de la transmision del concierto de PJ en Argentina, para que los transmiten en forma íntegra?. Hasta donde yo se, iban a mandar e-mails.
Depresión post-Pearl Jam, para nada, estoy a full con los boots, ahora tengo que bajar los de los shows de Sao Paulo y Rio para revivir eso también. La verdad como público nos pasamos, lo compruebo cada vez que escucho los boots!!
El setlist de Mexico excelente, espero que para cuando vuelvan a BA se copen con temas un poco mas ineditos, o la otra es seguirlos a la mayor cantidad de shows posibles, como para mejorar las chances...
no puedo creer que tocaron Off he goes!! Que envidia....
Yo para la proxima hago campaña "I got shit"
Che, los extraño enfermitos pearljammeros asi que pronto a organizar algo!
Pregunta: mostraron mucho al publico en lo que pasaron en La Viola? Salió la bandera de Romy? De que me perdí?
Vi algo del DVD, se va a hacer? Bueno, me voy a poner a leer!!!
Depresión post-Pearl Jam, para nada, estoy a full con los boots, ahora tengo que bajar los de los shows de Sao Paulo y Rio para revivir eso también. La verdad como público nos pasamos, lo compruebo cada vez que escucho los boots!!
El setlist de Mexico excelente, espero que para cuando vuelvan a BA se copen con temas un poco mas ineditos, o la otra es seguirlos a la mayor cantidad de shows posibles, como para mejorar las chances...
no puedo creer que tocaron Off he goes!! Que envidia....
Yo para la proxima hago campaña "I got shit"
Che, los extraño enfermitos pearljammeros asi que pronto a organizar algo!
Pregunta: mostraron mucho al publico en lo que pasaron en La Viola? Salió la bandera de Romy? De que me perdí?
Vi algo del DVD, se va a hacer? Bueno, me voy a poner a leer!!!
Bururu, ponete las pilas y organizate algo antes del "bom natale"!!! Gracias por el aguante de mugres en Rio...saludosssssss
Bururu, ponete las pilas y organizate algo antes del "bom natale"!!! Gracias por el aguante de mugres en Rio...saludosssssss
jaja tengo sus cosas mugrientas en mi bolso, junto a mis cosas mugrientas
yo estaba pensando en este jueves hacer algo, porque el fin de semana me voy a Rosario, y el otro me voy al Sur (que mal que la paso)
Alguno se bajó los boots (o alguno) de Brazil?
Anecdota de cántico (post Sao Paulo 2):
Si Marina se copa y salta un poquito
Se escucha la pandereta de nuestro Eduardito
Que envidia Leandro, meta para el proximo show de PJ, conseguir un tambourine!
Una de las mejores cosas que hice en mi vida fue tomarme ese bondi a Sao Paulo, a pesar de fomentar el negocio de los scalpers. La otra fueron estos días en Brazil.
Espero ver más gente posteando mañana! Los domingos acá son bastante muertos...
"si marina se copa y salta un poquito se escucha la pandereta de nuestro eduardito........" ja,jaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaaaaaa.........cada vez q me acuerdo!!.................
feliz cumpleanos GERMAN!!!, tmb atrasado, ando todavia con el horario cambiado...................
"si marina se copa y salta un poquito se escucha la pandereta de nuestro eduardito........" ja,jaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaaaaaa.........cada vez q me acuerdo!!.................
feliz cumpleanos GERMAN!!!, tmb atrasado, ando todavia con el horario cambiado...................
que tal sunny california?
cuanto le pagaste al gerente del hotel para que te den ese cuarto en Rio??
ya que todos dejan sus letras aqui va se si se aceptan covers...pero bue...
hey, fellas, have you heard the news? oh yeah...
the women of this town are being misused...oh yeah...
i've seen it all in my dreams last night...oh yeah...
girls leaving this town 'cause we don't treat 'em right, yeah...oh yeah...
well, i'll take a train...take a train...
fly by by plane...
they're getting tired...getting tired...
they're sick and tired...sick and tired...
all you fellas better change your ways...oh yeah...
they're leaving this town in a matter of days...oh yeah...
girls are good, you better treat 'em true...oh yeah...
seen fellas run around with someone new...oh yeah...
i'm getting tired...getting tired...
sick and tired...sick and tired...
they're leaving here...leaving here...
are leaving here...leaving here...
