if she is so smart and so intelligent, and so worthy of the white house, why did she decline the invitation to have a quiz/debate on the us constitution with a high school student?
Ok, there is no doubt in my mind that she is not "worthy" of the white house. But come on, that kind of a stunt is just ridiculous. I would be willing to bet that there are many high school students that would win those quizes against some of the best politicians we have. It's the same reason 5th graders can beat people...
If you want a robot for a leader, more power to you. I do not.
First: You're scared. And these constant threads on her prove it. If she's such a loon, why continue to comment on her? She would have no shot right if she's crazy?
I'm scared precisely BECAUSE she's a loon. And she's got a following. Stick an idiot in front of a microphone and no doubt there will be people to follow her.
Rock me Jesus, roll me Lord...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
First: You're scared. And these constant threads on her prove it. If she's such a loon, why continue to comment on her? She would have no shot right if she's crazy?
I'm scared precisely BECAUSE she's a loon. And she's got a following. Stick an idiot in front of a microphone and no doubt there will be people to follow her.
She's as much a loon as the guy sitting in the White House. And he could be easily substituted in for everything you just said.
She's as much a loon as the guy sitting in the White House. And he could be easily substituted in for everything you just said.
Not even vaguely true.
Just another empty, baseless talking point.
I've never heard our president intentionally spread completely fabricated factoids like she does. He's gotten things wrong... no denying that. But he's never been fooled by silly internet rumors. She has. Over and over.
It's just mind-blowing how much that woman lies, makes things up, spreads things she KNOWS are false and repeats silly stories that she'd know weren't true if she'd just do some reading and not just believe every crazy thing she's told.
She would be a HORRIBLE president. Imagine that she heard a rumor that there were nukes in Cuba... she'd just bomb them without even looking into it to see if it was true.
just about all of you voted for obama didn't you ? just because he said "change you can believe in" you followed him right...he changed thing's alright.. didn't he just about double the debt ? move right into another country ?
maybe before you guy's are so quick to bash this gal you might wanna think about the unqualifed change maker you voted for last time, just say'n do your homework and vote come voting time and worry about the dumb-ass that's in office now.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
just about all of you voted for obama didn't you ? just because he said "change you can believe in" you followed him right...he changed thing's alright.. didn't he just about double the debt ? move right into another country ?
maybe before you guy's are so quick to bash this gal you might wanna think about the unqualifed change maker you voted for last time, just say'n do your homework and vote come voting time and worry about the dumb-ass that's in office now.
I voted for the most qualified candidate- Obama. Next time, I'll vote for anyone who is honest about tackling the problems we face- climate change and peak oil to begin with... if, in fact, there is anyone brave enough to do so. Would that be Bachmann? (Insert obvious answer).
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Regardless, I'll comment on a few mentioned in your piece:
For instance, look at this quote: "The top 1 percent of income-earners pay about 40 percent of all taxes into the federal government." They mark that as false, because this was true: "Maybe 40 percent of federal income taxes, but not 40 percent of all federal taxes". That's stupid, she clearly wasn't talking about corporate taxes when talking about individuals. Bias much? Uh huh.
To provide another example, "If you threw a barbecue yesterday for the Memorial weekend, it was 29 percent more expensive than last year because Barack Obama's policies have led to groceries going up 29 percent." She was citing a NY Post article where they claimed 29% increase. No one else had written on the subject and that claim was factual in NY. So, was it "FALSE"? No. It may have been off country-wide using the CPI as your measure. But, it was 100% "TRUE" in NY. Could she have been more clear and said "in NY"? Yeh, sure. But, who knows, it may have been TRUE where she said the statement. The story tried to "fact-check" by using BLS statistics. The reason why using BLS statistics for this sort of claim is "FALSE" ...is any economist would tell you the BLS doesn't have state-specific inflation numbers. So, there's absolutely no way to know (where ever she said this claim) wasn't 100% accurate without doing "BETTER" fact-checking.
just about all of you voted for obama didn't you ? just because he said "change you can believe in" you followed him right...he changed thing's alright.. didn't he just about double the debt ? move right into another country ?
maybe before you guy's are so quick to bash this gal you might wanna think about the unqualifed change maker you voted for last time, just say'n do your homework and vote come voting time and worry about the dumb-ass that's in office now.
