cigarettes should be made illegal. what do you good people believe? i believe the government is out of order with the fact that we can all smoke ourselves to death if we like beings cigarettes are beyond addictive.
some folks have zero willpower; this will lead to their demise.
the government is making a fortune off tobacco corporations. it is a proven fact that booze and cigarettes are so much worse for our health than marijuana.
this place (the usa) is out of control. very scary.
I understand where you're coming from - millions of people have died due to cigarettes and alcohol, or have had heart attacks and strokes as well. Some of these ppl have been very close to you.
These ppl get addicted and don't have the will power to quit. Many have successfully quit smoking too.
But, where to draw the line ???
The government wants to have a " FAT TAX " added to certain foods that contain high amount of fat - such as butter. We are also a fat nation and maybe by making foods high in fat ( more expensive ) ppl will avoid buying them.
As a smoker with plans to soon give quitting another try as my firstborn's due date grows nearer, I can say that it's a filthy and unhealthy habit. However, as a firm believer in personal choice and responsibility, I simply cannot support prohibition in any form or fashion. I also believe people should not smoke around children.
I saw a very visibly pregnant woman smoking once and wanted to slap the shit out of her (ironically, her condition was my biggest deterrent).
That being said, and with no intention of derailing the thread, I present the following question to you pro-choice folks out there: how do you feel about women smoking during pregnancy? If a fetus isn't a person, then there's no harm done to anyone but the mother, right? And it's her choice to do what she pleases with her body, right? :?
I totally agree- cig butt throwing is disgusting. Maybe try this- a woman I work with did this once- she saw a guy who was stalled in traffic out on the street toss a butt out the window, ran out the store and picked it up, handed it to the guy and said in a stern voice- Here, you lost this!
As a smoker with plans to soon give quitting another try as my firstborn's due date grows nearer, I can say that it's a filthy and unhealthy habit. However, as a firm believer in personal choice and responsibility, I simply cannot support prohibition in any form or fashion. I also believe people should not smoke around children.
I saw a very visibly pregnant woman smoking once and wanted to slap the shit out of her (ironically, her condition was my biggest deterrent).
That being said, and with no intention of derailing the thread, I present the following question to you pro-choice folks out there: how do you feel about women smoking during pregnancy? If a fetus isn't a person, then there's no harm done to anyone but the mother, right? And it's her choice to do what she pleases with her body, right? :?
it depends if she want's to carry it to term or not
the more things that the powers that be outlaw....
the more Fun that law becomes to break.
I pay my taxes, and I vote , and I try to abide.
I am a youthy like person, and I smoked for over ten years. I am just now a matured adult in training :roll:
I have seen some things... Quiting Smoking or Nicotine withdrawl is not easy! Morphine is a picky nick in comparison. Alcohol is so legal! But Drivers must drink some before driving? In addict meetings there are a lot of smokers!!!!! What would happen if Coffee was outlawed? Should the U.S. burn pornography next?
I went North and saw a guy minding his own business, downtown, in the middle of the day during a street fair. He was not Drunk, High, smoking, or even jay-walking. The pants that he put on that day were made of leather. I'm going to guess and say they were a custom piece made by a fetish shop. The pants the man were wearing that day did not have fabric where his man parts are located. :oops: Why wear pants with no ass or crotch? Hmm. Well it's his right. I do not hate.
I agree smoking is evil :roll:
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,728
the more things that the powers that be outlaw....
the more Fun that law becomes to break.
I pay my taxes, and I vote , and I try to abide.
I am a youthy like person, and I smoked for over ten years. I am just now a matured adult in training :roll:
I have seen some things... Quiting Smoking or Nicotine withdrawl is not easy! Morphine is a picky nick in comparison. Alcohol is so legal! But Drivers must drink some before driving? In addict meetings there are a lot of smokers!!!!! What would happen if Coffee was outlawed? Should the U.S. burn pornography next?
I went North and saw a guy minding his own business, downtown, in the middle of the day during a street fair. He was not Drunk, High, smoking, or even jay-walking. The pants that he put on that day were made of leather. I'm going to guess and say they were a custom piece made by a fetish shop. The pants the man were wearing that day did not have fabric where his man parts are located. :oops: Why wear pants with no ass or crotch? Hmm. Well it's his right. I do not hate.