are leaving here...yeah, yeah...
leaving here...been a while...
oh yeah...
the love of a woman is a wonderful thing...oh yeah...
the way that we treat 'em is a trying shame...oh yeah...
i'll tell you fellas, yeah, it won't be long...oh yeah...
before these women, they all have gone...oh yeah...
they're getting tired...getting tired...
sick and tired...sick and tired...
yeah, take a train...take a train...
fly by by plane...
they're leaving here...yeah, yeah, yeah...
leaving here...
leaving, leaving...oh, leaving here, now...
baby, baby, baby...please don't leave here...oh...
ya que todos dejan sus letras aqui va se si se aceptan covers...pero bue...
hey, fellas, have you heard the news? oh yeah...
the women of this town are being misused...oh yeah...
i've seen it all in my dreams last night...oh yeah...
girls leaving this town 'cause we don't treat 'em right, yeah...oh yeah...
well, i'll take a train...take a train...
fly by by plane...
they're getting tired...getting tired...
they're sick and tired...sick and tired...
all you fellas better change your ways...oh yeah...
they're leaving this town in a matter of days...oh yeah...
girls are good, you better treat 'em true...oh yeah...
seen fellas run around with someone new...oh yeah...
i'm getting tired...getting tired...
sick and tired...sick and tired...
they're leaving here...leaving here...
are leaving here...leaving here...
are leaving here...yeah, yeah...
leaving here...been a while...
oh yeah...
the love of a woman is a wonderful thing...oh yeah...
the way that we treat 'em is a trying shame...oh yeah...
i'll tell you fellas, yeah, it won't be long...oh yeah...
before these women, they all have gone...oh yeah...
they're getting tired...getting tired...
sick and tired...sick and tired...
yeah, take a train...take a train...
fly by by plane...
they're leaving here...yeah, yeah, yeah...
leaving here...
leaving, leaving...oh, leaving here, now...
baby, baby, baby...please don't leave here...oh...
se aceptan covers si son copados
osea se acepta.
Me fui al norte de Brazil a rostizarme como camarón... muy lindas playas.
Rio es preciosa ciudad, los bondis y señores conductores son unos asesinos, los chicos tb pueden constatar esto, pero llegamos de A a B, asi que bien por ese lado. Sao Paulo, solo vi el estadio, está en un lindo barrio. Buena onda la gente de Restless Souls (quiero conseguirme una de esas remeras anaranjadas) Fans de Ten Club, muchos mas en Brazil que acá, en Río a duras penas logramos valla. Y creo que fue la estrellita de Brazil, por lo menos para la banda, porque estaban todos a full. Mike muy sacado. Y bueno, el detalle de la bandera de Brazil, que fue muy emotivo y por otro lado tocó un poco el orgullo argentino
Ah hice una nueva fan de PJ, la amiga de flia con la que me quedé en Brazil... el truco, Benaroya Hall CD1, no falla nunca...
lo de poner temas de pj es por algun motivo, o es solo para tener mas posts????
I have got to find the river,
Bergamot and vetiver
Run through my head and fall away.
Leave the road and memorize
This life that pass before my eyes.
Nothing is going my way.
Listo, ya me tranquilizé...
Creo que de escuchar esa cancion me moría de un paro cardíaco.
totalmente de acuerdo
creo si hubieran hecho hard to imagine , crazy mary o breath (dejenme soñar)
ya estaria muerta por la emocion
edit: agrego light years , i got shit y long road
I have got to find the river,
Bergamot and vetiver
Run through my head and fall away.
Leave the road and memorize
This life that pass before my eyes.
Nothing is going my way.
una que da vueltas y vueltas en mi cabeza y q solo tengo en vivo:
routine was the theme, he'd wake up and...wash and pour himself into uniform
something he hadn't imagined being...
as the merging traffic passed, he found himself staring, down, at his own hands..
not remembering the change, not recalling the plan, was it...?
he was okay, but wondering about wandering
was it age? by consequence? or was he moved by sleight of hand?
mondays were made to fall, lost on a road he knew by heart
it was like a book he read in his sleep, endlessly...
sometimes he hid in his radio, watching others pull into their homes
while he was drifting...
on a line, of his own, off the line, on the side
by the by, as dirt turned to sand, as if moved by sleight of hand
when he reached the shore of his clip-on world
he resurfaced to the norm
organized his few things, his coat and keys...
any new realizations would have to wait til he had more time, more time...
time to dream, to himself
he waves goodbye, to himself
i'll see you on the other side...
another man...moved by sleight of hand...