I was a Hillary Clinton supporter. That said, I voted for the president because I felt he was the best choice of the two. I still think that. John McCain would have been a disaster.
No... he's not been the perfect president and I doubt you'll find anyone who thinks he is. But given the choice between him and her, I'll take him. No contest. He's not perfect but he is NOT a dumb-ass and no... he hasn't just about "doubled the debt." Nor has he done many of the things people say he did.
just about all of you voted for obama didn't you ? just because he said "change you can believe in" you followed him right...he changed thing's alright.. didn't he just about double the debt ? move right into another country ?
maybe before you guy's are so quick to bash this gal you might wanna think about the unqualifed change maker you voted for last time, just say'n do your homework and vote come voting time and worry about the dumb-ass that's in office now.
I voted for the most qualified candidate- Obama. Next time, I'll vote for anyone who is honest about tackling the problems we face- climate change and peak oil to begin with... if, in fact, there is anyone brave enough to do so. Would that be Bachmann? (Insert obvious answer).
Yeh, the biggest problems we face are climate change and peak oil... definitely, not jobs and the economy. ha ha.
Another funny thing you mentioned was that Obama was "qualified". I understand you may have liked his rhetoric and his platform. You may have liked him as a person and thought he'd do a good job. But, McCain, and even Palin, were more "qualified" if you're talking about governance experience.
To provide another example, "If you threw a barbecue yesterday for the Memorial weekend, it was 29 percent more expensive than last year because Barack Obama's policies have led to groceries going up 29 percent." She was citing a NY Post article where they claimed 29% increase
So you agree that she reads some article somewhere and just barfs out what it says without having any real knowledge or understanding. Just sound bytes.
But, McCain, and even Palin, were more "qualified" if you're talking about governance experience.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
I'm sorry... that is by far the funniest thing I've heard in... well, since this morning seeing Michelle Bachmann make a turd out of herself yet again.
just about all of you voted for obama didn't you ? just because he said "change you can believe in" you followed him right...he changed thing's alright.. didn't he just about double the debt ? move right into another country ?
maybe before you guy's are so quick to bash this gal you might wanna think about the unqualifed change maker you voted for last time, just say'n do your homework and vote come voting time and worry about the dumb-ass that's in office now.
I voted for the most qualified candidate- Obama. Next time, I'll vote for anyone who is honest about tackling the problems we face- climate change and peak oil to begin with... if, in fact, there is anyone brave enough to do so. Would that be Bachmann? (Insert obvious answer).
right now it's reall hard to tell, we need to do our homework and make the best choice we can or as I call it vote for the best liar
But, McCain, and even Palin, were more "qualified" if you're talking about governance experience.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
I'm sorry... that is by far the funniest thing I've heard in... well, since this morning seeing Michelle Bachmann make a turd out of herself yet again.
this is why PR firms get paid the money they do ... they can spin someone like sarah palin as being more qualified to be president of the US despite having the basic qualifications ... this is also where the inability of people to think critically has and will be our downfall ...
But, McCain, and even Palin, were more "qualified" if you're talking about governance experience.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
I'm sorry... that is by far the funniest thing I've heard in... well, since this morning seeing Michelle Bachmann make a turd out of herself yet again.
Why's that funny?
Here's the candidate you "would have" voted for talking about his lack of experience:
just about all of you voted for obama didn't you ? just because he said "change you can believe in" you followed him right...he changed thing's alright.. didn't he just about double the debt ? move right into another country ?
maybe before you guy's are so quick to bash this gal you might wanna think about the unqualifed change maker you voted for last time, just say'n do your homework and vote come voting time and worry about the dumb-ass that's in office now.
