*** Bonnaroo Fanviews Here 6/14/2008 ***



  • sadprofessorsadprofessor Posts: 1,034
    velogator wrote:
    THe only change to the set list that I remember was that it had Ledbetter/Indiffer. as the closer and didn't have Watchtower on it at all.

    Awesome show

    Yeah, when they went away after Alive I assumed it would be Ledbetter, Baba, or RITFW, but likely Ledbetter for the final song so I started walking back towards the exit so I could get to Sigur Ros. Then they walk out and Ed has a guitar, and my jaw drops... I'm thinking what the fuck are they gonna do now? AFter all that they are still pulling surprises on us? And then they ripped through Watchtower. Just amazing.
    The Man has a branch office in each of our brains, his corporate emblem is a white albatross, each local rep has a cover known as the Ego, and their mission in this world is Bad Shit.
  • mnicole22mnicole22 Posts: 417
    Greatest. Band. Ever.

    It was a beautiful night.

    Who You Are was perfect.

    Please come back to Canada!! It was a long fucking drive, but I would do it again in a second for a show like that!!
    AKA Cinnamon Girl :(

    08-12-08 (EV)
  • leafs4everleafs4ever Posts: 833
    ReleasH wrote:
    I am still trying to wrap my head around what I experienced Saturday night. I've seen some great shows, especially the previous PJ shows I've been too, but the guys absolutely killed it at Bonnaroo. Hands down the best show ever!!

    I had to work Friday morning so I wasn't able to make the Pit meet up, but was able to get down to Manchester by 3 pm. On Saturday I headed over to What Stage (the main stage) right before BB King started. The line for the front pen areas were already insanely long. I didn't want risk not getting into the pen and ending up super far back in the crowd so I decided to try for the rail just behind the pen on Mike's side. I started working my way up during the end of BB King's set. Worked my way up closer during Jack Johnson's set and was about 5 people back from the rail at the end of Jack Johnson. The wait between Jack and PJ seemed like an eternity, probably because I was so excited and there was no room to sit down. When the guys came out and I heard the first notes of Hard to Imagine, I went nuts. Great opener!! The crowd really joined in on Corduroy. All Night was awesome! And then Why Go! At this point, I felt like we were in for something really special. The guys seemed like they were out there to rock Bonnaroo's brains out. Solid Small Town with good crowd singing, then Down. WHO YOU ARE started and I nearly lost my mind. I knew they had broken it out at WPB, but I never thought I would get to see it live. It was the beginning of an absolutely rockin' group of songs (Severed Hand, 1/2 Full, Animal) that whipped the crowd into a frenzy for Even Flow. At this point I was able to move around an annoying group of tall frat boys and next to some very cool PJ fans 3 people back from the rail. I thought the crowd would be much less responsive to Eddie's Bush comments before Gone, but there weren't too many boos. And then Boom started the opening to Love Reign O'er Me. I was speechless as Eddie launched into an absolutely beautiful version. I feel truly blessed to have seen the guys do this live. They closed out the main set with an freaking awesome Do the Evolution and rearviewmirror.

    I was a little bummed the cameraman showed the encore setlist during the break, but I didn't think that it was the real one because of how stacked it was. Little did I know what PJ had in store for us ... WMA was unbelievable!! Great extended version. The crowd really joined in for Betterman and Eddie commented on how huge the crowd was. It seemed like all 100,000 plus people were singing for Black, which was beautiful. Crazy Mary was the best version I've heard from the guys. I was super pumped they started Porch out with the interupted/staccato intro. Porch freaking rocked!

    Ed was extremely emotional all night, he seemed at a loss for words a couple times. But I thought his speech before No More was poignant and perfectly timed. The crowd sung the chorus sooo loud. He then dedicated Release to a friend, Luke, whose father had just died. When the opening notes of Release started, I literally got goosebumps down my arms and couldn't stop myself from crying. The awesome guy next to me was crying to. I've waited so long to hear this song and the guys gave us an amazing version. I feel so lucky to have been there. Alive was great, with Mike killing it. I think this is when he came out on stacks at the edge of the stage, though I may not be remembering correctly.

    I knew the guys weren't done with us yet and the setlist the camera guy showed had Yellow Ledbetter/Indifference, but I never expected All Along the Watchtower. FREAKING AMAZING!! A great change up from Ledbetter as the closer.