I agree smoking is evil :roll:
Quiting smoking not easy? Oh how true! On the other hand as Mark Twain once said, "Quiting smoking is easy- I've done it a hundred time!" That was me for sure- well, maybe not a hundred times, but plenty enough. I finally kicked 'em for good... I hope!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
As a smoker with plans to soon give quitting another try as my firstborn's due date grows nearer, I can say that it's a filthy and unhealthy habit. However, as a firm believer in personal choice and responsibility, I simply cannot support prohibition in any form or fashion. I also believe people should not smoke around children.
I saw a very visibly pregnant woman smoking once and wanted to slap the shit out of her (ironically, her condition was my biggest deterrent).
That being said, and with no intention of derailing the thread, I present the following question to you pro-choice folks out there: how do you feel about women smoking during pregnancy? If a fetus isn't a person, then there's no harm done to anyone but the mother, right? And it's her choice to do what she pleases with her body, right? :?
Very good. Nice post. To your last question - pro choice does not mean pro abortion. I would think most pro choice (if not all, I guess I can only speak for myself) would clearly advocate doing everything to have a healthy baby. As a matter of fact, I'm anti-abortion, but pro choice (and, yes that makes sense - but, this isn't a pro choice/abortion thread, so I won't go into those details). Much like I am anti-smoking, but pro choice, as long as you don't hinder other people and pay for your own health care.
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
As a smoker with plans to soon give quitting another try as my firstborn's due date grows nearer, I can say that it's a filthy and unhealthy habit. However, as a firm believer in personal choice and responsibility, I simply cannot support prohibition in any form or fashion. I also believe people should not smoke around children.
I saw a very visibly pregnant woman smoking once and wanted to slap the shit out of her (ironically, her condition was my biggest deterrent).
That being said, and with no intention of derailing the thread, I present the following question to you pro-choice folks out there: how do you feel about women smoking during pregnancy? If a fetus isn't a person, then there's no harm done to anyone but the mother, right? And it's her choice to do what she pleases with her body, right? :?
it depends if she want's to carry it to term or not
But why should that matter? Regardless of the mother's intentions, the pro-choice theory is that a fetus is not a person, so the mother would not be harming a person if she smokes during pregnancy. Right? :?
As a smoker with plans to soon give quitting another try as my firstborn's due date grows nearer, I can say that it's a filthy and unhealthy habit. However, as a firm believer in personal choice and responsibility, I simply cannot support prohibition in any form or fashion. I also believe people should not smoke around children.
I saw a very visibly pregnant woman smoking once and wanted to slap the shit out of her (ironically, her condition was my biggest deterrent).
That being said, and with no intention of derailing the thread, I present the following question to you pro-choice folks out there: how do you feel about women smoking during pregnancy? If a fetus isn't a person, then there's no harm done to anyone but the mother, right? And it's her choice to do what she pleases with her body, right? :?
it depends if she want's to carry it to term or not
But why should that matter? Regardless of the mother's intentions, the pro-choice theory is that a fetus is not a person, so the mother would not be harming a person if she smokes during pregnancy. Right? :?
Well, it matters PRECISELY because of that... If it's not the mother intention to carry it to term it'll never be more than a fetus (or better yet, an embryo, but lets keep the designation...), hence not a person, so no harm done. If she does carry it to term, it will be a person, and that person can have problems right from the start of his/her life, so, it is harmful and a responsible mother should look after her FUTURE BABY from the start... You can't just look at it "instantaneously" because smoke effects are NOT instantaneous, not even for adults.
Hell, most responsible mothers will make sure they're in good health and can carry/deliver an healthy baby even BEFORE there is a fetus!
~Can't escape from the common rule
If you hate something, don't you do it too...~
As a smoker with plans to soon give quitting another try as my firstborn's due date grows nearer, I can say that it's a filthy and unhealthy habit. However, as a firm believer in personal choice and responsibility, I simply cannot support prohibition in any form or fashion. I also believe people should not smoke around children.
I saw a very visibly pregnant woman smoking once and wanted to slap the shit out of her (ironically, her condition was my biggest deterrent).
That being said, and with no intention of derailing the thread, I present the following question to you pro-choice folks out there: how do you feel about women smoking during pregnancy? If a fetus isn't a person, then there's no harm done to anyone but the mother, right? And it's her choice to do what she pleases with her body, right? :?
it depends if she want's to carry it to term or not
But why should that matter? Regardless of the mother's intentions, the pro-choice theory is that a fetus is not a person, so the mother would not be harming a person if she smokes during pregnancy. Right? :?
