Axl Says "Thanks, But No Thanks" About HOF

"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Wishlist Foundation:
Wishlist Foundation:
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I'm not saying he's right or wrong. I just wonder if this is something he will regret down the road.
Axl WHO???
I think Slash should just turn up with the rest of the old lineup and Myles Kennedy in tow and blow the roof off that mofo.
Screw Axl. I hate drama queens. Even when they are men.
Agree talk about an egotistical idiot ....
Whatever problems he thinks exist...he believes he is correct.
As goofy as Axl has been over the years, I give him credit for taking a stand and explaining his point of view.
Again, not that I fully agree with it, but I can respect it.
Wishlist Foundation:
Yeah, he's an arrogant bitch but Axl has a one of a kind voice and is fantastic front man.
It sounds like he's doing it to squash an future reunion rumors and I can't really blame him for that.
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
You did notice that G 'n R Greatest Hits was back in the top 10 during/following the club tour? Has any of those guys (as much as I like them all, too) done that with ANY of their albums?
Interpret that how you will - popular doesn't matter, it's a greatest hits, it's new fans (which would be an ironic rationalization). But, it MEANS something.
Myles Kennedy is not doing that. Sorry. Yes, Axl can seem a bit much at times. But, if you read what he wrote, it's actually well thought out, and you can see what he can't come right out and say, but is getting at. The fact is DJ Ashba is every bit the guitarist Slash is (yes, I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the original line-up), and he's more accomplished in other areas (producing, etc.).
There's a clear disagreement between the group (and if Steven Adler, of all people involved, is on YOUR side, you're not starting off with a good team). And with such things, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. However, musically, nothing Slash has done since touches what he did with G 'n R, and his current versions while good, are missing 1 important ingredient - Axl. So, ultimately, Axl holds the cards.
So, the opinions of Axl may be proper. I for one would prefer to see G 'n R as it is currently constituted with Axl, then your "dream" line up with a pretender up front. That's like wanting Page to play with Coverdale and being happy about it.
True, but I have no idea what that has to do with anything. It certainly makes me appreciate PJ20 more, and how they handle their 2ndary bands. But, mainly because it highlights how many more bands are disfunctional like G 'n R than work like PJ (I'm sure you catch how much Eddie gushes over Matt - it's b/c the guy saved the band - as he himself has said. There was something more going on, or we'd be talking about them the same way. Of course, the maturity of the guys to "get over it" speaks volumes, but still. There but by the grace of whoever go they.... Except, PJ would be a footnote of broken bands that we wish were still together. Axl takes so much crap b/c he's considered one of the greatest front men of all time - sorry, Eddie)
However, it doesn't make me grateful.
Great post!!
Axl is a key ingredient as are the other guys...Izzy, Duff, and Adler. Slash is great but he's always needed other people to take his work from bare bones hard blues rock to something a little more. If what ended up as Snakepit material is truly indicative of what Slash was bringing to the table in the latter days of GnR I can't really blame Axl for not being into it. It was a huge step back for them. They were never gonna be this hugely progressive band, but there's something missing in the arrangements of alot of Slash's work away from GnR.
Chinese Democracy sounds alot closer in several to real GnR than the majority of the stuff Slash has done.
I don't wanna come off as some big Axl fan. I dig Slash's playing and he seems like a cool dude, and we all know Axl has done a gob of dumb shit. I'd say I'm even more excited about Slash's future output than anything the new lineup has to offer. I'm just trying to step outside all the image bullshit that these guys put in the press and give it a fair shake.
No it's not. Paul didn't own the name. Axl does. So, Paul would have been working for John, George and Ringo if he did that. Plus, if you listen to Chinese Democracy, you would have no idea the others weren't involved. It's a natural evolution of their sound.
If you listen to Wings, you'd know someone else was on keyboards.
If PJ is elected in a few years, and the RRHOF said - nope - only Dave A. can come. Not Matt, Not Boom. They'll get first dibs at BUYING a ticket to the show, but no go on the acceptance -
WWED? What would Ed do?
How many threads have you put this in now? Ok. We get it. There's an overblown story of Tommy H hitting Axl.
Your avatar is awesome, by the way. Goes with your "discussion point."
I will probably put it in every thread about Guns N Roses when I'm in the mood to post anyway. I didn't beat him up, it was a 60 year old clothing mogul who did it so don't be mad at me.
Is the guy who wears the Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket on his head going to be there too?
Wow! Callaway you are something else. Guns N Roses are/were a great rock band and helped usher in bands like Pearl Jam & Nirvana by destroying the hair metal scene. You can bad mouth Guns all you want but as Kurt Cobain once said "Pearl Jam has a lot more in common with guns N roses than the Melvins". If you cant hear that than you are deaf. Ten is the '90's version of Appetite in my opinion.
Not disagreeing with the rest of your post. But the greatest hits wasn't in the top 10 because of the club tour. Amazon was selling it for 25 cents.
So, if they sold Slash's Snakepit for 10 cents it would shoot to the top 10? Not trying to put him down, but I'm guessing most folks wouldn't even know it existed.
EDIT: But truthfully, I did not know that to be the case. I'm only laying this out if it was.
Izzy told Duff/Slash over a week ago that he wasn't going.
Furthermore, Axl was not going to allow a bunch of hacks at the Hall try and dictate when (and if) the original GNR lineup would get back together. Screw the Hall. Long live dysfunctional rock stars!!!!!!!
Gibson Amphitheatre (Los Angeles): 10/7/09
I would too. And I would NOT pay to see Axl and nuGnR. So that says something.
Of course the impression is gonna be that Axl sings the old GnR songs 'better' than Myles - he sang them originally, and many of the lyrics were his. And anyone else singing them sounds sort of cover-ish, even if they are singing with Slash.
However, IMO, Myles Kennedy has the better voice...and I'll but Starlight up against pretty much any GnR song (certainly any recent GnR song - no contest!!) and give Myles the nod on sound. Myles Kennedy is a great singer with an incredible range. Just listen to Summergirl from his Mayfield Four days - we are talking Chris Cornell range here.
Plus, and this is a HUGE plus - he's not a Massive Fucking Douchebag. I don't care what kind of talent Axl has - he's an asshole of epic proportions. A guy who is so All About ME that he can't see anything except in terms of how it effects HIM. And every time he doesn't get his way or what he believes to be the appropriate amount of worship and adoration from everyone around him, he pouts like a toddler and pitches hissy fits. And frankly, I'm over it.
I hope Slash rounds up the rest of the original GnR, grabs Myles Kennedy, and rocks the house at the HoF. Since Axl wants to act like a child, he can sit at home and watch it on TV. Because frankly, this was was last straw for me and Axl Rose. I'm done with him. Axl needs to save his drama for his mama more than anyone in the fucking universe.