Problems explaing PJ to the girlfriend?

I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this. I often have trouble explaining to chicks I date the love I have for this band. They always look at me like wow thats nice, but don't seem to get it. My girlfriend now listens and smiles but then just tells me about how she likes incubus, nickelback or some other dumb shit. I know there is more to a relationship than just music but I often have to hold back on talking about them. I'm slowly playing different boots for her. She did wanna go to the D.C. show with me but I couldn't let my best friend who also loves the band down by giving her my extra ticket.
This too shall pass.....
Post edited by Unknown User on
What's your problem with Incubus?
8/25/00NY, 9/1/00NJ, 4/30/03NY, 7/2&3/03MSG, 7/14/03NJ, 10/13/04 EdW/Boss, 9/24&25/05 St Johns, 5/13/06CT, 5/27&28/06NJ, 6/1/06NJ, 6/3/06NJ, 6/24/06 OH, 7/15-16/06CA, Lolla07, DC, MSGx2, MA1, ED SOLO NYC1&2!
You: Ahem! [Holds door open, giving her "the look"]
Her: Huh?
End of problem.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
1) Make her a CD of all the slow, "sit-down", "sing-along" songs. You know, Betterman, Long Road, the last track of every album, Black, Small Town, etc. You can include B-sides and other rarities, but nothing too crazy. No Satan's Bed or anything like that.
2) Once she begins to like this CD and asks for more, give her some shows that are heavy on the songs from section 1, so that she can begin to appreciate the band live, but on the girly songs she likes. Like Benaroya Hall. Plus, it will start to expose her to the other faster songs that you love.
3) After passing these two steps, she is ready to go to ONE show. But only one during the next tour. You should preferably go to a show that is close to where you live, and you should have great 10c tickets. Oh, and at this show, try to keep your poster obsession to a minimum... its annoying to get to the show super early and stand in line for a poster when you are just a casual fan at this point.
4) By now, she should be on her way to being hooked, so start her listening to more shows with rarer songs and "songs boys like to go crazy over"... Leash, DTE, etc.
5) The next tour will come, and she will be BEGGING to go to as many shows as possible.
This is literally what my boyfriend did with me starting in 2003, and on this last tour we took a week's vacation and went to 6 shows (DC through Mansfield II). So for me, it was a 5 year process, but it was worth it. I love Pearl Jam, and I love him!
03 Pittsburgh
05 Toronto
06 Pittsburgh, Cincinnati
08 Washington DC, MSG I&II, Hartford, Mansfield I&II, EV Toronto I
Nah...they don't. Very talented band.
Yeah they do
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
There's a constant ringing in my ears
Sense of humor's void and numb
And I'm bored to tears.......
hmmm....some folks get it, some don't. You just gotta love each other unconditionally. I personally have such a hard time respecting people who don't like PJ...which is really MY problem, I guess.
(Nickelback??...really??? sad)
08-12-08 (EV)
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
For me, I started with step 1 and then jumped to step 5
1st show experience was roadtripp'n to 6
step 1 tunes were daughter,black, yellow led...
I didn't appreciate the hard stuff until i saw them played live
Tunes I "hated" on record, i ended up loving live (a la Blood)
Not all guys get it either, especially when I lived in FLA
'00 12 shows / '03 4 shows / '06 6 shows
'08 3 shows / '09 5 shows / '10 6 shows
So true. I always expect guys to understand my sickness for Pearl Jam. Not so much.
08-12-08 (EV)
MSG 1+2. 2010
Wrigley. Brooklyn 2. Hartford. 2013
St. Louis. Denver. 2014
Global Citizens Festival. 2015
MSG 2. Fenway 2. Wrigley 1. 2016
Safeco 2. Missoula. 2018
These vedder shows are gonna be special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This tour was the first for my girl ... she was a casual fan, (through me of course) beforehand... we knew each other for 6 years before we started dating and my love for the band was well known in high school... I was "that guy that loves pearl jam" to most people in school... I think this made it easier for her to understand.
Anyway I went to 5 shows, she went to 3... during my last show, she stayed home and FOLLOWED the setlist online... I came home and she told me this and I was like WTF!
She keeps telling me that she "misses pearl jam" and she hums Oceans while cleaning... and also plays PJ in her car all the time now... I got in her car the other day and a bootleg was playing and jokingly I asked her if she was playing it for me and she said "No, I've been listening to this for 2 weeks now"
I am well on my way to conversion with this one.
This is solid advice...and how my ex bf got me hooked on Tool...
...he was still working on Incubus when we split.
There's a constant ringing in my ears
Sense of humor's void and numb
And I'm bored to tears.......
Those bands are horrible, it is time for a new girl friend mate. Your sig other doesn't need to understand but they must respect.
5/25/06 - Boston
6/28/08 - Mansfield
6/30/08 - Mansfield
8/2/08 - Eddie in Boston (FRONT ROW!)
As a Hardcore PJ fan, I once struck up a conversation with a guy who told me his favorite band in the whole wide world was Dashboard Confessional. It really turned me off.
I like a guy that I can have an intelligent conversation with about music. It sounds kind of snobbish, but Come on now. Dashboard Confessional? Impress me here. There's a lot of bands out there that I respect and are legendary, but that band is NOT one of them. Ha.
Seriously? Girlfriend=Pussy. Best friend needs to buy his own ticket. What
are you bitching about then? You're complaining that she doesn't understand,
and then you don't take her???
C'mon man, you're better than that!!!
(special moment)
Do you like Bon Jovi?
Do you like Nickleback?
Do you like Green Day?
Do you like Kid Rock?
Do you like Puffy Daddy Diddy P Flash Master (or whatever his name is this week)?
Do you like Keane West?
Do you like Lil Wayne?
Do you like Daughtry?
Do you like Good Charlotte?
Do you like either Simpson sister?
Do you like Good Charlotte?
Do you like My Chemical Romance?
Do you like Paris Hilton?
Do you like Lifehouse?
Do you like Creed?
Do you like Good Charlotte?
Do you like The Pussycat Dolls?
Do you like Usher?
Do you like Snoop Doggy Dog?
Do you like Justin Timberlake?
If she answered yes to any of these, I would round house kick her and leave.
Seriously, I NEVER meet PJ fans. I have been obsessed with them since '92 and lived in 4 different states. I met a few casual fans years ago but now, people either don't know the band (which i don't get) or people who are just not interested. I should have joined this board a long time ago to meet you wonderful fans. Luckily my husband loves the band, although he isn't obsessed like me. And my kids, i think get my obsession.
Sorry for getting off the original topic.
— Lao Tzu
gets to me every time
See These Bones
She respects your love for the boys, I guess you should respect her taste as well...or else you're not getting any tonight lol! or date some guy who loves PJ. hahaha!
I thought I came here to stay
We're all just visiting
All just breaking like waves.."