Well, it matters PRECISELY because of that... If it's not the mother intention to carry it to term it'll never be more than a fetus (or better yet, an embryo, but lets keep the designation...), hence not a person, so no harm done. If she does carry it to term, it will be a person, and that person can have problems right from the start of his/her life, so, it is harmful and a responsible mother should look after her FUTURE BABY from the start... You can't just look at it "instantaneously" because smoke effects are NOT instantaneous, not even for adults.
Hell, most responsible mothers will make sure they're in good health and can carry/deliver an healthy baby even BEFORE there is a fetus![/quote]
I still fail to see the logic here. If the standard is that we should do no harm to a FUTURE person, then abortion should be considered wrong in that it constitutes the murder of a future person. Your position seems to be that the mother makes the determination as to whether her unborn child constitutes a future person or not, based on her decision over whether to carry the child to term. If that's the case, what say you of a pregnant woman who smokes like a chimney, with the intention to abort the child in the near future, then deciding not to abort the child and carry it to term. If she quits smoking when she changes her mind, was it still wrong of her to smoke? Or does her change of heart mark the moment at which the child becomes a "future person"? :?
I still fail to see the logic here. If the standard is that we should do no harm to a FUTURE person, then abortion should be considered wrong in that it constitutes the murder of a future person. Your position seems to be that the mother makes the determination as to whether her unborn child constitutes a future person or not, based on her decision over whether to carry the child to term. If that's the case, what say you of a pregnant woman who smokes like a chimney, with the intention to abort the child in the near future, then deciding not to abort the child and carry it to term. If she quits smoking when she changes her mind, was it still wrong of her to smoke? Or does her change of heart mark the moment at which the child becomes a "future person"? :?
The bold line is my position, yes.
What I say of the woman in the case you stated is the same I say in a case of a woman who smokes without knowing she's preagnant and then, when she learns about it, decides to keep it. They were both less careful than they should have been hence risking their future child's health so they better correct the situation as soon as possible and do their best from that moment on.
So to answer your questions (inversing the order), yes, it is her decision that makes that little cells agglomerate become a future person BUT it would have been wrong for her to smoke in the light of the decision she eventually made, she should have thought ahead, having a baby is not an impulse decision and good preparation can make all the difference for both the parents and the child.
~Can't escape from the common rule
If you hate something, don't you do it too...~
well, what about alcohol? what "purpose" does it serve? Let's make that illegal, too.
And while we're at it, any food that is "empty calories".... what purpose does it serve? Let's make all non-nutritious foods (sweets, candy, ice cream, chips, etc) illegal, too. Those foods and its consequences (obesity) are a much bigger hit on your health care costs than cigarettes.
Finally, I think we should piss test for adrenaline in the work place. We don't need any "thrill seekers" going out for weekend rock climbs and whitewater rafting trips, because they serve no purpose either. They just danger the participant and cost us tax dollars when they get injured or die. Shit, just look at the movie "127 Hours"! That guy was clearly doing something illegal by being outside in nature doing things that "serve no purpose" and costing us tax dollars with search parties, helicopters and such.
Now, everyone get back to work! Writing and reading a meaningless forum online serves no purpose. Remember, be like Dwight on The Office. I think that's the point of all this.
i been addicted to many things. cigarettes are by far the most difficult addiction i have faced. i've been enticed with oral pleasure (from a lovely young lady) to quit, i couldn't stop. (still was getting niceties and stuff :twisted: ) and puffing away like a fool. for each craving throughout the 6 week period i was unzipped.
only was able to put them down a year or so later. that is some addiction let me tell you.
in the last 24 hrs or less i have been told by two totaly different folks that their mom and that their husband are both smoking just as heavy as always whilst on oxygen. the one gal can't grocery shop due to no breathing lungs so she sits in the car smoking and breathing her homemade air stuff in a can, maybe a carry along case she straps to her walker or something... the ol' boy has emphysema, his wife has grown to accept that he will not ever stop until he is gone from this life
cigarettes should be made illegal. what do you good people believe? i believe the government is out of order with the fact that we can all smoke ourselves to death if we like beings cigarettes are beyond addictive.
some folks have zero willpower; this will lead to their demise.
the government is making a fortune off tobacco corporations. it is a proven fact that booze and cigarettes are so much worse for our health than marijuana.
this place (the usa) is out of control. very scary.