I was a Hillary Clinton supporter. That said, I voted for the president because I felt he was the best choice of the two. I still think that. John McCain would have been a disaster.
No... he's not been the perfect president and I doubt you'll find anyone who thinks he is. But given the choice between him and her, I'll take him. No contest. He's not perfect but he is NOT a dumb-ass and no... he hasn't just about "doubled the debt." Nor has he done many of the things people say he did.
but the next choice won't be between him and her..we'll have a few liar's to chose from.
just about all of you voted for obama didn't you ? just because he said "change you can believe in" you followed him right...he changed thing's alright.. didn't he just about double the debt ? move right into another country ?
maybe before you guy's are so quick to bash this gal you might wanna think about the unqualifed change maker you voted for last time, just say'n do your homework and vote come voting time and worry about the dumb-ass that's in office now.
I was a Hillary Clinton supporter. That said, I voted for the president because I felt he was the best choice of the two. I still think that. John McCain would have been a disaster.
No... he's not been the perfect president and I doubt you'll find anyone who thinks he is. But given the choice between him and her, I'll take him. No contest. He's not perfect but he is NOT a dumb-ass and no... he hasn't just about "doubled the debt." Nor has he done many of the things people say he did.
But, McCain, and even Palin, were more "qualified" if you're talking about governance experience.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
I'm sorry... that is by far the funniest thing I've heard in... well, since this morning seeing Michelle Bachmann make a turd out of herself yet again.
this is why PR firms get paid the money they do ... they can spin someone like sarah palin as being more qualified to be president of the US despite having the basic qualifications ... this is also where the inability of people to think critically has and will be our downfall ...
She was a Mayor, Chairwoman of Alaska's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and a Governor. She ran governments. Three years prior to his election to the Presidency, Obama's experience was as a community organizer. Then he became a senator for two years.
McCain had much, much, much more experience than Obama.
Did I like the McCain/Palin ticket? No. Do I think they were more "qualified" than Obama? Yes.
Because it is. Sarah Palin was mayor of a small village which is about the same as being captain of a bowling team. Her time as governor lasted about as long as this thread has. The president actually served as a senator. Like a real one.
Please explain how Obama was more "qualified in governance experience" than McCain. Thank you.
John McCain has a history of changing his positions like he changes his diapers. Once a month. He's never met a position he hasn't adopted for a while. He'll tell people what they want to hear just to get and stay elected. That to me isn't a leader.
The president we have at the moment certainly isn't perfect. But I can't think of him doing radical about-faces like McCain has on issues like DADT or immigration.
if she is so smart and so intelligent, and so worthy of the white house, why did she decline the invitation to have a quiz/debate on the us constitution with a high school student?
Ok, there is no doubt in my mind that she is not "worthy" of the white house. But come on, that kind of a stunt is just ridiculous. I would be willing to bet that there are many high school students that would win those quizes against some of the best politicians we have. It's the same reason 5th graders can beat people...
If you want a robot for a leader, more power to you. I do not.
i don't want a robot either. i do however want a leader who knows the basics of how the government works and what the constitution says, and how it is applied, which bachmann has demonstrated time and again that she lacks this basic knowledge. if she had, why would a high schooler need to challenge her to a debate/quiz?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
John McCain has a history of changing his positions like he changes his diapers. Once a month. He's never met a position he hasn't adopted for a while. He'll tell people what they want to hear just to get and stay elected. That to me isn't a leader.
The president we have at the moment certainly isn't perfect. But I can't think of him doing radical about-faces like McCain has on issues like DADT or immigration.
Let's try this again, explain how Obama had more experience than McCain coming into the 2008 election.
She was a Mayor, Chairwoman of Alaska's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and a Governor. She ran governments. Three years prior to his election to the Presidency, Obama's experience was as a community organizer. Then he became a senator for two years.
McCain had much, much, much more experience than Obama.
