but if those motherfuckers want to come here to have a better life...fuck them
Not really. They could always just follow the laws to become legal, then they are welcomed.
If they arrive illegally, yeah "fuck them".
Seriously, are you going to make me copy and paste the info I posted a year ago on what it takes to enter America legally? lol
I'll sum up - I've done it, and it's a ridiculously complicated process. I'm married to an American and I have resources at my disposal, and I STILL found the process to be fucked up. If I was a farmer from a small Mexican border town trying to make life better for my family I wouldn't have a shit show in hell of figuring that mess out. The first step in fixing the immigration process shouldn't be a wall, it should be fixing the ridiculous number of hoops you have to jump through.
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
imo that's the real issue. you don't we should try and do back ground checks on people moving in to the US? it's ok to let known murders, killers, child moelesters in, no questions asked?
There's a big difference between "I'll let you in if you can pass a background check" and "I'm going to build a wall to make sure none of you guys can get in" though.
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
but if those motherfuckers want to come here to have a better life...fuck them
Not really. They could always just follow the laws to become legal, then they are welcomed.
If they arrive illegally, yeah "fuck them".
Seriously, are you going to make me copy and paste the info I posted a year ago on what it takes to enter America legally? lol
I'll sum up - I've done it, and it's a ridiculously complicated process. I'm married to an American and I have resources at my disposal, and I STILL found the process to be fucked up. If I was a farmer from a small Mexican border town trying to make life better for my family I wouldn't have a shit show in hell of figuring that mess out. The first step in fixing the immigration process shouldn't be a wall, it should be fixing the ridiculous number of hoops you have to jump through.
if you don't like our rules....you can always go home. :P just kidding. this is america, home of the bureacrat
but seriously, i'm not trying to stop pablo the farmer, carlos the lawn mower. but if you don't have some security along the border, than what difference does it make what your immigration policy is?
81 is now off the air
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
I don't understand the mentality of trying to exclude large groups of people based upon an extremely small minority who might not be so nice. It's sort of like making mandatory abortions for all US Citizens to prevent future criminals from being born.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
how do you get them to a check in location vs. just walking on in?
Well, if we make it easy, painless and safe to enter and become citizens, then they don't really have an incentive to sneak in, do they?
bill the bomber does.
mike the molester does
ken the killer does.
gary the gangbanger does
carlos the cartel does
We already have plenty of those here.
As someone else said, why the fear?
I don't understand the mentality of trying to exclude large groups of people based upon an extremely small minority who might not be so nice. It's sort of like making mandatory abortions for all US Citizens to prevent future criminals from being born.[/quote]
would you let a known sex offender in your house?
are you ok with a known rapist renting a room from your gam gam?
do you want a latin king disciple (or whatever they are called) moving in across the hall from your kids apartment?
are you ok with a known rapist renting a room from your gam gam?
do you want a latin king disciple (or whatever they are called) moving in across the hall from your kids apartment?
I just don't share your fear. I don't want to knowingly put myself or others in danger, but building a fence just because a few of the people who may want to come here might be bad just reeks of extreme paranoia to me.
(and I do not see the correlation between the fence and KNOWINGLY allwoing a child molester into my house).
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
(and I do not see the correlation between the fence and KNOWINGLY allwoing a child molester into my house).
so carlos was raping kids down in mexico city...
he decided it would be a good idea to move to the states
but he was turned away at the border since he was a child rapist
he hitches a ride up the road and walks on it.
gets a job painting
you hire a painter to paint little susy q's room
carlos shows up to do the painting....
naw, lets just let every tom dick and harry in. imo, everyone coming to the states needs to go thru customs for screening.
now i'm not saying building a fence is the right way to protect the border and to stop this sort of thing from happening. if the .gov would actually step up and enforce the laws as they stand today, he wouldn't be allowed to get work even today. but there are thousands of companies hiring illegals every day and every one just turns the other way.
but if those motherfuckers want to come here to have a better life...fuck them
Not really. They could always just follow the laws to become legal, then they are welcomed.