I have got to find the river,
Bergamot and vetiver
Run through my head and fall away.
Leave the road and memorize
This life that pass before my eyes.
Nothing is going my way.
Sigamos con la onda. Mi novio me pidio prestado Merkinball y en su negocio y en su casa lo estuvimos escuchando ayer y hoy en repeat sin parar (serán las ganas con las que nos quedamos de escuchar esos dos temas???) Acá va uno:
my lips are shakin' my nails are bit off
been a month since i've heard myself talk
all the advantage this life's got on me
picture a cup in the middle of the sea
and i fight back in my mind
never lets me be right
i got memories i got shit
so much it don't show
oh i walked the line when you held me in that night
i walked the line when you held my hand that night
an empty shells seem so easy to crack
got all these questions don't know who i could even ask
so i'll just lie alone and wait for the dream
where i'm not ugly and your lookin' at me
and i stare you back
oh blue eyes, i've seen it
if just once i could feel love
oh stare back at me, yeah..
but i walked the line when you held me in that night
oh i walked the line when you held my hand that night
oh i walked the line when you held me close that night
i paid the price never held you in real life
my lips are shakin'
My dream came true on November 25th and 26th!!!
Pearl jam always in my heart and soul...
jaja tengo sus cosas mugrientas en mi bolso, junto a mis cosas mugrientas
yo estaba pensando en este jueves hacer algo, porque el fin de semana me voy a Rosario, y el otro me voy al Sur (que mal que la paso)
Alguno se bajó los boots (o alguno) de Brazil?
Anecdota de cántico (post Sao Paulo 2):
Si Marina se copa y salta un poquito
Se escucha la pandereta de nuestro Eduardito
Dale Marina, el jueves me parece perfecto, hace correr la bola y que se copen todos.
Jajajajaja la cancion, por salio del alma, no pude evitarlo. Me acuerdo y lloro de risa...
"si marina se copa y salta un poquito se escucha la pandereta de nuestro eduardito........" ja,jaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaa,jaaaaaaaaaaa.........cada vez q me acuerdo!!.................
feliz cumpleanos GERMAN!!!, tmb atrasado, ando todavia con el horario cambiado...................
Gracias Chris, Buru, Julio y los que no me acuerdo que tambien me saludaron...les debo un brindis (excusas para chupar).
Jajajajaja Christian, lo que se rio tu amiga por dios, se descomponia de la mataba.
Dale Marina, el jueves me parece perfecto, hace correr la bola y que se copen todos.
Jajajajaja la cancion, por salio del alma, no pude evitarlo. Me acuerdo y lloro de risa...
cuando termine de aterrizar en Buenos Aires, que calculo que va a ser mañana me pongo en plan organizativo, todavía estoy con la cabeza en cualquier parte...
temazo! (message too short)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Jungle life
I'm far away from nowhere
On my own like Tarzan Boy
Hide and seek
I play along while rushing cross the forest
Monkey business on a sunny afternoon
Jungle life
I'm living in the open
Native beat that carries on
Burning bright
A fire the blows the signal to the sky
I sit and wonder does the message get to you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other
Chance tonight
Gimme the other, gimme the other
Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other world
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Jungle life
You're far away from nothing
It's all right
You won't miss home
Take a chance
Leave everything behind you
Come and join me
Won't be sorry
It's easy to survive
Jungle life
We're living in the open
All alone like Tarzan Boy
Hide and seek
We play along while rushing cross the
Monkey business on a sunny afternoon
Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other
Chance tonight, Oh Yeah
Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other
Night to night
You won't play
Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other
Chance tonight, Oh Yeah
Night to night
Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
no way in or out
i turned and walked the hallway
and pulled the curtains down
i knelt and emptied the mouth
of every plug around
but nothing's sound
oh.. nothing's sound
i'd stay here where my last step left me
ignored all my rounds
soon i was seeing visions,
and cracks along the walls
they were upside down
i swallow my words to keep from lying
i swallow my fist just to keep from biting... biting, biting
i swallowed my breath and went deep, i was diving, diving
i surfaced when all of my being was enlightened
i'm in hiding, yeah
i'm in hiding, yeah yeah
i'm in hiding
it's been about three days now since i've been aground
no longer overwhelmed and it seems so simple now
it's funny when things change so much
it's all a state of mind
i swallowed my words to keep from lying
i swallowed my fist just to keep from biting... biting, biting
i swallowed my breath and went deep, i was diving, i was diving
i surfaced and all of my being was enlightened
now i'm
i'm in hiding, yeah
i'm in hiding, yeah yeah
i'm in hiding
i'm in hiding, yeah yeah
i'm in hiding, yeah
i'm in hiding...
