The Train's Lounge Car



  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    edited November 2019
    Mabey ahead of his time, and or just right for the time.  If more people would be exposed to this line of thinking and talking, slow down... The things in this world that are Center Stage are rarely the things that are most important.  It's what happens in the wings, in the hallways or on an elevator that really matter.  It's the spaces between the lines that are most important.
    I think there would be far far less mental illness and pent up anger in this world if people would take the time to try understand what Fred Rogers was trying to say & do.  "The things that are essential about someone or to someone is invisible to the eye  wow......
    Watch this commencement speech at Dartmouth College in 2002.  I had not seen this until today.  The only word that kept coming to my mind was wow.
    The world could use a lot more of this.  Mabey far less Rebellion, If people could be seen, and express their feelings, and  accepted for who they are.  Not try be someone else or something else.  Told that each individual is unique and special.  Throughout all of humankind, there has never been another person exactly like you and there never will be another one just like you.  And that's the same for everyone you meet.  Even identical twins are different at their core.
    Thank you very much for your kind words Hendonist...
    Post edited by RYME on
  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    edited December 2019
    After you're feeling all warm and fuzzy after after listening to Mr. Rogers speak, which apparently no one here except for hendo has any comment on... I find that interesting considering these difficult times we live in.......
    Oh well,,,we all sail our own ship I guess.
    *It's time to flip the switch.   This guy looks to me like a plumber,  Joe 6-pack,(or a railroad laborer ( not the engineer) the guy that do all the grunt work,,, which which he was!!), or a carpenter, or a factory worker who quit his day job,  with good reason & nobody is telling him to go back to his day job cuz he and Tyler Childers are flling up arenas now, with no major record label or promoters, no radio Play No MTV no nothing.
    Sturgill sings about those greedy mother F#:&ers that sit in their corrupt towers just like PJ used to do  =)
    With a song like this you can't go wrong, (Mercury in Retrograde) What a song title!! . Toss one back and smoke'em if you got'em!##@$#
    Post edited by RYME on
  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    edited December 2019
    I'm back to talking to myself again in the lounge car.
    Oh well,,,
    This song explodes like the car on the album cover.  And this CD comes in a old-fashioned jewel case.  PJ's Vitalogy was the first CD I ever bought that came in a cardboard sleeve with a compartment for the CD and the Stapled in booklet, complete with Eddie's dental X-rays, and weirdness, I loved it, which kind of set the cool new trend for CDs at the time. 
    Now everybody does it.
    This tune tells me that Sturgill Simpson must be a Chris Cornell fan too.  I know this guy hates to be pigeonholed.  This song is wild, reminds me of Red Mosquito, but this about getting rich off of the backs of broken down horses,,, 
    Both literally and figuratively!! 
    It ends brilliantly with a cherry on the Sunday.  " I want a gift card from God!"
    Anyways Sturgill in 2019 goes back to the jewel case and I do feel the same way about this album as I did when YIELD came out  maybe even better, 4th Album.  Sturgill Simpson is currently The Best Clock Maker On Mars!!  Musical Bliss!!  Goodnight, goodbye, & thanks for coming out!!
    Post edited by RYME on
  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904

  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165

    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,815
    Jason P said:

    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • Hi!Hi! Posts: 3,095

    Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022

  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    edited December 2019
    This is pritty funny!!
    Unwind a little after work and toss one back and prepare to have a good chuckle.

    Post edited by RYME on
  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    Nobody wants to see Sturgill with Stephen Colbert what the f***?
    The lounge car is empty I'm drinking alone again I guess.
  • kce8kce8 Posts: 1,636
    Hey RYME! 

    I just checked in the lounge! :) 

    Now I try to find my good mood back again. I was so glad that I got tickets for PJ but then I read about the fires in Australia. What a hell that is! :(

    So I saw that video you showed above yesterday when I tried to secure my tickets for the PJ Tour. But I was just too busy to answer, sorry. ;)
    I also saw the video of Fred Rogers that you posted. Thanks for sharing it here. It's just wonderful and so pleasant soothing slow, almost relaxing in this hectic time - just like from another world ... :)

    …One day I will send this to my son ...

    So what are we drinking tonight? 
    I have a big cup of chocolate. Just a little help to get tired enough, because I need some sleep before I have to let these doctors work on my nose in the morning with this laser ... aaahhh. Hope it works so I can get some air easier. 

    It's already midnight. So good night and don't give up on us here in the lounge!  :smile:
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Good luck tomorrow, kce!

    And glad you were able to get tickets.