Did I like the McCain/Palin ticket? No. Do I think they were more "qualified" than Obama? Yes.
sorry ... being the mayor of wasilla, alaska just requires you to know the most people ... and she barely lasted as governor and in that time, there were numerous scandals ... if anything, her experience as governor proves she isn't qualified ... she quit on the people of alaska in the midst of scandals for more fame doing speaking tours ...
in any case - i'm not sure why you quoted "qualified in governance experience" in your previous post as no one says that ... in fact, it doesn't even make sense ... qualified and experience are two separate measures ...
plus, one needs to break down experience into components that are most relevant ...
it is probably true that mccain was more experienced than obama ... but he was also 70 years old or whatever ... he's been a lifer politician who once had the balls to stand up for what was right and then sold himself out to the neocons in the party in order to get his shot at the presidency which they knew he'd never win ... in any case, it didn't make him more qualified to be president ... when you throw in the above mentioned palin ... it basically sinks any argument on qualifications ...
if her ego didn't get in the way - they might have had a fighting chance ... but nope - her narcissism sank her and mccain ...
Isn't she the one that made up the 200 million dollars a day trip to India bullshit?
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
She was a Mayor, Chairwoman of Alaska's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and a Governor. She ran governments. Three years prior to his election to the Presidency, Obama's experience was as a community organizer. Then he became a senator for two years.
McCain had much, much, much more experience than Obama.
Did I like the McCain/Palin ticket? No. Do I think they were more "qualified" than Obama? Yes.
sorry ... being the mayor of wasilla, alaska just requires you to know the most people ... and she barely lasted as governor and in that time, there were numerous scandals ... if anything, her experience as governor proves she isn't qualified ... she quit on the people of alaska in the midst of scandals for more fame doing speaking tours ...
in any case - i'm not sure why you quoted "qualified in governance experience" in your previous post as no one says that ... in fact, it doesn't even make sense ... qualified and experience are two separate measures ...
plus, one needs to break down experience into components that are most relevant ...
it is probably true that mccain was more experienced than obama ... but he was also 70 years old or whatever ... he's been a lifer politician who once had the balls to stand up for what was right and then sold himself out to the neocons in the party in order to get his shot at the presidency which they knew he'd never win ... in any case, it didn't make him more qualified to be president ... when you throw in the above mentioned palin ... it basically sinks any argument on qualifications ...
if her ego didn't get in the way - they might have had a fighting chance ... but nope - her narcissism sank her and mccain ...
Palin ran a state, regardless of whether you like the state or not... it's a state. That state did well economically with her at the helm. Any political person would agree that typically in U.S. elections Governors trump Senators. Palin was a Governor. Obama was a Senator and for only two years.
No, they didn't have a chance from the get-go. Had the economy remained stable (like it was, maybe in early summer), then they would have had a shot, but still it would have been an upward battle. She was picked because of the gas price problem. If you recall back before Lehman went down, that was the issue. Once the economy became the issue, the result is always the same... blame the incumbent party.
That's why the Dems were destroyed in the last election, and that's why, I believe Obama will be a one term President.
Let's try this again, explain how Obama had more experience than McCain coming into the 2008 election.
Do you want someone with more "experience" or someone "more qualified who would be better at the job?"
Because just the "you've been here longer so you get the promotion" idea is... well, that's a bit too "labour union" for me and I would have thought you didn't like that concept.
And here's a few fact checks on Obama from another source:
So what....they report on more statements of what Republicans say. That still doesn't mean that they did not make these statements. They said...they reported it. End of list.
Regardless, I'll comment on a few mentioned in your piece:
For instance, look at this quote: "The top 1 percent of income-earners pay about 40 percent of all taxes into the federal government." They mark that as false, because this was true: "Maybe 40 percent of federal income taxes, but not 40 percent of all federal taxes". That's stupid, she clearly wasn't talking about corporate taxes when talking about individuals. Bias much? Uh huh.
