*Henry's thank you giveaway!* WINNER*



  • Story of how I got my first pet ,a cat named O.T.

    I got her when I was around 6 I think. I was at a football game (my older brothers) and one of our friends walked in with a little ity bity kitty. It was so small it could fit in the palm of your hand. It never moved except sometimes to strech. She said she found it along the side of the road and let me hold it. Which was a bad choic because I drove home with it that day. haha. So I was really sick that night and was the only one that was sitting so she stuck with me the whole night! Once a kid came up to me (had to be about 10) asked if he could hold her, then took off running. Later that night after many tears I saw him trying to sell the cat. The friend who found her said it was hers and he gave it back.

    Well the cat was less then four weeks old and looked to be starving so the first thing it ever ate was the inside of a french fry (still eats potatos) and water out of a water bottle cap. At the end of the night I begged my parents to let me keep it and it road home in a box of hot chocolate from the consession stand :) She was named O.T. because the game went into overtime. She was my first pet.

    After she grew up a bit I would carry her everywhere. Unfortunalty she started to hate me and would attack me when ever I walked past her :? I still have scars on my legs from her claws. Still love her though.

    Love you O.T.

    Thanks for the awesome chance!!
  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    Hi everyone,
    Soooooooo....I heard from the vet and HE'S OKAY!!!
    Poor little monkey has been under anaesthetic for a lot of the day! :? So they want to keep an eye on him and have us ring at 10 tomorrow morning. They reckon he might have to stay another night :( but I know it's for the best. He has a little incision in his belly and one near his bottom and he has to have a catheter.
    She said he has done really well and the operation went really well. Now I guess time will tell.

    I just want to thank everyone again so much for your support, your stories and your compassion. I will NEVER forget it. ;) xoxoxoxoxox to you all!
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • PapPap Posts: 28,785
    Loulou wrote:
    Pap wrote:
    Can I participate to this beautiful contest? :)

    P.S: Good luck to Henry and many cuddles from me! :D
    Of course you can Pap! :)
    Many thanks Lorna! :D
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
  • PapPap Posts: 28,785
    Loulou wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    Soooooooo....I heard from the vet and HE'S OKAY!!!

    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    Pap wrote:
    Loulou wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    Soooooooo....I heard from the vet and HE'S OKAY!!!

    :lol: I like that! :)
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    Loulou wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    Soooooooo....I heard from the vet and HE'S OKAY!!!
    Poor little monkey has been under anaesthetic for a lot of the day! :? So they want to keep an eye on him and have us ring at 10 tomorrow morning. They reckon he might have to stay another night :( but I know it's for the best. He has a little incision in his belly and one near his bottom and he has to have a catheter.
    She said he has done really well and the operation went really well. Now I guess time will tell.

    I just want to thank everyone again so much for your support, your stories and your compassion. I will NEVER forget it. ;) xoxoxoxoxox to you all!

    Yay! Great news! :D:clap: :thumbup:
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • kellanazziekellanazzie Posts: 1,484
    WOOOooooooHOOOooooo!!!!!! :clap: :thumbup: :wave:
  • dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076
    Alright, I'm back for my tale about my pup Zeke:

    Almost 5 years ago Jen (my girlfriend) and I were living outside of Atlanta. At the time, I was interested in getting a lab puppy when one day a friend of her's calls us and says that they are outside of a supermarket and there are lab puppies being given away... we say we're ready and to have her pick one up for us. Later that night we went over to their house and met Zeke for the first time.

    That was in May 2007. Just two months later in July, it was actually the 4th of July, Jen and her siblings were at the store picking up some goods for the celebration and left Zeke in the car (a bad decision given the heat, for starters). While they were in the store, her brother went out to check on Zeke and came storming back inside saying "Zeke's gone." With that announcement, everyone comes out to the parking lot to discover that Zeke is in fact missing from the car, and no one with him was in sight.

