Romney will immediately approve the Keystone Pipeline on day one creating thousands of jobs, American ones.
Barack Hussein Obama will double down on the failed energy policies that have led to higher prices and fewer jobs
Romney will begin the process of repealing and replacing obamacare on the first day of his glorious Presidency
Barack Hussein Obama's Care will begin to hit the economy, raising taxes and stifling growth, like all his shit does.
Romney will impose a "regulatory cap" on federal agencies and require offsets for new regulations.
Barack Hussein Obama will push through job-destroying regulations that he has delayed until after the election
Romney will send congress a bill slashing discretionary spending by five percent across the board
Barack Hussein Obama will continue pushing policies that result inTrillions of dollars in new debt and deficits.
Romney will pursue fundamental tax reform- cutting taxes acros the board and stopping the federal government from picking winners and losers.
Barack Hussein Obama will pursue the biggest tax increase in HISTORY
Romney will stand up to chinas unfair trade practices - protecting American workers And businesses
Barack Hussein Obama will continue to resist labeling china as a currency manipulator.
Romney will immediately approve the Keystone Pipeline on day one creating thousands of jobs, American ones.
Barack Hussein Obama will double down on the failed energy policies that have led to higher prices and fewer jobs
Romney will begin the process of repealing and replacing obamacare on the first day of his glorious Presidency
Barack Hussein Obama's Care will begin to hit the economy, raising taxes and stifling growth, like all his shit does.
Romney will impose a "regulatory cap" on federal agencies and require offsets for new regulations.
Barack Hussein Obama will push through job-destroying regulations that he has delayed until after the election
Romney will send congress a bill slashing discretionary spending by five percent across the board
Barack Hussein Obama will continue pushing policies that result inTrillions of dollars in new debt and deficits.
Romney will pursue fundamental tax reform- cutting taxes acros the board and stopping the federal government from picking winners and losers.
Barack Hussein Obama will pursue the biggest tax increase in HISTORY
Romney will stand up to chinas unfair trade practices - protecting AmericN workers And businesses
Barack Hussein Obama will continue to resist labeling china as a currency manipulator.
Easy peasy
are you really buying this crap?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
i get neat little emails forwarded to me that tell me what to do, and what to think, and who to vote for and why, and handy talking points to use as well.... perhaps i should start posting them here on the train...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"I can absolutely make the case that now is the time for something dramatic and it is not the time to grow government. It's the time to create the incentives and the opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses big and small to hire more people and that's going to happen," Romney said an interview aired Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."
"You're going to see that happen in this country but not under this president."
Romney said repeatedly this past week that his economic policies would create 12 million jobs in his first term. Pushed to explain how, Romney said in the interview, "That's what happens in a normal process."
"When you come out the kind of recession we've had you should see this kind of job creation," he said. "Good things happen when you have a private sector that's thriving."
Next year is going to be wicked awesome around here.
Probably many tears on the keyboard, but still awesome.
Seriously, could he be any more of a jackass? He's like a cartoon character.
If Walt Disney had created a cartoon character that personified a douchebag then he'd probably look and talk just like Mitt Romney.
And he'd be known as simply, The Douchebag.
What I think is so totally hilariously damming is that Harry Reid set the trap... "he didn't pay taxes for 10 years."
And Romney walked right in.... "PUT UP OR SHUT UP!! WHO RATTED ME OUT??"
Harry Reid Sprung the trap... "No, YOU put up.... prove me wrong."
Reince Prebus tries to save Mitt The Twit.... "Harry Reid is a DIRTY LIAR!!!!"
And Harry Reid springs the second trap.... "Really? Prove it. Release the tax records."
You'd think that if Republicans could actually prove Harry Reid was a "dirty liar," they would swim the Atlantic Ocean naked for the chance. But they can't. Oh dear.
obama flip flooped in family issues when he found out he would lose the gay support vote, in the beginning he was a typical "family values" polition...guess he changed his mind,he sold his moral values for votes just like a true to the bone polition would.
Romney will immediately approve the Keystone Pipeline on day one creating thousands of jobs, American ones.
Barack Hussein Obama will double down on the failed energy policies that have led to higher prices and fewer jobs
Romney will begin the process of repealing and replacing obamacare on the first day of his glorious Presidency
Barack Hussein Obama's Care will begin to hit the economy, raising taxes and stifling growth, like all his shit does.
