F'in cold. It is a balmy 9 degrees F and the snow is blowin'. It is supposed to reach 1 degree F by 6 a.m. Degree, singular. -17C. With a wind chill of -12F (-24C) Yay! I think I am ready to take up hibernation. Not enough ~O) in the world. [-(
Ouch, that's cold. Where do you live? Over here (Sweden) it's at least +8C, not that bad, considering it's November.
Kool Kat Club 1992, Moderna museet 1992, Globen 2012, Friends arena 2014
I think I pulled every muscle in my arm & slipped another disk.
Man that is really shitty, I hope you feel better soon. For now take drugs lots of drugs.
Also feel the need to apologize for the masturbation joke that instantly came to mind.
LOL I've never associated the motion of jerking off with that of scrubbing large bulky surfaces but I guess I do see it! Haha. I have been taking ibuprofen 600mg but it's not strong enough to help with the pain in my back. I wish I had something stronger, but I'm grateful at least I have something for the arm pain. I'm afraid of calling the doctor cuz I think he's just going to label me a drug seeker.My circumstances aren't exactly 'understandable'.
Go get some Aleve, it works especially if you take it with the ibuprofen. You can get that without a prescription can't you? I can't believe how hard it is to get non-addictive pain meds down in the states. When I tore a ligament in my ankle while down there for work, I was forced to go through that with just regular strength ibuprofen and it sucked hard. Don't know what the circumstances are, but if you can and are down edibles help with that as well.
I have Aleve in the cabinet - I always thought you weren't supposed to mix those medicines though? I've got Aleve liquid gels, regular tylenol, Bayer Back and Body, and the prescription Ibuprofen 600mg which I've been taking twice a day. My thing with asking the doctor for meds is I don't have a regular GP since my insurance is stupid, I go to a clinic so I don't always get the same doctor and I can't just call and be like 'HELP IM IN PAIN SEND DRUGS!" they way you could when you have good insurance and a regular doctor. The physiatrist doctor I'm supposed to be seeing I've only seen twice and I get the impression that he both distrusts and dislikes me, but in his defense I am a terrible patient. I chickened out of an epidural steroid injection for the sciatica ... twice. The first time I called and rescheduled, the second time I just flaked, which I KNOW is wrong but like I was scared :( and then when they called me I was too scared to pick up or call back cuz I know they're gonna yell at me and they're right to, but have you SEEN those needles? Plus the doctor wanted me to do physical therapy there, but they don't offer transportation and it's too far to be taking the train there and back when I'm in that much pain. I kept telling him I wanted to find someplace closer to my house which I think pissed him off. And he's the only one of them in my area that takes my insurance so I am pretty much screwed.
I'm not a fan of the green, in any form. I don't drink either, which is what most people have suggested as a pain management technique. No thank you.
I think I pulled every muscle in my arm & slipped another disk.
Man that is really shitty, I hope you feel better soon. For now take drugs lots of drugs.
Also feel the need to apologize for the masturbation joke that instantly came to mind.
LOL I've never associated the motion of jerking off with that of scrubbing large bulky surfaces but I guess I do see it! Haha. I have been taking ibuprofen 600mg but it's not strong enough to help with the pain in my back. I wish I had something stronger, but I'm grateful at least I have something for the arm pain. I'm afraid of calling the doctor cuz I think he's just going to label me a drug seeker.My circumstances aren't exactly 'understandable'.
Go get some Aleve, it works especially if you take it with the ibuprofen. You can get that without a prescription can't you? I can't believe how hard it is to get non-addictive pain meds down in the states. When I tore a ligament in my ankle while down there for work, I was forced to go through that with just regular strength ibuprofen and it sucked hard. Don't know what the circumstances are, but if you can and are down edibles help with that as well.