    Other thoughts ... Mike seemed totally amped the whole night. His solos were awesome and he was really connecting with the crowd in front of him. Stone was his usual chill self, but I'm happy to see him playing closer into center of the stage (someone else had mentioned this in the WPB fanviews). His haircut is terrible (definitely not "hunky"). Stone's solos were amazing as usual. Jeff was running around so much I had a hard time getting a non-blurry picture! Matt rocked but with shorter solos than I have seen in the past from him. Ed's voice was spot-on and he did a number of interesting, beautiful little variations in tone on some lyrics.

    Overall, I feel unbelievably lucky to have been at this amazing show. I couldn't stop smiling afterwards. Pearl Jam not only rocked Bonnaroo; they showed why they are the best band in the world. Seriously, every other band I saw at Bonnaroo (and every other band period) absolutely pales in comparison. I'm so happy there were a ton of awesome PJ fans at the show (I met a ton of cool non-pit people). Bonnaroo '08 will go down in my book as one of the best experiences of my life and the best concert I have ever seen. All of you guys are in for some awesome shows for the rest of tour.

    wow releash, i`m so envious of you right now. Sounds like one of the best shows ever and i`m happy you all had such a good time... I just ordered the bootleg to try to get some of the goodness all you guys got.

    anybody watch the sigur ros performance?
    "I'll ride the wave where it takes me"
    09/19/05, 05/09/06, 05/10/06
  • I just got back to San Franciscofrom 4 days in roo. That show was reilgious. I took 3 fans, but not fans like me. We were all so emotionally touched by that show. I can't quite capture it. I was about 50 people back from Mike. We had room to dance and rock out to our hearts desire. Something about that sunset JJ show, into a PJ night show put you in a place that was indescridable (not to mention recouping from the PJ show on a blanket under the stars listening to Phil Lesh & Friends). Rereading the setlist, it was such a blur of emotion that I had forgotten about all those tunes. My heart is still a flutter and I am looking forward to the next stage of that kind of experience. The winding down, the longing for it again, and then the listening of the boot to take you back to that special place.

    I wish I could give more detail, but I am completely spent from 4 days and all that travel. That was a trip I will always remember and a show that... ya....
    We were but stones... Your light made us stars
  • SteveoSteveo Posts: 352
    Thank you george bush, for economically stimulating me, so I could witness this incredible show.

    Got to the What stage during Ozomatli's set. Sat against Stone's pit side. B.B. King was a great show to watch.
    Then the line to the pit got a little tighter.
    Then Jack Johnson came on.
    Then we were packed like sardines.

    I think the hour and a half Jack Johnson set was a little brutal for those in line would couldn't move at all. ( "We love you Jack, but get the hell off the stage" ) But it turned out to be completely worth it.

    Hard to Imagine had a nice old school 'roo glowstick war. Great opener for this festival. Corduroy / All Night:::wow:::. I heard all about Who you Are @ WPB and didn't at all think they would play it there. For me it seemed to set the mood of where this show was going.

    Eddie had so much emotion speaking during RVM. Personally, I'm a little tired of politics in Pearl Jam, but with that amount of people giving the band their ears, Eddie had the power. <- and he used it all night.

    I didn't even realize they were playing WMA until after the first verse. It was so good, I was just entranced. Jeff kilt it with the backup vocals.
    Can't say much about Release as a second encore song. that says enough.

    Watchtower wasn't YL / Indif.
    And it was fucking GREAT.

    I met a lot of cool people. The whole crowd seemed to be very warm and welcoming to pearl jam. Great Vibes. And i finally got to see the band close.

    now i can sleep/

    by the way. Stone looks sweet.
    Life has nothing to do with killing time.
    So why be satisfied?
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,182
    Alright guy's I believe that was my 17th time seeing the boys and they were at top form. the crowd was a good mix of fans and just music lovers in general. I think PJ made those into believers. I have not seen Jeff & Stone that active in a while. For everyone who thought this was just going to be another festival show then you have never been to the Roo.

    If there is one thing I would like to say is. If your going to bring a flag to a concert please do not out it on a pole and have it waiving the whole f-ing time. I don't know what country the flag was from but it was blocking veiws of the stage the whole night for some. I finally moved after 2 songs (into a lot better spot) because it was blocking out Ed.