I'm no dude! Dudette!
yo acabo de subir el mio de RITFW q es muy pero muy choto y corto, pero es lo unico q pude hacer con mi nokia 3220 y no me importa, al contrario toy re contenta de haberme traido ese souvenir y tenerlo conmigo en todos lados. cuando este disponible posteo el link
Alguna noticia?
Santiago, Chile (March 16, 2018)
Depresión post-Pearl Jam, para nada, estoy a full con los boots, ahora tengo que bajar los de los shows de Sao Paulo y Rio para revivir eso también. La verdad como público nos pasamos, lo compruebo cada vez que escucho los boots!!
El setlist de Mexico excelente, espero que para cuando vuelvan a BA se copen con temas un poco mas ineditos, o la otra es seguirlos a la mayor cantidad de shows posibles, como para mejorar las chances...
no puedo creer que tocaron Off he goes!! Que envidia....
Yo para la proxima hago campaña "I got shit"
Che, los extraño enfermitos pearljammeros asi que pronto a organizar algo!
Pregunta: mostraron mucho al publico en lo que pasaron en La Viola? Salió la bandera de Romy? De que me perdí?
Vi algo del DVD, se va a hacer? Bueno, me voy a poner a leer!!!
Bururu, ponete las pilas y organizate algo antes del "bom natale"!!! Gracias por el aguante de mugres en Rio...saludosssssss
jaja tengo sus cosas mugrientas en mi bolso, junto a mis cosas mugrientas
yo estaba pensando en este jueves hacer algo, porque el fin de semana me voy a Rosario, y el otro me voy al Sur (que mal que la paso)
Alguno se bajó los boots (o alguno) de Brazil?
Anecdota de cántico (post Sao Paulo 2):
Si Marina se copa y salta un poquito
Se escucha la pandereta de nuestro Eduardito
Que envidia Leandro, meta para el proximo show de PJ, conseguir un tambourine!
Una de las mejores cosas que hice en mi vida fue tomarme ese bondi a Sao Paulo, a pesar de fomentar el negocio de los scalpers. La otra fueron estos días en Brazil.
Espero ver más gente posteando mañana! Los domingos acá son bastante muertos...
feliz cumple (atrasado) Germán
feliz cumpleanos GERMAN!!!, tmb atrasado, ando todavia con el horario cambiado...................
Tremendo show el de NIN, también rankea alto en mi lista de shows!
que tal sunny california?
cuanto le pagaste al gerente del hotel para que te den ese cuarto en Rio??
hey, fellas, have you heard the news? oh yeah...
the women of this town are being misused...oh yeah...
i've seen it all in my dreams last night...oh yeah...
girls leaving this town 'cause we don't treat 'em right, yeah...oh yeah...
well, i'll take a train...take a train...
fly by by plane...
they're getting tired...getting tired...
they're sick and tired...sick and tired...
all you fellas better change your ways...oh yeah...
they're leaving this town in a matter of days...oh yeah...
girls are good, you better treat 'em true...oh yeah...
seen fellas run around with someone new...oh yeah...
i'm getting tired...getting tired...
sick and tired...sick and tired...
they're leaving here...leaving here...
are leaving here...leaving here...
are leaving here...yeah, yeah...
leaving here...been a while...
oh yeah...
the love of a woman is a wonderful thing...oh yeah...
the way that we treat 'em is a trying shame...oh yeah...
i'll tell you fellas, yeah, it won't be long...oh yeah...
before these women, they all have gone...oh yeah...
they're getting tired...getting tired...
sick and tired...sick and tired...
yeah, take a train...take a train...
fly by by plane...
they're leaving here...yeah, yeah, yeah...
leaving here...
leaving, leaving...oh, leaving here, now...
baby, baby, baby...please don't leave here...oh...
se aceptan covers si son copados
osea se acepta.
