I was so excited to receive my e-mail from the new (tiny) theater right by my house that they'll be playing there on a Saturday night in August. Then clicked to look at prices - $90 with charges? Sorry, can't justify that. Oh, well. That seems overpriced for them to me for this band (even in this small a venue). I guess I'll pass and hope everyone that wants in, gets in (which at this price, I can't imagine would be a problem). If anyone wants the Venue early on sale password for the Paramount in Huntington, PM me.
Funny side note - that's about what G 'n R was priced at for Roseland, and I didn't even think twice about it(and it was worth every penny and then some).
Seriously? That's a shame.
I paid $62/ticket for the NYC Irving Plaza show, and that included $10 for VIP Fast Lane and $12.50 TM service charge.
I was so excited to receive my e-mail from the new (tiny) theater right by my house that they'll be playing there on a Saturday night in August. Then clicked to look at prices - $90 with charges? Sorry, can't justify that. Oh, well. That seems overpriced for them to me for this band (even in this small a venue). I guess I'll pass and hope everyone that wants in, gets in (which at this price, I can't imagine would be a problem). If anyone wants the Venue early on sale password for the Paramount in Huntington, PM me.
Funny side note - that's about what G 'n R was priced at for Roseland, and I didn't even think twice about it(and it was worth every penny and then some).
Seriously? That's a shame.
I paid $62/ticket for the NYC Irving Plaza show, and that included $10 for VIP Fast Lane and $12.50 TM service charge.
Full disclosure - there are $52 tickets, also. But, kind of silly that the top level is the same as other top acts. I'm not even sure I'd pay that to sit in the back.
At Irving, it is interesting that the floor is the cheaper price vs. Loge which is $85. I've never been there, so I'm not understanding that. If Paramount is the same where floor is cheaper than the seats in the back, then maybe it's not quite as bad. I guess you pay more to stay out of the crowd? :? I'll have to see once they go on sale. You can't tell which seats are which price until the go on sale (I could call, but it's not that important).
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
Full disclosure - there are $52 tickets, also. But, kind of silly that the top level is the same as other top acts. I'm not even sure I'd pay that to sit in the back.
At Irving, it is interesting that the floor is the cheaper price vs. Loge which is $85. I've never been there, so I'm not understanding that. If Paramount is the same where floor is cheaper than the seats in the back, then maybe it's not quite as bad. I guess you pay more to stay out of the crowd? :? I'll have to see once they go on sale. You can't tell which seats are which price until the go on sale (I could call, but it's not that important).
Yeah, I didn't get that either. And if you did "Best Available", the floor tickets came up every single time. I think the Loge is "better" only if you are right by the rail and close to the stage but it feels removed from the concert to me. And there might be stools for you to sit on. I think this is typically the VIP area for friends & family (and if you pass out and a kind bouncer takes pity on you :oops: :oops: )
I got floor for this show + VIP fast lane. I'm going to try to get up close for this one Why the hell not!
Yeah, I didn't get that either. And if you did "Best Available", the floor tickets came up every single time. I think the Loge is "better" only if you are right by the rail and close to the stage but it feels removed from the concert to me. And there might be stools for you to sit on. I think this is typically the VIP area for friends & family (and if you pass out and a kind bouncer takes pity on you :oops: :oops: )
I got floor for this show + VIP fast lane. I'm going to try to get up close for this one Why the hell not!
Yep. If you're going to do it, no sense standing in the back. But, I don't think you'll get right to the front. Fast lane just lets you skip the line. You don't get in early. It's more to allow you to hang out at a bar until doors open and still get to the head of the line. Also, there are probably actual VIP tickets for folks that will get a "head start." But, no matter. When I went to GnR at Roseland, I was able to get about 6 deep from the stage and I didn't even go in until after the opener had started and didn't go to the front until just before they came on.
I can't imagine the Slash crowd could be much rougher than GnR (some interesting folks there).