If they arrive illegally, yeah "fuck them".
My father arrived illegally.
He sacrificed it all. He risked his life in pursuit of a better life for his family. It means the world to me.......
Don't be so disrespectful - not everyone comes here with the intent to milk the US.
I'm guess that if you were starving to death you wouldn't just lay there and die....
Today my Father is an American citizen..... obviously not an American like you, but an American citizen according to the laws of the land.
The State of Arizona passed legislation to build its own fence, so what’s with the ‘what if’ storylines? Do it?
--Not so easy when every landowner wants a pot of gold just to let you build a six foot wide fence along their land.
--Not so easy to negotiate right-of-way when its federal land or Indian land.
--Not so cheap when that fence has to cross a highway or waterway.
Now you want the US taxpayer to separately fund your State project – first tell us what happen to all those earmarks over the years because illegal immigration has been ongoing. Y’all could have built two prison-style fences with 8 gun towers by now. You might want to follow the money before asking for more.
Also, if you see a company breaking the law, report them instead of posting about them.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
(and I do not see the correlation between the fence and KNOWINGLY allwoing a child molester into my house).
so carlos was raping kids down in mexico city...
he decided it would be a good idea to move to the states
but he was turned away at the border since he was a child rapist
he hitches a ride up the road and walks on it.
gets a job painting
you hire a painter to paint little susy q's room
carlos shows up to do the painting....
naw, lets just let every tom dick and harry in. imo, everyone coming to the states needs to go thru customs for screening.
now i'm not saying building a fence is the right way to protect the border and to stop this sort of thing from happening. if the .gov would actually step up and enforce the laws as they stand today, he wouldn't be allowed to get work even today. but there are thousands of companies hiring illegals every day and every one just turns the other way.
it must suck to live your life in fear...
look behind you...someone may be coming....bwwwuuuuuha ha ha....
how do you get them to a check in location vs. just walking on in?
Well, if we make it easy, painless and safe to enter and become citizens, then they don't really have an incentive to sneak in, do they?
bill the bomber does.
mike the molester does
ken the killer does.
gary the gangbanger does
carlos the cartel does
But if you make it easier for the people who want to come in who don't have criminal records (like the farmers and the fruit pickers and such), and aren't bombers, molesters and killers, then you all of the sudden have more resources available to chase down the actual gangbangers and the cartels.
funny how people hold columbus, the pilgrims and other settlers who came here from other countries and snatched this land from the native americans as heros. yet when people want to come here to make a better life for themselves they are ostracized and demonized.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
funny how people hold columbus, the pilgrims and other settlers who came here from other countries and snatched this land from the native americans as heros. yet when people want to come here to make a better life for themselves they are ostracized and demonized.
Yes, particularly when some of those people who want to come here are descended from people from whom this land was snatched in the first place!
Interesting side note: Some bookstores have a subsection of American Indian books called "Conflict". At City Lights Books in San Francisco, this section is called "Continental Conquest"!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
If there are going to put up a fence to keep people out...doesn't that keep people in? I agree with Gob...it sounds like a zoo...caging animals...
But who is rushing to get to Mexico right now?
Millions of US citizens do every year for vacation. But that's okay, right? I mean, we can go down there and have them serve us cocktails while we soak up some rays and enjoy life, but if those motherfuckers want to come here to have a better life...fuck them
Not even close. Tourism and illegal immigration. Was this comparison a joke?
Seriously, are you going to make me copy and paste the info I posted a year ago on what it takes to enter America legally? lol
I'll sum up - I've done it, and it's a ridiculously complicated process. I'm married to an American and I have resources at my disposal, and I STILL found the process to be fucked up. If I was a farmer from a small Mexican border town trying to make life better for my family I wouldn't have a shit show in hell of figuring that mess out. The first step in fixing the immigration process shouldn't be a wall, it should be fixing the ridiculous number of hoops you have to jump through.