    There was really nothing that we could do at that point. Our dog had, as far as we could tell, been stolen. So, we decide that putting up fliers would be better than nothing and so we do so. We put a reward amount on the flyer that we knew we couldn't make good on, but we were desperate and we wanted to find out who would steal a dog. My thoughts were that if someone took him out of the car because of the irresponsible decision to leave him in the heat, then they would come in the store to find us and tell us how they felt, they would've just called the cops.

    So, 8 days go by and Jen gets a call from a woman saying "I have your dog and I want the money." :shock: :o

    So we say, "okay" and decide on a place to meet. Well before we get there, we went to a police station and asked an officer to show up shortly after the woman and us convened. He did, and it got to the point were acording to the police officer, we couldn't prove that she stole the dog, and if we didn't have the money that we advertised as a reward she could take us to civil court. She said she "wanted the money because he had shit in her house, torn up carpet and her son was now attached to the dog." We just wanted our dog back so we basically negotiated to give her a petty amount of cash and we ended up getting Zeke back.

    He's still with us today, and he will be 5 years old in May. He's my best bud. When he was gone for about 7 days, I was about ready to accept that I wouldn't see him again... but it didn't turn out that way.

    If I were doing it again knowing what I know now, I would just let the woman sue me and I wouldn't have gave her a cent. At the time though, I just wanted my dog back.
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
  • iamicaiamica Posts: 2,628
    Loulou wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    Soooooooo....I heard from the vet and HE'S OKAY!!!
    Poor little monkey has been under anaesthetic for a lot of the day! :? So they want to keep an eye on him and have us ring at 10 tomorrow morning. They reckon he might have to stay another night :( but I know it's for the best. He has a little incision in his belly and one near his bottom and he has to have a catheter.
    She said he has done really well and the operation went really well. Now I guess time will tell.

    I just want to thank everyone again so much for your support, your stories and your compassion. I will NEVER forget it. ;) xoxoxoxoxox to you all!


    I have to take my cat to the vet this week because he hurt his leg. Not looking forward to it! Glad Henry's doing better.
    Chicago 2000 : Chicago 2003 : Chicago 2006 : Summerfest 2006 : Lollapalooza 2007 : Chicago 2009 : Noblesville (Indy) 2010 : PJ20 (East Troy) 2011 : Wrigley Field 2013 : Milwaukee (Yield) 2014 : Wrigley Field 2016
  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    iamica wrote:
    Loulou wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    Soooooooo....I heard from the vet and HE'S OKAY!!!
    Poor little monkey has been under anaesthetic for a lot of the day! :? So they want to keep an eye on him and have us ring at 10 tomorrow morning. They reckon he might have to stay another night :( but I know it's for the best. He has a little incision in his belly and one near his bottom and he has to have a catheter.
    She said he has done really well and the operation went really well. Now I guess time will tell.

    I just want to thank everyone again so much for your support, your stories and your compassion. I will NEVER forget it. ;) xoxoxoxoxox to you all!


    I have to take my cat to the vet this week because he hurt his leg. Not looking forward to it! Glad Henry's doing better.
    Awww poor kitty, hope his leg gets better soon. :)
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    We've never had a cat before but my wife always has wanted a Bengal. We got her from a breeder who originally came down on the price of here because she has crinks all in her tail, it seems like it was broken in 3 or 4 different places. If we already hadn't named her before we met her I wanted to call her Zeus because her tail is like a lightning bolt.

    So we go and pick her up around 8 weeks old and she is still tiny, we saw another cat from a different litter that was one week older but was 3 times the size. Thought that was weird first off. The breeder tells us that it's not uncommon for them to not eat the first day, looking back on this I should have known something was wrong.

    Got her loaded up into the car with us with no cage figuring it will be okay. Right away she is freaking out and meowing because she is stressed out. Can't drive with her crawling all over the both of us. Had to go to buy a little dog carrier, kept meowing the whole way home. Full first day she doesn't eat anything, doesn't drink anything but has the squirts. Second full day she eats some bread with milk but that was it. Drank some water and throws it up right away, still has the squirts. Third day we get a rotisserie chicken for her and she barely eats that, have a milk type formula for her and she drinks that, still gets the squirts. I figure it has to be more than nerves, I take her to the vet and they checked her temperature, it was 103, 101 is normal. They give her an antibiotic and two days later she is fine. My wife contacted the breeder who seemed surprised to hear this. We think he is bullshitting, knew that she was sick and just wanted to get her to us as quick as possible because he dropped the price on her because of the tail and didn't want to sink anymore money into her. Pretty shitty on his part to not even tell us she is sick if he had known, it would have caused us less stress and grief if he was just honest.