I also agree about the loge stuff. Most places like that you are above the stage, but slightly removed. Other than if you need the bathroom constantly, I don't see the point of that (and then pay extra!!! - so I do wonder if it's the same thing at this place. The Paramount is so new, and I've only been to 1 show and the floor was reserved seating which is rare).
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
But, I don't think you'll get right to the front. Fast lane just lets you skip the line. You don't get in early. It's more to allow you to hang out at a bar until doors open and still get to the head of the line.
But, I don't think you'll get right to the front. Fast lane just lets you skip the line. You don't get in early. It's more to allow you to hang out at a bar until doors open and still get to the head of the line.
:( You really know how to break a girl's heart.
I'm not sure. Irving may be different. Check and see if there are separate VIP tickets for that show. I've just seen it for other stuff, and that's the way it works. To break your heart further - I don't know if they limit those. So, the Fast lane may be as long as the regular (I kid. I kid.). I'm sure it'll still be worth it. Standing in line sucks. If I could pay $10 to bypass everytime I stood in a long line in my life, I'd be a poorer, but happier man!
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
But, I don't think you'll get right to the front. Fast lane just lets you skip the line. You don't get in early. It's more to allow you to hang out at a bar until doors open and still get to the head of the line.
:( You really know how to break a girl's heart.
I'm not sure. Irving may be different. Check and see if there are separate VIP tickets for that show. I've just seen it for other stuff, and that's the way it works. To break your heart further - I don't know if they limit those. So, the Fast lane may be as long as the regular (I kid. I kid.). I'm sure it'll still be worth it. Standing in line sucks. If I could pay $10 to bypass everytime I stood in a long line in my life, I'd be a poorer, but happier man!
If there were, it's not being publicized publicly. I wouldn't shell out for VIP tickets anyway, I think that's a load of horse shit. $10 to bypass something seems worth it. Or maybe just a very good way to make additional cash!
Plus, I only want to be near them, I don't want to meet them, I would probably pass out at the sight of Myles' abs
Just realized I'm seeing them next weekend at Rock on the Range in Ohio! Not realizing Myles Kennedy was on the new album and just finding it out earlier today got me even more excited (I was really going to just see Incubus)!!!!! Plus I got $20 GA tickets which are normally $100 for the weekend = :thumbup:
VIP Packages for Slash at the Paramount in Huntington, LI:
$1,899!!!! You get: For every 2 Premier tickets purchased, you will receive: 2 Early Entry Access into Venue (GA Shows Only,) 1 Signed Slash Les Paul Electric Guitar. 2 Meet & Greet with Slash, 2 Limited Edition Tour Lithographs, 2 Commemorative VIP Laminates, and 2 Guitar Pick Tins.
So you have to spend $3,800!!!!! I guess you do get an autographed guitar.
$500! You get: Package includes 1 Premium Ticket or GA Ticket with Early Entry , 1 Meet & Greet with Slash, 1 Limited Edition Tour Lithograph, 1 Commemorative VIP Laminate, and 1 Guitar Pick Tin.
$200! You get: Package includes 1 Premium Ticket or GA Ticket , 1 Limited Edition Tour Lithograph, 1 Commemorative VIP Laminate, and 1 Guitar Pick Tin.
All above packages also come with a special case of syphillis provided by one of his very good fans.
And they say Axl's living off his work from 20 years ago. This is for a guy who's last album sold 13 copies (disclaimer: Count inexact. We may have missed 1 or 3). Who's the suckers that are buying those things?
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
Can't wait to see these guys next week! I'm listening to Promise which features Chris Cornell. It would be so fantastic if he made an appearance. Technically possible because he doesn't have any shows scheduled, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
mine were $35 each. I bought 2, with fees = $89. they were the third band and it was a work night. we timed it perfectly. we walked into the venue when they came on stage
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Saw them yesterday. Myles sounded GREAT and I really dug him on the Velvet Revolver they did. New stuff sounded good too! I couldn't see myself listening to the new stuff regularly just because it isn't my particular taste, but they were a good fucking time. Enjoy the shows!!
