Although this thread was meant to be silly (as someone pointed out earlier) and a dig on the Jonas Brothers (apparently I need to work on my sarcasm when I am writing), I do appreciate the comments in regards for letting kids be kids. You are right, you can't force things on them and I got to believe that would push them farther away.
However I do have to take exception to the following response:
"Well, here is my life. I have the kind of job which affords me to let my wife raise them but I get to only see them about 1 hour during the week (I actually don't see the 3 year old until the weekends). "
I'm sorry to say but you have failed as a parent and it has nothing to do with your children's music taste.
Sounds to me like your job SUCKS if it takes you away from your children. you should be ASHAMED of yourself.
Having grown up in a latch key home where both my parents had to work to bring home enough to survive, I barely saw either of my parents. I made it my duty in life to make sure that my kids would have a parent at home to nuture, educate and care for them. My wife, who had a vibrant career also, volunteered for this incredibly important job. I am sure that there are a lot of parents who wish they could be in our shoes and have someone home when the kids arrive from school and for someone there to have dinner with them.
Secondly, the hour I spend with them on the weedays is made up by spending every waking second on the weekends with them and on the phone with them every chance I get.
Some people might say why bother having kids if you can't spend time with them, but I believe through the two of us we are spending all the time with them.
Although this thread was meant to be silly (as someone pointed out earlier) and a dig on the Jonas Brothers (apparently I need to work on my sarcasm when I am writing), I do appreciate the comments in regards for letting kids be kids. You are right, you can't force things on them and I got to believe that would push them farther away.
However I do have to take exception to the following response:
Originally Posted by Lowkees
"Well, here is my life. I have the kind of job which affords me to let my wife raise them but I get to only see them about 1 hour during the week (I actually don't see the 3 year old until the weekends). "
I'm sorry to say but you have failed as a parent and it has nothing to do with your children's music taste.
Sounds to me like your job SUCKS if it takes you away from your children. you should be ASHAMED of yourself.
Having grown up in a latch key home where both my parents had to work to bring home enough to survive, I barely saw either of my parents. I made it my duty in life to make sure that my kids would have a parent at home to nuture, educate and care for them. My wife, who had a vibrant career also, volunteered for this incredibly important job. I am sure that there are a lot of parents who wish they could be in our shoes and have someone home when the kids arrive from school and for someone there to have dinner with them.
Secondly, the hour I spend with them on the weedays is made up by spending every waking second on the weekends with them and on the phone with them every chance I get.
Some people might say why bother having kids if you can't spend time with them, but I believe through the two of us we are spending all the time with them.
Dude, this might be the only sarcastic response you got to your somewhat sarcastic thread and now you criticize it? I'm confused
TRANSPLANTS SAVE LIVES Donate Organs and Save a Life
I understand where you are coming from, my son lives with my parents so I only get to see him on the weekends. (long story) When my son was 8 the first song I had him listen to was "smile" He loved it, so I made him 2 cds of more Pearl Jam songs. My mother still hasn't given it to him and now he is 10. He told me that "Smile" is one of his most favorite songs. I got to start somewhere, so I figured that "smile" was cute and catchy enough to draw in a childs attention.
As for now I'm remaining patient and waiting for him to come to me, then I will expose him to more, lots more Pearl Jam. Yes, my evil plan is to get him a show then that will get the ball rolling.
Hang in there it will be okay, they will come to you in given time and it all will unfold from there.
Here’s a question you might need to ask
What’s self destruction and how can we last?
"I cannot stop the thought of running in the dark.
Coming up a which way sign. All good truants must decide."
As a man with no children, maybe I have no frame of reference in this topic, but I echo many of the sentiments expressed.
Just love your children man. If only for 1 hour make that the best hour of their week. Pearl Jam is a band......a band!!! If you want them raising your children then the 1 hour you spend with them is entirely too much time.
Give yourself to them and allow them to give to you and you will find happiness with your children as well as form the bonds of a real relationship that are so vital to their development and formation of ideas and dreams.