Romney will impose a "regulatory cap" on federal agencies and require offsets for new regulations.
Barack Hussein Obama will push through job-destroying regulations that he has delayed until after the election
Romney will send congress a bill slashing discretionary spending by five percent across the board
Barack Hussein Obama will continue pushing policies that result inTrillions of dollars in new debt and deficits.
Romney will pursue fundamental tax reform- cutting taxes acros the board and stopping the federal government from picking winners and losers.
Barack Hussein Obama will pursue the biggest tax increase in HISTORY
Romney will stand up to chinas unfair trade practices - protecting American workers And businesses
Barack Hussein Obama will continue to resist labeling china as a currency manipulator.
obama flip flooped in family issues when he found out he would lose the gay support vote, in the beginning he was a typical "family values" polition...guess he changed his mind,he sold his moral values for votes just like a true to the bone polition would.
I think it's more accurate to say he FOUND his moral values and stopped being bullied by the loud-but-dwindling anti-equality voices and acknowledged that my family is every bit as good as yours.
nice to have a president who doesn't allow himself to by bullied by the Santorums and Huckabees of the world.
(and Mitt Romney supported gay equality until he wanted to be president when he allowed a tiny but well-funded group called NOM to bully him into signing a "pledge" to bring a constitutional amendment banning marriage equality. So don't act like Mitt is the one with a spine. He ain't.)
obama flip flooped in family issues when he found out he would lose the gay support vote, in the beginning he was a typical "family values" polition...guess he changed his mind,he sold his moral values for votes just like a true to the bone polition would.
I think it's more accurate to say he FOUND his moral values and stopped being bullied by the loud-but-dwindling anti-equality voices and acknowledged that my family is every bit as good as yours.
nice to have a president who doesn't allow himself to by bullied by the Santorums and Huckabees of the world.
(and Mitt Romney supported gay equality until he wanted to be president when he allowed a tiny but well-funded group called NOM to bully him into signing a "pledge" to bring a constitutional amendment banning marriage equality. So don't act like Mitt is the one with a spine. He ain't.)
It's pandering at best. Passing an amendment to the constitution is super hard and any ammendment would have to be supported by just about everyone in congress and most of the states.
Fun Fact: The last amendment to the constitution was in 1991 .... and it had to due with preventings laws that affect Congressional salary from taking affect until the next session of Congress.
That is the only thing our elected leaders could agree upon and amend in the last 41 years ... laws that guard their wallets.
Because he's an empty suit short on policy details of how he'd get his results from his proposals. Facts, figures and actual substance to how he, Romney, will get from point A to point B, or attain his campaign promises, are sorely lacking and non-existent. So, if you like rhetoric and dismiss reality, vote for Romney. Oh, and if you make over $1MM a year or is it $250K?, he'll cut your taxes. Should be reason enough, don't you think?
Because he's an empty suit short on policy details of how he'd get his results from his proposals. Facts, figures and actual substance to how he, Romney, will get from point A to point B, or attain his campaign promises, are sorely lacking and non-existent. So, if you like rhetoric and dismiss reality, vote for Romney. Oh, and if you make over $1MM a year or is it $250K?, he'll cut your taxes. Should be reason enough, don't you think?
You forgot about his love of Israel. I mean, if that doesn't win over the American populace, then I don't know what will. :think: Because after all, wasn't Romney suggesting by his recent remarks that Israel is close to the hearts of all Americans?
Maybe someone needs to tell this idiot that support for Israel has been declining rapidly over the past ten or so years. And that the decline is more prominent amongst the American Jewish community than anywhere else.
To be honest, it seems that I see lots of talk of voting against Obama....that doesn't help me...
so, here's your chance....Convince me Pro-Romney folks...
First off you shouldn't vote for him. And I don't think anyone could convince you by the way. No matter the reason given, I don't think you would be swayed.