Saw them yesterday. Myles sounded GREAT and I really dug him on the Velvet Revolver they did. New stuff sounded good too! I couldn't see myself listening to the new stuff regularly just because it isn't my particular taste, but they were a good fucking time. Enjoy the shows!!
Yeah Myles is one of the best live singers I've heard, he takes a lot of care of his voice, and it shows.
Saw them yesterday. Myles sounded GREAT and I really dug him on the Velvet Revolver they did. New stuff sounded good too! I couldn't see myself listening to the new stuff regularly just because it isn't my particular taste, but they were a good fucking time. Enjoy the shows!!
Yeah Myles is one of the best live singers I've heard, he takes a lot of care of his voice, and it shows.
Absolutely. I wholeheartedly agree. I think he has one of the best voices in rock right now, undoubtedly. They were my surprise highlight of the day.
They really rocked. I was front row, right in front of the heart of the pit and it got surprisingly crAAAAzy. People were going apeshit for them.
HOLY FUCK!!!! That was pretty amazing. Slash is great and all but Myles... I have no words. Very true about him taking care of his voice. The entire band is pretty darn awesome. I wish they would have a proper band name rather than Slash + bla bla bla. I was too chicken to go right up the stage even though I could have but eventually found my way close to it anyway.
They said something about coming back this way August & September. God I hope they mean NYC and not NYC-area. Unless they are doing Philly in which case I would HAVE to go I HAVE TO SEE THEM AGAIN!
Glasgow cathouse-1992-2-23, San diego sports arena-1995-11-06 & 07, Glasgow secc-2000-06-03, Tampa st petes times forum-2003-04-13, London O2 arena-2009-08-18, Belfast odyssey arena-2010-06-23.Leeds 2014 - 07-08
Loving the new album too! I wasn't sure at the first pass, but after hearing some of it live and then listening to it now on headphones, it's awesome! Different from Slash's first album that had all the collaborations. Really liking Apocalyptic Love at the moment. Great song to kick off the album.
At Irving Plaza, Todd Kern's the bassist sang Doctor Alibi, and he was fantastic. He was a lot of fun to watch on stage, in addition to Myles and Slash.
Myles Kennedy on Working With Slash, Drugs and the End of the World
Posted on May 23rd 2012 11:00AM by Karen Bliss
In discussing his 2010 self-titled album that features various singers from Lemmy to Fergie, Slash called Alter Bridge frontman Myles Kennedy "the big discovery of making the record." Now Kennedy is the only singer on Slash's new album, Apocalyptic Love (out this week), which is billed as "Slash with Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators." The Conspirators are drummer Brent Fitz and bassist Todd Kerns.
Kennedy talked with Noisecreep about what it's like to work with Slash, the status of Alter Bridge, and why his Shih Tsu named Sigmund feels the need to interrupt the interview.
You came in essentially last minute for two songs on Slash's last album. When did you know you would end up collaborating on the next album and be the only lead vocalist?
We started talking about it back in the summer of 2010 when we first started touring his first solo record. He mentioned that he was really happy with the band, just the overall vibe and just brought the idea up one morning at breakfast. He was like, 'Hey would you be interested in doing like a whole record and taking this out [on the road]?' and I said, 'Absolutely.'
[Suddenly the interview is interrupted by a high-pitch wail]. Is that a dog or a siren [laughs]?
When I talk on the phone, he gets jealous. He likes to make it know that he doesn't like that. He often does that when I sing. If I'm writing songs or just working on my voice, he'll start piping up, just like that.
How do you determine what will be an Alter Bridge idea and what you would give to Slash? Or it it simply because you are writing in that moment with and for Slash?
Yeah, that's generally how it works. He, for the most part, will send ideas, as far as riffs or chord progressions with a certain feel and then generally I come up with a melody and a lyric for that. If it's just a section, I'll say, 'Hey what do you think of this chorus idea?' as far as a chord progression or something. So a lot of times, it's finishing off what he will send my way. So it's not like I'm writing full songs or full parts and setting it aside for Slash because, generally, I like him to make the first move and hear where he's coming from and what his concepts are and then I build from there.
