Is it too early to ask for a response from the YIELD Campaigners?
Memphis 1994 New Orleans 1995 Fort Lauderdale 1996 Atlanta & Birmingham 1998 New Orleans 2000 Tampa 2003 Kissimmee 2004 New York City (x 2) 2008 East Troy (x 2) 2011 Chicago & New Orleans 2013 Hampton, Raleigh, Boston 2016 Baltimore2020 Louisville 2022 Philadelphia & Baltimore 2024
How bullshit is it that Riot Act gets more songs than Yield?????? I wasn't part of the Yield campaign, but seriously, great fucking crowd, lots of energy from the band, very, very lackluster, dissapointing setlist. Still, I had a ton of fun at the show with the crowd and the band's energy.
Now that is funny. How much energy do you guys have to waste until you all learn PJ does not do requests? How long did it take for them to cave to leash?
And your gonna get all yield? I must say, I am thankful they did not give in. God forbid my favorite band starts the request crapola.
Now that is funny. How much energy do you guys have to waste until you all learn PJ does not do requests? How long did it take for them to cave to leash?
And your gonna get all yield? I must say, I am thankful they did not give in. God forbid my favorite band starts the request crapola.
Glad you enjoyed the show
It wasn't as much Yield, but the fact that it was the worst setlist I've seen out of 28 shows. The crowd was one of the best. Still a fun night, but I just think of what could have been....
Is it too early to ask for a response from the YIELD Campaigners?
My response is simple. We asked them to play some YIELD songs for us...They chose not to. Am I disappointed? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit. But at the same time, I still enjoyed the show and had a great time meeting everyone before the show. I have no regrets and I would do it all again just for the slightest chance of hearing more than 2 YIELD songs at a show. Bottom line is, it's impossible not to have a great time at a Pearl Jam show, so I walk away from the show feeling good about it.
--"I'm like an opening band for the sun"
--"We’re taking pills to get along with life… the pills are YIELD and PJ’s music. Then we create words to call our own = our analysis of YIELD." - YIH
It wasn't as much Yield, but the fact that it was the worst setlist I've seen out of 28 shows. The crowd was one of the best. Still a fun night, but I just think of what could have been....
with only two ten songs,two rocking songs off vs. and plenty of the new one,no code,vitalogy and riot act i thought it was one of the best sets of any shows i have much as i love binaural,i wasnt bummed it was forgotten because i didnt have to hear black for the 18th time.
My boy saw gracie's sign during the show although I missed it myself... Apparently she was spotted by him after the show as well and heard her say something along these lines... "I fly all the way in from New York and get two fucking Yield songs... and Evolution doesn't even count." Gracie, I'm hoping this was you and I felt your pain.
The crowd was really solid, the band played well and EV had some great asides during the show. I expected more after flying almost 4,000 miles in 03' for 3 shows, one of which was Cincy. There was obvious speculation about the the number of songs and potential for rarities being played. Couple those ideas with the Yield campaign and I thought we were going to be in for one of those evenings that makes fans who weren't in attendance extremely jealous. Somebody also alluded before the show to the typical PJ practice of making up for lost time when they revisit a city that had a cancellation the last time around.
The Pittsburgh setlist looked a little better, in my opinion. I still had a great time, 13th row, outer aisle, Stone's side. One of the highlights was the dad with his boy a few rows ahead of us. My buddy and I were in the concessions line and struck up conversation with them and I asked the little fella (I think he's 5 or 6 years old) if this was his first show. Nope - his third. It looked like they had a great time. Security was pretty lax although I was told if I was caught jamming outside of my seat area again that I'd get the boot. A guy can't jam at a fucking rock concert??? WTF!? Also, the crowd really did jam but I had three couples around me that pretty much stood as statues during the whole show. I can't fathom how people don't get into it a little bit more...
Was hoping for more songs but the boys sounded strong and the crowd was solid. They should've closed with All Those Yesterdays - at least to break out a rarity and give the Yield faithfull a stronger taste. Loved it during Leash when Ed was saying, "Fuck you, Ann Coulter". That was during Leash, no?
My next show and last of the tour is Summerfest next Friday. I know PJ's setlist is going to be shorter but I've no doubts it'll be great. I'm just hoping to not catch a lot of the regulars and that the boys don't feel compelled to make it a bit more listener friendly considering that a large portion of the crowd will be there for Petty. I imagine the Thursday show will be more introductory with a fair number of hits and hopefully the second night sees some crazy shit. As long as they have the same energy they did last night, it's gonna be awesome.
See y'all next week!
Trading magic for fact, no tradebacks... So this is what it's like to be an adult...
Is it too early to ask for a response from the YIELD Campaigners?
Even though we didn't get as much YIELD as we hoped, we still had a fun time with the campaign and getting together in Cincinnatti. More to MINNESOTA!!!
My boy saw gracie's sign during the show although I missed it myself... Apparently she was spotted by him after the show as well and heard her say something along these lines... "I fly all the way in from New York and get two fucking Yield songs... and Evolution doesn't even count." Gracie, I'm hoping this was you and I felt your pain.
yup. that was me.
i was bitching for the first 10 minutes after the show ended but it quickly dissolved and i realized what a fucking tight show it was. save it for later was the highlight for me. holy fucking shit.
Kenneth Boom Gasper went fuckin' off for Crazy Mary...all the naysayer's will now be silence.
YIH/Fanch...sorry...I'm not a rockstar...I can't stay up until 4:00am The wife and I were tired, so we just went back to the Comfort Suites and continued watching Three's Company until we fell asleep.
It was great seeing everyone.
Grace...I hope the south treated you and Becks well.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
This was a fun show. Even though the entire YIELD album wasn't played that night. Little did we know at the time that it would played over 8 years later in Milwaukee.....