    This picture was from when she still sick the second day we had her, it was really funny because she meowed at me wanting some attention, I petted her while watching tv and she meowed at me, I looked at her, she stopped meowing, I looked back at the tv and she meowed again.

  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    voidofman wrote:
    We've never had a cat before but my wife always has wanted a Bengal. We got her from a breeder who originally came down on the price of here because she has crinks all in her tail, it seems like it was broken in 3 or 4 different places. If we already hadn't named her before we met her I wanted to call her Zeus because her tail is like a lightning bolt.

    So we go and pick her up around 8 weeks old and she is still tiny, we saw another cat from a different litter that was one week older but was 3 times the size. Thought that was weird first off. The breeder tells us that it's not uncommon for them to not eat the first day, looking back on this I should have known something was wrong.

    Got her loaded up into the car with us with no cage figuring it will be okay. Right away she is freaking out and meowing because she is stressed out. Can't drive with her crawling all over the both of us. Had to go to buy a little dog carrier, kept meowing the whole way home. Full first day she doesn't eat anything, doesn't drink anything but has the squirts. Second full day she eats some bread with milk but that was it. Drank some water and throws it up right away, still has the squirts. Third day we get a rotisserie chicken for her and she barely eats that, have a milk type formula for her and she drinks that, still gets the squirts. I figure it has to be more than nerves, I take her to the vet and they checked her temperature, it was 103, 101 is normal. They give her an antibiotic and two days later she is fine. My wife contacted the breeder who seemed surprised to hear this. We think he is bullshitting, knew that she was sick and just wanted to get her to us as quick as possible because he dropped the price on her because of the tail and didn't want to sink anymore money into her. Pretty shitty on his part to not even tell us she is sick if he had known, it would have caused us less stress and grief if he was just honest.

    This picture was from when she still sick the second day we had her, it was really funny because she meowed at me wanting some attention, I petted her while watching tv and she meowed at me, I looked at her, she stopped meowing, I looked back at the tv and she meowed again.

    Awww poor thing! Some people are buttheads! :roll: she's gorgeous! ;)
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    I used to have a yellow lab, Sadies. She was awesome. I would take her running with me all the time. I loved it. I remember one distinct memory of her. I had just had my wisdom teeth pulled and I came home from the oral surgeons office and was passed out on the couch. For the 2 days I was knocked out on the couch I remember, no matter when I woke up, Sadies was on my chest with her face nuzzled up by mine. She sensed I was in pain and would lay with me no matter what. My mom said the only time she would move was to go out. Otherwise, she had her food and water out by me on the couch. I loved that dog.
  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    dcfaithful wrote:
    Alright, I'm back for my tale about my pup Zeke:

    Almost 5 years ago Jen (my girlfriend) and I were living outside of Atlanta. At the time, I was interested in getting a lab puppy when one day a friend of her's calls us and says that they are outside of a supermarket and there are lab puppies being given away... we say we're ready and to have her pick one up for us. Later that night we went over to their house and met Zeke for the first time.

    That was in May 2007. Just two months later in July, it was actually the 4th of July, Jen and her siblings were at the store picking up some goods for the celebration and left Zeke in the car (a bad decision given the heat, for starters). While they were in the store, her brother went out to check on Zeke and came storming back inside saying "Zeke's gone." With that announcement, everyone comes out to the parking lot to discover that Zeke is in fact missing from the car, and no one with him was in sight.

    There was really nothing that we could do at that point. Our dog had, as far as we could tell, been stolen. So, we decide that putting up fliers would be better than nothing and so we do so. We put a reward amount on the flyer that we knew we couldn't make good on, but we were desperate and we wanted to find out who would steal a dog. My thoughts were that if someone took him out of the car because of the irresponsible decision to leave him in the heat, then they would come in the store to find us and tell us how they felt, they would've just called the cops.