Watch Slash's "Back From Cali" Video
Lyrically, you start on your own?
Yeah, that's generally my job and it was my job on his first solo record, on "Starlight" and "Back in Cali." That was basically my role with the melody and the lyrics on both of those. It's kind of the same approach. That was really challenging for me on this record because his feel and his stories that I hear, and this genre of music - something that's played from the hip - is very different than I would try and do with Alter Bridge. So it was a lot of work and a lot of rewrites [laughs] on my part to make sure it fit and I was happy with it before I went in and sung the song.
I understand a lot of the lyrics are about your past experience with drugs?
Yeah, there's one song called "Not for Me" and a song called "Hard & Fast," which definitely hearken back to a period in my life with certain substances and alcohol where I was kind of - for lack of a better word - experimenting because I really, through high school and most of the early part of my adult years, didn't really do much in the way of partying. And then for some strange reason, I kind of woke up one day and just did a total about-face and did things and went down a road that to this day, when I think bout it now, 13 years after the fact, I'm like 'Wow, that's pretty amazing.'
So it was that long ago. What make you even draw it for lyrics?
I think just the vibe of some of the songs, just a certain mood. It kind of took me back to that part of my life. Also, some of it came form having conversations with Slash about that period in his life and also with Todd. I remember one day, Todd and I were talking on our way to the studio about when we were younger and things we used to do. Actually, with one song, 'Hard & Fast,' some of that came from [the fact that] I'd just been reading Glenn Hughes' autobiography [From Deep Purple to Back Country Communion] and he talks about that a lot, the things he went through in his years of substance abuse. So I was kind of drawing from all these different things and my own experiences.
What is the first single, "You're A Lie," about?
A lot of people think it's a song strictly about being betrayed and it certainly can be taken that way, but for me, in my head, it was there's that little voice sometimes that lives inside all of us that makes us doubt ourselves, that makes us question our strengths and our abilities, and that song is an anthem to call that out and take any sort of power away from that.
And the title track?
"Apocalyptic Love," that is pretty from the hip in the sense that one day Slash and I were talking - I think it was Slash and I - about the end of the world and the Mayan calendar and all that crazy stuff. Everybody's got that apocalypse fever right now. I remember thinking, 'Well what if that was true? What if December 21 came about and it was the last day on earth, what would you do? What would do with your last few moments remaining on earth? That's what that's about.
Will you be slowly incorporating more songs from the album into the live set?
I hope so. We're all really excited to play them. They're like little babies for us. The album comes out May 22, so obviously you don't want to play a ton of new material that people haven't heard and aren't familiar with the songs. It's a lot to ask an audience. When they have more time with the record, hopefully we'll start incorporating more songs in the set.
What is the status of Alter Bridge for the next album?
The next album, there's talk of reconvening next year and starting work on it, so I'm gonna be out with Slash and the Conspirators this year and I know they've got a string of Creed dates they're doing [Alter Bridge features three members of Creed].
And you have a solo album in the can?
Yeah I've had that sitting there since last 2009.
What are you waiting for?
The apocalypse [laughs].
We won't need it then.
Exactly [laughs]. Actually, I'm just waiting for a window of time to release it and do a little bit of touring. Just go out with an acoustic guitar.
So is it more singer-songwriter type of album?
Yeah. It's more singer-songwriter based.
Was thinking how well-rounded and accomplished Slash's whole band is. Very easily, Todd could front the band. He's a great singer too and songwriter. It's great when amazing musicians don't have that kind of ego or people used to the spotlight can happily just play an instrument. What is the dynamic like with the entire band?