I have Aleve in the cabinet - I always thought you weren't supposed to mix those medicines though? I've got Aleve liquid gels, regular tylenol, Bayer Back and Body, and the prescription Ibuprofen 600mg which I've been taking twice a day. My thing with asking the doctor for meds is I don't have a regular GP since my insurance is stupid, I go to a clinic so I don't always get the same doctor and I can't just call and be like 'HELP IM IN PAIN SEND DRUGS!" they way you could when you have good insurance and a regular doctor. The physiatrist doctor I'm supposed to be seeing I've only seen twice and I get the impression that he both distrusts and dislikes me, but in his defense I am a terrible patient. I chickened out of an epidural steroid injection for the sciatica ... twice. The first time I called and rescheduled, the second time I just flaked, which I KNOW is wrong but like I was scared :( and then when they called me I was too scared to pick up or call back cuz I know they're gonna yell at me and they're right to, but have you SEEN those needles? Plus the doctor wanted me to do physical therapy there, but they don't offer transportation and it's too far to be taking the train there and back when I'm in that much pain. I kept telling him I wanted to find someplace closer to my house which I think pissed him off. And he's the only one of them in my area that takes my insurance so I am pretty much screwed.
I'm not a fan of the green, in any form. I don't drink either, which is what most people have suggested as a pain management technique. No thank you.
Drinking doesn't do anything to help so that is a bad idea, the green at least relaxes you without negative side effects and that helps with healing, but not your scene and that's cool.
When I'm really broken (like I have been since the tour - one day I will remember that I'm not 22 while travelling to see the band ) it's two x-strength ibuprofen(400mg ea) and one Aleve and my Serrapetase supplement to get me moving in the morning. Never had an issue with putting all that together, its just not a long term solution. Also screw what your doctor thinks if you need help right now then get it, they aren't anyone special just overpaid ego maniacs(most of them, sometimes you find a good one). He also probably wants you to go to the physical therapy at a specific site cause he gets a cut for every referral - check with your insurance and see if there is anywhere close to you that they will cover - then tell your Dr to refer you there. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time and that you have to deal with the messed up medical situation in the States. Every time I hear one of these stories it makes me so much more grateful to live in Canada, especially with all the medical issues that hit me this year.
Anything you lose from being honest You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
F'in cold. It is a balmy 9 degrees F and the snow is blowin'. It is supposed to reach 1 degree F by 6 a.m. Degree, singular. -17C. With a wind chill of -12F (-24C) Yay! I think I am ready to take up hibernation. Not enough ~O) in the world. [-(
Ouch, that's cold. Where do you live? Over here (Sweden) it's at least +8C, not that bad, considering it's November.
The high here today in my part of Colorado was supposed to be 9 (-13C). I am not sure we reached that. By comparison it was 39F (4C) in Anchorage AK. These temps happen in February not November. :-t WTF
And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
I think I pulled every muscle in my arm & slipped another disk.
Man that is really shitty, I hope you feel better soon. For now take drugs lots of drugs.
Also feel the need to apologize for the masturbation joke that instantly came to mind.
LOL I've never associated the motion of jerking off with that of scrubbing large bulky surfaces but I guess I do see it! Haha. I have been taking ibuprofen 600mg but it's not strong enough to help with the pain in my back. I wish I had something stronger, but I'm grateful at least I have something for the arm pain. I'm afraid of calling the doctor cuz I think he's just going to label me a drug seeker.My circumstances aren't exactly 'understandable'.
Go get some Aleve, it works especially if you take it with the ibuprofen. You can get that without a prescription can't you? I can't believe how hard it is to get non-addictive pain meds down in the states. When I tore a ligament in my ankle while down there for work, I was forced to go through that with just regular strength ibuprofen and it sucked hard. Don't know what the circumstances are, but if you can and are down edibles help with that as well.
I have Aleve in the cabinet - I always thought you weren't supposed to mix those medicines though? I've got Aleve liquid gels, regular tylenol, Bayer Back and Body, and the prescription Ibuprofen 600mg which I've been taking twice a day. My thing with asking the doctor for meds is I don't have a regular GP since my insurance is stupid, I go to a clinic so I don't always get the same doctor and I can't just call and be like 'HELP IM IN PAIN SEND DRUGS!" they way you could when you have good insurance and a regular doctor. The physiatrist doctor I'm supposed to be seeing I've only seen twice and I get the impression that he both distrusts and dislikes me, but in his defense I am a terrible patient. I chickened out of an epidural steroid injection for the sciatica ... twice. The first time I called and rescheduled, the second time I just flaked, which I KNOW is wrong but like I was scared :( and then when they called me I was too scared to pick up or call back cuz I know they're gonna yell at me and they're right to, but have you SEEN those needles? Plus the doctor wanted me to do physical therapy there, but they don't offer transportation and it's too far to be taking the train there and back when I'm in that much pain. I kept telling him I wanted to find someplace closer to my house which I think pissed him off. And he's the only one of them in my area that takes my insurance so I am pretty much screwed.