Two party system isn't about voting for anyone, it is about voting against the other guy. Don't like it either, but that is the way it is. You can either vote your conscience, and know that the person you least like may get elected, or you can vote against him with the candidate most likely to beat him...I hate it. We should have literally an unlimited amount of options for president. I am not sure why party affiliation is even needed.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
He might bring on Bobby Jindal for VP, and then we'd have someone to perform exorcisms for us! Seriously usamamasan is on his 8th candidate for prez and he hasn't even named a running mate. I can't wait to see the circus around that. Remember when Sarah Palin was considered downright articulate after she spoke at the Republican convention, and a real challenger to Obama for minority voting. Then we kinda got to know her a little better. Whose it gonna be this time?
To be honest, it seems that I see lots of talk of voting against Obama....that doesn't help me...
so, here's your chance....Convince me Pro-Romney folks...
First off you shouldn't vote for him. And I don't think anyone could convince you by the way. No matter the reason given, I don't think you would be swayed.
Two party system isn't about voting for anyone, it is about voting against the other guy. Don't like it either, but that is the way it is. You can either vote your conscience, and know that the person you least like may get elected, or you can vote against him with the candidate most likely to beat him...I hate it. We should have literally an unlimited amount of options for president. I am not sure why party affiliation is even needed.
you may be right that my vote is pretty much set...
please know my intention in starting this thread is that I really wanted to read what folks really see in seems folk who support Romney are doing so based solely on the fact he's not O-bama...and that's fine...I did the same when Kerry ran...
I really wanted to see and hear some specifics about how Romney would benefit the country...
as for the two party system...not sure what to say about's true and has been for along time...I guess I just accept it...
To be honest, it seems that I see lots of talk of voting against Obama....that doesn't help me...
so, here's your chance....Convince me Pro-Romney folks...
First off you shouldn't vote for him. And I don't think anyone could convince you by the way. No matter the reason given, I don't think you would be swayed.
Two party system isn't about voting for anyone, it is about voting against the other guy. Don't like it either, but that is the way it is. You can either vote your conscience, and know that the person you least like may get elected, or you can vote against him with the candidate most likely to beat him...I hate it. We should have literally an unlimited amount of options for president. I am not sure why party affiliation is even needed.
you may be right that my vote is pretty much set...
please know my intention in starting this thread is that I really wanted to read what folks really see in seems folk who support Romney are doing so based solely on the fact he's not O-bama...and that's fine...I did the same when Kerry ran...
I really wanted to see and hear some specifics about how Romney would benefit the country...
as for the two party system...not sure what to say about's true and has been for along time...I guess I just accept it...
a lot like Kerry, and I think we will see the same result.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
you can vote for romney because he lies his ass saying that obama does not want troops to be able to vote early...
Or saying that the president's very pro-small business speech about how it's America's duty to do all they can to support small business was REALLY saying that small business owners didn't do any real work and that the government did it for them. That was so lamely-transparent that it just made everyone from his camp look like dolts.
If someone is going to be THAT obvious when trying to mislead you, do you REALLY want them to be the leader of the country?
(not to mention Romney bragging about how he had delivered a "$100 Million Surplus" for the Salt Lake City Olympics but forgot to mention that was after taking $2.4 BILLION in federal government money. I mean really...?)
i think i should vote for him because he is rich, so he must be good at business, so he must understand the economy, so he must know how to create jobs, which will make him a good president.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
i think i should vote for him because he is rich, so he must be good at business, so he must understand the economy, so he must know how to create jobs, which will make him a good president.
that is exactly why he won't be a good republican president. He still believes he can "create" jobs as president of the United states.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
EDIT: Corrected the percentage of the population who would see a tax increase from 98 to 95.
You do all realize that Obama already raised taxes on a portion of the lower/middle class right? Those making $250K generally already have health insurance and will have no need to pay the Obamacare tax.
So, if Romney were to repeal it, he'd already be lowering taxes for said folks.
Good luck with your sound bites. Obama is the one offering to raise taxes. If you think 250K is "rich," you should try living in the Northeast. Yes, it is well off. Nobody making that much is complaining. But 250K is not the same everywhere.
AND without lowering spending, it's spitting in the ocean.
If you're voting based on tax plans, Romney is the clear favorite.
If you're voting on spending cuts, the tooth fairy is the clear favorite.
If you're voting on the accomplishments of the last 4 years or the economy/job market as it currently stands or foreign relations, who knows what Romney will do? Though we already lived Obama. So, while the original post said why Romney? I'd flip that and say, why another 4 for Obama?
