The thing I like most about time is that it's not real. It's all in the head. Sure, it's a useful trick to use if you want to meet someone at a specific place in the universe and have tea or coffee- but that's all it is- a trick. There is no such thing as the past. It exists only in the memory. There is no such thing as the future. It exists only in our imagination. If our watches were truly accurate, the only thing they would ever say is "Now". That's what time it is. It's "Now". - Damien Echols
I can't see him from all of the orange-ness beside him. But Im probably with you.
Bionic Woman & the 6 million Dollar Man...I'm thinking they both had pretty nice asses...maybe there's something to this robot thing... :think:
Also... Iron Man.
Robocop too.
You're out?
Well that sucks.
I can only imagine. I've never twittered or tweeted but I have hooted at night now and then.
Friggin Senior Scientists :roll:
Abrn Hlls '98 - Clarkston 2 '03 - Grd Rpds '06 - Abrn Hlls '06 - Clvd '10 - PJ20 - Berlin 1+2 '12 - Wrigley '13 - Pitt '13- buff '13- Philly 1+2 '13 - Seattle '13
How old?
What kind?
'This boats not safe
And we're drowning.'
Go to bed!