    Other than that I loved the Roooo it is a very fun and happy place. I did not see one fight for over 70,000 people.
  • Sprunkn7Sprunkn7 Posts: 5,286
    I had such a great time. All I can really say is ....

    Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
  • This was my fourth show and after the birth of my children, one of the best experiences of my life. There are hardly words to describe that show. I wish that a DVD would be commerically put out for this show. "Hard to Imagine", "WMA" and "Who You Are" along with "Watchtower" were highlights for me. The entire day/night of BB King, Jack Johnson and the anticipation for Pearl Jam was crazy.
    I had never attended a festival before, but when PJ was announced for Bonnaroo, I knew that this was the time. I couldn't have been happier with the way the festival was run and the way that things went. They have left me wanting more! Kanye sucks!

    Brian From KY
    Cincinnati 2000
    Indianapolis 2003
    Cincinnati 2006
    Bonnaroo 2008
    2000 Cincinnati
    2003 Indianapolis
    2006 Cincinnati
    2008 Bonnaroo
    2010 Columbus, Indianapolis
    2011 PJ20 1 & 2
    2013 Pittsburgh
    2014 Cincinnati, Saint Louis, Detroit
    2016 Lexington, Philadelphia 1 & 2, NYC 1 & 2, Wrigley 1 & 2
  • Sprunkn7Sprunkn7 Posts: 5,286
    heh, Kanye sucks
    Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
  • GavrocksGavrocks Posts: 33
    I wish that a DVD would be commerically put out for this show.

    I second this! Not too much I can say that hasn't been said already. It was epic. Left us all quite spechless & in disbelief. But there was enough cameras to get some good shots, particularly from behind the band, showing the crowd. I imagine they'll have a few PJ songs on the Roo DVD, but I'd love the whole 2 hours & 45 min (not quite tje 3 hours everyone says it was) on DVD as well as the (already ordered) CD.

    I must also say that I was more happy to see Down than All Night, although like some people have said, All Night was much better live than the recorded version.
    Ten Club Member: 342***

    10/11/06 - Brisbane, QLD, Australia
    14/6/08 - Manchester, TN, USA
    16/6/08 - Columbia, SC, USA
    20/11/09 - Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    "Such a perfect Island, tucked away in the sea.
    The real land of the free, do you hear me?"
  • Inhiding230Inhiding230 Posts: 362
    First of all let me say that I am not a hard core fan like most of you, but I have loved PJ since 1991. I have only seen them once before at the Tibetan Freedom Festival in DC, and that was a short set. I admit to not knowing all the songs on Saturday, but I did know most of them.

    I feel sooo lucky to have seen this show. The whole show was amazing and Eddie was just so full of emotion and feeling that he bought me to tears a few times. The whole band were just so on it, and Mike really blew me away during Black. My husband knew I wanted to see Phil Lesh and Friends who were playing at 12:15 (when PJ were supposed to finish) and kept asking if I wanted to go. LOL I just laughed and said no way in hell am I leaving here until PJ are done. At 1am we were still there :) What a wonderful night!! I just can't even put into words what an amazing show it was and I wish I could do it all over again.

    I am really bummed that my 16 year old and her friend just wouldn't listen to me and stay for the whole set. I think they caught the first few songs and left to go sit in the cinema tent - that pissed me off!

    For those that asked, Metallica were amazing also - but Pearl Jam defintely won best band at Roo 08!
  • Spoony CSpoony C Posts: 278
    I'm still having trouble putting the Bonnaroo experience (in toto) and the Pearl Jam experience (specifically) into words, but I'll try here. As a music lover (and a longtime serious PJ fan), the entire four days were fantastic, but the block from 10:20pm Saturday to 1:05am Sunday was something I'll never forget (and likely never top as a music fan).

    My friend Joey and I set up shop behind the pit on the Mike side very early, about 2:40pm, before the first act on the What Stage (Ozomatli) played. Enjoyed their set, LOVED B.B.'s set (he had that enormous crowd eating out of the palm of his hand, just as he does in small theater shows), enjoyed Jack Johnson (not a huge fan, but it was a good time, even if it did sound like I was in the world's largest, sweatiest Starbucks), and was thrilled to be surrounded by real PJ fans and not just casual fest-goers--especially because we were packed like sardines from the end of B.B.'s set to the start of PJ's. There were lots of good conversations about past shows (and the couple in front of us had been to West Palm, and were debating whether to go to Columbia, too, so their current-tour insight was appreciated).

