This guy...

...unless he changes, has zero shot of winning a re-election:
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People who do not remember history are bound to repeat history.
Don't be fooled by one-sided arguments.
And in the words of Eddie..."Never Vote Republican". That holds true even 20 years later.
Actually, Obama is up 45% to 39% when put against an un-named Republican (just wait until they actually pick someone). I know you love the Paul and everything, but you still have to look at reality when making predictions.
I hope you're joking.
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"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
His approval numbers are hovering near all-time lows, the economy's in the shitter and won't be improving. And that's how he responds to opposition, regarding how his own VP called them terrorists... with stumbles, pauses and gibberish.
I know you drink the Obama kool-aid all day long, but seriously... if you think he'll win (without a miracle), you're delusional.
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at the end of the day ... the way the electoral colleges work and the partisanship that exists, any candidate from the D and R will always have a chance ...
objectively speaking, obama has failed in many respects but the partisan actions of the republican party has contributed mightily to the failures ... it should be obvious to everyone ...
going into 2012 ... obama can easily win re-election ... especially if the list of nominees the republicans put forth continue to be as weak as they are ...
I can tell you don't live in America. Our economy is broken... this could be f'ing Ab Lincoln in the White House and he would be booted. The economy will trump everything.
The reality is the U.S. was not in a recession in 2004, when Bush was re-elected. In fact, our unemployment rate was about 5%. It's about double that now. This guy has NO shot unless he gets unemployment below 8%, and that's not going to happen. He could run against a shoe and it wouldn't matter.
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soo ... the republicans have not played a role in this current economic climate? ... it's all obama's fault?
And, we are aware that the recession started in December of 2007, yes? And the housing collapse, a direct result of Bush's deregulation of the industry, just happened to coinside with a jump in unemployment. What an uncanny coincidence.
Where Obama has failed, thus far, was allowing the Tea Party to turn Congress into a circus this summer and, as a result, losing our AAA rating.
They are the same kind of people that founded this country, so yes I think they can run it.
No respect? Have you forgotten the vile things that were said to and about Bush?
History is repeating- and nobody likes it when it's their guy takin the hits.
Bush made it bad.
The Kenyan Marxist made it worse.
Yes, there were vile things said about Bush. That doesn't make the vile things said about Obama any better. You can disagree with Obama, but at least show him some respect in your tone. I'm not going to defend Biden, but there are more important things to discuss than what he called the Tea Party members.
Doesn't matter who started it...if it happens under your watch you will be held responsible...If someone comes into office promising to cut deficits in half and while in office promises unemployment won't go over 8%...he should be held accountable for those statements right? Or does he get a free pass for everything? He wanted the job, he knew the challenges, if he isn't up to them he shouldn't be re-elected.
And we were downgraded because there was and is no concrete plan to get out of debt.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I'm the delusional kool-aid drinker? 45 to 39 are actual numbers, not some subjective opinion guided by my beliefs that Obama is the worst president ever. It seems like you're wishing that the economy doesn't improve just to lower Obama's chances. You may not claim tea-person status, but you sure talk like one.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Yes, you appear to be.
What I'm saying to you is this:
Regardless, if it's Obama's fault or not... he is President right now and our economy has an unemployment rate above 9% right now. He started his term saying it would not go above 8% provided we had the stimulus plan. Now his own economic advisers, who recommended that same stimulus (and the other ones), are saying it won't go below 8.5% before the 2012 election:
That's four years later, man... four years. I'm not asking you to stop drinking your man's kool-aid, I'm asking you to be realistic. There's never been a President since 1930 to win with re-election with unemployment above 7.2%. By his own economists projections, he will be a full percentage point and a half greater than that by the time of the election.
Like I said, outside of a miracle, he's got NO chance.
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care to answer this?
Did I say that? Nope.
I'm saying that incumbents are blamed for the bad that happens on their watch and the good that happens on their watch. To pretend that they aren't is downright ignorant.
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what is more ignorant? ... solely blaming the president when both aisles of congress contributed to the mess or expecting people to have some objectivity?
I'm not solely blaming the President, what the fuck are you talking about? I just said answered your question on that... Can you read?
Seriously, I'll reiterate once more...
I know this guys out because of economic indicators, particularly unemployment. No one's won with unemployment this high. That's why. If GWB, Clinton whoever... was in his shoes, the same would hold. He's out because the economy will not turn around in time for him.
To sit there and drink Obama's kool-aid and cast stones at someone who states that the economy will hurt him is ignorant... it will hurt him. He needs a miracle. I hope for you kool-aid kids, he's attending Perry's prayer rallies.
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If that's what you really believe, then please go read a history book. The founding fathers believed in forming "a more perfect union," not just blowing shit up because they can. The tea party is more anarchist than anything else.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
Shocking isn't it. To think, a Kenyan AND a Marxist in one!!
this is about the 11 millionth time you've referred to Obama as a Kenyan Marxist. Care to explain why you think that? just curious.
relax a bit? ...
you are on one hand saying he isn't solely to blame but then say he would lose to a sock because of the economic indicators ... so, you are basically saying that people will vote against him even tho it isn't solely his fault ...
i'm no fan of obama ... you will see that many on the left actually aren't but the difference is they recognize that the failures aren't at the feet of the president and that bringing in a guy like rick perry is gonna make things even worse ...
Besides, he was born in Honolulu: he's american.!/profile.php?id=100001560978213
the president doesn't control congress.