    So, 8 days go by and Jen gets a call from a woman saying "I have your dog and I want the money." :shock: :o

    So we say, "okay" and decide on a place to meet. Well before we get there, we went to a police station and asked an officer to show up shortly after the woman and us convened. He did, and it got to the point were acording to the police officer, we couldn't prove that she stole the dog, and if we didn't have the money that we advertised as a reward she could take us to civil court. She said she "wanted the money because he had shit in her house, torn up carpet and her son was now attached to the dog." We just wanted our dog back so we basically negotiated to give her a petty amount of cash and we ended up getting Zeke back.

    He's still with us today, and he will be 5 years old in May. He's my best bud. When he was gone for about 7 days, I was about ready to accept that I wouldn't see him again... but it didn't turn out that way.

    If I were doing it again knowing what I know now, I would just let the woman sue me and I wouldn't have gave her a cent. At the time though, I just wanted my dog back.
    Wow, that woman sounds like a nut job! :? Glad he's safe and sound with you now. ;)
    sheila0225 wrote:
    I used to have a yellow lab, Sadies. She was awesome. I would take her running with me all the time. I loved it. I remember one distinct memory of her. I had just had my wisdom teeth pulled and I came home from the oral surgeons office and was passed out on the couch. For the 2 days I was knocked out on the couch I remember, no matter when I woke up, Sadies was on my chest with her face nuzzled up by mine. She sensed I was in pain and would lay with me no matter what. My mom said the only time she would move was to go out. Otherwise, she had her food and water out by me on the couch. I loved that dog.
    awwww that's nice! :) my mum and dad didn't have a very amicable marriage and they used go have a little cocker spaniel. Every time they had a big argument and my mum was really upset, Donnie would sit with her and cry too. They are very compassionate creatures aren't they?
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • awwww so cute!!!
    I had a beautiful collie named Sage when I was young. Sage was an amazing dog!

  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    awwww so cute!!!
    I had a beautiful collie named Sage when I was young. Sage was an amazing dog!

    Collie Are Lovely! I had a collie rough when I was little called Tia and then another when I was about 5 called Sam. They are truly a magnificent breed aren't they?
    Good luck! ;)
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    Bump :D
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • Loulou wrote:
    awwww so cute!!!
    I had a beautiful collie named Sage when I was young. Sage was an amazing dog!

    Collie Are Lovely! I had a collie rough when I was little called Tia and then another when I was about 5 called Sam. They are truly a magnificent breed aren't they?
    Good luck! ;)
    I had a Collie once, and while in general they are a truely incredibly intelligent breed considering the average width of one's head is approximately 4 inches, ours, well I think she was inbred. She was a rescue, and we had to take six months to teach her to walk up and down the trailer steps.. well when we had the trailer "adjusted" they had to remove the steps, and the work-men left the door open... Poor Anza had to go, so she walked out the door..into thin air..she had to start alllllllll over on her "go potty outside training" she was terrified to go out the door after that and would potty right inside the door.. even after the steps were replaced..it was a terribly funny sight to see but with extremely frustrating results..oh well she was a gorgeous dog even if she WAS dumb as a rock..she also walked straight in front of a truck once.. and then stopped and stared at it like they were supposed to know she was there..THAT incident cost me 3000 at the vet's office and cost Anza a hind leg..
  • eeriepadaveeeriepadave West Chester, PA Posts: 41,804
    Loulou wrote:
    Hi folks, the generosity here is crazy! :) as a bit of thank you from my dog, my husband and myself, I would like to giveaway my extra copy of Into the Wild. It's only a reissue but it's a great vinyl and it's near new. All you have to do is tell me about a pet of yours, it can one that you had as a kid or now. Good luck folks and I'll draw this next Monday. :)
    My dog Henry
    Just thought I would add a pic of the vinyl with Jo, Henry's sister.