    This was my fifth show (Knoxville '98, Indy '00, Lexington '03, Cincy '06--and I had tickets for the cancelled Cincy '03 show), and it was the best by a mile, despite the others all being fantastic. Everyone around us--live show vets, all of them--agreed. It was great to be a part of what will surely be considered a career highlight for such a wonderful band, and I'm glad we made the choice to go to our first 'Roo this year.

    Everybody else has well hashed out the song highlights, so I won't do too much more of that. I will say that I'd somehow never seen "Porch" live, so that was awesome; ditto "Why Go," "Release," "WMA," "Down," "All Night," and newer stuff like "Love Reign O'er Me" (I'm also a huge Who fan, so that was a magic moment for me). The "Watchtower" closer was the perfect way to close it, even though before going I was praying they'd close a festival show with the "Yellow Ledbetter" version with "Star-Spangled Banner."

    From the post above, I'm 99% sure ReleasH--wearing a Cubs hat and braids in her hair, right?--was standing to my left after she moved away from the fratboys (which would make me the "awesome" crying guy during "Release," so thanks for the compliment, and for telling the whole Pit what an emotional wreck I can be). When the encore started with "w.m.a.," she nudged me and said "the set list is right! We're gonna get 'Release!'" When "Release" started, she held out her arm to me and said, "Goosebumps!" I turned to my friend Joey, on my other side, and he held out his arm and said, "Goosebumps!" I managed to hold onto my emotions until "I'll ride the wave where it takes me," but I'm not made of stone, people! It was tears time.

    One other note about the set list they showed on the jumbotrons: it listed "Porch (short middle)," but when they played the song, it ran something like ten minutes, with solos for Stone and Mike, and a speech for Eddie. So that was a hilarious footnote.

    Ed was clearly really feelin' it, jumping out onto the camera-track at the lip of the stage during "Life Wasted," and moving out to stage left in front of the PJ banners during, I think, "Alive." I remarked to Joey that it seemed like if there'd been anything for him to climb that night, he probably would have. Unbelievable. His political speeches were terrific, especially the "welded into the constitution"/"this is the time" speech, which I found to be eloquent and moving (even moreso than the Thomas Young speech which came later).

    It was a magic, magic moment. And to top it all off? I wound up winning the silent auction on Sunday for the autographed (by the whole band, including Boom) PJ Australia poster! Expensive, exhausting weekend, but worth every penny, every lost hour of sleep (we slept maybe two hours a night at our campsite), and every aching moment on my feet. This is a memory they'll never take away from me. Can't wait for the bootleg to relive it again and again.
  • sweet adelinesweet adeline Posts: 2,191
    a girl i work with just got back and said it was amazing. she had never listened to pearl jam before going and said the concert was in her top 5 ever concerts. she was really impressed with ed and his involvement with the crowd.
  • LukinFanLukinFan Posts: 29,040
    This was by far the best show that I've ever attended. We got right up front and was blown away. I'm so glad that I didn't pass on Roo.

    1996: Ft Lauderdale
    1998: Birmingham
    2000: Charlotte, Tampa
    2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
    2004: Kissimmee
    2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
    2010: MSG2
    2012: Music Midtown
    2014: Memphis
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, JazzFest
    2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
    2022: Nashville
    2023: Ft. Worth II
  • Eliot RosewaterEliot Rosewater Posts: 2,659
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    how was metallica,, ??

    being serious for a second
    They sounded pretty good actually....from my campsite. And I'm still not sure who won the contest of who can say "bonnaroo" the most times during there set. I know it was either Metallica or Ozomotli.
  • Inhiding230Inhiding230 Posts: 362
    a girl i work with just got back and said it was amazing. she had never listened to pearl jam before going and said the concert was in her top 5 ever concerts. she was really impressed with ed and his involvement with the crowd.

    Wow, how can you go through life without ever listening to Pearl Jam......?
  • sweet adelinesweet adeline Posts: 2,191
    seren327 wrote:
    Wow, how can you go through life without ever listening to Pearl Jam......?

    she listens mostly to japanese music. luckily i gave her some cd's to check out prior to attending, so i guess she had heard them a little bit.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,355
    What an unbelievable show!!!!!!!!!! Loved every second. Top 2-3 show out of my 21. So glad I made the trip, BB King-JJ-PJ was just awesome.