    I'm drinking always :angry:

  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Got the bowl fired up, and diggin on some good old rock & roll.

    One of the comments for this was ace:  They were doing the perfect amount of drugs here. It made their concerts great.
    Happy Friday evening from the land of starfuckers!
  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    edited December 2019
    kce8 said:
    Hey RYME! 

    I just checked in the lounge! :) 

    Now I try to find my good mood back again. I was so glad that I got tickets for PJ but then I read about the fires in Australia. What a hell that is! :(

    So I saw that video you showed above yesterday when I tried to secure my tickets for the PJ Tour. But I was just too busy to answer, sorry. ;)
    I also saw the video of Fred Rogers that you posted. Thanks for sharing it here. It's just wonderful and so pleasant soothing slow, almost relaxing in this hectic time - just like from another world ... :)

    …One day I will send this to my son ...

    So what are we drinking tonight? 
    I have a big cup of chocolate. Just a little help to get tired enough, because I need some sleep before I have to let these doctors work on my nose in the morning with this laser ... aaahhh. Hope it works so I can get some air easier. 

    It's already midnight. So good night and don't give up on us here in the lounge!  :smile:
    Thank you for reaching out with the kind words kce8.
    When I was young 4 - 7 yrs old or so, I wached Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood.That show started in the 70s through 90s.  Very simple but it had a purpose.  With good music and simple drama, like getting a haircut or getting on the school bus for the first time, or the fear of maybe going down the drain in the bathtub...
    I didn't know it at the time but I think that is where my enjoyment and appreciation for music began.  I liked the music on that show.  Simple kid songs but every song on that show was recorded live with a small but top-notch jazz band. 
    *This new Tom Hanks movie A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood was really really good.  It is not a kids(I mean little kids) movie.  My daughters age 11 and 14, my wife and I really enjoyed it, my five-year-old son not so much (Rated PG)  But I have since bought my five year old son a four-pack of Mister Rogers Neighborhood DVDs.  My little guy really likes it he sits and watches them and asks for the next one.  But the movie starts off just like one of his kids television shows,
    2 minutes into the movie it gets very serious.
    It shows you what Fred Rogers was like behind the scenes off camra, and How Deeply he cared about  his fellow man trying to help people.  I have learned so much from him in  just the last few weeks, always trying to be a better person/parent myself.
    One of his most simple, yet best messages he always talked about was to look for the best feature in whoever it is that you meet, and compliment them on it. Engage with whoever it is that you're talking to, and give them your undivided attention.
    The movie has recently inspired me to research Fred Rogers.  I haven't thought about him much since I was a child.  I have found and watched numerous interviews from the 90s, and this one when he was
     on The Tonight Show with Joan Rivers in 1983.
    This 7 minute segment is outstanding!  He without raising an eyebrow, helps Joan Rivers on the stage, in real time feel like a real human being, not the celebritie Joan Rivers, as well as making the audience feel better about themselves, in just 7 minutes.  I think that's amazing.
    And there is just so much more to him than meets the eye.  He by no means was a "shrink"  His first earned bachelor's degree was in music, from there he spent his life  studying childhood development. So that combined with his own unique gifts for reading people and understanding what children need emotionally, also what teens & adults need.   If children don't get what they need,,,
    (emotionally) - how to deal with different feelings,  anger, arguments, difficulties with siblings, adults, kids at school, teachers, parents of course,  He said it doesn't do much good to yell and take away a childs favorite toy or give them a timeout.  But let them bang away on the piano as loud as they want, and then go out and run or swim as fast as he or she can for a few minutes Burn It Off.  And then sit down and talk about the issues without tempers getting in the way.  Allow them to tell you their feelings without worrying about repercussions.  Patience is often difficult but very important for a child.  He gave this example
    *Most parents are busy active and always on the go.  So a simple thing such as asking your little one what he or she wants for breakfast can be a burden.  (I have done this myself a few times) Say "What do you want for breakfas?"  And before he has time to respond the hurried parent runs through the list,,, "toast and jelly, cereal, eggs, waffle, what do you want?  Come on!!"  And end up getting a blank stare and or no response at all.  Fred Rogers said this is very common, but their little brains need time to process the question and come up with an answer.  Don't answer for them, or prattle off 10 choices in 6 seconds.  When they have thought it through the question,  and are ready they will tell you what they want.
    If children are not taught how to deal with and handle all the different emotions that are a part of life, if they harbor pent up anger, bitterness, and resent, later in life it's going to erupt somehow.  And if nothing gets resolved, the vicious cycle continues to the next generation.
    Do I think Fred Rogers is the end-all-be-all? No I don't.
    But I do think that if more people were handled better early in life the way that He suggests, there would be a sharp decline in the tragic outbursts we see so regularly everywhere in society that we're almost numb to it,
    And there would probably be far far fewer cases of mental illness.

