550 sexual abuse claims filed against Milwaukee



  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    pandora wrote:
    Yes, of course all rape is appalling...but no, I don't think many are as appalling as those that victimize children,
    this why one woman is raped every minute in the US ... still

    men can somehow tidy it up and place it on a shelf
    and most can not ever understand the devastation

    the same devastation as a child ... believe me

    but debate on this is off topic for sure and as I said it's all the same to me...
    violence, power, and self gratification at the expense of another human being

    Pandora... please name for me a global organization of millions that uses it's power and wealth to hide and protect it's members that rape women.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    pandora wrote:
    I guess you would like to close this thread

    I do not

    stay on topic ... not on me ... thank you
    Youre telling me to stay on topic? I count six posts of yours in this thread that are off topic. All of which were made before I posted in this thread....the original point of speaking to you about your viewpoints (which you make part of the topic by pronouncing them "I'd question it, I'm that kind of girl"), was to call you out on derailing the thread and attempting to deflect blame from the church (again). So maybe I'm guilty of thread-policing to an extent....but no, I don't want to see the thread locked. How would it get locked without someone reporting it? Who would report it based on what's transpired? not I....

    aaaaannnnyway.....I'll drop that line of questioning. Mentioning your behaviour in this thread only gave you the opportunity to dismiss the rest of my comments......So would you care to reply to any of the on-topic points I made, or rather continue to call the kettle black?

    I agree with Cosmo - this should be handled by the authorities....if complaints are made to the church, they should be brought to the police's attention immediately.....if a priest is charged with a felony, they should be suspended from their work like any other person would be. In the meantime, the church should apologize to victims worldwide, and recognize it's past role in this (symbolic, but possibly meaningful to the victims). They should conduct an internal investigation, via an independent third party, and make the results public. They should compensate victims and publicly declare their support for police in these investigations. Holding a conference does nothing, unless this is the result.

    But it won't happen, because the apple is rotten to the core; the leaders are complicit and won't implicate themselves.
    the church can not apologize, because an apology would be an admission of guilt. and the church can not give the appearance that it is less than what it claims to be or else it would fail.

    i agree with cosmo and drowned out. prosecute these people. go all the way as high as the pope.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • I will speak to him personally tomorrow. :lol:

    I agree these people must be prosecuted and be held accountable. The hiding of these crimes and not taking action has further tarnished the Catholic religion. They need to step up to the plate and take responsibility. How many Novenas will it take to set you free? Im not sure.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    edited February 2012
    I would be very surprised if this happened...
    if the Church hierarchy was prosecuted for secrecy.

    Should they be, of course this goes without saying,
    but the reality makes the discussion mute
    in my opinion, real alternatives perhaps could be a much better discussion.

    So the should is always there ... it is everywhere, every topic,
    like men who rape should be castrated, manhood removed.
    Their manhood is a weapon. This would curb some of the abuse
    for both women and children.

    Many here like to bash religious organizations, those who follow religion,
    and religion itself so of course this remains as an undercurrent in discussions.

    Again I do not defend nor condone the fact that over a decade ago the Church attempted to
    protect itself by covering up heinous acts ...
    this has been their policy as far as I know since inception.
    Nothing new, true to form.

    I understand why they did this and realize that change and accountability comes from
    social pressure within it's parishioners.

    I do not know how many here who are discussing the 'shoulds' are members of this faith
    or how many here have compassion for those of the Catholic faith.
    Post edited by pandora on
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    pandora wrote:
    Yes, of course all rape is appalling...but no, I don't think many are as appalling as those that victimize children,
    this why one woman is raped every minute in the US ... still

    men can somehow tidy it up and place it on a shelf
    and most can not ever understand the devastation

    the same devastation as a child ... believe me

    but debate on this is off topic for sure and as I said it's all the same to me...
    violence, power, and self gratification at the expense of another human being

    Pandora... please name for me a global organization of millions that uses it's power and wealth to hide and protect it's members that rape women.
    I think you missed my analogy and the fact that I do not distinguish between
    abuse, for me it is all the same.

    I have a feeling though with the mutilations and rape that occur across the globe
    some organizations may be turning a blind eye, this my attempt to come close
    to an answer for your question.

    I'm surprised the callous of the men here when it comes to the statistic I posted.

    I mean when I read that I was shocked, never would I have thought this the case.
    I was floored,
    more floored than the fact that the Catholic Church, which has been shrouded in secrecy
    since Christ's time, would protect itself and attempt a cover up ...
    oh how shocking :? not.

    I focus on the very faithful followers of the Catholic religion, the importance
    their faith is in their lives, the trust they have put in their leaders
    and here is where any compassion I have for 'The Church' lies.
    It is in the individual hearts.
  • US Military complex @ Guantanamo Bay for one. May not be women and children to my knowledge but its is still beings being raped and defiled.
  • People can argue about religion. The thing I dont get from zealots and extremist is that their beliefs are making anykind of Peace. One of the biggest organizers of antiwar demonstrations in my area is a Christian man very set into his beliefs system. Not about womens reproductive rights, not against gay marriage and the barage of RWNJ rhetoric causing rifts between people. We were talking one day, I was commenting you want to help fix the world? "What is the root of all evil we can agree upon? Money, greed and the war machine and corporatism, Right? I said,"Forget about that other "shit." You work for the Prince of Peace, right? Act like it!" ... he got a chuckle but at that moment instead of being lost in the rhetoric the clarity for him came. We chuckled. Anyway. Onward! :lol:
  • oops i thought this was the religious beliefs thread.
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