This country was founded on tobacco. Shit this country was built on tobacco. I do agree that pot is for less harmful that booze and tobacco. If people want to smoke then let'em. Happiness comes in small doses. It’s that smoke, that drink, that piece of candy or orgasm (quote from Dennis Leary). I do like how you cannot smoke in public places but if you want to smoke in your home or backyard then so be it. People know the risk.
cigarettes are attractive somehow. recently a 19 year old just started smoking. this is what we talked about today at the pool, smoking...
grandma is upset, her granddaughter is smoking
she is like many older fucked in the head folks who did not know weed is less harmful
she points to her head and does the circular motion around her ear...refering to my comment on marijuana being less harmful than booze and cigarettes... she says it make one's mind warped
thank you for brain washing the country big brother government jerkoffs
As a smoker with plans to soon give quitting another try as my firstborn's due date grows nearer, I can say that it's a filthy and unhealthy habit. However, as a firm believer in personal choice and responsibility, I simply cannot support prohibition in any form or fashion. I also believe people should not smoke around children.
I saw a very visibly pregnant woman smoking once and wanted to slap the shit out of her (ironically, her condition was my biggest deterrent).
That being said, and with no intention of derailing the thread, I present the following question to you pro-choice folks out there: how do you feel about women smoking during pregnancy? If a fetus isn't a person, then there's no harm done to anyone but the mother, right? And it's her choice to do what she pleases with her body, right? :?
a responsible parent smokes, yes/no?
a responsible parent gets cigarettes in hopes on dying quicker than normal so their children can have their inheritance and their folks' real estate sooner, yes/no?
our dad went off and kicked the bucket @ 52. smoked like a chimney, drank like a maniac, and ate stupid shit.
massive heart attack. he had smaller HAs all the time. he lived on nitro pills and ridiculous bullshit.
I still fail to see the logic here. If the standard is that we should do no harm to a FUTURE person, then abortion should be considered wrong in that it constitutes the murder of a future person. Your position seems to be that the mother makes the determination as to whether her unborn child constitutes a future person or not, based on her decision over whether to carry the child to term. If that's the case, what say you of a pregnant woman who smokes like a chimney, with the intention to abort the child in the near future, then deciding not to abort the child and carry it to term. If she quits smoking when she changes her mind, was it still wrong of her to smoke? Or does her change of heart mark the moment at which the child becomes a "future person"? :?
The bold line is my position, yes.
What I say of the woman in the case you stated is the same I say in a case of a woman who smokes without knowing she's preagnant and then, when she learns about it, decides to keep it. They were both less careful than they should have been hence risking their future child's health so they better correct the situation as soon as possible and do their best from that moment on.
So to answer your questions (inversing the order), yes, it is her decision that makes that little cells agglomerate become a future person BUT it would have been wrong for her to smoke in the light of the decision she eventually made, she should have thought ahead, having a baby is not an impulse decision and good preparation can make all the difference for both the parents and the child.
Ok, fair enough. I find it interesting that you would say the mother "should have thought ahead," though. That's not something you hear very often from pro-choice people. :think:
Ok, fair enough. I find it interesting that you would say the mother "should have thought ahead," though. That's not something you hear very often from pro-choice people. :think:
Well, I think abortion should be avoided as much as undesired pregnancy... I must say I'm not completely familiar with the "pro-choice" principles. The way I see it, in the end, it is the woman's choice, but every women should do their best not to even get to the point to have to make a choice, and most of them do. I'm not emotional about an embryo, but having to go through the abortion procedure is expensive, dangerous and might have future implications... Who wants that instead of a birth control pill?
Anyway, we kind of ruined the cigarettes thread... I apologise to the OP :oops:
So, back to cigarettes, I think it is more and more common to see pregnant women smoking because lately the doctors have been advising to reduce instead of quit... Suposedly, it is worse for the baby to go through the mother's stress of quitting than to have her smoke up to five or something cigarettes a day... :roll: Still better to think ahead and quit a few months before...
~Can't escape from the common rule
If you hate something, don't you do it too...~
Ok, fair enough. I find it interesting that you would say the mother "should have thought ahead," though. That's not something you hear very often from pro-choice people. :think:
Well, I think abortion should be avoided as much as undesired pregnancy... I must say I'm not completely familiar with the "pro-choice" principles. The way I see it, in the end, it is the woman's choice, but every women should do their best not to even get to the point to have to make a choice, and most of them do. I'm not emotional about an embryo, but having to go through the abortion procedure is expensive, dangerous and might have future implications... Who wants that instead of a birth control pill?