To provide another example, "If you threw a barbecue yesterday for the Memorial weekend, it was 29 percent more expensive than last year because Barack Obama's policies have led to groceries going up 29 percent." She was citing a NY Post article where they claimed 29% increase. No one else had written on the subject and that claim was factual in NY. So, was it "FALSE"? No. It may have been off country-wide using the CPI as your measure. But, it was 100% "TRUE" in NY. Could she have been more clear and said "in NY"? Yeh, sure. But, who knows, it may have been TRUE where she said the statement. The story tried to "fact-check" by using BLS statistics. The reason why using BLS statistics for this sort of claim is "FALSE" ...is any economist would tell you the BLS doesn't have state-specific inflation numbers. So, there's absolutely no way to know (where ever she said this claim) wasn't 100% accurate without doing "BETTER" fact-checking.
So what....they report on more statements of what Republicans say. That still doesn't mean that they did not make these statements. They said...they reported it. End of list.
Ok, there is no doubt in my mind that she is not "worthy" of the white house. But come on, that kind of a stunt is just ridiculous. I would be willing to bet that there are many high school students that would win those quizes against some of the best politicians we have. It's the same reason 5th graders can beat people...
If you want a robot for a leader, more power to you. I do not.
I'm scared precisely BECAUSE she's a loon. And she's got a following. Stick an idiot in front of a microphone and no doubt there will be people to follow her.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
She's as much a loon as the guy sitting in the White House. And he could be easily substituted in for everything you just said.
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
http://www.politifact.com/personalities ... tatements/
Not even vaguely true.
Just another empty, baseless talking point.
I've never heard our president intentionally spread completely fabricated factoids like she does. He's gotten things wrong... no denying that. But he's never been fooled by silly internet rumors. She has. Over and over.
It's just mind-blowing how much that woman lies, makes things up, spreads things she KNOWS are false and repeats silly stories that she'd know weren't true if she'd just do some reading and not just believe every crazy thing she's told.
She would be a HORRIBLE president. Imagine that she heard a rumor that there were nukes in Cuba... she'd just bomb them without even looking into it to see if it was true.
maybe before you guy's are so quick to bash this gal you might wanna think about the unqualifed change maker you voted for last time, just say'n
Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors... :problem:
I voted for the most qualified candidate- Obama. Next time, I'll vote for anyone who is honest about tackling the problems we face- climate change and peak oil to begin with... if, in fact, there is anyone brave enough to do so. Would that be Bachmann? (Insert obvious answer).
A score of what exactly?
Read a bit, it would help you. First, that site is bias, please read here for how:
And here's a few fact checks on Obama from another source:
Regardless, I'll comment on a few mentioned in your piece:
For instance, look at this quote: "The top 1 percent of income-earners pay about 40 percent of all taxes into the federal government." They mark that as false, because this was true: "Maybe 40 percent of federal income taxes, but not 40 percent of all federal taxes". That's stupid, she clearly wasn't talking about corporate taxes when talking about individuals. Bias much? Uh huh.
To provide another example, "If you threw a barbecue yesterday for the Memorial weekend, it was 29 percent more expensive than last year because Barack Obama's policies have led to groceries going up 29 percent." She was citing a NY Post article where they claimed 29% increase. No one else had written on the subject and that claim was factual in NY. So, was it "FALSE"? No. It may have been off country-wide using the CPI as your measure. But, it was 100% "TRUE" in NY. Could she have been more clear and said "in NY"? Yeh, sure. But, who knows, it may have been TRUE where she said the statement. The story tried to "fact-check" by using BLS statistics. The reason why using BLS statistics for this sort of claim is "FALSE" ...is any economist would tell you the BLS doesn't have state-specific inflation numbers. So, there's absolutely no way to know (where ever she said this claim) wasn't 100% accurate without doing "BETTER" fact-checking.
I'll end with this:
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
I was a Hillary Clinton supporter. That said, I voted for the president because I felt he was the best choice of the two. I still think that. John McCain would have been a disaster.
No... he's not been the perfect president and I doubt you'll find anyone who thinks he is. But given the choice between him and her, I'll take him. No contest. He's not perfect but he is NOT a dumb-ass and no... he hasn't just about "doubled the debt." Nor has he done many of the things people say he did.