I'm not a fan of the green, in any form. I don't drink either, which is what most people have suggested as a pain management technique. No thank you.
I would be cautious taking Aleve and ibuprofen at the same time. It can be really hard on the stomach. Many years ago, when I had a severe tendonitis, the doc told me that it takes 1800 mg of ibuprofen a day to get an antiinflammatory effect and she had me take 600 mg three to four times a day. If you take it with food it should help prevent stomach issues. When I later had sciatica, the best help for me was ice, position changes every 30 minutes or so (alternate lying, sitting, standing) and acupuncture. The needles are much smaller and I think helped more than anything.
And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
I think I pulled every muscle in my arm & slipped another disk.
Man that is really shitty, I hope you feel better soon. For now take drugs lots of drugs.
Also feel the need to apologize for the masturbation joke that instantly came to mind.
LOL I've never associated the motion of jerking off with that of scrubbing large bulky surfaces but I guess I do see it! Haha. I have been taking ibuprofen 600mg but it's not strong enough to help with the pain in my back. I wish I had something stronger, but I'm grateful at least I have something for the arm pain. I'm afraid of calling the doctor cuz I think he's just going to label me a drug seeker.My circumstances aren't exactly 'understandable'.
Go get some Aleve, it works especially if you take it with the ibuprofen. You can get that without a prescription can't you? I can't believe how hard it is to get non-addictive pain meds down in the states. When I tore a ligament in my ankle while down there for work, I was forced to go through that with just regular strength ibuprofen and it sucked hard. Don't know what the circumstances are, but if you can and are down edibles help with that as well.
I have Aleve in the cabinet - I always thought you weren't supposed to mix those medicines though? I've got Aleve liquid gels, regular tylenol, Bayer Back and Body, and the prescription Ibuprofen 600mg which I've been taking twice a day. My thing with asking the doctor for meds is I don't have a regular GP since my insurance is stupid, I go to a clinic so I don't always get the same doctor and I can't just call and be like 'HELP IM IN PAIN SEND DRUGS!" they way you could when you have good insurance and a regular doctor. The physiatrist doctor I'm supposed to be seeing I've only seen twice and I get the impression that he both distrusts and dislikes me, but in his defense I am a terrible patient. I chickened out of an epidural steroid injection for the sciatica ... twice. The first time I called and rescheduled, the second time I just flaked, which I KNOW is wrong but like I was scared :( and then when they called me I was too scared to pick up or call back cuz I know they're gonna yell at me and they're right to, but have you SEEN those needles? Plus the doctor wanted me to do physical therapy there, but they don't offer transportation and it's too far to be taking the train there and back when I'm in that much pain. I kept telling him I wanted to find someplace closer to my house which I think pissed him off. And he's the only one of them in my area that takes my insurance so I am pretty much screwed.
I'm not a fan of the green, in any form. I don't drink either, which is what most people have suggested as a pain management technique. No thank you.
I would be cautious taking Aleve and ibuprofen at the same time. It can be really hard on the stomach. Many years ago, when I had a severe tendonitis, the doc told me that it takes 1800 mg of ibuprofen a day to get an antiinflammatory effect and she had me take 600 mg three to four times a day. If you take it with food it should help prevent stomach issues. When I later had sciatica, the best help for me was ice, position changes every 30 minutes or so (alternate lying, sitting, standing) and acupuncture. The needles are much smaller and I think helped more than anything.
Yes, as oceaninmyeyes says, be cautious about taking aleve (naproxen) and ibuprofen together as they are both anti-inflammatories. However, it is usually fine, in fact often helpful, to take ibuprofen and acetaminophen (tylenol) together as long as you don't exceed their recommended doses. They work in different ways and can be complimentary. This was recommended to me after a nasty surgery and it worked better than the narcotics.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Great. We've got a long cold and sunny stretch happening, and this is my favorite weather in the world! It's even the best weather for my hair - it looks fabulous. )
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I hate how the healthcare industry seems to be more about money than healing. It's caused a lot of problems and stress lately.especially since were getting phone calls from people whose jobs seem to be to intimidate and/or confuse patients into paying out of pocket for shit that they don't need and/or is covered by the insurance, and/or was already paid for out of pocket.
