Chewing with the mouth open. Pretty sure I've mentioned it before in this thread or elsewhere but goddammit it skeeves me out.
Anything. I was more thinking things that are coming unpeeled, liken decals or whatever, or a covering on something.
People eating with their mouths open are my #1 peeve, hands down. It is revolting, so rude, so uncouth, so loud, and it means the person doing it is so painfully oblivious to just the basics of living in a society that I can't even stand it. It will call people out when they do that. I don't care how awkward it gets, lol. It is completely unacceptable behavior IMO. They may as well just pick their nose at the dinner table.
The irony/beauty of this is that I'm reminded of the Chinese Restaurant ep of Seinfeld, where George yells "we're living in a society!"...and yet every time you see Jerry eating, mouth is wide open (and yes, lips smacking), talking through it, just normal shit. Sure!
We need more couthness.
Has it ever gotten really awkward when calling people out for it? I never have, just inwardly fumed.
Chewing with the mouth open. Pretty sure I've mentioned it before in this thread or elsewhere but goddammit it skeeves me out.
Anything. I was more thinking things that are coming unpeeled, liken decals or whatever, or a covering on something.
People eating with their mouths open are my #1 peeve, hands down. It is revolting, so rude, so uncouth, so loud, and it means the person doing it is so painfully oblivious to just the basics of living in a society that I can't even stand it. It will call people out when they do that. I don't care how awkward it gets, lol. It is completely unacceptable behavior IMO. They may as well just pick their nose at the dinner table.
The irony/beauty of this is that I'm reminded of the Chinese Restaurant ep of Seinfeld, where George yells "we're living in a society!"...and yet every time you see Jerry eating, mouth is wide open (and yes, lips smacking), talking through it, just normal shit. Sure!
We need more couthness.
Has it ever gotten really awkward when calling people out for it? I never have, just inwardly fumed.
Oh yes, it's very awkward, lol. That's because the adult who was acting like such a pig is very embarrassed that they've been called out for such rude behavior. The tend to act like their feelings have been hurt (which is ridiculous. They know as well as we do that you shouldn't eat with your mouth open, and slurp and suck, etc.). And I'm basically just there with a "suck it up, princess" attitude. The truth hurts, lol. Awkward! But fuck. Someone's got to stop them. Obviosly most people do what you do - inwardly fume. Meanwhile the person continues to make every person they dine with too sick to their stomachs to enjoy their own meals. They must be stopped!
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
the whole eating and food thing is one of the reasons I despised work potlucks...mixing up serving spoons, sneezing into dishes, not using serving utensils at all...
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
or 'thank you' when you do something nice like holding the door open for them...
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
or 'thank you' when you do something nice like holding the door open for them...
I will "YOU'RE WELCOME" a bitch so hard when this happens. I ain't your fuckin' butler I'm holding the door to be polite, you don't need to strut on through without so much as a nod like an entitled little shit who thinks s/he deserves doors to be opened for her/him.
Yea this has been happening a bit more often around here. So. Bugs me.
Women who feel the need to tell me they don't need a man to hold the door for them, that they are capable of doing it themselves. I know, I'm just being polite. It has nothing to do with you being a woman. If you were another man, I STILL would've held the door instead of let it close in your face.
or 'thank you' when you do something nice like holding the door open for them...
I will "YOU'RE WELCOME" a bitch so hard when this happens. I ain't your fuckin' butler I'm holding the door to be polite, you don't need to strut on through without so much as a nod like an entitled little shit who thinks s/he deserves doors to be opened for her/him.
Yea this has been happening a bit more often around here. So. Bugs me.
Women who feel the need to tell me they don't need a man to hold the door for them, that they are capable of doing it themselves. I know, I'm just being polite. It has nothing to do with you being a woman. If you were another man, I STILL would've held the door instead of let it close in your face.