Anyway, we kind of ruined the cigarettes thread... I apologise to the OP :oops:
So, back to cigarettes, I think it is more and more common to see pregnant women smoking because lately the doctors have been advising to reduce instead of quit... Suposedly, it is worse for the baby to go through the mother's stress of quitting than to have her smoke up to five or something cigarettes a day... :roll: Still better to think ahead and quit a few months before...
Your pro-choice definition is correct. I don't know why folks think pro-choice means anti-abortion or pro-abortion. It means what it says - we are for folks choosing to do what they want within reason. It also does not preclude the advocation of abstinence (or the radical support). That's a totally separate topic.
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
Anyway, we kind of ruined the cigarettes thread... I apologise to the OP :oops:
So, back to cigarettes, I think it is more and more common to see pregnant women smoking because lately the doctors have been advising to reduce instead of quit... Suposedly, it is worse for the baby to go through the mother's stress of quitting than to have her smoke up to five or something cigarettes a day... :roll: Still better to think ahead and quit a few months before...
apology accepted.
women smoking while pregnant are pretty fucking useless. if i had a woman like that i'd have to be a dumb- asshole.
I understand where you're coming from - millions of people have died due to cigarettes and alcohol, or have had heart attacks and strokes as well. Some of these ppl have been very close to you.
These ppl get addicted and don't have the will power to quit. Many have successfully quit smoking too.
But, where to draw the line ???
The government wants to have a " FAT TAX " added to certain foods that contain high amount of fat - such as butter. We are also a fat nation and maybe by making foods high in fat ( more expensive ) ppl will avoid buying them.
I don't know - is that really fair ???
I saw a very visibly pregnant woman smoking once and wanted to slap the shit out of her (ironically, her condition was my biggest deterrent).
That being said, and with no intention of derailing the thread, I present the following question to you pro-choice folks out there: how do you feel about women smoking during pregnancy? If a fetus isn't a person, then there's no harm done to anyone but the mother, right? And it's her choice to do what she pleases with her body, right? :?
Oh man, I've got to try that some time!!
it depends if she want's to carry it to term or not
the more Fun that law becomes to break.
I pay my taxes, and I vote , and I try to abide.
I am a youthy like person, and I smoked for over ten years. I am just now a matured adult in training :roll:
I have seen some things... Quiting Smoking or Nicotine withdrawl is not easy! Morphine is a picky nick in comparison. Alcohol is so legal! But Drivers must drink some before driving? In addict meetings there are a lot of smokers!!!!! What would happen if Coffee was outlawed? Should the U.S. burn pornography next?
I went North and saw a guy minding his own business, downtown, in the middle of the day during a street fair. He was not Drunk, High, smoking, or even jay-walking. The pants that he put on that day were made of leather. I'm going to guess and say they were a custom piece made by a fetish shop. The pants the man were wearing that day did not have fabric where his man parts are located. :oops: Why wear pants with no ass or crotch? Hmm. Well it's his right. I do not hate.
I agree smoking is evil :roll:
Quiting smoking not easy? Oh how true! On the other hand as Mark Twain once said, "Quiting smoking is easy- I've done it a hundred time!" That was me for sure- well, maybe not a hundred times, but plenty enough. I finally kicked 'em for good... I hope!
Very good. Nice post. To your last question - pro choice does not mean pro abortion. I would think most pro choice (if not all, I guess I can only speak for myself) would clearly advocate doing everything to have a healthy baby. As a matter of fact, I'm anti-abortion, but pro choice (and, yes that makes sense - but, this isn't a pro choice/abortion thread, so I won't go into those details). Much like I am anti-smoking, but pro choice, as long as you don't hinder other people and pay for your own health care.
But why should that matter? Regardless of the mother's intentions, the pro-choice theory is that a fetus is not a person, so the mother would not be harming a person if she smokes during pregnancy. Right? :?
Well, it matters PRECISELY because of that... If it's not the mother intention to carry it to term it'll never be more than a fetus (or better yet, an embryo, but lets keep the designation...), hence not a person, so no harm done. If she does carry it to term, it will be a person, and that person can have problems right from the start of his/her life, so, it is harmful and a responsible mother should look after her FUTURE BABY from the start... You can't just look at it "instantaneously" because smoke effects are NOT instantaneous, not even for adults.
Hell, most responsible mothers will make sure they're in good health and can carry/deliver an healthy baby even BEFORE there is a fetus!