There's a big difference between "I'll let you in if you can pass a background check" and "I'm going to build a wall to make sure none of you guys can get in" though.
how do you get them to a check in location vs. just walking on in?[/quote]
Well, if we make it easy, painless and safe to enter and become citizens, then they don't really have an incentive to sneak in, do they?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
if you don't like our rules....you can always go home. :P just kidding. this is america, home of the bureacrat
but seriously, i'm not trying to stop pablo the farmer, carlos the lawn mower. but if you don't have some security along the border, than what difference does it make what your immigration policy is?
Well, if we make it easy, painless and safe to enter and become citizens, then they don't really have an incentive to sneak in, do they?[/quote]
bill the bomber does.
mike the molester does
ken the killer does.
gary the gangbanger does
carlos the cartel does
We already have plenty of those here.
As someone else said, why the fear?
I don't understand the mentality of trying to exclude large groups of people based upon an extremely small minority who might not be so nice. It's sort of like making mandatory abortions for all US Citizens to prevent future criminals from being born.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
We already have plenty of those here.
As someone else said, why the fear?
I don't understand the mentality of trying to exclude large groups of people based upon an extremely small minority who might not be so nice. It's sort of like making mandatory abortions for all US Citizens to prevent future criminals from being born.[/quote]
would you let a known sex offender in your house?
are you ok with a known rapist renting a room from your gam gam?
do you want a latin king disciple (or whatever they are called) moving in across the hall from your kids apartment?
I just don't share your fear. I don't want to knowingly put myself or others in danger, but building a fence just because a few of the people who may want to come here might be bad just reeks of extreme paranoia to me.
(and I do not see the correlation between the fence and KNOWINGLY allwoing a child molester into my house).
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
so carlos was raping kids down in mexico city...
he decided it would be a good idea to move to the states
but he was turned away at the border since he was a child rapist
he hitches a ride up the road and walks on it.
gets a job painting
you hire a painter to paint little susy q's room
carlos shows up to do the painting....
naw, lets just let every tom dick and harry in. imo, everyone coming to the states needs to go thru customs for screening.
now i'm not saying building a fence is the right way to protect the border and to stop this sort of thing from happening. if the .gov would actually step up and enforce the laws as they stand today, he wouldn't be allowed to get work even today. but there are thousands of companies hiring illegals every day and every one just turns the other way.
My father arrived illegally.
He sacrificed it all. He risked his life in pursuit of a better life for his family. It means the world to me.......
Don't be so disrespectful - not everyone comes here with the intent to milk the US.
I'm guess that if you were starving to death you wouldn't just lay there and die....
Today my Father is an American citizen..... obviously not an American like you, but an American citizen according to the laws of the land.
--Not so easy when every landowner wants a pot of gold just to let you build a six foot wide fence along their land.
--Not so easy to negotiate right-of-way when its federal land or Indian land.
--Not so cheap when that fence has to cross a highway or waterway.
Now you want the US taxpayer to separately fund your State project – first tell us what happen to all those earmarks over the years because illegal immigration has been ongoing. Y’all could have built two prison-style fences with 8 gun towers by now. You might want to follow the money before asking for more.
Also, if you see a company breaking the law, report them instead of posting about them.
it must suck to live your life in fear...
look behind you...someone may be coming....bwwwuuuuuha ha ha....
But if you make it easier for the people who want to come in who don't have criminal records (like the farmers and the fruit pickers and such), and aren't bombers, molesters and killers, then you all of the sudden have more resources available to chase down the actual gangbangers and the cartels.
and to those who want a fence.....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Yes, particularly when some of those people who want to come here are descended from people from whom this land was snatched in the first place!
Interesting side note: Some bookstores have a subsection of American Indian books called "Conflict". At City Lights Books in San Francisco, this section is called "Continental Conquest"!
Not even close. Tourism and illegal immigration. Was this comparison a joke?
Naw, the Russians did it for free.
Interesting note about The Berlin Wall- built to keep people IN.
Border Fence- built to keep people OUT.
Build The WALL. It worked for Pink Floyd.
i missed that section.