I understand where you are coming from, my son lives with my parents so I only get to see him on the weekends. (long story) When my son was 8 the first song I had him listen to was "smile" He loved it, so I made him 2 cds of more Pearl Jam songs. My mother still hasn't given it to him and now he is 10. He told me that "Smile" is one of his most favorite songs. I got to start somewhere, so I figured the "smile" was cute and catchy enough to draw in a childs attention.
That is the saddest thing ever. :(
"If you're looking for someone to pull you out of that ditch, you're out of luck."
Dont worry, they will grow out of it. My daughter listens to all that crap too, but when she gets in my car she knows its either Pearl Jam or some metal.
I figure its bound to grow on her at some point. Awhile back she actually picked out a Meshuggah cd out of my collection and wanted me to play it. I was like "Alright!!" then I showed her how to do the metal horns \m/
you have not "failed" your son. he's 8. 8 year olds like the jonas brothers. I liked new kids on the block when I was 10. Kids like kid music, it has nothing to do with you. His taste in music will change as he gets a little older. If he grows into a music fan, he will start looking back at the rock of previous generations and he may or may not get into pearl jam and the other bands you like. Dude, he's 8, take him to the jonas brothers concert and be happy he's enjoying music of any kind. this is how kids get started with it.
People are taking the original post way too fucking seriously.
For the love of God, he doesn't actually think he "failed" because they're not obsessing over Dirty Frank being played at The Gorge, or because they're not on the Pit looking for Jamily Posters when he comes home from work.
I am a proud parent of 3 beautiful children. 8, 5 and 3. I have been a PJ Fan from the beginning and looked forward to the day when my children would say, "Did you get tickets for the show, I can't wait!". I know parents and children will have different tastes in music (my dad was a Sinatra and Opera buff vs. Kiss and Floyd Fan) but I would go to the opera house with my dad and still have an appreciation for it today (my dad would let me play my Kiss 8-tracks in the car, good man). I figured PJ is such a band that all generations would love to listen to them.
Well, here is my life. I have the kind of job which affords me to let my wife raise them but I get to only see them about 1 hour during the week (I actually don't see the 3 year old until the weekends). This affords me little time to play PJ around the kids. My wife, who gets them all week, puts on Radio Disney in the car and at home. When my 8 year old son asked me for the High School Musical soundtrack for his 6th birthday, I was concerned but figured he would grow out of it. Well, my wife just informed me that for his 8th birthday we are taking him and his friends (along with my 5 year old) to the JONAS BROTHERS concert at MSG. I have been dispondent ever since. Since it is his party, I have to go (with IPOD in tow), but I have come to realize that I have failed my son.
How can I rectify this situation. Being 8, he is already his own person and feel like I have lost him. I am considering Guant. Bay and a little waterboarding but this seems rash. Maybe adoption?
I am sure I am not the only one going through this. Some guidance is needed.
(BTW, there is some hope as my 5 year old listens to AC/DC (and the JONAS BROTHERS, damn older brothers!) and seemed to be generally interested as i am receiving the 08 boots)
Prioritize!!! I know you need to make money but kids gow up fast. My career takes a back seat to spending time with my kids. As long as I am keeping up with the bills and putting food on the table my work is done. I could not g a week without seeing my boys. I request not to travel unless it is absolutely necessary. Last week I canceled a trip so I can be at my sons T-Ball party so I can see him get his trophy. He was so happy that I made it.
Time with kids = Priceless!!!
And my Kids like Pearl Jam too!!!
"All the money you make will never buy back your soul" Bob Dylan
"I need honesty, I need truth, and I need hope...I need it! That's what music means to me." EV
my brother was feeding my newborn niece in front of the tv the other day, and he was flipping through the channels and came to Hannah Montana. He stopped on it for a second and when Hannah started to sing, my niece started to cry. That's pretty good.
People are taking the original post way too fucking seriously.
For the love of God, he doesn't actually think he "failed" because they're not obsessing over Dirty Frank being played at The Gorge, or because they're not on the Pit looking for Jamily Posters when he comes home from work.