This cold front decided to show up at the worst possible time. I need to wait till next week to get a new heater & a metal shovel and boom! Have some freezing temps!
Great. We've got a long cold and sunny stretch happening, and this is my favorite weather in the world! It's even the best weather for my hair - it looks fabulous. )
Relieved. so happy tomorrow is Friday...another crazy work week. also the construction we've been under since august appears to be done finally with the exception of 1 piece of door trim that is too short and will be replaced. it has been such a stressful time in our family and I'm very glad to be on the other side of it. Now we just have to move my in laws into their new rooms that are now attached to my house and rearrange the rest of the house so we can spread out a bit. The kids will finally have their basement back (that's where the inlaws have been living for the most part of the past 15 years or so). phew, we made it...that's how I feel.
5/3/92 Omaha, NE
6/19/95 Red Rocks
9/11/98 MSG
11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1 4/7/17 RRHOF New York City 9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2 9/18/21 Asbury Park 2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden 9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
Relieved. so happy tomorrow is Friday...another crazy work week. also the construction we've been under since august appears to be done finally with the exception of 1 piece of door trim that is too short and will be replaced. it has been such a stressful time in our family and I'm very glad to be on the other side of it. Now we just have to move my in laws into their new rooms that are now attached to my house and rearrange the rest of the house so we can spread out a bit. The kids will finally have their basement back (that's where the inlaws have been living for the most part of the past 15 years or so). phew, we made it...that's how I feel.
Glad to hear it. I hope the rest of life settles down for you as well. :-* And while we only just hit double digits, the giant golden orb in the sky shone on us a bit today. Glorious! All is right with the world!
Post edited by oceaninmyeyes on
And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
"Sometimes you find yourself having to put all your faith in no faith."
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2 2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
depressed over my sick kitty cat... I hate life right now....
aw I hope everything works out, it would be nice if pets could talk, I thought that when my dog was sick :( but I lost him, broke my heart, I still miss him, I hope things sort itself out, and drink hot chocolate for the anxiety but be always prepared for the worst so you don't get shock :(
2005 - London
2009 - Toronto
2010 - Buffalo
2011 - Toronto 1&2
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1 2018 - Fenway 1&2 2022 - Hamilton, Toronto 2023 - Chicago 1&2 2024 - Las Vegas 1&2
My thing with asking the doctor for meds is I don't have a regular GP since my insurance is stupid, I go to a clinic so I don't always get the same doctor and I can't just call and be like 'HELP IM IN PAIN SEND DRUGS!" they way you could when you have good insurance and a regular doctor. The physiatrist doctor I'm supposed to be seeing I've only seen twice and I get the impression that he both distrusts and dislikes me, but in his defense I am a terrible patient. I chickened out of an epidural steroid injection for the sciatica ... twice. The first time I called and rescheduled, the second time I just flaked, which I KNOW is wrong but like I was scared :( and then when they called me I was too scared to pick up or call back cuz I know they're gonna yell at me and they're right to, but have you SEEN those needles? Plus the doctor wanted me to do physical therapy there, but they don't offer transportation and it's too far to be taking the train there and back when I'm in that much pain. I kept telling him I wanted to find someplace closer to my house which I think pissed him off. And he's the only one of them in my area that takes my insurance so I am pretty much screwed.
I'm not a fan of the green, in any form. I don't drink either, which is what most people have suggested as a pain management technique. No thank you.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
When I'm really broken (like I have been since the tour - one day I will remember that I'm not 22 while travelling to see the band
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
This cold front decided to show up at the worst possible time. I need to wait till next week to get a new heater & a metal shovel and boom! Have some freezing temps!
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
6/19/95 Red Rocks
9/11/98 MSG
11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
9/18/21 Asbury Park
2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
And while we only just hit double digits, the giant golden orb in the sky shone on us a bit today. Glorious! All is right with the world!
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2
2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
Tattooed Dissident!
2009 - Toronto
2010 - Buffalo
2011 - Toronto 1&2
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1
2018 - Fenway 1&2
2022 - Hamilton, Toronto
2023 - Chicago 1&2
2024 - Las Vegas 1&2