    By the way...anyone get an extra PJ specific poster? I was suppose to share an Ames Sub, but it looks like that isn't going to happen, so I passed on it at the show but now need 1. If anyone has one, please let me know. Thanks.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • ReleasHReleasH Posts: 743
    Spoony C wrote:
    From the post above, I'm 99% sure ReleasH--wearing a Cubs hat and braids in her hair, right?--was standing to my left after she moved away from the fratboys (which would make me the "awesome" crying guy during "Release," so thanks for the compliment, and for telling the whole Pit what an emotional wreck I can be). When the encore started with "w.m.a.," she nudged me and said "the set list is right! We're gonna get 'Release!'" When "Release" started, she held out her arm to me and said, "Goosebumps!" I turned to my friend Joey, on my other side, and he held out his arm and said, "Goosebumps!" I managed to hold onto my emotions until "I'll ride the wave where it takes me," but I'm not made of stone, people! It was tears time.

    Yup, that's was me! :) Welcome to the pit and sorry for blowing your cover on the crying. ;) I actually think it makes you more "awesome"!! It was great to share the show with PJ fans like you.

    Congrats on winning the silent auction! I am very jealous but glad that it went to a real fan and not someone who's just going to turn around and sell it on ebay.
  • LukinFanLukinFan Posts: 29,040
    What an unbelievable show!!!!!!!!!! Loved every second. Top 2-3 show out of my 21. So glad I made the trip, BB King-JJ-PJ was just awesome.

    Good call, even though we had to watch it from the Pit line

    1996: Ft Lauderdale
    1998: Birmingham
    2000: Charlotte, Tampa
    2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
    2004: Kissimmee
    2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
    2010: MSG2
    2012: Music Midtown
    2014: Memphis
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, JazzFest
    2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
    2022: Nashville
    2023: Ft. Worth II
  • Eliot RosewaterEliot Rosewater Posts: 2,659
    So I just got back from Roo...about 4 hours ago. What a crazy trip.

    Never again will I fly standby to see PJ. Should have learned when I almost missed the SF shows in '06. But I thought if we fly standby, we can use the money we saved to upgrade to VIP (which was very nice, btw).

    We were hoping to catch the midnight flight out of SLC to ATL then hit the three hour drive to Roo, arriving pretty early on Thursday. Instead, there were a shitload of standbys and we had to drive home for 2 hours of sleep then head right back to the airport only to NOT get on the morning flight to ATL either.

    So we flew to Denver. Flights looked better from there and we were able to get on the first flight to ATL. Way behind schedule we drove like mad from ATL to Roo. Thank god for the GPS, too.

    We made it to Roo around 10:00pm...setup camp and walked to centeroo to check out some Vampire Weekend and Lez Zeppelin, both of which sounded great. Then we were pretty tired so we headed back to camp hoping for some good sleep.

    Unfortunately we were camped next to someone who kept getting in and out of their car ALL NIGHT LONG and setting the alarm each time. So every 30 min or so we were awakened with a couple of loud ass honks right by our tent. Probably some crack addicts who had to keep their shit in the locked car at all times...and kept going to get more.

    Friday was great, caught some more shows. My Morning Jacket is just fucking amazing. It got pretty cold when it was pouring rain and we left a little early but still caught the first couple hours. I guess they ended up playing from Midnight until past 4:00 AM. WOW. Wish we would have stayed.

    Saturday...woke up, hit the showers, and went over to the What Stage main gates. I wasn't sure what to expect. I was pleased when there were only about 15 people there. So I parked my ass in line. Made some friends, which is always nice and is bound to happen in those situations. Waited, and waited AND WAITED for stonesgearl who was out buying some supplies at the Wal-Mart. Turns out she locked the keys in the trunk. No spare keys so the Police had to come break into the car. It went from scorching hot to nice and cloudy and breezy to rainy and back to scorching hot.