When people let the door slam in my face I say "thanks for not holding the door open" or when they don't say 'thank you' I say "you're welcome, next time I'll let it slam in your face"
Most people are very nice and courteous here though.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Women who feel the need to tell me they don't need a man to hold the door for them, that they are capable of doing it themselves. I know, I'm just being polite. It has nothing to do with you being a woman. If you were another man, I STILL would've held the door instead of let it close in your face.
Ha! I have never once done this and don't get why anyone would. How do you hrrrmph at courtesy?
Forced updates. Whether my cpu, smartphone, or xbox. It makes me feel like the company is trying to get away with some shit. Let me look it over and decide.
bullshit generic ass duct tape that doesn't stick worth a darn loud eaters car stereos cranked up w/ stupid shit music goin ppl who don't open their home windows for fresh air & light
i will chop directly at a throat if they don't open the damn windows. i'll open the bastards my own self.
fans must be going in circles while sleeping or i get a case of terrible gas.
can't send out birthday or christmas cards w/out using 9 - 15 different types of colorful pens. if you can't do this simple detail i'm not talking to you for a few months.
ppl who doodoo on the floor in the greenhouse out back. yes it is outside kinda & may be transparent as if directly under the stars & trees but this is going overboard
guys who don't own clothes that are basically destroyed or almost destroyed. you fancy little shits might should be rolled around on the ground while eating soup & burritos & melted ice cream & change the oil & dangerously w/ blindfolds strapped around your eyes start handling industrial scissors for a living
People that are this lazy...there is a bay of 3 walk-up ATMs at this bank, none of which were being used.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Women who feel the need to tell me they don't need a man to hold the door for them, that they are capable of doing it themselves. I know, I'm just being polite. It has nothing to do with you being a woman. If you were another man, I STILL would've held the door instead of let it close in your face.
i think I inadvertently do this a lot. Especially since I've been using Uber (20% cash back for Capital One Quicksilver customers!) and a certain type of driver wants to be all professional and shit, but 99.99% of the time I'm getting in an Uber it's because I have to be somewhere and I'm running late. So like they'll pull up and start to get out of the car to open the door for me and I'm already halfway in the damn car and I'm 'nah it's cool, I got it' and I feel like I probably offend them. Worst was when I opened the man's trunk to put a large item i was transporting he was like "no no no I'll do it for you" I'm like "dude your trunk is completely empty I'm not gonna mess anything up, come on lets go". I've also been known to hold the door and insist some dude that came up behind me go rather than grab the door from me and have me go. I swear they think I'm being rude but I'm not. Chivalry is DOA in my generation so I'm not fuckin' used to that shit. I offended the crap out of some older dude at the disability transit office last week. I was waiting outside and he was going in with his walker so I ran and grabbed the door for him, then went in to grab the second door. He "harrumph"ed at me. Like it's my fuckin fault the disability transit office is not particularly accessible. I'm trying to pay it forward since someone did that for me getting mom in with the wheelchair.
Women who feel the need to tell me they don't need a man to hold the door for them, that they are capable of doing it themselves. I know, I'm just being polite. It has nothing to do with you being a woman. If you were another man, I STILL would've held the door instead of let it close in your face.
I say as a woman that that is an absolutely ridiculous and rude thing for a woman to say. I don't get it at all (Ident, I think you're talking about something else altogether, but nonetheless, always good to accept courtesy, but only if it's not actually inconveniencing you! )
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
ppl who doodoo on the floor in the greenhouse out back. yes it is outside kinda & may be transparent as if directly under the stars & trees but this is going overboard
chadwick, do people frequently confuse the greenhouse for an outhouse? That's disturbing.
Women who feel the need to tell me they don't need a man to hold the door for them, that they are capable of doing it themselves. I know, I'm just being polite. It has nothing to do with you being a woman. If you were another man, I STILL would've held the door instead of let it close in your face.
I would thank you profusely for your kindness. Please don't think that all women are this way.
Women who feel the need to tell me they don't need a man to hold the door for them, that they are capable of doing it themselves. I know, I'm just being polite. It has nothing to do with you being a woman. If you were another man, I STILL would've held the door instead of let it close in your face.