And thank you very much too!
I think I should have put a smiley face at the beginning of this
Here’s a question you might need to ask
What’s self destruction and how can we last?
"I cannot stop the thought of running in the dark.
Coming up a which way sign. All good truants must decide."
McCain, America's scariest grandpa!
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
Does your wife ENJOY listening to Radio Disney?? ::shudder::
Speaking as a mother who spends a lot of time in the car with the kids, I exercise near-complete control over our listening choices. So my children have heard jazz, reggae, and classical music, along with PJ, the Clash, Lloyd Cole, Foo Fighters, U2, whatever I happen to be listening to at the time. I have nice memories of my younger son rocking out in his car seat -- "fighting foo" -- to the Foo Fighters when he was two years old. :-) My kids do not know what Radio Disney is, but even if they did, we would not be listening to it. Ick.
While your family's musical tastes are not necessarily your top priority if your time with the kids is so limited, I personally think parents should look at the messages their children receive from the media, and think about what kind of consumers they are raising. I also think children can gain more from exposure to art and music created for adults -- and carefully selected, preschoolers do not need to hear "Heroin" -- than they will get from listening to dumbed-down, sanitized kid-oriented product. But that's just my opinion.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
If I had a kid, I wouldn't give a shit if they like Pearl Jam, but I'll still drag their sorry ass to a concert and get me a spot in the Pit. And get me some beers as well. If they don't like it, they can just wander off during the Even Flow jam, I don't care.
I am a proud parent of 3 beautiful children. 8, 5 and 3. I have been a PJ Fan from the beginning and looked forward to the day when my children would say, "Did you get tickets for the show, I can't wait!". I know parents and children will have different tastes in music (my dad was a Sinatra and Opera buff vs. Kiss and Floyd Fan) but I would go to the opera house with my dad and still have an appreciation for it today (my dad would let me play my Kiss 8-tracks in the car, good man). I figured PJ is such a band that all generations would love to listen to them.
Well, here is my life. I have the kind of job which affords me to let my wife raise them but I get to only see them about 1 hour during the week (I actually don't see the 3 year old until the weekends). This affords me little time to play PJ around the kids. My wife, who gets them all week, puts on Radio Disney in the car and at home. When my 8 year old son asked me for the High School Musical soundtrack for his 6th birthday, I was concerned but figured he would grow out of it. Well, my wife just informed me that for his 8th birthday we are taking him and his friends (along with my 5 year old) to the JONAS BROTHERS concert at MSG. I have been dispondent ever since. Since it is his party, I have to go (with IPOD in tow), but I have come to realize that I have failed my son.
How can I rectify this situation. Being 8, he is already his own person and feel like I have lost him. I am considering Guant. Bay and a little waterboarding but this seems rash. Maybe adoption?
I am sure I am not the only one going through this. Some guidance is needed.
(BTW, there is some hope as my 5 year old listens to AC/DC (and the JONAS BROTHERS, damn older brothers!) and seemed to be generally interested as i am receiving the 08 boots)
when i was 8, i listened to eminem like there was no tomorrow. and now i'm a diehard, dont worry!, i'm 15 by the way
I will be what i could be
Once I get out of this town
Give me a break. Why does everyone think they failed their kids when at the age of 8 they don't listen to PJ. Get real man. Your kids have their own personalities. Get over it. There are more important things in life. How's their health? Do they call you daddy (and not someone else cause you work so much)? Do you tell them you love them and do they tell you they love you? Priorities. Though I wanted my kids to like the music I listened to, you win some, you lose some. Took my boys to Randall's Island back in 96. Each one has gone to subsequent shows with me. Yet, if not for me they wouldn't go out of their way for PJ. My daughter could care less about PJ. Oh well. They have their own music. Your kids will have theirs, too. Yet, down the road you'll be going to a PJ show with them in tow. Enjoy them for who they are, not for who or what you want them to be.
awesome post!
i don't have children, but i fully agree. while it is a great thing to share the bond of music, there ARE more important things. enjoy them for who they are. who knows what the future will hold?
my parents never listened to music, at all, when i was growing up. it was tv, sports, whatever. me and my 2 sisters are HUGE music lovers! go figure!