    Finally the were gonna let us in. But by then the "line" to see PJ had turned into an every-man-for-himself 300 yard dash. At 6'5" and nearly 300 lbs this was NOT good news for me. People who showed up 4 hours after me and hadn't had to endure any weather or discomfort will now have better spots for PJ than me because they're faster on their feet. Fuck that shit. That's all I have to say about that. So between the 300 yard dash and the fact that scores of people just pushed their way in toward the front even later in the day, I ended up about 4th row right in front of Mike instead of front row. But all the same to me...my height helps me in these situations, even though I'll forever feel bad for those right behind me.

    The show was AMAZING. Hard to Imagine opener was great. Reign O'er Me is my favorite Who song and Ed just nails it. Who You Are, WMA, Watchtower.....and Down, which means a lot to me. Great setlist. Great vibe. Great energy. Great people. Great crowd. Oh, and All Night....come on!

    Loved Ed's comments about the war, even though it's hard to not be depressed about it all. Can't wait for the boot. Mike was amazing all night long as he always is. There is no place I'd rather be than directly in front of Mike McCready. Stone looked good with his longer hair and he seemed to be enjoying himself.

    I caught a pick from Mike. I was going to give it to Erica and Dale who were near us all day and in the show. They had been so nice to Holly who was having a really rough time. So Erica & Dale if you're out there, hit me up and I'll send this pick your way. I was gonna give it to you but then Mike kept throwing picks and I wanted to see if we could score another one. Then next thing I know some assholes are pushing like mad, trying to get to the front...I see Dale pushing them back, only trying to protect the ladies up front. "Safety" people came over and then the next time I turned I couldn't see them. I think they got booted or something...hopefully they just left the pit and were able to see the rest of the show. Either way, hit me up, this pick is for you guys. Thanks so much for taking care of Holly.

    Great time and great memories. Dan made a great joke about Kanye and something Chris Rock had said that I must never repeat....but I've laughed about it several times. I'll try to not mention names when talking about the two grown men who I now call friends but were wearing adult diapers as to not miss out on anything for a 'piss break'. I will tell you that it wasn't me. That's a true story.

    After Death Cab on Sunday we went back to camp, cleaned up and packed. Headed back to ATL in hopes for a flight home. No bueno. So we flew to Kansas City because the flights looked better there. No bueno. And only two flights per day to SLC....so we rented a car, mini-van actually, and drove our happy asses back to Salt Lake City. Stopping every few hours for a little nap. Wow, what a trip.

    Edit: Did I mention Nebraska State Patrol can go straight to hell?? Getting pulled over for driving 77 in a 65 isn't a HUGE deal. He acted like we were criminals, asking us several times where we were headed and where we came from. Three separate times as if we were lying. He checked the rental car docs, which clearly has my name and license number on them already, called the rental car company, checked the VIN and year of the car. Then called me back from his loud speaker to "please step out of the car"....WTF? The whole ordeal took over 30 minutes and I ended up with a $120 ticket. No one in Utah would even get pulled over for driving 12 over on the freeway, let alone get a $120 ticket.
  • I loved how the crowd kept singing the chorus to Alive after the song ended. I hope they have that on the bootleg!!

    Can you please elaborate on this?
    Matt and I are friends.
  • AtlantaJammerAtlantaJammer Posts: 2,611
    Can you please elaborate on this?

    Sang chorus before the band came out for their encore. Not after, but anyways, while the guys were backstage we started singing the "I'm still alive" until the boys took the stage. They came back on then sand No More, then Release, then Alive. It was sweet as hell.
  • AtlantaJammerAtlantaJammer Posts: 2,611
    LukinFan wrote:
    Good call, even though we had to watch it from the Pit line

    I didnt know you were in pit line! I was 5th in line. Got me 1st row. But Im sure you were close too then. Columbia was F'n sweet too. Where were your seats?? I lucked out and was 4th row Floor center. Thanks to Porch4294 and his awesome 10c #. Thanks Patrick!!
  • I won't add anything set-list wise as everything I felt has been written a few times over. Holy-F-Ing shit!!!

    I WILL say that the waiting drove me f-ing mad!!! they were finally there and I was a goddamn mess!!! Literally!!! :)

    It was Hard to Imagine waiting over 9 hours in the almost Summer Solstice Tennessee Summer Sun! YAY!!! (I'll stop now).

    A big shout-out to the two young studs in front of me-- (I'm easily old enough to be their mom) --the guys on the rail smack in front of Mike. At first, I was annoyed as hell that you cut in line in front of everyone but the fact that you DIDN'T HOLD UP A CAMERA blocking my sight made up for it 10-fold. When I pointed out a Mike pick on the ground and you razzed security to give it to me--- priceless in my mind.