I would thank you profusely for your kindness. Please don't think that all women are this way.
Oh, certainly not! I never judge the many off the very few bad eggs.
more often than not old men with walkers might should be kicked in the shins, yes/no?
no way.
go easy. just messin around is all. i've been the old guy with a walker... both kinds even: the wheeled & the lift & shuffle along kind. had both knee replaced & was pretty grateful some snot nosed little rascal didn't kick me when i was down on my luck all hobbling around like a dick
I'm sure I've mentioned it but it deserves mentioning again:
It is not could/should/would/might OF. The word is HAVE. Or you can use the contracted form 'VE. But for the love of grammar, stop using OF. It is not correct, it never was correct, nor will it ever be correct. And besides that, it just doesn't make any sense.
I'm sure I've mentioned it but it deserves mentioning again:
It is not could/should/would/might OF. The word is HAVE. Or you can use the contracted form 'VE. But for the love of grammar, stop using OF. It is not correct, it never was correct, nor will it ever be correct. And besides that, it just doesn't make any sense.
You have mentioned it before, and every time I see someone use "of" instead of "have" I think of your post(s).
I'm sure I've mentioned it but it deserves mentioning again:
It is not could/should/would/might OF. The word is HAVE. Or you can use the contracted form 'VE. But for the love of grammar, stop using OF. It is not correct, it never was correct, nor will it ever be correct. And besides that, it just doesn't make any sense.
You have mentioned it before, and every time I see someone use "of" instead of "have" I think of your post(s).
Haha! It is definitely my biggest grammatical pet peeve! It has surpassed your/you're.
I'm sure I've mentioned it but it deserves mentioning again:
It is not could/should/would/might OF. The word is HAVE. Or you can use the contracted form 'VE. But for the love of grammar, stop using OF. It is not correct, it never was correct, nor will it ever be correct. And besides that, it just doesn't make any sense.
You have mentioned it before, and every time I see someone use "of" instead of "have" I think of your post(s).
Haha! It is definitely my biggest grammatical pet peeve! It has surpassed your/you're.
People saying "irregardless" is still one of my top pet peeves.
We need more couthness.
Has it ever gotten really awkward when calling people out for it? I never have, just inwardly fumed.
- Christopher McCandless
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
- Christopher McCandless
Yea this has been happening a bit more often around here. So. Bugs me.
Most people are very nice and courteous here though.
- Christopher McCandless
bullshit generic ass duct tape that doesn't stick worth a darn
loud eaters
car stereos cranked up w/ stupid shit music goin
ppl who don't open their home windows for fresh air & light
i will chop directly at a throat if they don't open the damn windows. i'll open the bastards my own self.
fans must be going in circles while sleeping or i get a case of terrible gas.
can't send out birthday or christmas cards w/out using 9 - 15 different types of colorful pens. if you can't do this simple detail i'm not talking to you for a few months.
ppl who doodoo on the floor in the greenhouse out back. yes it is outside kinda & may be transparent as if directly under the stars & trees but this is going overboard
guys who don't own clothes that are basically destroyed or almost destroyed. you fancy little shits might should be rolled around on the ground while eating soup & burritos & melted ice cream & change the oil & dangerously w/ blindfolds strapped around your eyes start handling industrial scissors for a living
talk about piss me off
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
- Christopher McCandless
Fuckiin' gender politics man. Complicated shit.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Here's a peeve - sheer stupidity. Willful stupidity!
Exhibit A: Commercial for AAA.
Grown man says "I had no idea it was so easy to switch auto insurance." What are you, a baby? Living in a bubble?
World's at your fingers, man. Do your due diligence, change the shit up and be done with it.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
It is not could/should/would/might OF. The word is HAVE. Or you can use the contracted form 'VE. But for the love of grammar, stop using OF. It is not correct, it never was correct, nor will it ever be correct. And besides that, it just doesn't make any sense.