My sister sent us (via a friend) Thanksgiving dinner for two last week. It was WAY more the we would want to eat at one meal so we had Thanksgiving dinner for two... three nights in a row. My wife is over it. I love it.
So I asked her, "If you could only have traditional Thanksgiving dinner (you know, turkey, stuffing, gravy, yams, salad, pie) to eat every day for a year, or you could only have Spam, prepared anyway you like, and vegetables every day for a year, which would you choose?"
I couldn't believe her answer. Yes, SPAM!!!
I looked at her in shock and said, "Really?"
She said, "Oh yeah, hands down."
"OK, ah huh."
So there's the challenge, folks. What will it be- Thanksgiving dinner only for one year, or Spam and veggies only for one year?
P.S. I love my kooky wife, but oh my gawd- SPAM?
That's tough, but I'd go spam too. I couldn't eat the se thing every day...spam sucks, but you could still do asian, mexican, and italian style meals...
WYR look like a magazine cover and be so weak you could barely walk around and tie your shoes, or look like a sack of garbage and feel like an elite athlete?
I’ll go with feel over look, every time!
Being as I just backspaced over a rather morbid question, would you rather be subjected to only dark humor for life, or the frivolous, nonthinking and lighter variety?
Would you rather eat eggshells every day for a month and nothing else, or smell like eggs for 6 months?
Well that's an easy one, eating egg shells would be like torture and fresh eggs don't have a smell at all lol
WYR be blind or deaf?
deaf. i think being blind would be scary
It would, and life would be so different and hard. So, so many things that you don't realize you need sight for, beyond just moving around the world. I know music lovers (like my father) who say they'd rather be blind than live without music and I think the answer to this one separates realists from idealists...
Would you rather eat eggshells every day for a month and nothing else, or smell like eggs for 6 months?
Well that's an easy one, eating egg shells would be like torture and fresh eggs don't have a smell at all lol
WYR be blind or deaf?
deaf. i think being blind would be scary
It would, and life would be so different and hard. So, so many things that you don't realize you need sight for, beyond just moving around the world. I know music lovers (like my father) who say they'd rather be deaf than live without music and I think the answer to this one separates realists from idealists...
you can still "feel" the music. that's the difference to me.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I wish I could find the tumblr I read through one day of people asking family members how blind people do everyday tasks...there were hundreds of things you'd never think of that become impossible. The one that I remember is when someone asked, when you wipe your ass, how do you know when it's clean? The answer was that you never do know, you just overuse toilet paper or buy a bidet...that stuck with me.
I wish I could find the tumblr I read through one day of people asking family members how blind people do everyday tasks...there were hundreds of things you'd never think of that become impossible. The one that I remember is when someone asked, when you wipe your ass, how do you know when it's clean? The answer was that you never do know, you just overuse toilet paper or buy a bidet...that stuck with me.
it's funny you mention that particular's actually entered my mind.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
WYR Get paid $500/day to play video games for 12 hours or get paid $500/day to bale hay for 6 hours?
Great question for people to answer. Were I answering I would go with the hay and 6 hours for the win.
I was thinking about this one. I think I would go with the baling hay. Sitting on my ass for 12 hours a day playing video games would not be good for my physical health or my eyesight. I think I would prefer the 6 hours of exercise baling hay. I would get used to it after a while and could listen to music the whole time.
WYR Get paid $500/day to play video games for 12 hours or get paid $500/day to bale hay for 6 hours?
Great question for people to answer. Were I answering I would go with the hay and 6 hours for the win.
I was thinking about this one. I think I would go with the baling hay. Sitting on my ass for 12 hours a day playing video games would not be good for my physical health or my eyesight. I think I would prefer the 6 hours of exercise baling hay. I would get used to it after a while and could listen to music the whole time.
It's a tough one though isn't it? I mean, I guess if you've never done the job it's a no-brainer but...fuck that's a shitty job. It's miserably hot, hard, and dusty. Physically exhausting and wrecks your hands, arms get all rashy even if you aren't allergic. There's spiders everywhere, crawling up your arms and down your neck...I don't miss those days.
What if I specify, no kicker, no elevator, and you are all-time ground guy? Give me the video games, I'll work 4-12's and enjoy my other three days to the fullest.
Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
It's a tough one though isn't it? I mean, I guess if you've never done the job it's a no-brainer but...fuck that's a shitty job. It's miserably hot, hard, and dusty. Physically exhausting and wrecks your hands, arms get all rashy even if you aren't allergic. There's spiders everywhere, crawling up your arms and down your neck...I don't miss those days.
What if I specify, no kicker, no elevator, and you are all-time ground guy? Give me the video games, I'll work 4-12's and enjoy my other three days to the fullest.
I worked as a laborer on a construction crew for a summer while in college. I never wanted to go back to school so badly - leading into that summer I was bored. My father had a friend that owned a construction company and I found out later that he asked that I be put on a crew and made their dog. Asked his friend to be sure I did the worst shit jobs all day, every day. At that time I weighed 135 pounds and for a week I carried forms that weighed damn near what I did. Went to bed as soon as I finished eating dinner every night
A lesson in humility and respect.
Would you rather work bottom rung on a construction crew or eat a piece of shit for lunch, every day for a month?