That is pretty amazing. Todd is our secret weapon and we're all pretty aware of it. He's a crazy talent. He's a great songwriter and a great singer and a great bass player and great guitar player. He can do it all. And Brent's the same way. Not only can he play drums, but he can also sit down and play piano beautifully. He's definitely a very well-rounded musician and Slash obviously is brilliant. So the thing that's interesting about the dynamic with the four of us when we made the record was there was no drama because everybody keeps their ego out of it. In fact, I don't even sense that anybody has got a huge ego, which is great. It just makes for a real comfortable environment. And now Frank [Sidoris] is touring with us as well and, same thing, he's just really low key, low maintenance and chill. It's just really healthy is the best way to articulate it.
With two transplanted Canadians in the band, Todd and Brent, are they getting you hooked on anything weird from Canada like ketchup or pickle chips?
Well, they definitely love Tim Horton's [a ubiquitous coffee and donut chain] and, I have to say, I totally agree because when I toured with Big Wreck and Watchmen back in 1999, I fell in love with Tim Horton's. I wish they had more Tim Horton's here in the States. I hear they are starting to make their way which is great.
Here's another one for you Su!!
Taken at Soundwave with Alter Bridge
“ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)
Adelaide 1998
Adelaide 2003
Adelaide 2006 night 1
Adelaide 2006 night 2
Adelaide 2009
Melbourne 2009
Christchurch NZ 2009
Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
Its refreshing to see a guy like Myles make it in music and be recognized by great artists because the dude is just beyond talented. An out of this world singer and actually an even better guitar player. I can't imagine what Mark Tremonti & co thought when they started Alter Bridge and now had Myles as a singer. He farts more musical ability each morning than Stapp would ever have in his entire life.
My only gripe is I feel Myles compromises a bit when playing with Slash to try and sound like Axl. But he pulls it off because he range is just that good. How many people have actually fronted two legit rock bands simultaneously?
PJ - 36
EV - 5
(**Letterman'02, Irving Plaza, Storytellers, Beacon, ACL, Spectrum 3&4, Bridge School '10**)
"Constant recoil,..sometimes life don't leave you alone."
Let's connect on twitter - @Jeffgorra
Its refreshing to see a guy like Myles make it in music and be recognized by great artists because the dude is just beyond talented. An out of this world singer and actually an even better guitar player. I can't imagine what Mark Tremonti & co thought when they started Alter Bridge and now had Myles as a singer. He farts more musical ability each morning than Stapp would ever have in his entire life.
My only gripe is I feel Myles compromises a bit when playing with Slash to try and sound like Axl. But he pulls it off because he range is just that good. How many people have actually fronted two legit rock bands simultaneously?
My general gripe about this whole Slash thing is his I don't think it takes full advantage of Myles' abilities! He does the GNR and Velvet Revolver stuff really well, but I really wish they would just move away from that. It seems to work for him, and to be honest I don't know if I would have heard of Myles without the collaboration with Slash so it's not a major gripe at the moment
I think he's releasing a solo album this year, I'd love to see what he can do without limitations!
Speaking of talent, I think Todd Kerns is pretty kick ass too, which I had no idea before Tuesday night. Amazing.
Love these guys - still don't understand how they weren't "bigger". Anyone that enjoys Myles on vocals should track these CDs down. Mayfield 4 >>>>>> Alter Bridge.
Finally getting around to listening to both. I agree with this statement
Also, for anyone loving Apocalyptic Love, I highly recommend the Classic Rock fan pack! I'm still making my way through it, but they interview all the band members, and Slash and Myles each have a blurb about the inspiration behind each song. Very cool.
I paid $62/ticket for the NYC Irving Plaza show, and that included $10 for VIP Fast Lane and $12.50 TM service charge.
Full disclosure - there are $52 tickets, also. But, kind of silly that the top level is the same as other top acts. I'm not even sure I'd pay that to sit in the back.
At Irving, it is interesting that the floor is the cheaper price vs. Loge which is $85. I've never been there, so I'm not understanding that. If Paramount is the same where floor is cheaper than the seats in the back, then maybe it's not quite as bad. I guess you pay more to stay out of the crowd? :? I'll have to see once they go on sale. You can't tell which seats are which price until the go on sale (I could call, but it's not that important).