This was a fun show. Even though the entire YIELD album wasn't played that night. Little did we know at the time that it would played over 8 years later in Milwaukee.....
Brother PhillyPJ!! Just checking in here after the new album release stuff. We took our shot but fell short. I can't believe they played YIELD the show immediately after my last one of that tour. If I hadn't been at the No Code show, I would have really been upset.
Hopefully they add a Cincinnati stop to the 2nd Leg of the 2020 North American Tour. And hopefully they play lots of YIELD songs at that show.
I was surprised they didn't have a Philly stop on the first leg. A travesty, I say! At my last show in Seattle I got Brain of J and IN HIDING, so my YIELD cup was full that night.
This is true. Was listening to the Avocado commentary on SIriusXM last weekend and it brought back a ton of memories including $5 PBR at the Cincy show. Also wish I had gone to Camden that year!
EVOLUTION would have been sufficient, thank you very much. :(
here we are.
I think it was a great, organized campaign.
Seems like the boys are in the know.
Will be checking the setlist tonight with eager anticipation.
have a blast all!
Thanks for your kind words.
See ya'll on the other side.
i'm out for now. have to go get ready....woo hoo! here we go...
~it is shining it is shining~
New Orleans 1995
Fort Lauderdale 1996
Atlanta & Birmingham 1998
New Orleans 2000
Tampa 2003
Kissimmee 2004
New York City (x 2) 2008
East Troy (x 2) 2011
Chicago & New Orleans 2013
Hampton, Raleigh, Boston 2016
Baltimore 2020
Louisville 2022
Philadelphia & Baltimore 2024
Edit: As many Who covers as Yield songs.
And your gonna get all yield? I must say, I am thankful they did not give in. God forbid my favorite band starts the request crapola.
Glad you enjoyed the show
It wasn't as much Yield, but the fact that it was the worst setlist I've seen out of 28 shows. The crowd was one of the best. Still a fun night, but I just think of what could have been....
My response is simple. We asked them to play some YIELD songs for us...They chose not to. Am I disappointed? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit. But at the same time, I still enjoyed the show and had a great time meeting everyone before the show. I have no regrets and I would do it all again just for the slightest chance of hearing more than 2 YIELD songs at a show. Bottom line is, it's impossible not to have a great time at a Pearl Jam show, so I walk away from the show feeling good about it.
--"We’re taking pills to get along with life… the pills are YIELD and PJ’s music. Then we create words to call our own = our analysis of YIELD." - YIH
with only two ten songs,two rocking songs off vs. and plenty of the new one,no code,vitalogy and riot act i thought it was one of the best sets of any shows i have much as i love binaural,i wasnt bummed it was forgotten because i didnt have to hear black for the 18th time.
Um, we got 2 YIELD songs. DTE and Wishlist.
--"We’re taking pills to get along with life… the pills are YIELD and PJ’s music. Then we create words to call our own = our analysis of YIELD." - YIH
there were two,wishlist and dte.
The crowd was really solid, the band played well and EV had some great asides during the show. I expected more after flying almost 4,000 miles in 03' for 3 shows, one of which was Cincy. There was obvious speculation about the the number of songs and potential for rarities being played. Couple those ideas with the Yield campaign and I thought we were going to be in for one of those evenings that makes fans who weren't in attendance extremely jealous. Somebody also alluded before the show to the typical PJ practice of making up for lost time when they revisit a city that had a cancellation the last time around.
The Pittsburgh setlist looked a little better, in my opinion. I still had a great time, 13th row, outer aisle, Stone's side. One of the highlights was the dad with his boy a few rows ahead of us. My buddy and I were in the concessions line and struck up conversation with them and I asked the little fella (I think he's 5 or 6 years old) if this was his first show. Nope - his third. It looked like they had a great time. Security was pretty lax although I was told if I was caught jamming outside of my seat area again that I'd get the boot. A guy can't jam at a fucking rock concert??? WTF!? Also, the crowd really did jam but I had three couples around me that pretty much stood as statues during the whole show. I can't fathom how people don't get into it a little bit more...
Was hoping for more songs but the boys sounded strong and the crowd was solid. They should've closed with All Those Yesterdays - at least to break out a rarity and give the Yield faithfull a stronger taste. Loved it during Leash when Ed was saying, "Fuck you, Ann Coulter". That was during Leash, no?
My next show and last of the tour is Summerfest next Friday. I know PJ's setlist is going to be shorter but I've no doubts it'll be great. I'm just hoping to not catch a lot of the regulars and that the boys don't feel compelled to make it a bit more listener friendly considering that a large portion of the crowd will be there for Petty. I imagine the Thursday show will be more introductory with a fair number of hits and hopefully the second night sees some crazy shit. As long as they have the same energy they did last night, it's gonna be awesome.
See y'all next week!
Even though we didn't get as much YIELD as we hoped, we still had a fun time with the campaign and getting together in Cincinnatti. More to MINNESOTA!!!
yup. that was me.
i was bitching for the first 10 minutes after the show ended but it quickly dissolved and i realized what a fucking tight show it was. save it for later was the highlight for me. holy fucking shit.
thanks natti for putting up with an nyc girl.
Kenneth Boom Gasper went fuckin' off for Crazy Mary...all the naysayer's will now be silence.
YIH/Fanch...sorry...I'm not a rockstar...I can't stay up until 4:00am
It was great seeing everyone.
Grace...I hope the south treated you and Becks well.
Wishlist Foundation:
Hopefully they add a Cincinnati stop to the 2nd Leg of the 2020 North American Tour. And hopefully they play lots of YIELD songs at that show.
This is true. Was listening to the Avocado commentary on SIriusXM last weekend and it brought back a ton of memories including $5 PBR at the Cincy show.