First, I was jamming the Village People at 8...I turned out fine. Second, if you are only spending an hour or two with your kids a week, spend that time tossing a ball around or playing cars, dolls, trains or whatever. Yes we all know that PJ is the greatest band in the world, but having two kids I'd much rather hear them sing the Thomas the Tank Engine song to me than have them scream "Drop the Leash, we are young!"
(on a side note, my two year old was singing Hard Sun the other day in the car when it came on the radio...but still I'd rather them be kids than force a rock band on them)
Both my nieces are huge music fans and i've tried to be a good aunt and spread the jam
got 10c tix last tour and both bailed last minute
one loves linkn park and the other brand new
i've given up on the pj front
my niece who loves linkn park was telling me about the hartford show and i asked her if she caught cc opening, she didn't of course but told me dexter sang a song with chris, she didn't know know the song name but thought it was something he (chris) sang with a girl
turned out the song was hunger strike
Had my 4 year old nephew last weekend in my car
and it was Touch of Grey, Grateful Dead nonstop!! He loves the video! Must have heard it 15 times non-stop all day, he wouldn't let me change it...he loves music! Bought him Baby Beatles before he was born and they listened to it on the way home from the hospital... my sister and brother are heavily into music but he has his own taste. I tried to introduce him to Creep one day in my car and he dismissed it instantly...but I said "hey, be patient, give it a shot...just listen..." we sat there and i muted the "so fuckin special" and waited for the punch...and of course he loved he says, "that really IS a good song"....he's completely obsessed with Billy Corgan!!!! BUT, he also loves every disney/kid movie out there: Kung Fu Panda, Shreks, etc...just an all around neat kid!!
"Everytime I hear that melody, something breaks inside" -- T.W.
I am a proud parent of 3 beautiful children. 8, 5 and 3. I have been a PJ Fan from the beginning and looked forward to the day when my children would say, "Did you get tickets for the show, I can't wait!". I know parents and children will have different tastes in music (my dad was a Sinatra and Opera buff vs. Kiss and Floyd Fan) but I would go to the opera house with my dad and still have an appreciation for it today (my dad would let me play my Kiss 8-tracks in the car, good man). I figured PJ is such a band that all generations would love to listen to them.
Well, here is my life. I have the kind of job which affords me to let my wife raise them but I get to only see them about 1 hour during the week (I actually don't see the 3 year old until the weekends). This affords me little time to play PJ around the kids. My wife, who gets them all week, puts on Radio Disney in the car and at home. When my 8 year old son asked me for the High School Musical soundtrack for his 6th birthday, I was concerned but figured he would grow out of it. Well, my wife just informed me that for his 8th birthday we are taking him and his friends (along with my 5 year old) to the JONAS BROTHERS concert at MSG. I have been dispondent ever since. Since it is his party, I have to go (with IPOD in tow), but I have come to realize that I have failed my son.
How can I rectify this situation. Being 8, he is already his own person and feel like I have lost him. I am considering Guant. Bay and a little waterboarding but this seems rash. Maybe adoption?
I am sure I am not the only one going through this. Some guidance is needed.
(BTW, there is some hope as my 5 year old listens to AC/DC (and the JONAS BROTHERS, damn older brothers!) and seemed to be generally interested as i am receiving the 08 boots)
They will grow out of it. Earlier this decade, I saw Hanson 5 times and just the other day my (now 23 y/o) daughter said, "Ed's hot!".
One of my favorite memories is looking in the rearview mirror at my other daughter *then 4 - now 19 * bobbing her head up and down to Man in the Box. I knew things would be smooth sailing.
I have a 17 year old Son from my practice marriage and his first concert was the 6/1 PJ show at Continental and he loved it. I followed it up with The Who and GNR plus a few festivals such as Bamboozle (My Chemical Romance) and Project Revolution (Linkin Park). He is now the coolest kid at school and loves all of the music. Meanwhile, I have remarried and have two daughters, ages 4 & 6, and at a wedding last Saturday they sang a Hannah Montana song during the Kereoke part of the wedding. I was shocked at first but then realized they sounded better than anyone else who sang. Also, we have a piano at home and all of a sudden they seem interested in it. At 6 years old I'm glad they are interested in music .... no matter what genre it is. Needless to say, both girls love Lukin when I put it on loud and we all dance around.
Everything has chains, absolutely nothings changed.
8/12/92 - NJ, 9/28/96 - NY, 9/8/98 - NJ, 9/10/98 - NY, 8/23/00 - NY, 7/8/03 - NY, 7/14/03 - NJ, 5/4/06 - Ed Sullivan Theater, 5/12/06 - NY, 6/1/06 - NJ1, 4/12/08 - ED IN LA !, 6/27/08 - CT, 8/4/08 - ED in NYC !!!
i am a fan who has flown across this country to see pearljam.
my two teenaged girls LOVE the jonas brothers. they are every bit of fans of the bros as i am to pearl jam.
i might not have bestowed an excellent taste in music to them, but i have taught them more then a few tricks to getting tickets and general being a fan stuff.
and this summer, both the jbs and pj are moving in go on sale on the same day, august is jonas brothers one day, eddie the next, jonas the next. now, its easier for me cause my kids are older and i only have to drive them to the concerts and get them in the door.
but, seceretly, i find myself singing a few songs from time to time when nobody is listening. in this months rolling stone, the brother nick (who supposedly will be my future son in law) was compared to ed. when she found out that tidbit, i yelled a huge YES with my arms raised in a v, while the kid said she threw up a little in her mouth.
i am a fan, and i am a fan of other fans. its all good....and it could be worse.