If you hate something, don't you do it too...~
Well, it matters PRECISELY because of that... If it's not the mother intention to carry it to term it'll never be more than a fetus (or better yet, an embryo, but lets keep the designation...), hence not a person, so no harm done. If she does carry it to term, it will be a person, and that person can have problems right from the start of his/her life, so, it is harmful and a responsible mother should look after her FUTURE BABY from the start... You can't just look at it "instantaneously" because smoke effects are NOT instantaneous, not even for adults.
Hell, most responsible mothers will make sure they're in good health and can carry/deliver an healthy baby even BEFORE there is a fetus![/quote]
I still fail to see the logic here. If the standard is that we should do no harm to a FUTURE person, then abortion should be considered wrong in that it constitutes the murder of a future person. Your position seems to be that the mother makes the determination as to whether her unborn child constitutes a future person or not, based on her decision over whether to carry the child to term. If that's the case, what say you of a pregnant woman who smokes like a chimney, with the intention to abort the child in the near future, then deciding not to abort the child and carry it to term. If she quits smoking when she changes her mind, was it still wrong of her to smoke? Or does her change of heart mark the moment at which the child becomes a "future person"? :?
The bold line is my position, yes.
What I say of the woman in the case you stated is the same I say in a case of a woman who smokes without knowing she's preagnant and then, when she learns about it, decides to keep it. They were both less careful than they should have been hence risking their future child's health so they better correct the situation as soon as possible and do their best from that moment on.
So to answer your questions (inversing the order), yes, it is her decision that makes that little cells agglomerate become a future person BUT it would have been wrong for her to smoke in the light of the decision she eventually made, she should have thought ahead, having a baby is not an impulse decision and good preparation can make all the difference for both the parents and the child.
If you hate something, don't you do it too...~
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
i been addicted to many things. cigarettes are by far the most difficult addiction i have faced. i've been enticed with oral pleasure (from a lovely young lady) to quit, i couldn't stop. (still was getting niceties and stuff :twisted: ) and puffing away like a fool. for each craving throughout the 6 week period i was unzipped.
only was able to put them down a year or so later. that is some addiction let me tell you.
in the last 24 hrs or less i have been told by two totaly different folks that their mom and that their husband are both smoking just as heavy as always whilst on oxygen. the one gal can't grocery shop due to no breathing lungs so she sits in the car smoking and breathing her homemade air stuff in a can, maybe a carry along case she straps to her walker or something... the ol' boy has emphysema, his wife has grown to accept that he will not ever stop until he is gone from this life
smart fuckers these folks...
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
cigarettes are attractive somehow. recently a 19 year old just started smoking. this is what we talked about today at the pool, smoking...
grandma is upset, her granddaughter is smoking
she is like many older fucked in the head folks who did not know weed is less harmful
she points to her head and does the circular motion around her ear...refering to my comment on marijuana being less harmful than booze and cigarettes... she says it make one's mind warped
thank you for brain washing the country big brother government jerkoffs
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
a responsible parent gets cigarettes in hopes on dying quicker than normal so their children can have their inheritance and their folks' real estate sooner, yes/no?
our dad went off and kicked the bucket @ 52. smoked like a chimney, drank like a maniac, and ate stupid shit.
massive heart attack. he had smaller HAs all the time. he lived on nitro pills and ridiculous bullshit.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Ok, fair enough. I find it interesting that you would say the mother "should have thought ahead," though. That's not something you hear very often from pro-choice people. :think:
Well, I think abortion should be avoided as much as undesired pregnancy... I must say I'm not completely familiar with the "pro-choice" principles. The way I see it, in the end, it is the woman's choice, but every women should do their best not to even get to the point to have to make a choice, and most of them do. I'm not emotional about an embryo, but having to go through the abortion procedure is expensive, dangerous and might have future implications... Who wants that instead of a birth control pill?
Anyway, we kind of ruined the cigarettes thread... I apologise to the OP :oops:
So, back to cigarettes, I think it is more and more common to see pregnant women smoking because lately the doctors have been advising to reduce instead of quit... Suposedly, it is worse for the baby to go through the mother's stress of quitting than to have her smoke up to five or something cigarettes a day... :roll: Still better to think ahead and quit a few months before...
If you hate something, don't you do it too...~
Your pro-choice definition is correct. I don't know why folks think pro-choice means anti-abortion or pro-abortion. It means what it says - we are for folks choosing to do what they want within reason. It also does not preclude the advocation of abstinence (or the radical support). That's a totally separate topic.
women smoking while pregnant are pretty fucking useless. if i had a woman like that i'd have to be a dumb- asshole.
thank you
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce