Disney sued over headscarf.....

http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-d ... hpt=ju_bn6
I have a dress code where I work and I'm sure most people do so what's her problem ? if she want's a job she can leave the headsceaf in the car or at home...especially at a place like Disneyland where it's a charector based amusment park.
I have a dress code where I work and I'm sure most people do so what's her problem ? if she want's a job she can leave the headsceaf in the car or at home...especially at a place like Disneyland where it's a charector based amusment park.
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:shifty: ...ouffff I sure hope not.
"The Constitution tells me I can be Muslim, and I can wear the head scarf. Who is Disney to tell me I cannot?"
Disney's the one writing the check honey. You don't like it you are free to seek employment somewhere else.
it's outta the park..it's a home run folks !!! what I mean is that I agree.
or as they say in the corprate world "seeking opertunitys that better suit their skills education and expectations"
And to me. I love how people have no problem beating there chests and screaming about freedoms of the constitution. All gung-ho war pigs, but the first minute an American citizen (who happens to look different then you) decides to use it, you guys come shitting down on them. It's like that quote some singer once said. "everyone in America has the right to freedom of speech, until they decide to use it." Or in this case, freedom of religion/religious expression. Not all Muslims are bad, Jesus, what's the point of laughing at or poking fun of this story? Maybe some of the people in America need to step outside there own eyes and see the world through the eyes of someone else. We should stop this holier than thou persona. All empires fall, look back at Rome & Egypt. What's wrong with peace love and understanding.....I'm not bashing anyone directly cause most people on the forum are genuinely awesome folks. The shit you people do for strangers in here is incredible, mind boggling at times. Makes me proud to be a member.....now let's turn and do for people outside the forum.
You know, sometimes a job requirement would not allow for this though, and I see no problem with it.
Question - is it possible to safely wear a hardhat while wearing a turban?
It is a choice to wear what you wear.
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No it's not. If it is clearly a requirement of the job and serves a purpose. It is her choice. They have strict dress codes (including how you can have your hair done) in order to agree to work there. They aren't the only ones. And it makes sense.
Are you one of the people that are going to sue Hooters so that dudes can be waiters there?
I'm assuming you're not muslim.. you would be outraged if your employer told you couldn't go to church on sunday's as you have to work.. or restricted your religion somehow? so why not put yourself in her shoes.. she is being discriminated against based on her religion pure and simple..
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I wouldn't sue anyone for almost anything so no.. but hooters is kinda discriminating there also
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Let me ask you this...what if someone got turned down to play spiderman in the movies because they choose to wear a turban and do not want to take it off?
In essence, she is wasting her time.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
The hijab is not a religious dictate, so it would be difficult say she is being discriminated against based on religion. On the other hand, Sikhs MUST wear a Dastar (turban) - it's mandated by their religion. Asking an observant Sikh to remove his turban would be discrimination.
Whilst I do believe this lady has the perfect right to 'preserve her modesty', she did go into a job knowing about the very strict dress code (as some said, down to facial hair, hairstyles, etc.) that Disney have. She seemed to be OK with it for 2 1/2 years as well. Disney offered an alternative head covering (keeping the modesty bit) which seems to cover the same areas as the hijab and complies with their dress code. She may not like it, but it doesn't look anymore stupid than most of what the employees there wear (guess their terms 'cast members', 'on-stage', 'costume' says it all!). I really don't believe that Disney are stopping her 'being a Muslim'.
Should she not be working for a firm/company with strict dress (dressing up?) code, I would agree that she should be able to wear a hijab as long as it met health and safety regulations.
Plenty of people get "forced" to work on Sunday despite their religion.
No, she is being asked to meet the same standards that everyone else is. They believe it to be important to their product. As long as they haven;t shown a history of accommodating others but not her, they will be fine.
It's fine for people to choose to wear what they want to wear, but it shouldn;t be forced onto their employer if it clearly violates the dress code and there is any reason for the dress code that make sense. Safety makes sense as does protecting the brand.
Again, She wouldn;t be selected as a hair model....what if she wanted to play Margaret Thatcher in a movie? It's the same thing. She can choose what she wears and if it doesn't meet the standards, they can choose to elimnate her employment in that job. She was offered other jobs (which is reasonable accommodation - I'm sure a court would agree), heck she was offered an alternative head covering that she was offended by. CHOICE, she made hers. Now it's time to go find another job.
you have some pretty good points there I won't argue it any further but I think unless they prove her job is unsafe wearing this she will win..
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Yeah, I disagree. I think their willingness to accommodate a different "costume" (the hat) for her, the willingness to accommodate her in a different role "behind stage", and the long history of Disney enforcing these policies with everyone in order to protect their product and their brand....all that and I think it's a slam dunk for Disney.
hijab is absolutely a religious dicate.
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"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
and I don't want to hear about "it's religious thing" over half the people on this forum have stated that they don't believe a cross should be displayed on public property but wearing a ..jihab is o.k :? I'm calling bullshit !
with all the non believers on here that blame everything on religion all the sudden this jihab crap is o.k ? :problem:
Either she should've made it known it was a requirement for her (assume she went to the interview with it on or at the very least mentioned its importance?), or they should've made their stance clear.
Too many rides to compete with:
I don't want to get into religious discussions here (and all the semantics about what the prophet meant or not) but it's definitely not a dictate (ie required by the religious laws such as the Dastar). The Koran requires 'modesty' and gives guidance as to what modesty is. Nowhere does it say women HAVE to wear the hijab (or other more 'covering' apparel). Women (or the women's men) choose to interpret it that way. Which is absolutely fine. There have been a number of cases of women suing their employer for same reason but each time lost as it was not deemed to discriminate on religious grounds as it is not a specific religious requirement/law.
A few thoughts:
1. You begin your post by basically declaring that you have no interest in learning where the grievance of someone else might stem from, and would rather speak from a position of ignorance as regards the topic of hijab.
2. You take a stance against her, but then make it incredibly apparent (so much so, I almost thought you were joking) that your opinion is completely reactionary, and stems from people's disagreement with public property displaying of the cross.
3. By not defending the analogy, it appears that you're speaking from a position of emotion rather than reason, which hurts your overall point.
4. It's "hijab" not "jihab." You spelled it correctly earlier in your post, but as it appears you are speaking from a position of rage, you seemed to have forgotten its correct spelling only a sentence or two below it. Misspelling something once can be a typo, twice is a clear disregard for accuracy, and considering that it is a five-letter word and the subject of what the dispute is about, I would hope you'd strive to at least try to gain some insight into the topic.
Walt had Wisdom beyond his years :ugeek:
I am sure it was covered. This isn't new to Disney.