And for those that have said - well, Congress is stopping him at every turn - so what? Isn't part of being a leader figuring those things out? He's not the first President to have Congress held partially by the other party. As a matter of fact, he's one of the very RARE Presidents to have control of both houses for 2 years AND control of the Senate for all 4. You'd think a good leader would figure something out. That's what leaders do.
At least Romney has successfully led a business. At least he's run a State. If you thought a community organizer with no real experience is qualified to set the economy straight, I'd think a successful business man and someone elected as a moderate to right leaning person in a totally liberal State has the goods to be deserving of a chance (given the real choices at this point). Saying one thing is good for a liberal State like Mass is not necessarily good for a moderate/diverse COUNTRY is not flip flopping. It's understanding the different constituencies and being able to adjust to the role. And also points to the fact that he understands that certain things are Constitutionally States rights and other things are Constitutionally Federal rights.
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
i think i should vote for him because he is rich, so he must be good at business, so he must understand the economy, so he must know how to create jobs, which will make him a good president.
that is exactly why he won't be a good republican president. He still believes he can "create" jobs as president of the United states.
government can help to create an environment conducive to job creation. Obama has done the opposite.
Romney will immediately approve the Keystone Pipeline on day one creating thousands of jobs, American ones.
Barack Hussein Obama will double down on the failed energy policies that have led to higher prices and fewer jobs
Romney will begin the process of repealing and replacing obamacare on the first day of his glorious Presidency
Barack Hussein Obama's Care will begin to hit the economy, raising taxes and stifling growth, like all his shit does.
Romney will impose a "regulatory cap" on federal agencies and require offsets for new regulations.
Barack Hussein Obama will push through job-destroying regulations that he has delayed until after the election
Romney will send congress a bill slashing discretionary spending by five percent across the board
Barack Hussein Obama will continue pushing policies that result inTrillions of dollars in new debt and deficits.
Romney will pursue fundamental tax reform- cutting taxes acros the board and stopping the federal government from picking winners and losers.
Barack Hussein Obama will pursue the biggest tax increase in HISTORY
Romney will stand up to chinas unfair trade practices - protecting American workers And businesses
Barack Hussein Obama will continue to resist labeling china as a currency manipulator.
Easy peasy
We can't afford four more years of failed policy and weak leadership.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"the only dumb question is the one you didn't ask"
I always knew that was bullshit.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"You're going to see that happen in this country but not under this president."
Romney said repeatedly this past week that his economic policies would create 12 million jobs in his first term. Pushed to explain how, Romney said in the interview, "That's what happens in a normal process."
"When you come out the kind of recession we've had you should see this kind of job creation," he said. "Good things happen when you have a private sector that's thriving."
Next year is going to be wicked awesome around here.
Probably many tears on the keyboard, but still awesome.
Seriously, could he be any more of a jackass? He's like a cartoon character.
If Walt Disney had created a cartoon character that personified a douchebag then he'd probably look and talk just like Mitt Romney.
And he'd be known as simply, The Douchebag.
And Romney walked right in.... "PUT UP OR SHUT UP!! WHO RATTED ME OUT??"
Harry Reid Sprung the trap... "No, YOU put up.... prove me wrong."
Reince Prebus tries to save Mitt The Twit.... "Harry Reid is a DIRTY LIAR!!!!"
And Harry Reid springs the second trap.... "Really? Prove it. Release the tax records."
You'd think that if Republicans could actually prove Harry Reid was a "dirty liar," they would swim the Atlantic Ocean naked for the chance. But they can't. Oh dear.
Game. Set. Match. :fp:
obama flip flooped in family issues when he found out he would lose the gay support vote, in the beginning he was a typical "family values" polition...guess he changed his mind,he sold his moral values for votes just like a true to the bone polition would.
why don't you use mitt's middle name? is this your way of telling us you think he's a muslim?
amazing that you're so sure your 6th or 7th choice will be a "glorious" president.
I think it's more accurate to say he FOUND his moral values and stopped being bullied by the loud-but-dwindling anti-equality voices and acknowledged that my family is every bit as good as yours.
nice to have a president who doesn't allow himself to by bullied by the Santorums and Huckabees of the world.