Me fui al norte de Brazil a rostizarme como camarón... muy lindas playas.
Rio es preciosa ciudad, los bondis y señores conductores son unos asesinos, los chicos tb pueden constatar esto, pero llegamos de A a B, asi que bien por ese lado. Sao Paulo, solo vi el estadio, está en un lindo barrio. Buena onda la gente de Restless Souls (quiero conseguirme una de esas remeras anaranjadas) Fans de Ten Club, muchos mas en Brazil que acá, en Río a duras penas logramos valla. Y creo que fue la estrellita de Brazil, por lo menos para la banda, porque estaban todos a full. Mike muy sacado. Y bueno, el detalle de la bandera de Brazil, que fue muy emotivo y por otro lado tocó un poco el orgullo argentino
Ah hice una nueva fan de PJ, la amiga de flia con la que me quedé en Brazil... el truco, Benaroya Hall CD1, no falla nunca...
Quien tenga fotos, acuerdese de compartir!
Bergamot and vetiver
Run through my head and fall away.
Leave the road and memorize
This life that pass before my eyes.
Nothing is going my way.
es como el estado de ánimo del momento creo
además que son tan lindas que dan ganas de postearlas!
mala onda"!;)
Listo, ya me tranquilizé...
Creo que de escuchar esa cancion me moría de un paro cardíaco.
totalmente de acuerdo
creo si hubieran hecho hard to imagine , crazy mary o breath (dejenme soñar)
ya estaria muerta por la emocion
edit: agrego light years , i got shit y long road
Bergamot and vetiver
Run through my head and fall away.
Leave the road and memorize
This life that pass before my eyes.
Nothing is going my way.
routine was the theme, he'd wake up and...wash and pour himself into uniform
something he hadn't imagined being...
as the merging traffic passed, he found himself staring, down, at his own hands..
not remembering the change, not recalling the plan, was it...?
he was okay, but wondering about wandering
was it age? by consequence? or was he moved by sleight of hand?
mondays were made to fall, lost on a road he knew by heart
it was like a book he read in his sleep, endlessly...
sometimes he hid in his radio, watching others pull into their homes
while he was drifting...
on a line, of his own, off the line, on the side
by the by, as dirt turned to sand, as if moved by sleight of hand
when he reached the shore of his clip-on world
he resurfaced to the norm
organized his few things, his coat and keys...
any new realizations would have to wait til he had more time, more time...
time to dream, to himself
he waves goodbye, to himself
i'll see you on the other side...
another man...moved by sleight of hand...
Bergamot and vetiver
Run through my head and fall away.
Leave the road and memorize
This life that pass before my eyes.
Nothing is going my way.
my lips are shakin' my nails are bit off
been a month since i've heard myself talk
all the advantage this life's got on me
picture a cup in the middle of the sea
and i fight back in my mind
never lets me be right
i got memories i got shit
so much it don't show
oh i walked the line when you held me in that night
i walked the line when you held my hand that night
an empty shells seem so easy to crack
got all these questions don't know who i could even ask
so i'll just lie alone and wait for the dream
where i'm not ugly and your lookin' at me
and i stare you back
oh blue eyes, i've seen it
if just once i could feel love
oh stare back at me, yeah..
but i walked the line when you held me in that night
oh i walked the line when you held my hand that night
oh i walked the line when you held me close that night
i paid the price never held you in real life
my lips are shakin'
Pearl jam always in my heart and soul...
Dale Marina, el jueves me parece perfecto, hace correr la bola y que se copen todos.
Jajajajaja la cancion, por salio del alma, no pude evitarlo. Me acuerdo y lloro de risa...
Gracias Chris, Buru, Julio y los que no me acuerdo que tambien me saludaron...les debo un brindis (excusas para chupar).
Jajajajaja Christian, lo que se rio tu amiga por dios, se descomponia de la mataba.
Un abrazo...
ya no es lo que era,
ya no es lo que era.
Mi vieja mula ya no es lo que era...
ya no es lo que era,
ya no es lo que era.
Mi vieja mula ya no es lo que era...
ya no es lo que era,
ya no es lo que era.
cuando termine de aterrizar en Buenos Aires, que calculo que va a ser mañana me pongo en plan organizativo, todavía estoy con la cabeza en cualquier parte...
Excelente canción, made in Sao Paulo.
violento, si