My boys kinda had no choice in listening to PJ (my first was born with it on, his first sound perhaps) I happen to listen to mostly cds and not much radio in the car with them. They like some bands and artists more than others but they seem to have pretty much the same taste in music.
Every since guitar hero, since my younger son gets to play Even flow, he even more into it.
I don't jam it down there throat, and my father didn't jam his music down our throats. He just have it on. He was the Dad, came home with records and played them. My brother and i ended up liking alot of the same music.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
— Lao Tzu
No worries, let him love The Jonas Bros, he will grow out of it. For god sake my first musical loves where Menudo & then Michael Jackson, Prince & Madonna & I didn't end up being a homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with that).
I consider myself to have very diverse taste in music now, when I was 13 I discovered U2 & The Police, At 14 it was Zeppelin, Cream & Van Halen, at 15 The Doors, The Who & Pink Floyd (started doing drugs, musical taste improved progressively) and then at 16... PEARL JAM, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains & Mudhoney, the whole musical universe aligned. Hell I didn't even get into The Beatles till my 20's so I wouldn't worry to much about the kid at 8, tastes change...
Disclaimer: The whole MENUDO thing... Many would not understand this but to a little Puerto Rican kid growing up in the early 80's...
Things were different then. All is different now.
I tried to explain...
When I was little, I liked Andy Gibb and Donnie and Marie- my parents liked Neil Diamond and Billy Joel. We all turned out ok in the end, though!
And, anyway- I'm pretty sure the only reason I'd have a kid right now is so that I can take them to a PJ concert, sit down front and FINALLY get Ed's harmonica, for God's sake!!!! (Ed loves the kids.....)
Maybe I could get a setlist, too.....
Anyone have a kid I can borrow? I don't care what kind of music they like
(on a side note, my two year old was singing Hard Sun the other day in the car when it came on the radio...but still I'd rather them be kids than force a rock band on them)
got 10c tix last tour and both bailed last minute
one loves linkn park and the other brand new
i've given up on the pj front
my niece who loves linkn park was telling me about the hartford show and i asked her if she caught cc opening, she didn't of course but told me dexter sang a song with chris, she didn't know know the song name but thought it was something he (chris) sang with a girl
turned out the song was hunger strike
'00 12 shows / '03 4 shows / '06 6 shows
'08 3 shows / '09 5 shows / '10 6 shows
and it was Touch of Grey, Grateful Dead nonstop!!
They will grow out of it. Earlier this decade, I saw Hanson 5 times and just the other day my (now 23 y/o) daughter said, "Ed's hot!".
One of my favorite memories is looking in the rearview mirror at my other daughter *then 4 - now 19 * bobbing her head up and down to Man in the Box. I knew things would be smooth sailing.
8/12/92 - NJ, 9/28/96 - NY, 9/8/98 - NJ, 9/10/98 - NY, 8/23/00 - NY, 7/8/03 - NY, 7/14/03 - NJ, 5/4/06 - Ed Sullivan Theater, 5/12/06 - NY, 6/1/06 - NJ1, 4/12/08 - ED IN LA !, 6/27/08 - CT, 8/4/08 - ED in NYC !!!
my two teenaged girls LOVE the jonas brothers. they are every bit of fans of the bros as i am to pearl jam.
i might not have bestowed an excellent taste in music to them, but i have taught them more then a few tricks to getting tickets and general being a fan stuff.
and this summer, both the jbs and pj are moving in go on sale on the same day, august is jonas brothers one day, eddie the next, jonas the next. now, its easier for me cause my kids are older and i only have to drive them to the concerts and get them in the door.
but, seceretly, i find myself singing a few songs from time to time when nobody is listening. in this months rolling stone, the brother nick (who supposedly will be my future son in law) was compared to ed. when she found out that tidbit, i yelled a huge YES with my arms raised in a v, while the kid said she threw up a little in her mouth.
i am a fan, and i am a fan of other fans. its all good....and it could be worse.
Every since guitar hero, since my younger son gets to play Even flow, he even more into it.
I don't jam it down there throat, and my father didn't jam his music down our throats. He just have it on. He was the Dad, came home with records and played them. My brother and i ended up liking alot of the same music.
— Lao Tzu
I consider myself to have very diverse taste in music now, when I was 13 I discovered U2 & The Police, At 14 it was Zeppelin, Cream & Van Halen, at 15 The Doors, The Who & Pink Floyd (started doing drugs, musical taste improved progressively) and then at 16... PEARL JAM, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains & Mudhoney, the whole musical universe aligned. Hell I didn't even get into The Beatles till my 20's so I wouldn't worry to much about the kid at 8, tastes change...
Disclaimer: The whole MENUDO thing... Many would not understand this but to a little Puerto Rican kid growing up in the early 80's...
I tried to explain...
Ashbury Park 9/18/21
LA 5/06/21, 5/07/21
Phoenix 05/09/22
NYC 9/11/22
Denver 9/22/22
what do ya know......
Jonas Brothers are on the current cover of rolling stone WITH pearl jam listed on the side.
omg, what has this world come to? <
a joke
And, anyway- I'm pretty sure the only reason I'd have a kid right now is so that I can take them to a PJ concert, sit down front and FINALLY get Ed's harmonica, for God's sake!!!! (Ed loves the kids.....)
Maybe I could get a setlist, too.....
Anyone have a kid I can borrow? I don't care what kind of music they like
You are U, who you are.