Yeh, the biggest problems we face are climate change and peak oil... definitely, not jobs and the economy. ha ha.
Another funny thing you mentioned was that Obama was "qualified". I understand you may have liked his rhetoric and his platform. You may have liked him as a person and thought he'd do a good job. But, McCain, and even Palin, were more "qualified" if you're talking about governance experience.
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
So you agree that she reads some article somewhere and just barfs out what it says without having any real knowledge or understanding. Just sound bytes.
I'm sorry... that is by far the funniest thing I've heard in... well, since this morning seeing Michelle Bachmann make a turd out of herself yet again.
right now it's reall hard to tell, we need to do our homework and make the best choice we can or as I call it vote for the best liar
this is why PR firms get paid the money they do ... they can spin someone like sarah palin as being more qualified to be president of the US despite having the basic qualifications ... this is also where the inability of people to think critically has and will be our downfall ...
Why's that funny?
Here's the candidate you "would have" voted for talking about his lack of experience:
Please explain how Obama was more "qualified in governance experience" than McCain. Thank you.
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
but the next choice won't be between him and her..we'll have a few liar's to chose from.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_d ... tial_terms
I found this..guess I was wrong he didn't double it.
She was a Mayor, Chairwoman of Alaska's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and a Governor. She ran governments. Three years prior to his election to the Presidency, Obama's experience was as a community organizer. Then he became a senator for two years.
McCain had much, much, much more experience than Obama.
Did I like the McCain/Palin ticket? No. Do I think they were more "qualified" than Obama? Yes.
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
Because it is. Sarah Palin was mayor of a small village which is about the same as being captain of a bowling team. Her time as governor lasted about as long as this thread has. The president actually served as a senator. Like a real one.
John McCain has a history of changing his positions like he changes his diapers. Once a month. He's never met a position he hasn't adopted for a while. He'll tell people what they want to hear just to get and stay elected. That to me isn't a leader.
The president we have at the moment certainly isn't perfect. But I can't think of him doing radical about-faces like McCain has on issues like DADT or immigration.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Let's try this again, explain how Obama had more experience than McCain coming into the 2008 election.
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
sorry ... being the mayor of wasilla, alaska just requires you to know the most people ... and she barely lasted as governor and in that time, there were numerous scandals ... if anything, her experience as governor proves she isn't qualified ... she quit on the people of alaska in the midst of scandals for more fame doing speaking tours ...
in any case - i'm not sure why you quoted "qualified in governance experience" in your previous post as no one says that ... in fact, it doesn't even make sense ... qualified and experience are two separate measures ...
plus, one needs to break down experience into components that are most relevant ...
it is probably true that mccain was more experienced than obama ... but he was also 70 years old or whatever ... he's been a lifer politician who once had the balls to stand up for what was right and then sold himself out to the neocons in the party in order to get his shot at the presidency which they knew he'd never win ... in any case, it didn't make him more qualified to be president ... when you throw in the above mentioned palin ... it basically sinks any argument on qualifications ...
if her ego didn't get in the way - they might have had a fighting chance ... but nope - her narcissism sank her and mccain ...
Palin ran a state, regardless of whether you like the state or not... it's a state. That state did well economically with her at the helm. Any political person would agree that typically in U.S. elections Governors trump Senators. Palin was a Governor. Obama was a Senator and for only two years.
No, they didn't have a chance from the get-go. Had the economy remained stable (like it was, maybe in early summer), then they would have had a shot, but still it would have been an upward battle. She was picked because of the gas price problem. If you recall back before Lehman went down, that was the issue. Once the economy became the issue, the result is always the same... blame the incumbent party.
That's why the Dems were destroyed in the last election, and that's why, I believe Obama will be a one term President.
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Do you want someone with more "experience" or someone "more qualified who would be better at the job?"
Because just the "you've been here longer so you get the promotion" idea is... well, that's a bit too "labour union" for me and I would have thought you didn't like that concept.