I got floor for this show + VIP fast lane. I'm going to try to get up close for this one
Yep. If you're going to do it, no sense standing in the back. But, I don't think you'll get right to the front. Fast lane just lets you skip the line. You don't get in early. It's more to allow you to hang out at a bar until doors open and still get to the head of the line. Also, there are probably actual VIP tickets for folks that will get a "head start." But, no matter. When I went to GnR at Roseland, I was able to get about 6 deep from the stage and I didn't even go in until after the opener had started and didn't go to the front until just before they came on.
I can't imagine the Slash crowd could be much rougher than GnR (some interesting folks there).
I also agree about the loge stuff. Most places like that you are above the stage, but slightly removed. Other than if you need the bathroom constantly, I don't see the point of that (and then pay extra!!! - so I do wonder if it's the same thing at this place. The Paramount is so new, and I've only been to 1 show and the floor was reserved seating which is rare).
Well, the $ is weak right now. Isn't 30 about $50 or so in the US? So, that sounds like the "cheap" seats here.
I'm not sure. Irving may be different. Check and see if there are separate VIP tickets for that show. I've just seen it for other stuff, and that's the way it works. To break your heart further - I don't know if they limit those. So, the Fast lane may be as long as the regular (I kid. I kid.). I'm sure it'll still be worth it. Standing in line sucks. If I could pay $10 to bypass everytime I stood in a long line in my life, I'd be a poorer, but happier man!
Plus, I only want to be near them, I don't want to meet them, I would probably pass out at the sight of Myles' abs
VIP Packages for Slash at the Paramount in Huntington, LI:
$1,899!!!! You get: For every 2 Premier tickets purchased, you will receive: 2 Early Entry Access into Venue (GA Shows Only,) 1 Signed Slash Les Paul Electric Guitar. 2 Meet & Greet with Slash, 2 Limited Edition Tour Lithographs, 2 Commemorative VIP Laminates, and 2 Guitar Pick Tins.
So you have to spend $3,800!!!!! I guess you do get an autographed guitar.
$500! You get: Package includes 1 Premium Ticket or GA Ticket with Early Entry , 1 Meet & Greet with Slash, 1 Limited Edition Tour Lithograph, 1 Commemorative VIP Laminate, and 1 Guitar Pick Tin.
$200! You get: Package includes 1 Premium Ticket or GA Ticket , 1 Limited Edition Tour Lithograph, 1 Commemorative VIP Laminate, and 1 Guitar Pick Tin.
All above packages also come with a special case of syphillis provided by one of his very good fans.
And they say Axl's living off his work from 20 years ago. This is for a guy who's last album sold 13 copies (disclaimer: Count inexact. We may have missed 1 or 3). Who's the suckers that are buying those things?
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Yeah Myles is one of the best live singers I've heard, he takes a lot of care of his voice, and it shows.
Absolutely. I wholeheartedly agree. I think he has one of the best voices in rock right now, undoubtedly. They were my surprise highlight of the day.
They really rocked. I was front row, right in front of the heart of the pit and it got surprisingly crAAAAzy. People were going apeshit for them.
From yesterday:
They said something about coming back this way August & September. God I hope they mean NYC and not NYC-area. Unless they are doing Philly in which case I would HAVE to go
Yeah it's pretty damn good - designed for blasting from car stereos all summer long
Oh, and the singing at the end of Far And Away is
At Irving Plaza, Todd Kern's the bassist sang Doctor Alibi, and he was fantastic. He was a lot of fun to watch on stage, in addition to Myles and Slash.
Man, I want to see them again so bad!
Mmmmm Myles Kennedy......
Posted on May 23rd 2012 11:00AM by Karen Bliss
In discussing his 2010 self-titled album that features various singers from Lemmy to Fergie, Slash called Alter Bridge frontman Myles Kennedy "the big discovery of making the record." Now Kennedy is the only singer on Slash's new album, Apocalyptic Love (out this week), which is billed as "Slash with Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators." The Conspirators are drummer Brent Fitz and bassist Todd Kerns.