I am a proud parent of 3 beautiful children. 8, 5 and 3. I have been a PJ Fan from the beginning and looked forward to the day when my children would say, "Did you get tickets for the show, I can't wait!". I know parents and children will have different tastes in music (my dad was a Sinatra and Opera buff vs. Kiss and Floyd Fan) but I would go to the opera house with my dad and still have an appreciation for it today (my dad would let me play my Kiss 8-tracks in the car, good man). I figured PJ is such a band that all generations would love to listen to them.
Well, here is my life. I have the kind of job which affords me to let my wife raise them but I get to only see them about 1 hour during the week (I actually don't see the 3 year old until the weekends). This affords me little time to play PJ around the kids. My wife, who gets them all week, puts on Radio Disney in the car and at home. When my 8 year old son asked me for the High School Musical soundtrack for his 6th birthday, I was concerned but figured he would grow out of it. Well, my wife just informed me that for his 8th birthday we are taking him and his friends (along with my 5 year old) to the JONAS BROTHERS concert at MSG. I have been dispondent ever since. Since it is his party, I have to go (with IPOD in tow), but I have come to realize that I have failed my son.
How can I rectify this situation. Being 8, he is already his own person and feel like I have lost him. I am considering Guant. Bay and a little waterboarding but this seems rash. Maybe adoption?
I am sure I am not the only one going through this. Some guidance is needed.
(BTW, there is some hope as my 5 year old listens to AC/DC (and the JONAS BROTHERS, damn older brothers!) and seemed to be generally interested as i am receiving the 08 boots)
I say stop pushing your tastes on your children and let them grow up to form there own likes and dis-likes.
Nothing more sad then a dad who pushes things on to there kids, you're no better then one of those obnoxious jock dads who yell at there kids during a little league baseball game.
I am sure (hope) that you're just being funny with this post.
Montreal/98, Toronto/00'03'05'06x2, Brad Toronto/02, Buffalo/03, Kitchener/05, London/05, Hamilton/05, Late Show Taping/06, Cleveland/06, Pittsburgh/06, Bridge School Benefit Concert/06, Hartford/08, Mansfield 1/08, EV Montreal/08x2, EV Toronto/08x2...
Finally, someone who did not take this seriously! Thank you for having a sense of humor!
I am quite concerned that someone on this thread is going to call child services on me!
You wit is only superceded by your intelligence.
If you weren't being serious, why did you put in all that stuff about how you don't have access to what your kids listen to and stuff? it sounded like a serious post to me.
wow is that? no kidding.
However I do have to take exception to the following response:
Having grown up in a latch key home where both my parents had to work to bring home enough to survive, I barely saw either of my parents. I made it my duty in life to make sure that my kids would have a parent at home to nuture, educate and care for them. My wife, who had a vibrant career also, volunteered for this incredibly important job. I am sure that there are a lot of parents who wish they could be in our shoes and have someone home when the kids arrive from school and for someone there to have dinner with them.
Secondly, the hour I spend with them on the weedays is made up by spending every waking second on the weekends with them and on the phone with them every chance I get.
Some people might say why bother having kids if you can't spend time with them, but I believe through the two of us we are spending all the time with them.
That will fix everything that's broke pretty quick..
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
As a matter of fact was playing it last night with the middle child (with my one hour) and the middle one was psyched when PJ came on.
Donate Organs and Save a Life
As for now I'm remaining patient and waiting for him to come to me, then I will expose him to more, lots more Pearl Jam. Yes, my evil plan is to get him a show then that will get the ball rolling.
Hang in there it will be okay, they will come to you in given time and it all will unfold from there.
What’s self destruction and how can we last?
"I cannot stop the thought of running in the dark.
Coming up a which way sign. All good truants must decide."
McCain, America's scariest grandpa!
Just love your children man. If only for 1 hour make that the best hour of their week. Pearl Jam is a band......a band!!! If you want them raising your children then the 1 hour you spend with them is entirely too much time.
