there is a spot here in Des Moines, IA (Mullet's) that has Breakfast Meatloaf! soooooo good
THAT is fantastic!! I'm seriously a BIG fan right now!
The thing I like most about time is that it's not real. It's all in the head. Sure, it's a useful trick to use if you want to meet someone at a specific place in the universe and have tea or coffee- but that's all it is- a trick. There is no such thing as the past. It exists only in the memory. There is no such thing as the future. It exists only in our imagination. If our watches were truly accurate, the only thing they would ever say is "Now". That's what time it is. It's "Now". - Damien Echols
Sounds like your old boss is kind of an idiot :fp:
he had already left my old company, so i said hey, can i use you for a refrence....he said yup, 100% confedential
couple of days later he goes out to dinner with my dotted line boss and spills the boss drops the name of the company i'm interviewing with into a conversation... :fp:
a few closed door meetings later, and i have a promotion sitting on my desk.....well, more money and a crappy office, but same from that perspective it was good....
Sounds like your old boss is kind of an idiot :fp:
he had already left my old company, so i said hey, can i use you for a refrence....he said yup, 100% confedential
couple of days later he goes out to dinner with my dotted line boss and spills the boss drops the name of the company i'm interviewing with into a conversation... :fp:
a few closed door meetings later, and i have a promotion sitting on my desk.....well, more money and a crappy office, but same from that perspective it was good....
damn you glen hansard for playing at the 9:30 club the night before I have to drive 1000 miles to florida.
Are you going??
If it was any other day, I would def go..the 9:30 is one of my faves and I'd love to see glen again, but I'm assuming we'll be leaving extremely early the following day (and DC is about 2 hours away), so essentially I would get maybe 1-2 hours of sleep and then driving all day/night to that's a little too much. Hopefully glen will come back this way soon enough.
damn you glen hansard for playing at the 9:30 club the night before I have to drive 1000 miles to florida.
Are you going??
If it was any other day, I would def go..the 9:30 is one of my faves and I'd love to see glen again, but I'm assuming we'll be leaving extremely early the following day (and DC is about 2 hours away), so essentially I would get maybe 1-2 hours of sleep and then driving all day/night to that's a little too much. Hopefully glen will come back this way soon enough.
If it was any other day, I would def go..the 9:30 is one of my faves and I'd love to see glen again, but I'm assuming we'll be leaving extremely early the following day (and DC is about 2 hours away), so essentially I would get maybe 1-2 hours of sleep and then driving all day/night to that's a little too much. Hopefully glen will come back this way soon enough.
A real fan would go
I actually keep considering it...but I know the 2000 mile road trip/ 3 day festival, fly to Montana thing in one week is already going to kick my ass.
my computer shorted out the other day...zzzz...poof. not that i think it's some kind of plot by's just weird that happened to do it three years to the day of the date it was manufactured...
it's in gettin fixed...glad i still have a month left on the warranty...whew
my computer shorted out the other day...zzzz...poof. not that i think it's some kind of plot by's just weird that happened to do it three years to the day of the date it was manufactured...
it's in gettin fixed...glad i still have a month left on the warranty...whew
THAT is fantastic!! I'm seriously a BIG fan right now!
(I always root for the bulls anyway.)
I figure Darwinism can't do its thing fast enough, so I'm happy to assist in the process.
But if you are not using it you look like a tool walking around with it on your ear.
i'd be friggen broke in a week
can you delete recommendations?
my old boss that ratted me out when i was job shopping is trying to link me again. sorry, i don't think so tim.
Well you have to accept them first. I mean, the recommendation is actually really nice, it's just the person that wrote it that baffles me.
he had already left my old company, so i said hey, can i use you for a refrence....he said yup, 100% confedential
couple of days later he goes out to dinner with my dotted line boss and spills the boss drops the name of the company i'm interviewing with into a conversation... :fp:
a few closed door meetings later, and i have a promotion sitting on my desk.....well, more money and a crappy office, but same from that perspective it was good....
but still....people are idiots.
Sounds somewhat familiar. :think: ... 693449.php
wasn't there a PJ fan last year that jumped from a second level to the lower level at a show last year
I remember only the guy who fell from a hotel balcony last year. I think that was in Toronto.
Toronto is also correct
Are you going??
If it was any other day, I would def go..the 9:30 is one of my faves and I'd love to see glen again, but I'm assuming we'll be leaving extremely early the following day (and DC is about 2 hours away), so essentially I would get maybe 1-2 hours of sleep and then driving all day/night to that's a little too much. Hopefully glen will come back this way soon enough.
A real fan would go
But we'll all be so proud of you.
What's the saying... Sleep when you're dead.
it's in gettin fixed...glad i still have a month left on the warranty...whew
angels share laughter
Those fans are on a different level
in soup?
Me too... I never set a snooze though. I always fall asleep after the alarm goes off and hope to wake up before missing a class.
No alarm in the summer