Kennedy talked with Noisecreep about what it's like to work with Slash, the status of Alter Bridge, and why his Shih Tsu named Sigmund feels the need to interrupt the interview.
You came in essentially last minute for two songs on Slash's last album. When did you know you would end up collaborating on the next album and be the only lead vocalist?
We started talking about it back in the summer of 2010 when we first started touring his first solo record. He mentioned that he was really happy with the band, just the overall vibe and just brought the idea up one morning at breakfast. He was like, 'Hey would you be interested in doing like a whole record and taking this out [on the road]?' and I said, 'Absolutely.'
[Suddenly the interview is interrupted by a high-pitch wail]. Is that a dog or a siren [laughs]?
When I talk on the phone, he gets jealous. He likes to make it know that he doesn't like that. He often does that when I sing. If I'm writing songs or just working on my voice, he'll start piping up, just like that.
How do you determine what will be an Alter Bridge idea and what you would give to Slash? Or it it simply because you are writing in that moment with and for Slash?
Yeah, that's generally how it works. He, for the most part, will send ideas, as far as riffs or chord progressions with a certain feel and then generally I come up with a melody and a lyric for that. If it's just a section, I'll say, 'Hey what do you think of this chorus idea?' as far as a chord progression or something. So a lot of times, it's finishing off what he will send my way. So it's not like I'm writing full songs or full parts and setting it aside for Slash because, generally, I like him to make the first move and hear where he's coming from and what his concepts are and then I build from there.
Watch Slash's "Back From Cali" Video
Lyrically, you start on your own?
Yeah, that's generally my job and it was my job on his first solo record, on "Starlight" and "Back in Cali." That was basically my role with the melody and the lyrics on both of those. It's kind of the same approach. That was really challenging for me on this record because his feel and his stories that I hear, and this genre of music - something that's played from the hip - is very different than I would try and do with Alter Bridge. So it was a lot of work and a lot of rewrites [laughs] on my part to make sure it fit and I was happy with it before I went in and sung the song.
I understand a lot of the lyrics are about your past experience with drugs?
Yeah, there's one song called "Not for Me" and a song called "Hard & Fast," which definitely hearken back to a period in my life with certain substances and alcohol where I was kind of - for lack of a better word - experimenting because I really, through high school and most of the early part of my adult years, didn't really do much in the way of partying. And then for some strange reason, I kind of woke up one day and just did a total about-face and did things and went down a road that to this day, when I think bout it now, 13 years after the fact, I'm like 'Wow, that's pretty amazing.'
So it was that long ago. What make you even draw it for lyrics?
I think just the vibe of some of the songs, just a certain mood. It kind of took me back to that part of my life. Also, some of it came form having conversations with Slash about that period in his life and also with Todd. I remember one day, Todd and I were talking on our way to the studio about when we were younger and things we used to do. Actually, with one song, 'Hard & Fast,' some of that came from [the fact that] I'd just been reading Glenn Hughes' autobiography [From Deep Purple to Back Country Communion] and he talks about that a lot, the things he went through in his years of substance abuse. So I was kind of drawing from all these different things and my own experiences.
What is the first single, "You're A Lie," about?
A lot of people think it's a song strictly about being betrayed and it certainly can be taken that way, but for me, in my head, it was there's that little voice sometimes that lives inside all of us that makes us doubt ourselves, that makes us question our strengths and our abilities, and that song is an anthem to call that out and take any sort of power away from that.
And the title track?
"Apocalyptic Love," that is pretty from the hip in the sense that one day Slash and I were talking - I think it was Slash and I - about the end of the world and the Mayan calendar and all that crazy stuff. Everybody's got that apocalypse fever right now. I remember thinking, 'Well what if that was true? What if December 21 came about and it was the last day on earth, what would you do? What would do with your last few moments remaining on earth? That's what that's about.
Will you be slowly incorporating more songs from the album into the live set?
