Tell me about it. I'm so bummed. Summer's pretty much over, there's nothing more depressing!
I wish. It's like the height of summer here still, and way too hot. Everything is starting to die. The best part of fall is the sweaters, and I can't wear any. :(
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Tell me about it. I'm so bummed. Summer's pretty much over, there's nothing more depressing!
Fairly attractive too
i like tall girls...
She was taller than me, but, I'd be fine with it.
Football is the ONLY thing that gets me through winter!
how tall are you?
that's a tall ass girl.
i don't descriminate based on height.
tall women are weird...they are either super hot, or completly unattractive.
did you chase her down for her number.
She was pretty hot.
Would take home.
i do not wish to attend.
it's ruining my caffine buzz
You don't discriminate based on anything!
I mean, what?
you don't know me very well.
Dean Wormer?