Does Mitt Romney really have a shot at it ?



  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 9,325
    mikepegg44 wrote:

    so what has the press, other than fox news, held President Obama responsible for?
    what has he taken responsibility for on his own? ... -match-up/

    looks like Romney does ok head to head in just about every poll I see.

    Keep thinking they have no chance and see what happens. GWB not only won a second term, he won a first one that shouldn't even have been close. If you doubt the RNC and their political dealings you will do so at your own peril.
    Obama has a nearly 8.5 % unemployment rate, an economy that is perceived to be in stagnation...a housing market that continues to be propped up...a looming war with Iran...even though he has continued the same path as Bush foreign policy wise he is labeled as weak...This isn't a slam dunk...and as someone who wants a different choice for the presidency...i implore you to keep thinking it is...
    It won't matter though...mitt, obama, they are very much the same...economic manipulation of markets to benefit their main donors...I mean, what is the difference between a 750 billion dollar deficit and a trillion dollar deficit?
    nothing like spending a close to 2 billion dollars between two parties to prove that ALL these fuckers are doing it for personal gain and very little else

    You're making it a dem vs. repub thing, when it's an incumbent vs. challenger thing. Romney would have to appeal to the middle-of-the-road/undecided people. He has to make that case that it's worth rocking to boat and to vote for him. If unemployment drops a few tenths between now and then, what's the appeal. Romney has too big of a downside. An ad campaign about his tax returns and him being Mormon seals it for a 4 or 5 point swing. Obama's record is out there, there's no 'Swift Boat' for Obama. I would argue that the perception is that the economy is getting better, via increasing employment. Obama's not the socialist he was painted to be 4 years ago. Ayers isn't in his ear. The press has challenged Obama way more than Bush was in his first 4 years.

    On a side note, in 2000 people argued that Gore and Bush were essentially the same. Do you think there's any chance we're in Iraq if Gore was elected? If Romney gets elected, the chances of going into Iran increase greatly.
  • There have been a lot of fillibusters, that's certainly true. However, as Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid succeeded 69% of the time he called for a cloture vote in the 111th Congress (2009-2010). He was successful 54% of the time in 2010, so he was less successful that year than in 2009 but still won more than he lost. He also called some cloture votes multiple times in 2010 in an effort to pressure Republicans to change their vote, so some of those numbers are skewed since 1 win and 2 losses would mean a bill was fillibustered but the fillibuster was killed but you still see 3 cloture votes on the record for that 1 bill, meaning that he was really successful more than 54% of the time in 2010. It should also be noted that in a 4-year term, Reid denied the Republicans the ability to amend bills 43 times, which is one of the reasons why they fillibustered so much. Bill Frist did that to Democrats just 15 times in 4 years. So it's easy for Democrats to say they can't do anything because of fillibusters, but there are 2 sides to everything. They're using their majority status in the Senate to deny Republicans a voice in many bills, so a fillibuster becomes the only means of defense since they won't be able to defeat the bill in a vote. Also, the Democrats were able to invoke cloture at a record success rate so the fillibustering rarely resulted in bills not being passed. Basically, Obama and the Democrats in Congress are overstating the effects of Republican fillibustering. Oh, and one of Brown's earliest votes in the Senate was to cross party lines and vote down a Republican fillibuster attempt and the bill passed, so even his presence as the 41st Republican wasn't a 100% guarantee that nothing would get passed. ... 80722.html

    For the record, I agree that the rules for fillibusters need to be changed. Either the number of votes needed to end it should be lowered or it should be required that the person fillibustering must be present on the Senate floor for the duration of the fillibuster. The Seantor has to pee, fillibuster ends and they can vote. However, whenever the Democrats are in the minority in the Senate again I can assure yo uthat their passion for changing the fillibuster rules will fade.

    losing the 60th vote in the senate was a devestating blow for obama and the democrats, becase the republicans have filibustered a record number of legislation. the most in the history of the filibuster. if you don't believe me look it up. so yes, the senate, especially this one, really is the place where potential legislation goes to die. kennedy passing hanstrung the administration...

    i would actually like to see the senate go to the gop and then the dems can filibuster everything. that way the gop will realize that the filibuster needs to be heavily revamped or downright banned as the dems have been saying for years.
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    I think people that have a severe problem with Romney being Mormon have a bigger problem with believing Obama was born in Kenya. I think that issue is a wash after the GOP primaries.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,298
    Romney has been shooting himself in the foot the past year. Did you here what he said last night? "not concerned about the very poor" because they have an "ample safety net."