It's a tough one though isn't it? I mean, I guess if you've never done the job it's a no-brainer but...fuck that's a shitty job. It's miserably hot, hard, and dusty. Physically exhausting and wrecks your hands, arms get all rashy even if you aren't allergic. There's spiders everywhere, crawling up your arms and down your neck...I don't miss those days.
What if I specify, no kicker, no elevator, and you are all-time ground guy? Give me the video games, I'll work 4-12's and enjoy my other three days to the fullest.
12 hours of fun or 6 hours of grinding labour is tough for you people? #weirdos
I probably spent 12 hours with my friends in front of our nintendos by CHOICE back in our teens. when we'd rent a game for the weekend, there was almost no choice in the matter.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
It's a tough one though isn't it? I mean, I guess if you've never done the job it's a no-brainer but...fuck that's a shitty job. It's miserably hot, hard, and dusty. Physically exhausting and wrecks your hands, arms get all rashy even if you aren't allergic. There's spiders everywhere, crawling up your arms and down your neck...I don't miss those days.
What if I specify, no kicker, no elevator, and you are all-time ground guy? Give me the video games, I'll work 4-12's and enjoy my other three days to the fullest.
12 hours of fun or 6 hours of grinding labour is tough for you people? #weirdos
I probably spent 12 hours with my friends in front of our nintendos by CHOICE back in our teens. when we'd rent a game for the weekend, there was almost no choice in the matter.
We clearly had very different experiences growing up. 12 hours in front of a video game? Sports, girls, work, family, etc...I likely maxed at an hour or two. 12 hours sounds like a gigantic waste of time, plus I don't think I could just sit there for 12 hours and not turn into a zombie. I can do a lot of different shit in 6 hours I am not working, in this scenario.
It's a tough one though isn't it? I mean, I guess if you've never done the job it's a no-brainer but...fuck that's a shitty job. It's miserably hot, hard, and dusty. Physically exhausting and wrecks your hands, arms get all rashy even if you aren't allergic. There's spiders everywhere, crawling up your arms and down your neck...I don't miss those days.
What if I specify, no kicker, no elevator, and you are all-time ground guy? Give me the video games, I'll work 4-12's and enjoy my other three days to the fullest.
12 hours of fun or 6 hours of grinding labour is tough for you people? #weirdos
I probably spent 12 hours with my friends in front of our nintendos by CHOICE back in our teens. when we'd rent a game for the weekend, there was almost no choice in the matter.
We clearly had very different experiences growing up. 12 hours in front of a video game? Sports, girls, work, family, etc...I likely maxed at an hour or two. 12 hours sounds like a gigantic waste of time, plus I don't think I could just sit there for 12 hours and not turn into a zombie. I can do a lot of different shit in 6 hours I am not working, in this scenario.
this was only for a brief period when we were too young to party and it was winter when it was too fucking cold to do anything else.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Being as I just backspaced over a rather morbid question, would you rather be subjected to only dark humor for life, or the frivolous, nonthinking and lighter variety?
Would you rather eat eggshells every day for a month and nothing else, or smell like eggs for 6 months?
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
WYR be blind or deaf?
-EV 8/14/93
I know music lovers (like my father) who say they'd rather be blind than live without music and I think the answer to this one separates realists from idealists...
-EV 8/14/93
The answer was that you never do know, you just overuse toilet paper or buy a bidet...that stuck with me.
-EV 8/14/93
Get paid $500/day to play video games for 12 hours or get paid $500/day to bale hay for 6 hours?
-EV 8/14/93
water ski fo sho
be unable to go inside during the summer or outside in the winter?
(stuck inside all winter or homeless in the summer)
-EV 8/14/93
Great question for people to answer.
Were I answering I would go with the hay and 6 hours for the win.
Homeless. That shits a walk in the park.
Edit: Have you not tried staying in for a week straight???
Enjoy PJ front row with a crowd on the beach or in a stadium?
I mean, I guess if you've never done the job it's a no-brainer but...fuck that's a shitty job. It's miserably hot, hard, and dusty. Physically exhausting and wrecks your hands, arms get all rashy even if you aren't allergic. There's spiders everywhere, crawling up your arms and down your neck...I don't miss those days.
What if I specify, no kicker, no elevator, and you are all-time ground guy? Give me the video games, I'll work 4-12's and enjoy my other three days to the fullest.
I never wanted to go back to school so badly - leading into that summer I was bored. My father had a friend that owned a construction company and I found out later that he asked that I be put on a crew and made their dog. Asked his friend to be sure I did the worst shit jobs all day, every day.
At that time I weighed 135 pounds and for a week I carried forms that weighed damn near what I did.
Went to bed as soon as I finished eating dinner every night
A lesson in humility and respect.
Would you rather work bottom rung on a construction crew or eat a piece of shit for lunch, every day for a month?
Now every question of mine involves shit
Would you rather have the runs for a week or be backed up for the same duration?
(damn you, F Me!)
.... and backing straight out
Also, for Tish's question....down by the beach, mon!
WYR eat Beef Tongue or Lamb's Tongue as part of your meal?
-EV 8/14/93
I probably spent 12 hours with my friends in front of our nintendos by CHOICE back in our teens. when we'd rent a game for the weekend, there was almost no choice in the matter.
-EV 8/14/93
hoping to do that next fall.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
Eat your favorite food at every meal until you are totally sick of it, or only get to eat it once a year?