Give yourself to them and allow them to give to you and you will find happiness with your children as well as form the bonds of a real relationship that are so vital to their development and formation of ideas and dreams.
Contribute TO them and not just FOR them.
That is the saddest thing ever. :(
I figure its bound to grow on her at some point. Awhile back she actually picked out a Meshuggah cd out of my collection and wanted me to play it. I was like "Alright!!" then I showed her how to do the metal horns \m/
Those bands are fucking awesome
You wouldn't get much.
For the love of God, he doesn't actually think he "failed" because they're not obsessing over Dirty Frank being played at The Gorge, or because they're not on the Pit looking for Jamily Posters when he comes home from work.
Prioritize!!! I know you need to make money but kids gow up fast. My career takes a back seat to spending time with my kids. As long as I am keeping up with the bills and putting food on the table my work is done. I could not g a week without seeing my boys. I request not to travel unless it is absolutely necessary. Last week I canceled a trip so I can be at my sons T-Ball party so I can see him get his trophy. He was so happy that I made it.
Time with kids = Priceless!!!
And my Kids like Pearl Jam too!!!
"I need honesty, I need truth, and I need hope...I need it! That's what music means to me." EV
Finally, someone who did not take this seriously! Thank you for having a sense of humor!
I am quite concerned that someone on this thread is going to call child services on me!
You wit is only superceded by your intelligence.
And thank you very much too!
I think I should have put a smiley face at the beginning of this
Providing is also part of parenting.
This gentleman should not be ASHAMED for wanting the best for his kids.
How do you know his kids wanna see him anyway? He could be a lunatic. Jus jivin'.
What’s self destruction and how can we last?
"I cannot stop the thought of running in the dark.
Coming up a which way sign. All good truants must decide."
McCain, America's scariest grandpa!
Speaking as a mother who spends a lot of time in the car with the kids, I exercise near-complete control over our listening choices. So my children have heard jazz, reggae, and classical music, along with PJ, the Clash, Lloyd Cole, Foo Fighters, U2, whatever I happen to be listening to at the time. I have nice memories of my younger son rocking out in his car seat -- "fighting foo" -- to the Foo Fighters when he was two years old. :-) My kids do not know what Radio Disney is, but even if they did, we would not be listening to it. Ick.
While your family's musical tastes are not necessarily your top priority if your time with the kids is so limited, I personally think parents should look at the messages their children receive from the media, and think about what kind of consumers they are raising. I also think children can gain more from exposure to art and music created for adults -- and carefully selected, preschoolers do not need to hear "Heroin" -- than they will get from listening to dumbed-down, sanitized kid-oriented product. But that's just my opinion.
Once I get out of this town
nuff said.
Yeah, but your from Scotland and you guys like Hasselhoff, right? So Bon Jovi must be like the 2nd Coming.
awesome post!
i don't have children, but i fully agree. while it is a great thing to share the bond of music, there ARE more important things. enjoy them for who they are. who knows what the future will hold?
my parents never listened to music, at all, when i was growing up. it was tv, sports, whatever. me and my 2 sisters are HUGE music lovers! go figure!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
You are absolutely correct. Lost my head. Probably hit too close to home.
Thanks for setting me back on the right road.
I say stop pushing your tastes on your children and let them grow up to form there own likes and dis-likes.
Nothing more sad then a dad who pushes things on to there kids, you're no better then one of those obnoxious jock dads who yell at there kids during a little league baseball game.
I am sure (hope) that you're just being funny with this post.
Montreal/98, Toronto/00'03'05'06x2, Brad Toronto/02, Buffalo/03, Kitchener/05, London/05, Hamilton/05, Late Show Taping/06, Cleveland/06, Pittsburgh/06, Bridge School Benefit Concert/06, Hartford/08, Mansfield 1/08, EV Montreal/08x2, EV Toronto/08x2...
If you weren't being serious, why did you put in all that stuff about how you don't have access to what your kids listen to and stuff? it sounded like a serious post to me.