    glad your dog is doing great now :D . I have 2 cats myself, but i'm not interested in this giveaway (no offense). It's mainly because i didn't help when you asked for it :oops: I give my nomination to Leeze though :)
    8/28/98- Camden, NJ
    10/31/09- Philly
    5/21/10- NYC
    9/2/12- Philly, PA
    7/19/13- Wrigley
    10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
    10/21/13- Philly, PA
    10/22/13- Philly, PA
    10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
    4/28/16- Philly, PA
    4/29/16- Philly, PA
    5/1/16- NYC
    5/2/16- NYC
    9/2/18- Boston, MA
    9/4/18- Boston, MA
    9/14/22- Camden, NJ
    9/7/24- Philly, PA
    9/9/24- Philly, PA
    Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
    Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
    RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    Loulou wrote:
    Hi folks, the generosity here is crazy! :) as a bit of thank you from my dog, my husband and myself, I would like to giveaway my extra copy of Into the Wild. It's only a reissue but it's a great vinyl and it's near new. All you have to do is tell me about a pet of yours, it can one that you had as a kid or now. Good luck folks and I'll draw this next Monday. :)
    My dog Henry
    Just thought I would add a pic of the vinyl with Jo, Henry's sister.

    glad your dog is doing great now :D . I have 2 cats myself, but i'm not interested in this giveaway (no offense). It's mainly because i didn't help when you asked for it :oops: I give my nomination to Leeze though :)
    Don't be silly! This is for everyone, your more than welcome to enter. :)
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    Loulou wrote:
    awwww so cute!!!
    I had a beautiful collie named Sage when I was young. Sage was an amazing dog!

    Collie Are Lovely! I had a collie rough when I was little called Tia and then another when I was about 5 called Sam. They are truly a magnificent breed aren't they?
    Good luck! ;)
    I had a Collie once, and while in general they are a truely incredibly intelligent breed considering the average width of one's head is approximately 4 inches, ours, well I think she was inbred. She was a rescue, and we had to take six months to teach her to walk up and down the trailer steps.. well when we had the trailer "adjusted" they had to remove the steps, and the work-men left the door open... Poor Anza had to go, so she walked out the door..into thin air..she had to start alllllllll over on her "go potty outside training" she was terrified to go out the door after that and would potty right inside the door.. even after the steps were replaced..it was a terribly funny sight to see but with extremely frustrating results..oh well she was a gorgeous dog even if she WAS dumb as a rock..she also walked straight in front of a truck once.. and then stopped and stared at it like they were supposed to know she was there..THAT incident cost me 3000 at the vet's office and cost Anza a hind leg..
    Wow! :shock: yeah vet bills are very expensive arent they? :? Our collie Sam was a little slow actually, :lol: while our other dog Hobo used to chase the possums, he used to try to lick them and got scratched across the nose. :(
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    Bump! Drawing this tomorrow so get in quick peoples! :D best to luck to everyone!
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    Sorry for the delay folks, drawing this in the next couple of hours bu random numberr generator. Good luck everyone!
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • LoulouLoulou Posts: 6,247
    Hey all! :D

    And the winner of the ITW vinyl is.................

    CONMAN!!!!!!! congrats mate!

    Send me your details and I'll get that out to you A.S.A.P :D

    A really big thank you to everyone that entered and shared their stories about their pets. I loved reading them!
    Thank you too for your support for Henry!!!! :)
    “ "Thank you Palestrina. It’s a wonderful evening, it’s great to be here and I wanna dedicate you a super sexy song." " (last words of Mark Sandman of Morphine)

    Adelaide 1998
    Adelaide 2003
    Adelaide 2006 night 1
    Adelaide 2006 night 2
    Adelaide 2009
    Melbourne 2009
    Christchurch NZ 2009
    Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
    PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
    Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014
  • dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076
    Congrats conman. :clap:
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    Congrats Conman! Enjoy! :D
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • 8181 Posts: 58,276
    81 is now off the air

  • conmanconman Posts: 7,493
    :o :shock:

    this is awesome! thanks Lorna!
  • kellanazziekellanazzie Posts: 1,484
    Congrats!! :thumbup:
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    congrats conman! :D
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
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