(and Mitt Romney supported gay equality until he wanted to be president when he allowed a tiny but well-funded group called NOM to bully him into signing a "pledge" to bring a constitutional amendment banning marriage equality. So don't act like Mitt is the one with a spine. He ain't.)
Fun Fact: The last amendment to the constitution was in 1991 .... and it had to due with preventings laws that affect Congressional salary from taking affect until the next session of Congress.
That is the only thing our elected leaders could agree upon and amend in the last 41 years ... laws that guard their wallets.
:fp: :fp: :fp:
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
You forgot about his love of Israel. I mean, if that doesn't win over the American populace, then I don't know what will. :think: Because after all, wasn't Romney suggesting by his recent remarks that Israel is close to the hearts of all Americans?
Maybe someone needs to tell this idiot that support for Israel has been declining rapidly over the past ten or so years. And that the decline is more prominent amongst the American Jewish community than anywhere else.
exactly that's what everyone want's from Romney the truth about 10yrs worth of taxes ...
First off you shouldn't vote for him. And I don't think anyone could convince you by the way. No matter the reason given, I don't think you would be swayed.
Two party system isn't about voting for anyone, it is about voting against the other guy. Don't like it either, but that is the way it is. You can either vote your conscience, and know that the person you least like may get elected, or you can vote against him with the candidate most likely to beat him...I hate it. We should have literally an unlimited amount of options for president. I am not sure why party affiliation is even needed.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
you may be right that my vote is pretty much set...
please know my intention in starting this thread is that I really wanted to read what folks really see in seems folk who support Romney are doing so based solely on the fact he's not O-bama...and that's fine...I did the same when Kerry ran...
I really wanted to see and hear some specifics about how Romney would benefit the country...
as for the two party system...not sure what to say about's true and has been for along time...I guess I just accept it...
a lot like Kerry, and I think we will see the same result.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Or saying that the president's very pro-small business speech about how it's America's duty to do all they can to support small business was REALLY saying that small business owners didn't do any real work and that the government did it for them. That was so lamely-transparent that it just made everyone from his camp look like dolts.
If someone is going to be THAT obvious when trying to mislead you, do you REALLY want them to be the leader of the country? ... obama-ads/
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
That's a distraction.
EDIT: adding link to a good article... ... ?hpt=hp_c1
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
that is exactly why he won't be a good republican president. He still believes he can "create" jobs as president of the United states.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
You do all realize that Obama already raised taxes on a portion of the lower/middle class right? Those making $250K generally already have health insurance and will have no need to pay the Obamacare tax.
So, if Romney were to repeal it, he'd already be lowering taxes for said folks.
Good luck with your sound bites. Obama is the one offering to raise taxes. If you think 250K is "rich," you should try living in the Northeast. Yes, it is well off. Nobody making that much is complaining. But 250K is not the same everywhere.
AND without lowering spending, it's spitting in the ocean.
If you're voting based on tax plans, Romney is the clear favorite.
If you're voting on spending cuts, the tooth fairy is the clear favorite.
If you're voting on the accomplishments of the last 4 years or the economy/job market as it currently stands or foreign relations, who knows what Romney will do? Though we already lived Obama. So, while the original post said why Romney? I'd flip that and say, why another 4 for Obama?
And for those that have said - well, Congress is stopping him at every turn - so what? Isn't part of being a leader figuring those things out? He's not the first President to have Congress held partially by the other party. As a matter of fact, he's one of the very RARE Presidents to have control of both houses for 2 years AND control of the Senate for all 4. You'd think a good leader would figure something out. That's what leaders do.
At least Romney has successfully led a business. At least he's run a State. If you thought a community organizer with no real experience is qualified to set the economy straight, I'd think a successful business man and someone elected as a moderate to right leaning person in a totally liberal State has the goods to be deserving of a chance (given the real choices at this point). Saying one thing is good for a liberal State like Mass is not necessarily good for a moderate/diverse COUNTRY is not flip flopping. It's understanding the different constituencies and being able to adjust to the role. And also points to the fact that he understands that certain things are Constitutionally States rights and other things are Constitutionally Federal rights.
government can help to create an environment conducive to job creation. Obama has done the opposite.