    *I'm trying to do more listening & less talking with my kids.

    One of the best things he ever said was this, 
    There is one thing in this world that evil cannot stand, and that is Forgiveness.

    Post edited by RYME on
  • Hi!Hi! Posts: 3,095
    Cant sleep, watching newest Rogan and enjoying a bowlski. I noticed his guest has a stickman on his arm.

    Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022

  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    RYME, that was very cool to read from you.
  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    edited December 2019
    hedonist said:
    RYME, that was very cool to read from you.
    Im glad you liked it.  In this forum where we all go by avatars, there are some people here that I wish I could meet and know.  We don't really know who we are talking to.  I'm certin that you are a very nice person hedonist.  Every time you write it's something nice.
    Same for Kce8 & brian.  
    My mom has told me many times, that I write really well.  But go figure I'm a truck driver. ;)
    PS. I have now made several edits on what I initially wrote.  And it was about his appearance on Joan Rivers Tonight Show.  In just 7 minutes Fred Rogers made her feel like a real human being not just a celebrity, and simultaneously made the audience that night feel much better about themselves without raising an eyebrow.  And to me, that is amazing.
    Post edited by RYME on
  • Yes coincidently I  just finished watching Wont you be my neighbour? Borrowed from the library...just a fantastic gentle man...thanks for sharing your thoughts...
  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    edited December 2019
    Yes coincidently I  just finished watching Wont you be my neighbour? Borrowed from the library...just a fantastic gentle man...thanks for sharing your thoughts...
    Well thank you vogonpoetbythelake! 
    I didn't know about
    (Won't You Be My Neighbor? 2018 documentary) 
    I'll have to watch it.  Fred Rogers made over 900 episodes.  Right now Mister Rogers Neighborhood comes on PBS once a week at 5 a.m. on Sunday morning.
    I think PBS should bring it back entirely.  They could play 300 episodes a year for
    3+ years without a repeat.  Right now they have Daniel the Tiger, Arthur, and Clifford, and I don't know what else, but  In my opinion the kids programs these days just don't cut it.  Reruns of Mister Rogers Neighborhood would be much better.
    You know the boy in a wheelchair was one of my favorite episodes that I had completely forgotten about until just now. 
    Watching the trailer just now reminded me of that episode.
    At age 42 I guess I'm not too old for this.  I'm going to get it (the documentary) and put it in my stocking.
    A lot more of Mister Roger's vision would produce a lot less hatred in this world.
    He died in 2003 at age 74 from stomach cancer.
    So I'd like to thank the people that made the new Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood movie for bringing some of this back and reminding us about such a remarkable man.

    Post edited by RYME on
  • Hi!Hi! Posts: 3,095

    Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022

  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Bill was the fucking man.  Not surprising he was loved by Tool.
  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    edited December 2019
    Keep your Nose on The Grind Stone
    & a Song about his brother-in-law Matthew @ HOB Boston from just a few days ago.
    And pour your self a stiff drink! Cheers
    Post edited by RYME on
  • Thank you...and you too..just did..must say perfect pitch and timing...thanks again...going in for another spell...
  • kce8kce8 Posts: 1,636
    edited December 2019
    Hi everybody!
    Every time I come back to the PJ forum, I have to read so many negative comments. It's not much fun here anymore ...

    I just want to wish everyone a great week! :)

    Post edited by kce8 on
  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    kce8 said:
    Hi everybody!
    Every time I come back to the PJ forum, I have to read so many negative comments. It's not much fun here anymore ...

    I just want to wish everyone a great week! :)

    Yeah, if you venture too far out of the lounge car you've got to have a helmet on.  That I know for sure.
    Brace For Impact

  • kce8kce8 Posts: 1,636
    It must be Christmas already!!!

    I just came home and read the news about John. What wonderful long-awaited news! I'm so excited!
  • kce8kce8 Posts: 1,636
    He just deserves another one! We do too ;)

    I just love it..
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Saw that too! His live work on Don’t Forget Me is...unforgettable. 
  • Hi!Hi! Posts: 3,095
    kce8 said:
    It must be Christmas already!!!

    I just came home and read the news about John. What wonderful long-awaited news! I'm so excited!
    Holy shit that was fucking amazing. 

    Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022

  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    A great by a great.

    Goddamn, I love JC and MM.
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