    Thank you. :)

    Words cannot express how amazing the Roo experience was for me. I traveled by myself from the Chicago area-- I was terrified of bad weather... after watching the Boy Scout thing from my hotel in Bowling Green, KY I was happy I brought my hockey goalie helmet with me --- Anyway, I survived the driving rains and bad winds at Roo and I watched the boys from the closest spot I'll ever have.

    I met the most AMAZING people at camp-- one was a lawyer from Boone that had never seen Pearl Jam Live although he listened to them in the beginning. My other neighbors were married at a Widespread Panic concert... the others were equally cool and shared everything they had with everyone around them. One set of neighbors were kinda pissy-- they bought tickets only to see The Allman Brothers. Oops.

    When we met at camp on Sunday morning, everyone was rediculously excited that I scored an awesome spot. Mind you, most of these people weren't you're your usual PJ fans AT ALL! I had complete strangers on my side... "I was thinking about you all night! Where did you wind up?!" Their set was kick-fucking-ass!!! etc... they were all on drugs stronger than weed. Cool.

    They were all blown away by Pearl Jam. I feel blessed in a sick, psycho sort of way! :)

    Roo was my only show this time around and I'm happy. I eagerly await the new album and the tour that will surely follow.

    ALPINE VALLEY 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's gonna happen!

  • Check it out here.


    This show was soooooo epic. The best of the 6 shows I have been priveleged to see. PJ is certifiably the greatest rock band on the planet!!!
  • My first pearl jam show after 10 years of being a diehard fan and I was left completely speechless. I have a pretty decent video of WMA taken from my second row spot, I'm not posting it anywhere but pm me if you want to to set up a transfer so all you other ten clubbers out there can check it out. Amazing show. I fully believe they would have continued to play were it not for the Kanye debacle, and proof to that is the additional songs on the peeked setlist that weren't played.
  • MakeMeCry43MakeMeCry43 Posts: 355
    The more I read you guys' fantastic reviews the more I get filled with envy and jealousy :p But it's a bittersweet kinda thing, I'm really glad for all the fans that went and especially those that went to see PJ for a first time, is really really awesome for you guys! But hehe I'm only human so I can't help but feel jealous, Aaah, I really wish my first PJ concert will be as amazing as that! Thank you to all who posted some kick ass reviews, Spoony C and AndySlash and all of you, made me feel like for just a little second that I was there in the crowd, front line ofcourse :p watching PJ give their hailed effin awesome performance, so I thank you guys for giving me that image :D And AtlantaJammer, thanks a whole lot for the photos! They look awesome, seems like you were positioned at a nice view. And to hear Eddie do Love Reign o'er me live! That's a fucking dream! I love The Who and to see Ed do it and nail it....Wow, you guys are really lucky :D And I'm glad that you went! Aaah! I really hope PJ tours in 2009 and carry it out to 2010, I know that's very demanding of me! But I really wanna see them lol and in a generation so full of crappy music, it's great to have PJ still standing and still proving to fans and others alike that they are one of the greatest rock'n'roll bands around today! Again, keep those awesome reviews coming, I just love to read them, they really are special so keep on writing folks!
    "Does anyone remember laughter?"

    "Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"

    "If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."

    "Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
  • BuruBuru Posts: 8,473
    Kat wrote:
    June 14, 2008 - Bonnaroo Festival, Manchester, TN, U.S.A.

    Set List: Hard to Imagine, Corduroy, All Night, Why Go, Small Town, Down, Who You Are, Severed Hand, 1/2 Full, Animal, Even Flow, Daughter/Blitzkrieg Pop, Gone, Love Reign O'er Me (Townshend), Do The Evolution, Rearviewmirror

    Encore 1: W.M.A., Better Man/Save It For Later (Roger Charlery, Andy Cox, Everett Morton, David Steele, Dave Wakeling), Black, Life Wasted, Mary (Williams), Porch

    Encore 2: No More, Release, Alive, All Along the Watchtower (Dylan)

    Please share your Fanviews of the show here...the Fanview threads are preserved on the board.

    Amazing setlist!
    y la banda de Guille... cuando toca?
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