Obama's backdoor gun ban

http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/07/11 ... y-critics/
Since F&F failed miserably at a ban now they want countries like IRAN to have say on our Right to defend ourselves.
This is disgusting and insulting.
Since F&F failed miserably at a ban now they want countries like IRAN to have say on our Right to defend ourselves.
This is disgusting and insulting.
Post edited by Unknown User on
dangerous move for any politican that supports this bullshit as it could be a career ending move for them and most likely increase the NRA's membership (which is a good thing imo)
and who is it youre defending yourself against????
i dont think any country has the right to ingratiate itself upon another however i seriously believe that the US would benefit from taking a good hard look at itself in regards to the 2nd ammendment.... at the price it pays for such a freedom... is it worth it? can the US look to other countries and see the benefits of curtailing what has become a right out of control. i understand history and i understand the climate in which the bill of rights was written. and please americans i dont mean this as some sort of disrespect but sincerely as a fellow human who values every breathing life. i know where the 2nd ammendment comes from... i understand all the points of view... yet i cant see it any other way than i do... and that is that the 2nd ammendment has been abused and used for the selfish purposes of politicians and special interest groups who do not have your countrys best interests at heart... that they use it to make you all feel as if you rights as an american are being infringed upon. and maybe some of you think that is the case but i truly believe within my heart and within my soul that as a society, as a nation and as a supposed leader of the world the 2nd ammendment in its current form is more a hindrance than a right.
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Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned...
and thats fine.. please tell me why.
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that make people want to own unregestered guns, if we can't trust our own government on the rights of the 2nd amendment why should we trust them with the info about the guns we own ?
can you at least acknowledge that the climate in which the 2nd ammendment was written is different to what is faced today? or dont you think its so? and if that is the case then surely changes need to be made... for the benefit and health of the american society? this is afterall the 21st century, NOT the 1700s.
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honestly, what rights did you have the day before obama took office that you don't have today?
i mean for fucks sakes, a congresswoman was shot in the head by a gun with a 30 round clip and those are still legal...
the 2nd is never going away.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
sorry no,what has changed the most(climate) in my opinion is the control that has been forced on the American people.
thank goodness the 2nd is never going away, ..it's just a open forum debate/discussion on the 2nd amendment and the story that has been posted, that's all my friend.
seriously?? you think that 21st century america is the same as revolutionary america? is that what youre saying? cause to me that seems to be an uneducated opinion and that cant be right, surely? and if that is right its an opinion i cant understand.
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I saw that Gallup poll comparing attitudes related to gun ownership in the 1700's to today. I'm glad at least our attitudes changed about wigs, tights, and slavery.
how does iran jeopardise your personal freedom?
how do the the people of 21st century america find equivalence with those in the 1700s who faced a very real threat having just gone through a war of independence. what is it you understand the 2nd ammendment to mean? do you think it has no context but stands alone as some god given right regardless of time? and if you think it does have context in relation to today please share with me what you think that is so that i might better understand where youre coming from... because serioously and with all due respect i see 1700s america as a very different place from 21st century anerica.
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you havent answered my questions godfather... and it disappoints me. i dont need your roundabout talk.. what i want is a discussion which includes answers to the questions i ask of you. im not gonna learn anything from you if you evade my queries. and you surely know such vagueness isnt gonna fly with me so yes you do need to explain.... but just for starters i will ask again ... how does iran jeopardise your personal freedom?
take a good look
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i just need to say
http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/intera ... 67298.html
maybe juuuust a slight difference...
my discomfort with iran is my personal view, I do not trust irans government or the muslim faith people there or here for that matter and that's that where my reply on iran ends.
and answers to the question you ask of me....well I'll do my best boss
I believe I have been pretty direct with my posts and made sure to state that it's "my opinion" so unless you are trying to get me to say what you want to hear I think I have been upfront on this issue.
Which one would you pick if you had to hit a target 30 feet away with more than one bullet, in under five minutes? :corn:
Firstly, in general NRA supporters project much greater concern for being able to keep their guns than for the safety and well being of others. You can argue that you aren't like that but I'm talking about the way NRA/gun supports project themselves as a whole.
Secondly, in general gun supporters too seldom consider other forms of self-protection or take into consideration that far too often guns are used too quickly and easily in fits of rage or in planned use against innocent people like the congresswoman mentioned.
Thirdly, gun owners don't like to admit that for many, the whole gun thing is another form of dick waving which at its roots is a psychology of insecurity and self doubt. Those who argue most strongly against this might have the biggest issues that way.
We probably won't get rid of guns but I wish gun owners would at least own up to some of this stuff.
I like how the aussie is approaching this topic -- though I disagree with her POV -- so I'll try to answer a couple of her questions.
Defense against what? A number of things, I'm sure, but here are a couple examples:
-- Criminals with ill intent towards innocents (whether it be my family, friends, or others)
-- Other armed militias (yes I see the mild irony there)
-- US Gov't. Yes this sounds ridiculous in the face of tanks and laser-guided bombs and trained infantry, but if it was so easy for tech and training to overwhelm, would we still be in Afghanistan and Iraq? It's a deterrent of tyranny, if nothing else. And anyhow, if we're at the point where the US Gov't is using overwhelming force inside its own borders, on its own citizens -- all bets are probably off by then anyway. If by then you don't have a gun, you'll be wishing you did when all the local grocery stores are empty and there's no electricity in your house.
-- Hunting. Why do I have to be dependent on others for my food? Granted this applies to a select few people in practice these days (at least insofar as people independently meeting ALL their food needs), but that doesn't make it an illegitimate point.
-- Zombies. Do you guys get the Walking Dead tv series down under? Shit is for reals.
Is the country/environment different than in the 18th century?
Yes of course, in many ways, but in many ways we've just traded one threat for another. For example, our political leaders then were visionaries with a pursuit for liberty as their primary directive (Some rose-tinted glasses there, left over from my US History courses in high school, I'll admit, but compared to the representatives of today? C'mon.). So we had better leaders, leading a less-powerful military. Now we have questionable leaders, leading an insanely powerful military. Which do I need more protection from?
Just a starting point here. This topic is pretty old hat on AMT, so I don't think it's necessary to trot out example after example here.
For the part about Iran, meh, that's just icing on the big slice of shit-cake that is the UN regulating anything inside my own borders.
o.k. maybe not at 30'
but I like your post on the subject.
Again, I'm sure people like that exist, but the reason for the impression you get is that they're beyond that point. That is, it goes without saying (from their point of view) that keeping their guns = greater safety and well being for themselves and the people around them.
Karate chop? Please elaborate.
Once is probably far too often for you, regardless of any other argument, so I'll not take the bait on this one.
Extreme events are extreme. Further, high-cap magazines, like the one used in the horrible incident with the congresswoman, are illegal to produce (and sell? not sure about that) almost everywhere, though some old ones are grandfathered in.
Thanks for setting up that inarguable scenario. Clever trick. Careful, nobody argue with brian lest he be profiled for phallus insufficiency.
Which made me think, 'We need a LAW for that?"
Hail, Hail!!!
Americans “just don’t want the UN to be acting as a global nanny with a global permission slip stating whether they can own a gun or not,” LaPierre said. “It cheapens our rights as American citizens, and weakens our sovereignty,”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/07/11 ... z20RIJr8YR
doesn't anyone else find it weird that this guy complains about the UN dictating who can own a gun while at the same time the USA and the UN is telling other countries that they can't have weapons themselves.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."