    Also people think that Romney can raise some money wait until Obama unleashes his money and his Hollywood Super Packs star throwing some $$$ around.

    Also, Barack has changed. I can see it in his speeches. He's a lot tougher and I think there is no way Romney is going to out debate him.

    Obama is no dummy and either is his staff. The Right is really underestimating him and I think we will see Obama for another 4 years.

    Also Newt has hinted running a 3rd party. If he does so Obama wins hands down.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    newt running on a third party ticket is a dick move. he would do that just to spite romeny and just to spite his own party.

    i hope he does it, because it will be yet another in a long line of very public embarassments for newt.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    Go Beavers wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:

    so what has the press, other than fox news, held President Obama responsible for?
    what has he taken responsibility for on his own? ... -match-up/

    looks like Romney does ok head to head in just about every poll I see.

    Keep thinking they have no chance and see what happens. GWB not only won a second term, he won a first one that shouldn't even have been close. If you doubt the RNC and their political dealings you will do so at your own peril.
    Obama has a nearly 8.5 % unemployment rate, an economy that is perceived to be in stagnation...a housing market that continues to be propped up...a looming war with Iran...even though he has continued the same path as Bush foreign policy wise he is labeled as weak...This isn't a slam dunk...and as someone who wants a different choice for the presidency...i implore you to keep thinking it is...
    It won't matter though...mitt, obama, they are very much the same...economic manipulation of markets to benefit their main donors...I mean, what is the difference between a 750 billion dollar deficit and a trillion dollar deficit?
    nothing like spending a close to 2 billion dollars between two parties to prove that ALL these fuckers are doing it for personal gain and very little else

    You're making it a dem vs. repub thing, when it's an incumbent vs. challenger thing. Romney would have to appeal to the middle-of-the-road/undecided people. He has to make that case that it's worth rocking to boat and to vote for him. If unemployment drops a few tenths between now and then, what's the appeal. Romney has too big of a downside. An ad campaign about his tax returns and him being Mormon seals it for a 4 or 5 point swing. Obama's record is out there, there's no 'Swift Boat' for Obama. I would argue that the perception is that the economy is getting better, via increasing employment. Obama's not the socialist he was painted to be 4 years ago. Ayers isn't in his ear. The press has challenged Obama way more than Bush was in his first 4 years.

    On a side note, in 2000 people argued that Gore and Bush were essentially the same. Do you think there's any chance we're in Iraq if Gore was elected? If Romney gets elected, the chances of going into Iran increase greatly.

    The press has challenged Obama way more than Bush was in his first 4 years.

    which press?

    do you have the lottery numbers to go along with your certainty? Like I said...please keep thinking it will be a cake walk and convince others of this as well.

    you make a good point about Gore/Bush...but Obama has shown that he will continue the policies of GW in regards to the war on terror, as well as get involved in more conflicts. (libya--if someone types a response and writes the phrase boots on the ground I will lose my shit---we were involved) ...nothing is off the table I believe President Obama said about Iran...It might be slightly higher if Romney gets elected but I don't think by that much. now newt or santorum on the otherhand...
    if you think this will be a cake walk for Obama I really think you will be surprised.

    On another side note...I really don't care who is in charge (if it isn't Paul) I have said many times...the two parties are just the same in the end...they just burn money in offering to different sacred cows...the harm they really do is to the dollar that is already in your and my wallet, and I don't think either party will figure out how to save that until it is too late.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 9,325
    Jason P wrote:
    I think people that have a severe problem with Romney being Mormon have a bigger problem with believing Obama was born in Kenya. I think that issue is a wash after the GOP primaries.

    Birthers are already going to vote for Romney. But Romney puts Christian fundamentalists in a religious bind, which I think will lead to them no-showing, voting for a 3rd party person, and voting for Obama (#'s in that order or descension). It's significant because Christian fundamentalists make up about 20% of the U.S. population.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    Mormonism is a pretty cool religion really.
    I have welcomed the chance to rediscover the religion
    with the open mind I have now in my life and think perhaps many others are also
    feeling this.... this because Romney is a candidate and perhaps the one.

    Awesome is when religions come together to celebrate what they have in common
    not to focus on their slight differences. The power created with that is immeasurable.
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