I hope so. We're all really excited to play them. They're like little babies for us. The album comes out May 22, so obviously you don't want to play a ton of new material that people haven't heard and aren't familiar with the songs. It's a lot to ask an audience. When they have more time with the record, hopefully we'll start incorporating more songs in the set.
What is the status of Alter Bridge for the next album?
The next album, there's talk of reconvening next year and starting work on it, so I'm gonna be out with Slash and the Conspirators this year and I know they've got a string of Creed dates they're doing [Alter Bridge features three members of Creed].
And you have a solo album in the can?
Yeah I've had that sitting there since last 2009.
What are you waiting for?
The apocalypse [laughs].
We won't need it then.
Exactly [laughs]. Actually, I'm just waiting for a window of time to release it and do a little bit of touring. Just go out with an acoustic guitar.
So is it more singer-songwriter type of album?
Yeah. It's more singer-songwriter based.
Was thinking how well-rounded and accomplished Slash's whole band is. Very easily, Todd could front the band. He's a great singer too and songwriter. It's great when amazing musicians don't have that kind of ego or people used to the spotlight can happily just play an instrument. What is the dynamic like with the entire band?
That is pretty amazing. Todd is our secret weapon and we're all pretty aware of it. He's a crazy talent. He's a great songwriter and a great singer and a great bass player and great guitar player. He can do it all. And Brent's the same way. Not only can he play drums, but he can also sit down and play piano beautifully. He's definitely a very well-rounded musician and Slash obviously is brilliant. So the thing that's interesting about the dynamic with the four of us when we made the record was there was no drama because everybody keeps their ego out of it. In fact, I don't even sense that anybody has got a huge ego, which is great. It just makes for a real comfortable environment. And now Frank [Sidoris] is touring with us as well and, same thing, he's just really low key, low maintenance and chill. It's just really healthy is the best way to articulate it.
With two transplanted Canadians in the band, Todd and Brent, are they getting you hooked on anything weird from Canada like ketchup or pickle chips?
Well, they definitely love Tim Horton's [a ubiquitous coffee and donut chain] and, I have to say, I totally agree because when I toured with Big Wreck and Watchmen back in 1999, I fell in love with Tim Horton's. I wish they had more Tim Horton's here in the States. I hear they are starting to make their way which is great.
http://www.noisecreep.com/2012/05/23/my ... edy-slash/
Taken at Soundwave with Alter Bridge
Adelaide 1998
Adelaide 2003
Adelaide 2006 night 1
Adelaide 2006 night 2
Adelaide 2009
Melbourne 2009
Christchurch NZ 2009
Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
Here are some videos from the album release show in NYC!
You're A Lie: http://new.livestream.com/slash/livefro ... os/1170710
Halo: http://new.livestream.com/slash/livefro ... os/1170521
Starlight: http://new.livestream.com/slash/livefro ... os/1169433
Standing in the Sun: http://new.livestream.com/slash/livefro ... os/1166139
Back from Cali: http://new.livestream.com/slash/livefro ... os/1165423
Full show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mF4Tf7QiWs
My only gripe is I feel Myles compromises a bit when playing with Slash to try and sound like Axl. But he pulls it off because he range is just that good. How many people have actually fronted two legit rock bands simultaneously?
EV - 5
(**Letterman'02, Irving Plaza, Storytellers, Beacon, ACL, Spectrum 3&4, Bridge School '10**)
"Constant recoil,..sometimes life don't leave you alone."
Let's connect on twitter - @Jeffgorra
I think he's releasing a solo album this year, I'd love to see what he can do without limitations!
Speaking of talent, I think Todd Kerns is pretty kick ass too, which I had no idea before Tuesday night. Amazing.
Listening to the entire show again right now
Really need to check out his earlier stuff!
Also, for anyone loving Apocalyptic Love, I highly recommend the Classic Rock fan pack! I'm still making my way through it, but they interview all the band members, and Slash and Myles each have a blurb about the inspiration behind each song. Very cool.